Can I put multiple functions into one matrix using iteration in Julia? - matrix

I am new to Julia and trying to see whether I can put different functions as an element of a Mtrix
I constructed a matrix B (2x2)
And I want to put function,for example, x^1 + 1x as a (1,1) element, x^1 + 2x as a (1,2) element, x^2 + 1x as a (2,1) element and x^2 + 2x as a (2,2) element
I was planning to do something like as below but couldn't find a way to implement this. Is it possible to make such Matrix?
B = Array{Function}(undef,2,2)
agrid = 1:1:2
dgrid = 1:1:2
for(i_a,a) in enumerate(agrid)
for(i_d,d) in enumerate(dgrid)
B[i_a,i_d](x) = x^a+d*x
The reason I want to construct this matrix is to solve the following model.
I need to solve the equation with two variables 'm' and 'n' given 'a' and 'd'.
And I thought if I have a matrix consisting of each function with all possible combinations of 'a' and 'd'(in the sample code, the possible combination would be (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2)), then it would be easier to solve the model at once.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Yes it's possible. You could insert Functions one by one into the B you have. In this case, there's a pattern so you could have built B with anonymous functions and comprehension:
M = 2
N = 2
x = 10
B = [ ((y) -> (y^a + b*y)) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result1 = x .|> B # result1[i] = B[i](x)
I'd rather not tie the array's indices to the functions though; you would have to keep making a new Function matrix for different M and N. Instead, you could make a more memory-efficient CartesianIndices matrix and use a function that takes in CartesianIndex:
# memory-efficient matrix of CartesianIndex{2}
indices = CartesianIndices((M,N))
# if x were an MxN Matrix, you could also do CartesianIndices(x)
f(y, a, b) = y^a + b*y
g(z, index::CartesianIndex{2}) = f(z, index[1], index[2])
result2 = g.(x, indices) # result2[i] = g(x, indices[i])
As an aside, it appears that in the anonymous function comprehension used to create my B, only 1 actual method is compiled, and each element is similar to an instance of a functor with a and b as fields:
struct P{A,B} <: Function # subtype Function to be similar to B
(p::P)(y) = y^(p.a) + (p.b)*x
PB = [P(a, b) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result3 = x .|> PB # result3[i] = PB[i](x) = P(a, b)(x)


How to extract optimization problem matrices A,b,c using JuMP in Julia

I create an optimization model in Julia-JuMP using the symbolic variables and constraints e.g. below
using JuMP
using CPLEX
# model
Mod = Model(CPLEX.Optimizer)
# sets
I = 1:2;
# Variables
x = #variable( Mod , [I] , base_name = "x" )
y = #variable( Mod , [I] , base_name = "y" )
# constraints
Con1 = #constraint( Mod , [i in I] , 2 * x[i] + 3 * y[i] <= 100 )
# objective
ObjFun = #objective( Mod , Max , sum( x[i] + 2 * y[i] for i in I) ) ;
# solve
I guess JuMP creates the problem in the form minimize c'*x subj to Ax < b before it is passes to the solver CPLEX. I want to extract the matrices A,b,c. In the above example I would expect something like:
2×4 Array{Int64,2}:
2 0 3 0
0 2 0 3
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
In MATLAB the function prob2struct can do this
In there a JuMP function that can do this?
This is not easily possible as far as I am aware.
The problem is stored in the underlying MathOptInterface (MOI) specific data structures. For example, constraints are always stored as MOI.AbstractFunction - in - MOI.AbstractSet. The same is true for the MOI.ObjectiveFunction. (see MOI documentation:
You can however, try to recompute the objective function terms and the constraints in matrix-vector-form.
For example, assuming you still have your JuMP.Model Mod, you can examine the objective function closer by typing:
using MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
# this only works if you have a linear objective function (the model has a ScalarAffineFunction as its objective)
obj = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}())
# take a look at the terms
# from this you could extract your vector c
c = zeros(4)
for term in obj.terms
c[term.variable_index.value] = term.coefficient
This gives indeed: c = [1.;1.;2.;2.].
You can do something similar for the underlying MOI.constraints.
# list all the constraints present in the model
cons = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ListOfConstraints())
in this case we only have one type of constraint, i.e. (MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64} in MOI.LessThan{Float64})
# get the constraint indices for this combination of F(unction) in S(et)
F = cons[1][1]
S = cons[1][2]
ci = MOI.get(Mod, MOI.ListOfConstraintIndices{F,S}())
You get two constraint indices (stored in the array ci), because there are two constraints for this combination F - in - S.
Let's examine the first one of them closer:
ci1 = ci[1]
# to get the function and set corresponding to this constraint (index):
moi_backend = backend(Mod)
f = MOI.get(moi_backend, MOI.ConstraintFunction(), ci1)
f is again of type MOI.ScalarAffineFunction which corresponds to one row a1 in your A = [a1; ...; am] matrix. The row is given by:
a1 = zeros(4)
for term in f.terms
a1[term.variable_index.value] = term.coefficient
#show(a1) # gives [2.0 0 3.0 0] (the first row of your A matrix)
To get the corresponding first entry b1 of your b = [b1; ...; bm] vector, you have to look at the constraint set of that same constraint index ci1:
s = MOI.get(moi_backend, MOI.ConstraintSet(), ci1)
#show(s) # MathOptInterface.LessThan{Float64}(100.0)
b1 = s.upper
I hope this gives you some intuition on how the data is stored in MathOptInterface format.
You would have to do this for all constraints and all constraint types and stack them as rows in your constraint matrix A and vector b.
Use the following lines:
using NLPModelsJuMP
nlp = MathOptNLPModel(model) # the input "< model >" is the name of the model you created by JuMP before with variables and constraints (and optionally the objective function) attached to it.
x = zeros(nlp.meta.nvar)
b = NLPModelsJuMP.grad(nlp, x)
A = Matrix(NLPModelsJuMP.jac(nlp, x))
I didn't try it myself. But the MathProgBase package seems to be able to provide A, b, and c in matrix form.

Why do Extra Function Calls Speed Up a Program in Python?

If I extract a computation and place it in another function shouldn't
the code be slower? Evidently not. Below, I can't believe fun2 is slower
than fun1, because fun1 clearly does more computation. What is going on?
(Maybe I can have functions call functions call function and REALLY speed
up my code.)
Python code:
MAX = 10000000
def fun1(): # 4.26 seconds.
def multiply (X, Y): # multiply two 2x2 matrices
a, b, c, d = X
e, f, g, h = Y
return a*e+b*g, a*f+b*h, c*e+d*g, c*f+d*h
X = [1,2,3,4]
Y = [5,6,7,8]
for n in range (MAX):
Z = multiply (X, Y) # Make the call
return Z
def fun2(): # 6.56 seconds.
X = [1,2,3,4]
Y = [5,6,7,8]
for n in range (MAX):
Z = X[0]*Y[0] + X[1]*Y[2], \
X[0]*Y[1] + X[1]*Y[3], \
X[2]*Y[0] + X[3]*Y[2], \
X[2]*Y[1] + X[3]*Y[3] # Don't make the call.
return Z
I'm not sure, but I think it might be that
a,b,c,d = X
and then referencing a,b,c and d directly is faster that referencing X[0] (and so on).
Every index in list is another lookup, while a,b,c,d=X is only one lookup (I think).
I finally figured out my own question. The function dispensed with square brackets, and that is where the speed increase came from, not from the function call itself. A Python list contains both values and bit-sizes (or addresses, I don't know which). To access x[3], the computer goes to address x reads the address of x[1], moves there, reads the address of x[2], moves there, reads the address of x[3], moves there and finally accesses the value. This takes time and can be speeded up by assigning the list elements to simple identifiers.

find all indices of multiple value pairs in a matrix

Suppose I have a matrix A, containing possible value pairs and a matrix B, containing all value pairs:
A = [1,1;2,2;3,3];
B = [1,1;3,4;2,2;1,1];
I would like to create a matrix C that contains all pairs that are allowed by A (i.e. C = [1,1;2,2;1,1]).
Using C = ismember(A,B,'rows') will only show the first occurence of 1,1, but I need both.
Currently I use a for-loop to create C, which looks like:
TFtot = false(size(B(:,1,1),1);
for i = 1:size(a(:,1),1)
TF1 = A(i,1) == B(:,1) & A(i,2) = B(:,2);
TFtot = TF1 | TFtot;
C = B(TFtot,:);
I would like to create a faster approach, because this loop currently greatly slows down the algorithm.
You're pretty close. You just need to swap B and A, then use this output to index into B:
L = ismember(B, A, 'rows');
C = B(L,:);
How ismember works in this particular case is that it outputs a logical vector that has the same number of rows as B where the ith value in B tells you whether we have found this ith row somewhere in A (logical 1) or if we haven't found this row (logical 0).
You want to select out those entries in B that are seen in A, and so you simply use the output of ismember to slice into B to extract out the affected rows, and grab all of the columns.
We get for C:
>> C
C =
1 1
2 2
1 1
Here's an alternative using bsxfun:
C = B(all(any(bsxfun(#eq, B, permute(A, [3 2 1])),3),2),:);
Or you could use pdist2 (Statistics Toolbox):
Using matrix-multiplication based euclidean distance calculations -
Bt = B.'; %//'
[m,n] = size(A);
dists = [A.^2 ones(size(A)) -2*A ]*[ones(size(Bt)) ; Bt.^2 ; Bt];
C = B(any(dists==0,1),:);

MATLAB vectorization: creating a cell array of neighbor index arrays

I have a logical matrix X of n points, where X(i, j) == 1 if points i and j are neighbors and 0 otherwise.
I would like to create a cell array Y with each entry Y{i} (i from 1 to n) containing an array with the indeces of point i's neighbors.
In other words, I would like to vectorize the following:
n = 10;
X = (rand(n, n) < 0.5);
Y = cell(1, 10);
for i = 1:10
[Y{i}] = find(X(i, :));
As one approach you can use accumarray -
[R,C] = find(X.') %//'
Y = accumarray(C(:),R(:),[],#(x) {x})
If you need each cell to be a row vector, you need to add one transpose there with x, like so -
Y = accumarray(C(:),R(:),[],#(x) {x.'})
As another approach, you can also use arrayfun, but I don't think this would be a vectorized solution -
Y = arrayfun(#(n) R(C==n),1:max(C),'Uni',0)
If you don't care about the order of elements in each cell, you can avoid the transpose of X to get R and C like so -
[R,C] = find(X)
Then, interchange the positions of R and C with the accumarray and arrayfun based approaches as listed earlier.
Here's some more voodoo:
Y = mat2cell(nonzeros(bsxfun(#times, X, 1:size(X,1)).').', 1, sum(X,2));
The most important function here is bsxfun. To see how the code works, I suggest you observe partial results from innermost outwards: first bsxfun(#times, X, 1:size(X,1)).', then nonzeros(...), etc.

numpy: evaluating function in matrix, using previous array as argument in calculating the next

I have an m x n array: a, where the integers m > 1E6, and n <= 5.
I have functions F and G, which are composed like this: F( u, G ( u, t)). u is a 1 x n array, t is a scalar, and F and G returns 1 x n arrays.
I need to evaluate each row of a in F, and use previously evaluated row as the u-array for the next evaluation. I need to make m such evaluations.
This has to be really fast. I was previously impressed by scitools.std StringFunction evaluaion for a whole array, but this problem requires using the previously calculated array as an argument in calculating the next. I don't know if StringFunction can do this.
For example:
a = zeros((1000000, 4))
a[0] = asarray([1.,69.,3.,4.1])
# A is a float defined elsewhere, h is a function which accepts a float as its argument and returns an arbitrary float. h is defined elsewhere.
def G(u, t):
return asarray([u[0], u[1]*A, cos(u[2]), t*h(u[3])])
def F(u, t):
return u + G(u, t)
dt = 1E-6
for i in range(1, 1000000):
a[i] = F(a[i-1], i*dt)
i += 1
The problem with the above code is that it is slow as hell. I need to get these calculations done by numpy milliseconds.
How can I do what I want?
Thank you for our time.
Kind regards,
This sort of thing is very difficult to do in numpy. If we look at this by column we see a few simpler solutions.
a[:,0] is very easy:
col0 = np.ones((1000))*2
col0[0] = 1 #Or whatever start value.
np.cumprod(col0, out=col0)
np.allclose(col0, a[:1000,0])
As mentioned earlier this will overflow very quickly. a[:,1] can be done much along the same lines.
I do not believe there is a way to do the next two columns inside numpy alone quickly. We can turn to numba for this:
from numba import auotojit
def python_loop(start, count):
out = np.zeros((count), dtype=np.double)
out[0] = start
for x in xrange(count-1):
out[x+1] = out[x] + np.cos(out[x+1])
return out
numba_loop = autojit(python_loop)
%timeit python_loop(3,1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 4.14 s per loop
%timeit numba_loop(3,1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 42.5 ms per loop
Although its worth pointing out that this converges to pi/2 very very quickly and there is little point in calculating this recursion past ~20 values for any start value. This returns the exact same answer to double point precision- I didn't bother finding the cutoff, but it is much less then 50:
%timeit tmp = np.empty((1000000));
tmp[:50] = numba_loop(3,50);
tmp[50:] = np.pi/2
100 loops, best of 3: 2.25 ms per loop
You can do something similar with the fourth column. Of course you can autojit all of the functions, but this gives you several different options to try out depending on numba usage:
Use cumprod for the first two columns
Use an approximation for column 3 (and possible 4) where only the first few iterations are calculated
Implement columns 3 and 4 in numba using autojit
Wrap everything inside of an autojit loop (the best option)
The way you have presented this all rows past ~200 will either be np.inf or np.pi/2. Exploit this.
Slightly faster. Your first column is basicly 2^n. Calculating 2^n for n up to 1000000 is gonna overflow.. second column is even worse.
def calc(arr, t0=1E-6):
u = arr[0]
dt = 1E-6
h = lambda x: np.random.random(1)*50.0
def firstColGen(uStart):
u = uStart
while True:
u += u
yield u
def secondColGen(uStart, A):
u = uStart
while True:
u += u*A
yield u
def thirdColGen(uStart):
u = uStart
while True:
u += np.cos(u)
yield u
def fourthColGen(uStart, h, t0, dt):
u = uStart
t = t0
while True:
u += h(u) * dt
t += dt
yield u
first = firstColGen(u[0])
second = secondColGen(u[1], A)
third = thirdColGen(u[2])
fourth = fourthColGen(u[3], h, t0, dt)
for i in xrange(1, len(arr)):
arr[i] = [,,,]
