cudnn without any framework - cudnn

Does anyone have an idea, what is matched wrong.
It compiles without any error, etc., but the Output goes always from Predict class 5 to 3 to 1 and doesnt change.
Code(important here PropagationHelper&Network&Layer):
Update Weight(Value of ConvGradConv is to huge!)
Networkflow(first 5 and last 5 data in each layer)
Okay one Error corrected(FullyBackward used inchannel insteed of inputsize), but there must be another one with the ConvLayer.


play_and_get_digits no input vs wrong input in Freeswitch

I am trying to implement the play_and_get_digits using ESL in nodejs.
The code is quite simple:
conn.execute('play_and_get_digits', ${minValue} ${maxValue} ${tries} ${timeout} ${terminator} ${soundFile} ${invalidFile} ${var_name} ${regex} ${digit_timeout}`);
It works well. My only problem is when the caller does not enter anything. By default, it plays the audio defined in invalidFile which I use to inform the caller the value they entered is not valid. I would like to be able to differentiate between wrong input (e.g. digit 5 when only 1 or 2 are allowed) and no input at all.
What would the best way to do this be?

Incoherent local/global line numbering in Scinotes

When I switch on the "local line numbering" option in SciNotes, I get a strange effect. The line numbers show as local (starting with the "function" line) for some of my functions, but global (counting from the beginning of the code file) for others.
My first thought was that a function wasn't ended properly (too few "end" instructions wrt the number of opened loops, ifs and other such), but then my code would crash, which it doesn't. Also, indentation looks fine when I auto-adjust it.
It doesn't very much get in my way, but I wonder if it isn't a symptom of something more serious cooking under the surface. Has anybody had a similar experience?
FWIW I'm using Scilab 6.0.2 under Windows 10.
I think I have found the source of the "problem". Line numbering only gets local in a function whose first line (the one with the "function" keyword) is not terminated with a semicolon.
Like this:
1 // This is my fantastic power program
2 clear;
3 clc;
4 cd "c:\myDir\Scilab\Sandbox\FunAndGames"
6 function S=square(x); // <-- now you see it
7 S=x*x; // (the semicolon, I mean)
8 endfunction;
1 function C=cube(x) // <-- now you don't
2 C=x*x*x;
3 endfunction;
15 // Now the body of my program:
17 X=zeros(5,5);
18 ....

How to put 7 events in one eventset in PAPI

In PAPI Im trying to put 7 events in one eventset so I can read 7 results in one operation but I always get return -1 ,can anyone help me?my code like this:
int events1[] = {
i = PAPI_start_counters(events1,7);
where i appears to be -1 which means PAPI_EINVAL.
I tried change the value PAPI_NUM_TLS but it didn't work.
I have the same problem now. But as I have found, the trouble comes from 5th and 6th counters. Here:
at IBM POWER6 NOTES there is mentioned that these two counters are specific and as I understand should count concrete events. I have not found the solution yet. For 5th one, I added PAPI_TOT_INS and seems to work but for 6th one PAPI_TOT_CYC gives PAPI_ECNFLCT error as they say.

Difference between ToList()[0] and FirstOrDefault()

I'm debugging an MVC6 (beta7) application. What I found is that if I execute this test code, the collection has elements (as it should).
reservations.ToList()[0].RequestedVehicleType.Photos // Photos.Count == 1
With the same data, the original code resulted in an empty collection.
reservations.FirstOrDefault().RequestedVehicleType.Photos // Photos.Count == 0
What's even more strange is that if I call reservations.ToList() before the 2nd code is executed, the result is good.
reservations.FirstOrDefault().RequestedVehicleType.Photos // Photos.Count == 1
I understand that MVC6 is currently in beta, and it may have bugs. My question is if this one an expected behavior or a bug?
All Navigation property scenarios are not implemented in beta 7, wait for beta 8 and/or try the daily builds

Mozart Ozcar Debugger Error

So im studying, and i need to run Ozcar debugger including on Mozart, i go to Oz menu and first i pick feed buffer, after that i pick Start Debugger, the compiler show me the next message:
local A B in
A = 5
B = 6
{Browse A+B}
% -------------------- accepted
\switch +threadedqueries -verbose -expression -runwithdebugger
% -------------------- accepted
And then it suppose that a auxiliary windows should appears but nothing happens!!!! I need help pls!!!
Also the Oz emulator show me this:
%********************** Error: module manager *******************
%** Could not link module
%** Could not load functor at URL: x-oz://system/Ozcar.ozf
I think that the packagge of Ozcar is missing, where i can find it or how i can solve this???
You should use Mozart 1.4.0, the latest version of the 1.x Mozart branch.
Even if this question is more than 3 years old, the development of Mozart 2 is really slow and there still are a lot of features missing.
