Laravel 5 dynamic content from selected dropdown - ajax

Hello I'm new to laravel I was trying to find the solution but unsuccessful.
I manage to get the selected value using ajax but I cant show results in the same view that I selected from.
Let me explain what I want to achieve.
User select the value(id) from dropdown (populated from DB)
the value id need to be pass to controller get new array of a query result
return an array to the same view with show what was selected in dropdown
Any suggestion I will appreciate.
Thank you.

What I understood is , you want to populate one select box based on another select box value,
He are some best start tutorial for you,


admin-on-rest in create form - How to populate the list in dropdown based on another input value

I am using admin-on-rest in my project. I am facing one scenario where I could not find solution. Could someone please help me in how to populate the list in dropdown based on another input value in create form. (Example: populate 'State' list based on 'Country' change like this).
This can be achieved using aor-dependent-input.
You can find an example in this codesandbox:
Look for the PostCreate component which has category and subcategory inputs.

Using ajax to load drop down lists

I am very new to ajax. Can someone explain to me how this works and what I need to do for my scenario below.
I have a drop down list and a button.
I choose and item from the drop down list ("ex: Car Type")
and press the get types button.
Another drop down list with different types will be populated.
Those are the steps I use. How can I use Ajax instead of post back and refreshing the page please.

<form:input> inside of <form:select> How to realize?

I'm building a jsp which will let user select data from database, it will uploads when page will render for user. But the problem is <form:select> don't let user insert new value his own one if the value not represented in the list(doesn't inputed in database).
I need let user put his own value if it's doesn't not exist in the <form:select>.
It's kinda has to be <form:input> with <form:select><form:options items="myList"></form:select>.
Could you help me with this. Thank you
You can provide textbox and dropdown.Make textbox enable only if user didnt select any value from dropdown allow him to enter value. If he selected any value from dropdown make the textbox disable.for this you should use bit of jquery or javascript.

Select item in a gridview

I'm trying to create a webpage where a user can click on an item inside a gridview and have that rows data display in another page. I cannot figure out how to set it up so only the selected row's information is displayed in (I am thinking I will use a form view to display the data on the second page) the form view on the second page. Any suggestions?
If you have just a couple of columns i did suggest you to use QueryString to pass values between pages. Lets say there are two such values you want to pass to another page:
Response.Redirect("default2.aspx?firstvalue=" + yourfirstvalue + "&secondvalue=" + yoursecondvalue");
// this will set the values you want to pass on your gridview page
// this will retrieve the first value from URL from your second page
If you want a neat lookin URL then i would suggest you to use Session variables.

CakePHP display updated table of data using ajax

I'm having real trouble finding any documentation on this.
I have a page that displays a list of users, above this i can edit the users successfuly with ajax. After the update, i want the table below to be updated with the new information.
How do i go about doing this? I'm thinking i need some sort of view that displays the data in a table, and i want to get that view's contents and inject it into my page, but i can't seem to find out how?
Can anyone point me in the right direction please
Put users table in div id like "Users" and do something like following in edit ajax success function call
$("#users").load("same_page_url #users");
