In Rails; using simple_form I have :
= f.association :stock_keeping_unit
stock_keeping_unit has about 6000 entries; and i'm getting terrible performance. So I tried Fragment Caching it:
- cache 'article_fragment'
= f.association :stock_keeping_unit
Works! Loads fast... However when I do try to submit the form - this pops up -
"purchase order articles stock keeping unit must exist"
I checked the console and the params were all there. it error's on .save
def linkdin_login(company_name,username,password):
#def company_info(company_name):
element = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"#global-nav-typeahead > input")
driver.implicitly_wait(10) # seconds
driver.get(driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,".search-nec__hero-kcard-v2 > a:nth-child(1)").get_attribute("href"))
by the above code i am logging into LinkedIn and fetching the LinkedIn page of the some companies after getting the page I am trying to get the employee data by using people function show below
def people():
people = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"/html/body/div[4]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[1]/main/div/div/div[2]/div/ul")
people_data = people.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME,"li")
for i in people_data:
in this function i am trying to access the link to employees data
that is where the problem lies
the line 2 of people function i trying to get the link the problem is due to some reason sometimes i am getting the link(not to frequently!!) but most of the time i am getting the error saying Xpath not found
i didn't know how to attach a html page so i am attaching the link
1. I tried implicit wait assuming that the program is trying to access the Xpath during loading of the page
I am using Capybara and getting errors from the finders 'find_field' & 'has_selector'.
I have tried using them like this:
page = visit ""
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock')
has_selector returns the error: "NoMethodError: undefined method `has_selector?' for {"status"=>"success"}:Hash"
find_field cannot find the field. (It is present on the page and is not a hidden field.)
I have also tried using fill_in to set the field value, that doesn't work either.
How can I get this to work with Capybara?
You have a couple of issues in your code
page is just an alias for Capybara.current_session. If you assign to it you're creating a local variable and it's no longer a session
find_field takes a locator - - which will be matched against the id, name, or label text. It does not take a CSS selector
Your code should be
page.visit ""
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock')
and you could rewrite the last line as
page.fill_in('txtQty', with: '9999')
Also you should note that (if using a JS capable driver) has_selector? will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time for the #divOutStock to appear. If it's not usually going to be there and you want to speed things up a bit you could do something like
page.visit ""
page.assert_text('Something always on page once loaded') #ensure/wait until page is loaded
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock', wait: 0) # check for existence and don't retry
page.fill_in('txtQty', with: '9999')
I'm using Capybara to fill in a form and download the results.
It's a bit slow when filling in the form, and I want to check if JavaScript is the culprit.
How do I turn off JavaScript?
The Ruby code was something similar to, but not the same as, the following (the following won't reproduce the error message, but it is somewhat slow).
require "capybara"
url = ""
fasta_text = [">seq1", "gattaca" * 1000, ">seq2", "aattaca" * 1000].join("\n")
session =
# Code similar to this was run several times
session.fill_in('sample', :with => fasta_text)
And the error I was getting (with my real code, but not the code I have above) was
Warning: Unresponsive script
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let
the script continue.
Script: chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.xml:2884
I wasn't running Capybara as part of a test or as part of a spec.
To confirm that the code I wrote currently has JavaScript enabled (which is something I want to disable), doing
url = ""
session =
indicates that JavaScript is enabled.
Capybara only uses JavaScript if you've specified a javascript_browser:
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
And if you've specified js: true as metadata in your spec:
context "this is a test", js: true do
Check for both of those things. If they're not there and the test is not running in a browser or using Poltergeist, then it's probably not using JavaScript.
I have inherited some GEB tests that are testing logging into a site (and various error cases/validation warnings).
The test runs through some validation failures and then it attempts to re-navigate to the same page (just to refresh the page/dom) and attempts a valid login. Using GEB's to() method, it detects that you are attempting to navigate to the page you are on, it just calls refresh - the problem here is that attempts to refresh the last POST request, and the driver displays the
"To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier"
message - as the test is not expecting this popup, it hangs and the tests timeout.
Is there a way to turn off these warnings in Firefox webdriver? or to auto-ignore/accept them via Selenium or GEB?
GEB Version: 0.9.2,
Selenium Version: 2.39.0
(Also tried with minor version above: 0.9.3 & 2.40.0)
I know about the POST/Re-direct/GET pattern - but am not at liberty to change the application code in this case
The warning message only causes an issue intermittently (maybe 1 in 5 times) - I have put this down to speed/race conditions whereby the test completes the next actions before the message appears - I know a possible solution is to update tests to wait for message to appear and then accept, but my question is, is there a global setting that can just avoid these being triggered/displayed?
That refresh() is there to work around an issue with IE driver which ignores calls to driver.get() with the same url as the current one.
Instead of monkey patching Browser class (which might bite you somewhere down the line or might not) I would change the url of your login page class. You might for example add an insignificant query string - I think that simply a ? at the end should suffice. The driver.currentUrl == newUrl condition will evaluate to false and you will not see that popup anymore.
If I understand you issue properly this might help. In Groovy you can modify a class on the fly.
We use Spock with Geb and I placed this in a Super class which all Spock Spec inherit from. Eg: QSpec extends GebSpec.
It is the original method slightly modified with the original code commented out so you know what has been changed. I use this technique in several required places to alter Geb behaviour.
static {
Browser.metaClass.go = { Map params, String url ->
def newUrl = calculateUri(url, params)
// if (driver.currentUrl == newUrl) {
// driver.navigate().refresh()
// } else {
// driver.get(newUrl)
// }
if (!page) {
I have some issues with "expected_title" procedure from watir-page-helper.
It is throwing an error like the current web page has a different title than the expected one, although it is the correct title:
RuntimeError: Expected title 'Some title' instead of 'Some Title'.
This happens randomly, and my tests fail frequently on different pages. The website on which I am working is loading in a reasonable amount of time, I don't think it is a loading page issue.
To initialize the pages I am using the next method:
#new_mail_editor =, false)
This is for pages that are opened when accessing links.
Does someone have a clue why this is happening?
Is there a way to dodge this issue?
Thank you.
Watir-page-helper has been end-of-lifed, you should try page-object gem.
Meantime I found out what I was doing wrong. When initializing the browser and checking the title, I was using "has_expected_title?" instead of "expected_title". It seems that I didn't used correctly the first function
Now everything works great.