Removing '\' in JQ Transform - jqtransform

I'm trying to use JQ Transform ( on a JSON object, which I would like to store as string, but it always replaces " with \"
How can I get rid of this \ ?
Input JSON:
JQ filter:
Output JSON:
I know I would get desired result using Raw Output, but I cannot use it. I can only modify .|tostring filter.
Please help.

You can use gsub to filter the string.
Input json:
jq filter:
jq '.|tostring|gsub("\\\"";"")'
Output json:


how can I query this hash output in bash? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get jq to parse a JSON structure like:
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2,
"c" : "{\"id\":\"9ee ...\",\"parent\":\"abc...\"}\n"
That is, an element in the JSON is a string with escaped json.
So, I have something along the lines of
$ jq [.c] myFile.json | jq [.id]
But that crashes with jq: error: Cannot index string with string
This is because the output of .c is a string, not more JSON.
How do I get jq to parse this string?
My initial solution is to use sed to replace all the escape chars (\":\", \",\" and \") but that's messy, I assume there's a way built into jq to do this?
Also, the jq version available here is:
$ jq --version
jq version 1.3
I guess I could update it if required.
jq has the fromjson builtin for this:
jq '.c | fromjson | .id' myFile.json
fromjson was added in version 1.4.
You can use the raw output (-r) that will unescape characters:
jq -r .c myfile.json | jq .id
ADDENDUM: This has the advantage that it works in jq 1.3 and up; indeed, it should work in every version of jq that has the -r option.
Motivation: you want to parse JSON string - you want to escape a JSON object that's wrapped with quotes and represented as a String buffer, and convert it to a valid JSON object. For example:
some JSON unescaped string :
"{\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"position\":\"developer\"}"
the expected result ( a JSON object ):
{"name":"John Doe","position":"developer"}
Solution: In order to escape a JSON string and convert it into a valid JSON object use the sed tool in command line and use regex expressions to remove/replace specific characters:
cat current_json.txt | sed -e 's/\\\"/\"/g' -e 's/^.//g' -e 's/.$//g'
s/\\\"/\"/g replacing all backslashes and quotes ( \" ) into quotes only (")
s/^.//g replacing the first character in the stream to none character
s/.$//g replacing the last character in the stream to none character

Read multi-line output into other variable in shell

I have an output from a process that looks like this:
"v1": "x0482030ssj09645j34"
I need to parse this output in order to extract x0482030ssj09645j34.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
jq is a handy JSON parser. In this case, you can do
your_process | jq -r '.v1'
to output just that value

How do I concatenate dummy values in JQ based on field value, and then CSV-aggregate these concatenations?

In my bash script, when I run the following jq against my curl result:
curl -u someKey:someSecret someURL 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.schema' | jq -r -c '.fields'
I get back a JSON array as follows:
[{"name":"id","type":"int","doc":"Documentation for the id field."},{"name":"test_string","type":"string","doc":"Documentation for the test_string field"}]
My goal is to do a call with jq applied to return the following (given the example above):
NB: I am trying to automatically generate templated values that match the "schema" JSON shown above.
So just to clarify, that is:
all array objects (there could be more than 2 shown above) returned in a single comma-delimited row
doc fields are ignored
the values for "name" (including their surrounding double-quotes) are concatenated with either:
:1234567890 ...when the "type" for that object is "int"
":xxxxxxxxxx" ...when the "type" for that object is "string"
NB: these will be the only types we ever get for now
Can someone show me how I can expand upon my initial jq to return this?
NB: I tried working down the following path but am failing beyond this...
curl -u someKey:someSecret someURL 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.schema' | jq -r -c '.fields' | "\(.name):xxxxxxxxxxx"'
If it's not possible in pure JQ (my preference) I'm also happy for a solution that mixes in a bit of sed/awk magic :)
Given the JSON shown, you could add the following to your pipeline:
jq -c 'map({(.name): (if .type == "int" then 1234567890 else "xxxxxxxxxx" end)})|add'
With that JSON, the output would be:
However, it would be far better if you combined the three calls to jq into one.

Removing special characters in shell from a json response

In my shell, I have a JSON response like you can see below. When I am printing, it prints "" with JSON, but I want to remove them.
"Grade": "tenth"
I am using
curl -s "<<API>>"| awk '{print $2;}'
Use jq JSON parser instead of awk:
curl -s "<<API>>" | jq -r '.Grade'
-r is the raw mode. It outputs the string without quote.

How to retrieve "name" value from json using bash?

I am using the following curl command:
curl -s -v --user admin:orca --insecure -X GET
Getting following output:
"name": "Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-3",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
"name": "Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-latest",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
"name": "Payments_Dev_Lane-267",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
I want to get only name values in a variable.
I need only Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-3 Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-latest Payments_Dev_Lane-267 in a variable
Assuming you actually have an array around the three objects:
$ curl ... | jq -r '.[].name'
It's fairly simple, . is the array, [].name take name from each element in the array. -r is raw output.
--raw-output / -r:
With this option, if the filter’s result is a string then it will be written directly to standard output rather than being formatted as a JSON string with quotes. This can be useful for making jq filters talk to non-JSON-based systems.
If the cURL output is actually as mentioned above the following will work:
jq -rRs '"[\(.)]" | fromjson[].name' file.json
However I think there is a better way to wrap an array around input,
-R is raw input and -s is slurp. \(...) is string interpolation.
Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the input, read the entire input stream into a large array and run the filter just once.
