Joomla Upgrade Error - joomla

I am newbie to Joomla.
I upgraded joomla site. But I am getting this error
Warning: strstr() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /home/nirankar/public_html/intranet/libraries/joomla/cache/controller/callback.php on line 63
Warning: strstr() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /home/nirankar/public_html/intranet/libraries/joomla/cache/controller/callback.php on line 69
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JApplicationAdministrator::isClient() in /home/nirankar/public_html/intranet/administrator/components/com_login/models/login.php on line 148
Please help me to overcome this problem

The libraries/joomla/cache folder doesn't exist in Joomla 3.8. You will need to rename your current libraries folder and copy a fresh one from a Joomla 3.8 zip file. See here for a similar error.
The problem that you're having is very common when the update is done manually by overwriting the Joomla files and then "repairing" the database.


undefined reference when applying patch file

I am working on a project where I have to make some custom system calls by modifying the kernel files in a VM. I am trying to test that my calls work by applying a patch file to a new snapshot of a VM. However whenever I run the patch file i keep getting this error:
arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.o:(.rodata+0xa78): undefined reference to `__x64_sys_set_tag'
arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.o:(.rodata+0xa80): undefined reference to `__x64_sys_get_tag'
I checked and the calls are both in the syscall_64.tbl so I'm not sure what else could be causing the issue.
after linux 4.19 ,you need to add _64 as your syscall's head
like this

Getting error when using facebook authentication in codeigniter

I am using Facebook-Oauth. I am using windows 7 and i am trying to run it in my localserver. I am setting site-url : and canvas url : . I didn't make change any other change in settings in the facebook developer site.But whenever i am trying to run it in my localhost i am getting this error :
1.Message: Use of undefined constant CURLPROXY_HTTP - assumed 'CURLPROXY_HTTP'
2.Message: Use of undefined constant CURLAUTH_BASIC - assumed 'CURLAUTH_BASIC'
Both in
Filename: core/Loader.php
Line Number: 956
I have set the app id and app secrect key in the config file.
$config['facebook_app_id'] = '424824207643973';
$config['facebook_api_key'] = '424824207643973';
$config['facebook_secret_key'] = 'my-app-secretkey';
cURL is most likely not installed correctly or linked up to PHP. Windows does not come with cURL installed (another reason to switch to a *nix based system! but I digress) so you'll need the appropriate dll files to enable it, then link those in via your php.ini file.
With regards to your current error, please check for syntax errors and leave a comment on this answer and update your provided source, and I'll modify.

Magento 1.11.1 EE cli-install crashes - Mage/Reports duplicate install script

I'm trying to install Magento 1.11.1 EE from command line.
The installation crashes at some point throwing the following error:
ERROR: Error in file: "/app/code/core/Mage/Reports/data/reports_setup/data-install-"
A page URL key for specified store already exists.
Looking at the source code I found that there are 3 scripts that are doing the same thing:
/app/code/core/Mage/Reports/sql/reports_setup/mysql4-install-0.7.1.php (initial script)
/app/code/core/Mage/Reports/sql/reports_setup/mysql4-upgrade-0.7.0-0.7.1.php ( ??? basically doing the same thing as the one above but with DROP TABLE IF EXISTS)
The fix for this would be to remove (by patch of course) one of the scripts (preferably the last one) but I'm trying to understand if this is something that should be there or just a stupid mistake.
You can refere at the link below if you don't have the code opened:

uic: Unexpected element name

I am trying to compile a .pro file using qmake and Qt4 to get a library from but I get this error:
~/docs/UT_Cpp_Test/main/cppDir/src/qttestrunner$ qmake
uic: Error in line 6, column 14 : Unexpected element name
uic: Error in line 6, column 14 : Unexpected element name
When I use Qt3 it works, and I get my lib successfully. But I want to upgrade it to Qt4. Is it possible? and what should I do?
I've used uic3 from the qt3-support package (on gentoo at least)
uic3 -convert ui-file-qt3.ui -o ui-file-qt4.ui
That is because the designer in qt4 is different from qt3. means ui files generated by qt3 and qt4 are not the same. That's why the unexpected element name error!
The uic reads a user interface definition (.ui) file in XML as generated by Qt
Designer and creates corresponding C++ header or source files.
Easiest way to solve is, use your qt4 ide to open you form and it will ask for
conversion.Then use the newly created ui for your compilation.

MediaWiki - ERROR: 20024 (The given path misformatted or contained invalid characters)

I am running mediawiki in xampp on windows and keep getting the error:
ERROR: 20024 (The given path misformatted or contained invalid characters)
Is there a workaround or software bundle that can be installed to eliminate this problem.
Have you tried setting MediaWiki to use the article names as parameters instead of using them as file names?
On your LocalSettings.php
$wgArticlePath = $wgScriptPath.'/index.php?title=$1';
