Resolving a Slack user ID without mentioning the user - slack

According to the Slack docs, I should use <#W123> syntax. However, this turns into #joe, which alerts joe that someone messaged them. Is there any syntax like <W123> that resolves to just the user's display name?
(I am aware that I could use, but so far I've avoided making any API calls and I was hoping I could keep that going.)

Got a response from #SlackAPI on Twitter. Unfortunately, there is no markdown-y way to do this. On the plus side, they have a good sense of humor.


Get Slack channel where app is integrated

I might be missing something really simple but don't seem to find the solution.
I have created a quick and simple app which is meant to do some processing every morning and then send some logs to Slack.
I have been perfectly able to do so using Incoming Webhooks. Cool. The "problem" is that it requires me to set it up from the app settings (aka it obviously makes me define a specific channel for the Webhook so I can have the specific URL) and that's something I like a bit less.
I thought it'd be easier if I can just add/integrate the app on a channel using the Slack UI so I don't have to worry about having to know beforehand the channel(s) ID where the message has to go to and also any other user would be able to integrate in any other channel they consider.
I have integrated it on my testing channel (all good) and tested chat.postMessage (all good) but it still needs the channel (obviously). However, using conversations.list lists ALL channels and that's the opposite of what I'm looking for.
I need a way of getting just those channels where the app is integrated so I can post the message to those and only those.
Is this something that Slack doesn't allow or I'm just missing something very obvious here?
I hope it makes sense and someone can shed some light on this :)
You can use users.conversations method to get list conversations the calling user/bot may access.
Use Bot token to call the API.
Use type argument to search public, private, mpim & im conversations
Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of public_channel, private_channel, mpim, im

Hubot Slack scripting

I just got into developing my Slack bot, but I don't know (yet) how to do certain things, or if they're even possible.
What I basically want (for example) is that the bot gets my Slack username and returns it to me.
If I would know how to do this, I could integrate much more interesting things into my bot. I did check the documentation, but (as far as I could see) there was nothing on this subject.
Another thing I want to achieve is making the bot do a call to my custom API.
If anyone would give me a helping hand (example/link to some great examples/documentation for example) I would greatly appreciate it!
I managed yesterday to get the information from Slack using a debug command (console.log Object(msg)). This gave me all the information I wanted.

Is it possible to build this app for Quickbooks?

I use intuit merchant services - customers pay me with credit card after I send them an email with a link to pay, and everything works with no problem. However, my problem is that the link webpage structure is very outdated and some customers have told me that it doesn't look trustworthy, which I have to agree.
Is there any solution to this, like creating a user interface or a app that I can actually have developed to make this links a little bit more to look like my website so customers don't feel they ever left my website?
You should be careful with this idea. I am not a legal professional and am in no way attempting to give legal advice, but doing what you are suggesting can be illegal in some cases. Some sites disguise their payment screens in a similar way for malicious purposes in a manner called phishing, and there may be little legal differentiation between doing so with good or ill intent.
I don't think this is possible but here is what you actually can do:
Ask your Payment-Website about an API, then you might be able to change the layout.
Inform your customers about the situation and that they will be redirected of whatever you do.
Get a SSL-Cert for your website.
Find another way to receive payments in a trustworthy way

Twitter - how to get user's timeline

My app, in one of its parts, should reproduce the same behaviour as a web page, where you can find a section with a table of Twitter posts, I guess they are a user's timeline. I took a look at Twitter api's and I found a call which could return it, but, If I got it right, you are supposed to be authenticated with that user credentials. Is there a way to achieve it without being that user (thus without using that user's credentials)? If not we have to assume that web plugins have more flexibility than queries which return xml, or json? Which kind of approach fits best, considering the app needs to support iOS from 4.3 to 6.x? Does Twitter+Oauth provide more flexibility than direct Twitter api calls?
Hm, if you are looking to just display user's feed you can do it as simple as:
Where you change the screen_name to the desired user that you want to show the feeds for.
No need what so ever to use authentication for this.
Not sure if this is what you want to achieve, but I use this approach to show random user's tweet feed.

can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site?

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.
Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)
Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.
