Open a specific member revision via link - mks-integrity

I can create and send an integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/ link of a file to a colleague which will be open in their MKS client, showing a specific file(member) in its related folder(subproject).
How can I send a link to a specific member revision (one bubble of a tree) so that it still opens in a client and not in a web browser?
Meaning: same functionality as before, but the member history opens automatically and highlights a specific member revision(version).
integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/viewrevision doesn't work as integrity link and even as a si command tries to display the content instead of the history tree.
in integrity://ims-xxxx:1111/si/viewproject=xxxx i can't specify a member revision
Any ideas? Thanks!


How to share information between cooperating Firefox WebExtensions

I want to create a straightforward extension for Firefox.
User hovers over some word on any page
Pull the dictionary definition of that word from a file inside the extension
Display it while still hovered
I am new to Firefox add-ons and WebExtensions, so here's what I'm wondering:
I want the dictionary file(s) used by the extension to be local, instead of referring to some online website each time.
Any given user might be interested in a different part of the entire dictionary (it contains entries in different languages, users might only want their own 1 or 2 languages) so I want to avoid forcing every user to download the entire dictionary base.
The way I have seen similar add-ons handle that before Firefox 5.* is that they offer the search-and-display add-on separately from the dictionary files which are each available as add-ons in their own right, only actually doing stuff if you have the master add-on installed.
However, none of those examples seem to have been updated for the WebExtensions API and do not support more recent versions of Firefox.
I have also been unable to find how to communicate between web extensions so far.
My question being, how can I share information between 2 or more coorperating extensions to achieve what I described.
And actually, if this seems really stupid for some reason I'm unaware of, do point out any more reasonable alternatives that allow me to handle the dictionary files separately from the main extension.
Possibly related questions I found:
Communicating between 2 Firefox Add-Ons (Cross-Extension Communication)
This one is from 2010 however, thus out of date as far as I could tell.
Mozilla Addon Development - Communicating between windows with different domains
Kind of a similar situation, but they want to pull the definitions from an online source, rather than a local one.
The closest thing I found on the Mozilla browser extension website is communicating between add-on and some native applications, not quite what I need I think.
Communicating between add-ons is a normal part of the functionality of runtime.sendMessage(), runtime.connect(), runtime.onMessage, and runtime.onConnect.
Both runtime.sendMessage() and runtime.connect() have as their optional first parameter:
For runtime.sendMessage(), this is:
string. The ID of the extension to send the message to. Include this to send the message to a different extension. If the intended recipient has set an ID explicitly using the applications key in manifest.json, then extensionId should have that value. Otherwise it should have the ID that was generated for the intended recipient.
If extensionId is omitted, the message will be sent to your own extension.
For runtime.connect(), this is:
string. The ID of the extension to connect to. If the target has set an ID explicitly using the applications key in manifest.json, then extensionId should have that value. Otherwise it should be have the ID that was generated for the target.
Both runtime.onMessage, and runtime.onConnect provide a sender property or parameter, either with the message, or as part of the port. This parameter/property is a runtime.MessageSender which includes an id property which is:
string. The ID of the extension that sent the message, if the message was sent by an extension. If the sender set an ID explicitly using the applications key in manifest.json, then id will have this value. Otherwise it will have the ID that was generated for the sender.
Note that in Firefox, before version 54, this value was the extension's internal ID (that is, the UUID that appears in the extension's URL). detect first install from Unity

Trying to detect the first install event from link (succesfully implement link creating and sharing). I am using Unity branch sdk. The feature i try to create:
user_1 creates and share link to user_2.
When user_2 opens the link and install app i need to reward both of them (with inner in-game coins)
So i succesfully implement the 1. but I cant understand how to detect is user_2 installs the app or simply open it. All data that comes from UniversalObject callback doesn't contain information that i need.
Which the correct way to detect the install from code?
Alex from Branch here.
The callback parameter you need is +is_first_session. This is one of the parameters returned when the Branch session is initiated each time your app opens (you can find all all these parameters here). If this returns true, then that device has just installed the app (instead of opening it).
However, note that when these parameters are returned, it's impossible to immediately determine if the user is new (what you want), the device is new (not what you want, since the reward could be given twice if the user has installed on multiple devices), or neither (the user deleted the app and reinstalled on the same device). You would probably want to hold off on actually awarding the referral points until after the user has logged in with some sort of unique ID.
Branch also has a built-in feature for tracking referral points that might be useful. That lets you configure all the rules using the dashboard UI instead of needing to do it programmatically inside your app.

Google REST API v3 - Revisions:list vs "Show more detailed revisions"

I need to get the detailed list of the revisions for a Google Document.
When using the Google API Explorer on:
I get only the non-detailed list.
Which is the API to call (or the parameter to set) in order to get something similar to what can be seen by pressing Show more detailed revisions?
I tried to "sniff" the browser traffic and I realized that Google Drive periodically requests the revision list to the URL:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=0&token={token}
When clicking on Show more detailed revisions, the previous URL becomes:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=1&token={token}
(the zoom_level parameter changes from 0 to 1)
I cannot find anything like that on the API reference, though. It seems that such an URL has to be invoked manually.
Therefore, I manually generated a token for the drive scope, manually checked it in order to keep it fresh and manually invoked that URL, in order to see what happened. Unfortunately, I got the following error on the browser:
Impossibile aprire il file in questo momento.
Verifica l'indirizzo e riprova.
which roughly means:
Unable to open the file at the moment.
Please verify the address and try again.
May somebody point me towards the right direction?
In the "Try it" section of the API there is a field called "fields". In there you can select the files you need from the response. If you write "kind,revisions" you will get the complete information or you can use the "fields editor" to select the fields you need.

jbpm form builder's "IO Data" search is displaying processes only from default package

I have form builder embedded in guvnor. When I create a new form definition within from guvnor, and provide the package for the form definition, still I can't see processes from that package. The only processes that I can get in that search are conming from DEFAULT package.
I want to get processes only from the package which I have provided in popup screen while creating form definition.
I am using drools-guvnor 5.4.0.Final with jbpm-form-builder.war downloaded from the following path.
To get the processes from the package follow the following steps ,
i. Create a form without any process attachment
ii. Save it
iii. Then again open it and press Search
iv. Processes from the selected package will appear
This issue was first reported and fixed in Version 5.2 as stated in the below jboss JIRA issues.

Crystal Reports/Windows 7: Crystal reports asks for a default email client, and posts an error

Crystal Reports 11 (craxdrt.dll
Windows 7
I'm using Crystal Reports to export to a PDF document, using CRYSTALCRAXDRT::IReport::Export, and am getting an error, Windows 7 only.
"There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."
Again, I'm not trying to send email, just create a document.
I've put forth a little debugging effort into this, and what seems to be happening is this:
I call into craxdrt.dll via the IReport interface, function Export(...), and then, monitoring with procmon, I find that there are several hundred registry queries for default mailer, contacts, etc.
It would seem that craxdrt.dll is building a large-ish data structure ahead of the task with whatever info it might need for a family of functions.
There's an error posted when the program can't find a default email client
Problems with this:
Windows 7 does not ship with a default email client, and early investigation seems to indicate that installing one does not necessarily ameliorate the problem. In any case, I do not expect all of our clients to have one installed, nor do our clients expect to have one installed by us.
Absent the actual need for an email client (i.e., in the above case), we're still getting this error message pop-up.
Interestingly, this doesn't actually prevent the user from pressing the export button again, and in fact if the user does this, the error does not show up, as the registry queries are apparently done only once per load or use of craxdrt.dll.
I think you are missing setting the ExportOptions before exporting:
Dim crxReport As Report
Set crxReport = Prepare()
crxReport.ExportOptions.FormatType = crEFTPortableDocFormat
crxReport.ExportOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
crxReport.ExportOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\temp\Report.PDF"
crxReport.Export (False)
