Capybara find_field & has_selector not working - ruby

I am using Capybara and getting errors from the finders 'find_field' & 'has_selector'.
I have tried using them like this:
page = visit ""
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock')
has_selector returns the error: "NoMethodError: undefined method `has_selector?' for {"status"=>"success"}:Hash"
find_field cannot find the field. (It is present on the page and is not a hidden field.)
I have also tried using fill_in to set the field value, that doesn't work either.
How can I get this to work with Capybara?

You have a couple of issues in your code
page is just an alias for Capybara.current_session. If you assign to it you're creating a local variable and it's no longer a session
find_field takes a locator - - which will be matched against the id, name, or label text. It does not take a CSS selector
Your code should be
page.visit ""
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock')
and you could rewrite the last line as
page.fill_in('txtQty', with: '9999')
Also you should note that (if using a JS capable driver) has_selector? will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time for the #divOutStock to appear. If it's not usually going to be there and you want to speed things up a bit you could do something like
page.visit ""
page.assert_text('Something always on page once loaded') #ensure/wait until page is loaded
next if page.has_selector?('#divOutStock', wait: 0) # check for existence and don't retry
page.fill_in('txtQty', with: '9999')


what might be the reason for selenium working for xpath sometimes but sometimes fail to identify the xpath?

def linkdin_login(company_name,username,password):
#def company_info(company_name):
element = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"#global-nav-typeahead > input")
driver.implicitly_wait(10) # seconds
driver.get(driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,".search-nec__hero-kcard-v2 > a:nth-child(1)").get_attribute("href"))
by the above code i am logging into LinkedIn and fetching the LinkedIn page of the some companies after getting the page I am trying to get the employee data by using people function show below
def people():
people = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"/html/body/div[4]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[1]/main/div/div/div[2]/div/ul")
people_data = people.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME,"li")
for i in people_data:
in this function i am trying to access the link to employees data
that is where the problem lies
the line 2 of people function i trying to get the link the problem is due to some reason sometimes i am getting the link(not to frequently!!) but most of the time i am getting the error saying Xpath not found
i didn't know how to attach a html page so i am attaching the link
1. I tried implicit wait assuming that the program is trying to access the Xpath during loading of the page

Error initializing driver method - undefined local variable

In my test automation project, I am using ruby with capybara, cucumber and selenium.
(I already have devkit installed and chrome is starting normally)
When looking for an element in the site to select it, I am using the method driver.findElement (By.xpath (.... etc"), but when executing cucumber, it is indicating the following error:
I already removed and reinstalled the selenium-webdriver gem but it did not resolve.
Can someone help me in resolving why WebDriver does not seem to be valid in this context?
code example
(finding button logout using tag img, because the element don't have name or id)
After('#logout') do
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[#src='/Portal/img/user.png']"));
Result cucumber execution
Feature: Login
Description feature
DevTools listening on ws://
Scenario: Login_OK # features/support/login.feature:14
Given that i access the main portal page HRP # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:1
When do login using "abc123" and "abc123password" # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:5
Then system do login # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:10
And show message "Welcome to Portal." # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:14
undefined local variable or method `driver' for # (NameError)
./features/support/hooks.rb:4:in `After'
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/support/login.feature:14 # Scenario: Login_OK
1 scenario (1 failed)
4 steps (4 passed)
If you're using Capybara with Cucumber in a standard setup then you shouldn't be really ever be calling the selenium webdriver instance directly - driver (except for in some very rare circumstances). Instead you should be using the Capybara methods. What is available in your After hook depends on exactly how where you've includeed what but one of these will probably be avaialble
After('#logout') do
element = page.find(:xpath, ".//img[#src='/Portal/img/user.png']"));
After('#logout') do
element = Capybara.current_session.findElement(:xpath, ".//img[#src='/Portal/img/user.png']");
Note: there is probably a better way to locate the logout button than an XPath on the contained images source, but without seeing the HTML of the button it's impossible to say for sure (for instance, Capybaras button finder will match against the alt attribute of an img element nested inside a <button> element)

Need help reliably finding asynchronous elements in React with Capybara without using sleep everywhere

Newbie engineer question here, but I've searched and can't find a solution.
Environment: Mac OS, Chrome, Capybara with Selenium Chrome-driver, Ruby with Rspec running the test.
Testing a React app where the user logs in using a username and password, followed by clicking on a sidebar nav link that loads up....followed by other actions. Capybara continues to fail to find the sidebar nav link to click on. I believe the sidebar nav is its own React component and loads asynchronously
App & Test Behavior:
Sometimes Capybara finds the link element, clicks the link and the test passes. Other times it completely fails to find the element and fails the test.
Solutions I've tried:
Upping the default time for finder methods to continue to search to 15+ seconds(I've never noticed the app take more than 5 seconds on anything)
I only have used finder methods that SHOULD be repeat-searching for the default time for the element to appear (page.find, page.has_css?, etc)before attempting the .click action. What I have found is that after the login happens, and while the nav is loading, the test just seems to fail with element not found. The page.find does NOT seem to continue to search for 15 seconds before failing - instead, the login happens, then a second later I get a fail with element not found.
I have tried passing a wait into the find (example: page.find(some element, wait:15).click . This runs into the same problem as above where it doesn't seem to continue searching for 15 seconds for the element to appear and then click it.
What does seem to work is adding in sleeps before searching for an element (example: login, sleep(5), page.find(something).click).
Unfortunately I'm having this same problem with other elements all over in the app - for example a div may have a bunch of cards in it. When a new card is added it takes 2-3 seconds to show up in the list (probably due to sending out the card info to the database, and refreshing the cards on the page). If I try and page.find immediately after adding a card, the test will almost immediately fail with an element not found message. If I add the card, sleep(3), THEN try page.find, it will find it.
I can't just add sleep all over the place in the app, because its huge and it would slow down the tests immensely. I think I've tried all the typically suggested fixes for asynchronous loading. Any idea what is going on here and what I can do to fix it
editing to add some requested code.
I'm using capybara 3.2.
We are using a bit of a page object style framework so I"ll try and post the actual test with its methods in bold and helper methods nested in it.
Its getting caught in the before action of this particular feature on the final method to click on the sidebar. I'm a little limited on what I can show, but I think this will make sense....
The actual before action:
before do
# this instantiates an instance of the framework and helper methods and # goes to the app url
**app.login.full_login(app.username('Some User'), app.password)**
# def full_login(user, pass)
# enter_email(user)
# def enter_email(user)
# return if already_logged_in?
# def already_logged_in?
# page.has_css?("a[href*='/me']", wait: false)
# end
# fill_field('email', user)
# def fill_field(field, text)
# sleep 0.1
# page.find("input[type=#{field}]").send_keys text
# end
# click_button 'Log In'
# def click_button(text)
# page.click_on text
# end
# end
# login_using_second_auth(user, pass)
# def login_using_second_auth(user, pass)
# page.fill_in 'username', with: user
# page.fill_in 'password', with: pass
# click_button 'Sign In'
# end
# end
app.nav.click_sidebar_link('Admin Account', 'Admin')
# def click_sidebar_link(link, section)
# sleep(2)
# page.find('div[class^=app__wrapper] > div > div > div', text:
# section)
# .find('span[class^=nav-item]', text: link).click
# end
Sorry that looks so messy, but I think you guys can make sense of it.
The test is flaky so after running it a few times I can't get the exact error, but its usually element not found on the span with the text Admin

Wait on a text to be appear in SitePrism Capybara Framework

I tried to wait on a text before perform any action by follows SitePrism URL in this section>> "Methods Supporting Capybara Options".
#page.wait_until_<Element>_visible :text => "Some Text!!!"
But i am getting below error:
undefined method `zero?' for {:text=>"Some Text!!!"}:Hash (NoMethodError)
Why i am getting this error? Am i doing something wrong?
Looking at the site_prism code - the generated method takes a timeout, and the options. It seems like you need to pass the timeout value if you want to pass other options
wait_until_<Element>_visible <timeout value in seconds>, text: "Some Text!!!"
Seems like an error in the documentation, or some old defaulting behavior was removed or something
Old question
For those still hitting this SO answer, this has been remedied in v3 of the API and is no longer an issue. See:
wait_for_ methods now no longer exist, and you should just implicitly wait by calling element i.e. my_button
If you want it to wait, you can modify the Capybara.default_wait_time or pass in a wait key i.e. my_button(wait: 3)

Is there any difference between visit 'route' and visit '/route' in Capybara?

The following test would sometimes fail:
it 'can create a new item' do
visit 'items/new'
within 'form#item-form' do
fill_in 'Name', with: 'Item'
click_button 'Create'
assert page.has_content?('Item')
I put a puts page.html before the within block and found out that sometimes the page would be a clear 'Not found' page. I'm using Capybara's default web driver Rack::Test.
Is there any difference between visit 'route' and visit '/route' in Capybara?
Yes there can be a difference in a number of cases depending on things like whether you've specified Capybara.app_host, already visited a url in the current test, etc. Basically if you want to go to /items/new specify /items/new
You can see the relevant code when using rack-test here and here . The other drivers all have similar behavior, so only use relative paths if you really understand what you're doing and need relative paths
On a secondary note, you should get away from doing direct assertions on current_path. It will work fine while you're using rack-test since all clicks on submits, links, etc are synchronous - but if/when you move to using a JS capable driver those actions are no longer guaranteed synchronous so you'll end up comparing current_path before it's actually changed. You should get used to using something along the lines of
assert page.has_current_path?('/items')
since that will use Capybaras waiting behavior while confirming the current path
