How do I concatenate dummy values in JQ based on field value, and then CSV-aggregate these concatenations? - bash

In my bash script, when I run the following jq against my curl result:
curl -u someKey:someSecret someURL 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.schema' | jq -r -c '.fields'
I get back a JSON array as follows:
[{"name":"id","type":"int","doc":"Documentation for the id field."},{"name":"test_string","type":"string","doc":"Documentation for the test_string field"}]
My goal is to do a call with jq applied to return the following (given the example above):
NB: I am trying to automatically generate templated values that match the "schema" JSON shown above.
So just to clarify, that is:
all array objects (there could be more than 2 shown above) returned in a single comma-delimited row
doc fields are ignored
the values for "name" (including their surrounding double-quotes) are concatenated with either:
:1234567890 ...when the "type" for that object is "int"
":xxxxxxxxxx" ...when the "type" for that object is "string"
NB: these will be the only types we ever get for now
Can someone show me how I can expand upon my initial jq to return this?
NB: I tried working down the following path but am failing beyond this...
curl -u someKey:someSecret someURL 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.schema' | jq -r -c '.fields' | "\(.name):xxxxxxxxxxx"'
If it's not possible in pure JQ (my preference) I'm also happy for a solution that mixes in a bit of sed/awk magic :)

Given the JSON shown, you could add the following to your pipeline:
jq -c 'map({(.name): (if .type == "int" then 1234567890 else "xxxxxxxxxx" end)})|add'
With that JSON, the output would be:
However, it would be far better if you combined the three calls to jq into one.


bash loop error : Get JSON Object by property with jq / bash

I would like to get the values from Json file. Which is working.
"permissions": [
"emailid": "",
"rights": "read"
"emailid": "",
"rights": "read"
readPermissions=($(jq -r '.permissions' JsonFileToTest))
# The command below works perfectly, But when I Put it in a loop, It does not.
#echo ${readPermissions[#]} | jq 'values[].emailid'
for vals in ${readPermissions[#]}
# I would like o extract the email id of the user. The loop is not working atm.
echo ${vals[#]} | jq 'values[].emailid'
what am I missing here?
If you really want to do it this way, that might look like:
readarray -t permissions < <(jq -c '.permissions[]' JsonFileToTest)
for permissionSet in "${permissions[#]}"; do
jq -r '.emailid' <<<"$permissionSet"
Note that we're telling jq to print one line per item (with -c), and using readarray -t to read each line into an array element (unlike the array=( $(...command...) ) antipattern, which splits not just on newlines but on other whitespace as well, and expands globs in the process).
But there's no reason whatsoever to do any of that. You'll get the exact same result simply running:
jq -r '.permissions[].emailid' JsonFileToTest

How can I convert a "key: value" sequence into JSON?

hokay, I am trying to write a script that takes information from the yum - repolist all and puts it into pretty JSON for me to use in some data collecting.. Right now I have my output from the yum command looking like this.
All I have for code right now is just the yum repolist command.
#!/bin/bash -x
yum -v repolist all | grep -B2 -A6 "enabled" | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' , 's/--//g' , 's/name=name=/name=/g'
the output from that command looks like:
Repo-id: wazuh_repo
Repo-name: Wazuhrepository
Repo-status: enabled
Repo-revision: 1536348945
Repo-updated: FriSep712:35:512018
Repo-pkgs: 73
Repo-size: 920M
Repo-expire: 21,600second(s)(last:WedOct3108:59:002018)
There are about 8 entries and the titles are always the same... Can someone explain like I am five how to convert this into json, I've read the jq man page, I've read about hash's. nothing seems to make sense. I know I need to have a "key"/"value" how to I designate these?
I just want to take the output and make it look like pretty JSON, this is part of a larger script I am writing to help keep ontop of the repos we use at work. I am just totally not getting JSON though.
edit: I would prefer not to use a wrapper function and do/learn the proper way
So, first, so people who don't have yum can test this, let's make a wrapper function:
write_output() { cat <<EOF
Repo-id: wazuh_repo
Repo-name: Wazuhrepository
Repo-status: enabled
Repo-revision: 1536348945
Repo-updated: FriSep712:35:512018
Repo-pkgs: 73
Repo-size: 920M
Repo-expire: 21,600second(s)(last:WedOct3108:59:002018)
Notably, all your keys come before the string :, and the values come after them -- so we want to read line-by-line, split based on colon-space sequences, treat what was in front as a key, and treat what's in back as a value.
Given that:
jq -Rn '[inputs | split(": ")] | reduce .[] as $kv ({}; .[$kv[0]] = $kv[1])' < <(write_output)
...properly emits:
"Repo-id": "wazuh_repo",
"Repo-name": "Wazuhrepository",
"Repo-status": "enabled",
"Repo-revision": "1536348945",
"Repo-updated": "FriSep712:35:512018",
"Repo-pkgs": "73",
"Repo-size": "920M",
"Repo-baseurl": "",
"Repo-expire": "21,600second(s)(last:WedOct3108:59:002018)"
}, how does that work?
jq -R turns on raw input mode; input is parsed as a sequence of raw strings, not as a sequence of JSON documents.
jq -n treats null as the only direct input, so one can then use input and inputs primitives inside the script where needed.
[ inputs ] reads all your lines of input, and puts them into a single array.
[ inputs | split(": ")] changes that from an array of strings to an array of lists -- with content both before and after the ": " sequence.
reduce .[] as $kv ( {}; ... ) starts a reducer, with an initial value of {}, and then feeds each value that .[] evaluates to (which is to say, each item in your list) into that reducer (the ... code) as the $kv variable, replacing the . value each time.
To run this with your yum command as the real input, change < <(write_output) to < <(yum -v repolist all | grep -B2 -A6 "enabled" | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' , 's/--//g' , 's/name=name=/name=/g').
Here is a slightly more robust variation of #CharlesDuffy's answer. Since the latter provides excellent explanatory notes, further explanations are not given here.
jq -nR '
[inputs | index(": ") as $ix | {(.[:$ix]): .[$ix+2:]}]
| add'
This avoids using split in case the "value" contains ": ". It might, however, be still better not to assume that a space follows the first relevant ":".
Notice also that add is used here instead of reduce, solely for compactness and simplicity.
For these sorts of problems, I would prefer to use a regular expression to match keys and values. Otherwise, I would take an approach similar to Charles's.
$ ... | jq -Rn 'reduce (inputs | capture("(?<k>[^:]+):\\s*(?<v>.+)")) as {$k, $v} ({}; .[$k] = $v)'

Get json field value with JQ from different directory

Title may be incorrect as I'm not actually sure where this is failing. I have a bash script running in one directory, and a JSON file I need a value from in a different directory. I want to copy the value from the external directory into an identical JSON file in the current directory.
I'm using jq to grab the value, but I can't figure out how to grab from a directory other than the one the script is running in.
The relevant bits of file structure are as follows;
- parameters_v13.json
- prepare_stack_files.json (the script this is run from)
- directory, changes based on where the script is pointed
- created directory where created files are being output
- GREPNAME_parameters.json
The chunk of the JSON file I'm interested in looks like this;
"ParameterKey": "RTSMEMAIL",
"ParameterValue": "secretemail"
The script needs to get the "secretemail" from cloudformation/parameters_v13.json and paste it into the matching RTSMEMAIL field in the GREPNAME_parameters.json file.
I've been attempting the following with no luck - nothing is output. No error message either, just blank output. I know the GREPNAME path is correct because it's used elsewhere with no issues.
jq --arg email "$EMAIL" '(.[] | select(.ParameterKey == "RTSMEMAIL") | .ParameterValue) |= $email' ../cloudformation/parameters_v13.json | sponge ${GREPNAME}_parameters.json
This jq filter should help you get secretmail string
jq '.[] | select(.ParameterKey=="RTSMEMAIL") | .ParameterValue' json
Add a -r file for raw output to remove quotes around the value
jq -r '.[] | select(.ParameterKey=="RTSMEMAIL") | .ParameterValue' json
--raw-output / -r:
With this option, if the filter’s result is a string then it will be written directly to standard output rather than being formatted as a JSON string with quotes. This can be useful for making jq filters talk to non-JSON-based systems.
As I could see it you are trying to pass args to jq filter, for extraction you can do something first by setting the variable in bash
and now pass it to the filter as
jq --arg email "$email" -r '.[] | select(.ParameterKey==$email) | .ParameterValue' json
Now to replace the string obtained from parameters_v13.json file to your GREPNAME_parameters.json do the following steps:-
First storing the result from the first file in a variable to re-use later, I have used the file to extract as json, this actually points your parameters_v13.json file in another path.
replacementValue=$(jq --arg email "$email" -r '.[] | select(.ParameterKey==$email) | .ParameterValue' json)
now the $replacementValue will hold the secretmail which you want to update to another file. As you have indicated previously GREPNAME_parameters.json has a similar syntax as of the first file. Something like below,
$ cat GREPNAME_parameters.json
"ParameterKey": "SOMEJUNK",
"ParameterValue": "somejunkvalue"
Now I understand your intention is replace "ParameterValue" from the above file to the value obtained from the other file. To achieve that,
jq --arg replace "$replacementValue" '.[] | .ParameterValue = $replace' GREPNAME_parameters.json
"ParameterKey": "SOMEJUNK",
"ParameterValue": "secretemail"
You can then write this output to the a temp file and move it back as the GREPNAME_parameters.json. Hope this answers your question.
#Alex -
(1) sponge simply provides a convenient way to modify a file without having to manage a temporary file. You could use it like this:
jq ........ input.json | sponge input.json
Here, "input.json" is the file that you want to edit "in place". If you want to avoid overwriting the input file, you would not use sponge. In fact, I would recommend against doing so until you're absolutely sure that's what you want.
(2) There are several strategies for achieving what you have described using jq. They basically fall into two categories: (a) invoke jq twice; (b) invoke jq once.
Ignoring the sponge part:
the pattern for using jq twice would be as follows:
param=$(jq -r '.[]
| select(.ParameterKey == "RTSMEMAIL")|.ParameterValue
' cloudformation/parameters_v13.json )
jq --arg param "$param" -f edit.jq input.json
assuming you have jq 1.5, the pattern for doing everything with just one invocation of jq would be:
jq --argfile p cloudformation/parameters_v13.json -f manage.jq input.json
Here, edit.jq and manage.jq are files containing suitable jq programs.
Based on my understanding of your requirements, edit.jq might look like this:
(.[] | select(.ParameterKey == "RTSMEMAIL")|.ParameterValue) |= $param
And manage.jq might look like this:
($p[] | select(.ParameterKey == "RTSMEMAIL")|.ParameterValue) as $param
| (.[]| select(.ParameterKey == "RTSMEMAIL")|.ParameterValue) |= $param

How to retrieve "name" value from json using bash?

I am using the following curl command:
curl -s -v --user admin:orca --insecure -X GET
Getting following output:
"name": "Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-3",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
"name": "Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-latest",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
"name": "Payments_Dev_Lane-267",
"inRegistry": true,
"hashMismatch": false,
"inNotary": false
I want to get only name values in a variable.
I need only Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-3 Dev_ReleaseRollout_Lane-latest Payments_Dev_Lane-267 in a variable
Assuming you actually have an array around the three objects:
$ curl ... | jq -r '.[].name'
It's fairly simple, . is the array, [].name take name from each element in the array. -r is raw output.
--raw-output / -r:
With this option, if the filter’s result is a string then it will be written directly to standard output rather than being formatted as a JSON string with quotes. This can be useful for making jq filters talk to non-JSON-based systems.
If the cURL output is actually as mentioned above the following will work:
jq -rRs '"[\(.)]" | fromjson[].name' file.json
However I think there is a better way to wrap an array around input,
-R is raw input and -s is slurp. \(...) is string interpolation.
Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the input, read the entire input stream into a large array and run the filter just once.

Curl as variable, assign output to variable

I have problem with assigning curl as variable and assign curl's output to variable:
#get results url, format json
#jq is a cli json interpreter
#resultUrl contains the final URL which we want download
OK= "$URL" | jq '.resultsUrl'
#api probably is running
sleep 5
curl "$OK"
Maybe it is trivial, but I don't know where is the problem.
My guess is:
jq '.resultsUrl'
outputs the field resultsUrl with quotes, so curl does not process it correctly. Furthermore, $URL | ... does not work, you would have to use echo or curl directly.
OK=$(curl -s | jq -r '.resultsUrl')
curl -s "$OK"
which results for me in
[{ "id": 2, "url": "", "loadedUrl": "", "requestedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:52.611Z", "loadingStartedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:54.663Z", "loadingFinishedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.642Z", "loadErrorCode": null, "pageFunctionStartedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.839Z", "pageFunctionFinishedAt": "2016-02-25T23:24:55.841Z", "uniqueKey": "", "type": "UserEnqueued", ...
This should be what you expect.
However, sometimes the first API call yields an error:
"message": "The act is already running and concurrent execution is not allowed"
so resultsURL will be null, you will have to handle this error case.
Your line
OK= "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL'
sets the environment variable OK to an empty string, then tries to execute "$URL" as a command and pipe its output to jq. If you want to setOK to the result of a command, you have to use $OK=(...), just like you did when setting URL. The correct syntax is:
OK=$(echo "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL')
And to remove the quotes from the output of .jq, you can do:
OK=$(echo "$URL" | jq '.resultsURL' | tr -d '"')
