Step 7: XS_SECURITY LIB not available to P-users - s4sdk

in this blog there is a link to download the XS security library. Unfortunately, it seems that P-users cannot access the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. Is there another repository where P-users can download this package from?Image of the received message

Unfortunately, there is no way to download these libraries with a public (p) user at the moment. You need to get a support (s) user. The process to do this is:
Go to
Click on "User Management" tile
Click "Request User" on the lower right
Enter the user details
Click "Submit"
Please note this might take up to 24 hours.
This process is also described in this video


Joomla ACL permissions after upgrade (1.5=>3.9) broken / how to fix?

I've upgraded a 1.5 Joomla to actual verison 3.9.x and I have now a special permission problem.
Users are categorized by standard groups, coming with Joomla, so there are 2 super users and some "Managers". Super users usually create articles, managers are finalizing und publishing them.
So, in System -> Global Configuration -> Articles -> Permissions is set to "Edit - Allow" and "Edit state - allow", which means that on every new created article managers can edit the articles.
Now, the super user clicks on Content -> Articles -> New and check that (not-yet-saved) permission tab. The "Calculated permission" shows a green "Allowed" state in "Manager" tab - as set in the global configuration.
Now, the article will be saved, and re-opened, now the permission tab in manager shows RED "Forbidden" although its saved with explicit "Allowed".
When changing and saving the corrected state again (on the existing article), the permissions are set correctly and the managers can edit the article.
In the actual state, the super user must create an article, close and re-open it and set the right permissions to make it available to other backend users.
How can I fix that?
My guess:
On the first save, the permissions are not set correctly, so Joomla is using "fallback permissions" which means that just super users can edit that article.
Here's an interesting comment in joomla core source code, where permissions are saved:
#to do: incorrect info When creating a new item (not saving) it uses the calculated permissions from the component (item <-> component <-> global config).
But if we have a section too (item <-> section(s) <-> component <-> global config) this is not correct.
Also, currently it uses the component permission, but should use the calculated permissions for achild of the component/section.
Try to open and save your superusers. This might at least correct any issue with the actual user, that arised after your wishful upgrade attempt :)
If there are many issues after your upgrade, and your web site is not huge, i would consider doing a fresh install of the latest Joomla, and importing data in a more manual /semi manual way. Else I guess you'll be having issues for a while...

Open a specific member revision via link

I can create and send an integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/ link of a file to a colleague which will be open in their MKS client, showing a specific file(member) in its related folder(subproject).
How can I send a link to a specific member revision (one bubble of a tree) so that it still opens in a client and not in a web browser?
Meaning: same functionality as before, but the member history opens automatically and highlights a specific member revision(version).
integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/viewrevision doesn't work as integrity link and even as a si command tries to display the content instead of the history tree.
in integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/viewproject=xxxx i can't specify a member revision
Any ideas? Thanks!

SonarQube API: Retrieving a list of users assigned to a project permission?

I'm trying to find a list of users for a specific project (by projectKey) who possess the issueadmin permission. I've found a documented API that gets me pretty close:
but the response that I get back only has summary information: counts of groups/users for each permission type.
search_project_permissions response
Does anybody know if there's a way to get to the login details for the users?
There is an "internal" web service (meaning it could change without notice!) that does this. You'll use it like so:[project guid]&permission=issueadmin
In Web API interface use the "Show Internal API" checkbox at the top of the left column to see it.
just noticed in Sonarqube v6.7 it works as follows:<KEY><KEY>&permission=issueadmin<KEY>&permission=issueadmin&permission=scan
All possible permissions are (reg. Browse, See Source Code, Administer Issues, Administer and Execute Analysis):

Google REST API v3 - Revisions:list vs "Show more detailed revisions"

I need to get the detailed list of the revisions for a Google Document.
When using the Google API Explorer on:
I get only the non-detailed list.
Which is the API to call (or the parameter to set) in order to get something similar to what can be seen by pressing Show more detailed revisions?
I tried to "sniff" the browser traffic and I realized that Google Drive periodically requests the revision list to the URL:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=0&token={token}
When clicking on Show more detailed revisions, the previous URL becomes:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=1&token={token}
(the zoom_level parameter changes from 0 to 1)
I cannot find anything like that on the API reference, though. It seems that such an URL has to be invoked manually.
Therefore, I manually generated a token for the drive scope, manually checked it in order to keep it fresh and manually invoked that URL, in order to see what happened. Unfortunately, I got the following error on the browser:
Impossibile aprire il file in questo momento.
Verifica l'indirizzo e riprova.
which roughly means:
Unable to open the file at the moment.
Please verify the address and try again.
May somebody point me towards the right direction?
In the "Try it" section of the API there is a field called "fields". In there you can select the files you need from the response. If you write "kind,revisions" you will get the complete information or you can use the "fields editor" to select the fields you need.

How do I make a build show up in my TeamCity public NuGet feed?

We use TeamCity 7.1.1 to publish NuGet packages on both the authenticated and public feed URLs. I've just created a new package and can't get it to show up on the public feed, though it does appear on the private feed once I log in.
It smacks of a permissions problem, but I've assigned 'All Users' the 'Project Viewer' role on that build. I have another build that is showing up correctly, and the configuration seems the same. What could be stopping my new build from appearing on the public feed?
Solved it! I've been scratching my head for hours and of course I find the answer 30 seconds after posting to StackOverflow!
It seems that the Guest account is not a member of All Users, so assigning the Project Viewer role to All Users is not sufficient.
One has to explicitly assign the Project Viewers role to the Guest User. This is confusingly done in a completely separate screen, under Guest user settings, linked from the top right hand side of the main user administration screen. Walla! Job done.
