How to Specify a diagonal matrix using tf.get_variable - matrix

I am trying to create a diagonal matrix using tf.get_variable
But I do not know how!
Like I can make a variable which is a diagonal matrix like:
dia_size = tf.zeros((num_filters, img_size))
b = tf.Variable(tf.matrix_diag(dia_size), name=name)
b = tf.reshape(b, [-1, img_size, img_size, num_filters])
but I can not do it with tf.get_variable.
Thanks for your help in advance!

If you set the initializer parameter of tf.get_variable to a tensor, the variable will be initialized to the tensor's value. Therefore, you can use the following code:
dia_size = tf.zeros((num_filters, img_size))
b = tf.matrix_diag(dia_size)
var = tf.get_variable(..., initializer=b, ...)


Can I put multiple functions into one matrix using iteration in Julia?

I am new to Julia and trying to see whether I can put different functions as an element of a Mtrix
I constructed a matrix B (2x2)
And I want to put function,for example, x^1 + 1x as a (1,1) element, x^1 + 2x as a (1,2) element, x^2 + 1x as a (2,1) element and x^2 + 2x as a (2,2) element
I was planning to do something like as below but couldn't find a way to implement this. Is it possible to make such Matrix?
B = Array{Function}(undef,2,2)
agrid = 1:1:2
dgrid = 1:1:2
for(i_a,a) in enumerate(agrid)
for(i_d,d) in enumerate(dgrid)
B[i_a,i_d](x) = x^a+d*x
The reason I want to construct this matrix is to solve the following model.
I need to solve the equation with two variables 'm' and 'n' given 'a' and 'd'.
And I thought if I have a matrix consisting of each function with all possible combinations of 'a' and 'd'(in the sample code, the possible combination would be (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2)), then it would be easier to solve the model at once.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Yes it's possible. You could insert Functions one by one into the B you have. In this case, there's a pattern so you could have built B with anonymous functions and comprehension:
M = 2
N = 2
x = 10
B = [ ((y) -> (y^a + b*y)) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result1 = x .|> B # result1[i] = B[i](x)
I'd rather not tie the array's indices to the functions though; you would have to keep making a new Function matrix for different M and N. Instead, you could make a more memory-efficient CartesianIndices matrix and use a function that takes in CartesianIndex:
# memory-efficient matrix of CartesianIndex{2}
indices = CartesianIndices((M,N))
# if x were an MxN Matrix, you could also do CartesianIndices(x)
f(y, a, b) = y^a + b*y
g(z, index::CartesianIndex{2}) = f(z, index[1], index[2])
result2 = g.(x, indices) # result2[i] = g(x, indices[i])
As an aside, it appears that in the anonymous function comprehension used to create my B, only 1 actual method is compiled, and each element is similar to an instance of a functor with a and b as fields:
struct P{A,B} <: Function # subtype Function to be similar to B
(p::P)(y) = y^(p.a) + (p.b)*x
PB = [P(a, b) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result3 = x .|> PB # result3[i] = PB[i](x) = P(a, b)(x)

How can I manually convert a covariance matrix into a correlation matrix?

My function for covariance matrix:
my_covariance <- function (x=my_data[, c(“attdrug”, “atthouse”, “timedrs”, log10.ltimedrs”, “income”, “emplmnt”, “race”, “mstatus”)]){
cm= colMeans(x)
D = as.matrix(t(x) - cm))
D = t(D)
S = 1/(n-1)*crossprod(D,D)}
My code for correlation from the covariance matrix:
S = my_covariance()
D = 1/sqrt(diag(S))
R = D%*%S%*%D
But instead of R giving me a correlation matrix, I get a number? What am I doing wrong?
Your D is a vector while it should be a diagonal matrix. You can convert it to a diagonal matrix with D = diag(D).
Your last two lines should look like these.
D = diag(1/sqrt(diag(S)))
R = D%*%S%*%D
You can check your solution works correctly by comparing it to the result given by cov2cor(S) from R package stats.

How to multiply tensors in MATLAB without looping?

Suppose I have:
A = rand(1,10,3);
B = rand(10,16);
And I want to get:
C(:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B;
Can I somehow multiply this in a single line so that it is faster?
What if I create new tensor b like this
for i = 1:3
b(:,:,i) = B;
Can I multiply A and b to get the same C but faster? Time taken in creation of b by the loop above doesn't matter since I will be needing C for many different A-s while B stays the same.
Permute the dimensions of A and B and then apply matrix multiplication:
C = B.'*permute(A, [2 3 1]);
If A is a true 3D array, something like A = rand(4,10,3) and assuming that B stays as a 2D array, then each A(:,:,1)*B would yield a 2D array.
So, assuming that you want to store those 2D arrays as slices in the third dimension of output array, C like so -
C(:,:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B; and so on.
To solve this in a vectorized manner, one of the approaches would be to use reshape A into a 2D array merging the first and third dimensions and then performing matrix-muliplication. Finally, to bring the output size same as the earlier listed C, we need a final step of reshaping.
The implementation would look something like this -
%// Get size and then the final output C
[m,n,r] = size(A);
out = permute(reshape(reshape(permute(A,[1 3 2]),[],n)*B,m,r,[]),[1 3 2]);
Sample run -
>> A = rand(4,10,3);
B = rand(10,16);
C(:,:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B;
>> [m,n,r] = size(A);
out = permute(reshape(reshape(permute(A,[1 3 2]),[],n)*B,m,r,[]),[1 3 2]);
>> all(C(:)==out(:)) %// Verify results
ans =
As per the comments, if A is a 3D array with always a singleton dimension at the start, you can just use squeeze and then matrix-multiplication like so -
C = B.'*squeeze(A)
EDIT: #LuisMendo points out that this is indeed possible for this specific use case. However, it is not (in general) possible if the first dimension of A is not 1.
I've grappled with this for a while now, and I've never been able to come up with a solution. Performing element-wise calculations is made nice by bsxfun, but tensor multiplication is something which is woefully unsupported. Sorry, and good luck!
You can check out this mathworks file exchange file, which will make it easier for you and supports the behavior you're looking for, but I believe that it relies on loops as well. Edit: it relies on MEX/C++, so it isn't a pure MATLAB solution if that's what you're looking for.
I have to agree with #GJSein, the for loop is really fast
0.7050 0.3145
Here's the timer function
function time
n = 1E7;
A = rand(1,n,3);
B = rand(n,16);
t = [];
C = {};
C{length(C)+1} = squeeze(cell2mat(cellfun(#(x) x*B,num2cell(A,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false)));
t(length(t)+1) = toc;
for i = 1:size(A,3)
C{length(C)+1}(:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B;
t(length(t)+1) = toc;

Am I using a wrong numerical method?

This is the code:
f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
feval(symengine, 'numeric::solve',strcat(char(f),'=1'),'t=-4..16','AllRealRoots')
If I remove 'AllRealRoots' option it works fast and finds a solution, but when I enable the option Matlab does not finish for an hour. Am I using a wrong numerical method?
First, straight from the documentation for numeric::solve:
If eqs is a non-polynomial/non-rational equation or a set or list containing such an equation, then the equations and the appropriate optional arguments are passed to the numerical solver numeric::fsolve.
So, as your equation f is non-polynomial, you should probably call numeric::fsolve directly. However, even with the 'MultiSolutions' it fails to return more than one root over your range (A bug perhaps? – I'm using R2013b). A workaround is to call numeric::realroots to get bounds on each of the district real roots in your range and then solve for them separately:
f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
r = feval(symengine, 'numeric::realroots', f==1, 't = -4 .. 16');
num_roots = numel(r);
T = zeros(num_roots,1); % Wrap in sym or vpa for higher precision output
syms t;
for i = 1:num_roots
bnds = r(i);
ri = feval(symengine, '_range', bnds(1), bnds(2));
s = feval(symengine, 'numeric::fsolve', f==1, t==ri);
T(i) = feval(symengine, 'rhs', s(1));
The resultant solution vector, T, is double-precision (allocate it as sym or vpa you want higher precision):
T =
You may be able to remove the for loop if you can figure out how to cleanly pass in the output of 'numeric::realroots' to 'numeric::fsolve' in one go (it's doable, but may require converting stuf to strings unless you're clever).
Another (possibly even faster) approach is to switch to using the numeric (floating-point) function fzero for the second half after you bound all of the roots:
f = dsolve('D3y+12*Dy+y = 0 ,y(2) = 1 ,Dy(2) = 1, D2y(2) = -1');
r = feval(symengine, 'numeric::realroots', f==1, 't = -4 .. 16');
num_roots = numel(r);
T = zeros(num_roots,1);
g = matlabFunction(f-1); % Create anonymous function from f
for i = 1:num_roots
bnds = double(r(i));
T(i) = fzero(g,bnds);
I checked and, for your problem here and using the default tolerances, the resultant T is within a few times machine epsilon (eps) of the numeric::fsolve' solution.

How to apply HoldForm to a list of variables without the variables in the list being evaluated first?

I am writing a debug function, which prints a variable name, and its value. I call this debug function with a list of variables from anywhere in the program. So the idea is for it to work like this:
debug[var_List] := Module[{values = ReleaseHold[var], i},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[values], i++,
Print[var[[i]], " = ", values[[i]]]
Now I use the above, like this
x = 3; y = 5;
debug[{HoldForm[x], HoldForm[y]}]
and I see in the console the following
x = 3
y = 5
But I have a large program and long list of variables at different places I want to debug. And I do not want to type HoldForm to each variable to make up the list to call the debug[] function. Much easier to Map it if possible. Less typing each time. But this does not work:
debug[ Map[HoldForm,{x,y}]]
The reason is that {x,y} was evaluated before HoldForm got hold of it. So I end up with a list that has the values in it, like this:
3 = 3
5 = 5
I could not find a way to Map HoldForm without the list being evaluated.
The best I could find is this:
debug[HoldForm[Defer[{x, y}]]]
which gives the following output from the above debug[] function:
{x,y} = {3,5}
Since Defer[{x, y}] has length 1, and it is just one thing, I could not break it up to make a 2 column list like in the above example.
It will be better if I can get an output of the form
x = 3
y = 5
easier to match the variable with its value since I have many variables.
question is: Any one knows of a programming trick to convert HoldForm[{x,y}] to {HoldForm[x],HoldForm[y]}
Just use Thread:
Thread[HoldForm[{x, y}]]
Map[HoldForm, Unevaluated[{x, y}]]
Here is a longer alternative demonstrating use of Hold, found in Roman Maeder's Programming In Mathematica (3rd ed.), page 137:
e1 = Hold[{x, y}];
e2 = MapAt[Hold, e1, {1, 0}];
e3 = Map[HoldForm, e2, {2}];
e4 = MapAt[ReleaseHold, First[e3], {0}];
I did a PrintIt function using attributes that does what you want. I posted it here, I repeat the code:
SetAttributes[System`ShowIt, HoldAll];
System`ShowIt[code__] := System`ShowIt[{code}];
System`ShowIt[code_] :=
With[{y = code},
Print[Defer[code = y]];
SetAttributes[System`PrintIt, {HoldAll,Listable}];
System`PrintIt[expr_] := System`ShowIt[expr];
