laravel guzzle return iframe data with status code 200. - laravel

laravel guzzle return iframe data with status code 200
<html style="height:100%"><head><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"><meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3"></script></head><body style="margin:0px;height:100%"><iframe src="/_Incapsula_Resource?CWUDNSAI=18&xinfo=3-4046903-0%200NNN%20RT%281512629675030%20501%29%20q%280%20-1%20-1%200%29%20r%280%20-1%29%20B16%288%2c881023%2c0%29%20U10000&incident_id=406002440012479652-17972015798816579&edet=16&cinfo=08000000" frameborder=0 width="100%" height="100%" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px">Request unsuccessful. Incapsula incident ID: 406002440012479652-17972015798816579</iframe></body></html>
But it work fine if we enter the url in browser or hit url via postman

Try this,
$client = new Client();
$api_response = $client->get('');
$responses = $api_response->getBody();
$responses = json_decode($responses, true);
// do stuff with response


Spring Boot AJAX call API

I tried write code for ajax call api from controller. I want ajax get content of link api. I have trouble write code ajax. Please help me write this code with ajax
public String hello (){
return "Hello World";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<button type="submit" name ="clickPost"></button>
I want when I click button, website return strings Hello World. Please help me write code ajax execute this request, i'm newbie. If my code controller has error, please change it help me. Thanks
Your is fine (only missing '}' ). There is actualy no ajax call from your index.html.
It can look somethink like that:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function callAPI() {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};"GET", "/api/hello", true);
<button onClick="callAPI()">Click me</button>
Depending on your particular environment you still might need to update the API URL in javascript or enabling CORS. Check these links

Laravel Request cookie doesn't show JS created Cookies

I'm using JS-Cookie for setting a Cookie via the front-end.
Why can't I access it in my Laravel 5.8 application with:
dd(request()->cookies)? The Cookie is visible with the name, but the value is null. But when I do try to get the Value of the Cookie via the "normal" way, I do get the value: dd($_COOKIE['the-cookie-value-i-want']);.
How can I access the value of the Cookie via the "Laravel-way"? Which is more secure.
I know this is an old question, but you can disable encryption for specific cookies instead of disabling it for everything (which would break secure sessions).
Edit the \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies class to include the following:
* The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted.
* #var array
protected $except = [
You can now access the cookie value via request()->cookie() or the Cookie::get() facade.
Only cookie created by laravel can handle by laravel.
Now here is the way you can achieve this
Go to : app > Http > Kernal.php : under $middlewareGroups array comment this
'web' => [
And then try
Here is the demo
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
{{ Cookie::get('cookie1') }}
{{ request()->cookie('cookie1') }}
<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie = 'cookie1=test; path=/'

HtmlAgility - dealing with in-between html

Lets say I have a website "". I call the following line
// Pass html content of the to a string
string htmlCode = client.DownloadString("");
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
For some websites I have the exact html I want. But some sites return a html consist of forms, or with an empty body and some kind of scripts.
Example for script one:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<meta http-equiv="CacheControl" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">
var securemsg;
var dosl7_common;
window["bobcmn"] = "111110111110102000000022000000052000000002a4b927ad200000096300000000300000000300000006/TSPD/300000008TSPD_101300000005https200000000200000000";
window.hQv=!!window.hQv;try{(function(){try{var __,i_,j_=1,O_=1,z_=1,s_=1,S_=1,Ji=1,li=1,oi=1,si=1;for(var Si=0;Si<i_;++Si)j_+=2,O_+=2,z_+=2,s_+=2,S_+=2,Ji+=2,li+=2,oi+=2,si+=3;__=j_+O_+z_+s_+S_+Ji+li+oi+si;window.SL===__&&(window.SL=++__)}catch(JI){window.SL=__}var OI=!0;function SI(_){_&&(OI=!1,document.cookie="brav=ad");return OI}function _j(){}SI(window[]===_j);SI("function"!==typeof ie9rgb4);SI(/\x3c/.test(function(){return"\x3c"})&!/x3d/.test(function(){return"'x3'+'d';"}));
var ij=window.attachEvent||/mobi/i.test(window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),Ij=+new Date+6E5,Jj,lj,Oj=setTimeout,zj=ij?3E4:6E3;function Zj(){if(!document.querySelector)return!0;var _=+new Date,l=_>Ij;if(l)return SI(!1);l=lj&&Jj+zj<_;l=SI(l);Jj=_;lj||(lj=!0,Oj(function(){lj=!1},1));return l}Zj();var sj=[17795081,27611931586,1558153217];
function Sj(_){_="string"===typeof _?_:_.toString(36);var l=window[_];if(!l.toString)return;var O=""+l;window[_]=function(_,O){lj=!1;return l(_,O)};window[_].toString=function(){return O}}for(var si=0;si<sj.length;++si)Sj(sj[si]);SI(!1!==window.hQv);
(function iJ(){if(!Zj())return;var l=!1;function O(l){for(var z=0;l--;)z+=Z(document.documentElement,null);return z}function Z(l,z){var O="vi";z=z||new s;return o_(l,function(l){l.setAttribute("data-"+O,z._s());return Z(l,z)},null)}function s(){this.Lz=1;this.Jz=0;;this.c=null;this._s=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.c))return this.reset(),this._s();;;this.c=null;return};this.reset=function(){this.Lz++;this.Jz=0;}}
var S=!1;function z(l,z){if(!Zj())return;var O=document.createElement(l);z=z||document.body;z.appendChild(O);O&&"none");Zj()}function J_(z,O){if(!Zj())return;O=O||z;var Z="|";function s(l){l=l.split(Z);var z=[];for(var O=0;O<l.length;++O){var S="",I_=l[O].split(",");for(var J_=0;J_<I_.length;++J_)S+=I_[J_][J_];z.push(S)}return z}var J_=0,o_="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";
o_.split(Z);o_=s(o_);o_=new RegExp(o_.join(Z),"g");while(o_.exec(z))o_=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),l&&(S=Zj()),++J_;return Zj()?O(J_&&1):void 0}function o_(l,O,Z){if(!Zj())return;(Z=Z||S)&&z("div",l);l=l.children;var s=0;for(var J_ in l){Z=l[J_];try{Z instanceof HTMLElement&&(O(Z),++s)}catch(o_){}}return Zj()?s:void 0}J_(iJ,O);Zj()})();var IJ=82;window.oz={zz:"0820fdace1017800ebdf62cbc35cbeca5d8b435652ee3d253bb2e03195f77060a34ecc0424666f18abca1759ee2fa744800dfad86d4269514242d4fceed9d9c70b54e28c9b8c3fbf20a4971c6cf7cf3e60654d34ea06fc0747a30d8d8807f58873200a982d1d45fb8ed817474e167ab24b6ec97b833fc5141c0ef332e22dc753"};function I(_){return 396>_}
function J(_){var l=arguments.length,O=[];for(var Z=1;Z<l;++Z)O.push(arguments[Z]-_);return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,O)}function L(_,l){_+=l;return _.toString(36)}(function JJ(l){return l?0:JJ(l)*JJ(l)})(OI);})();}catch(x){document.cookie='brav=oex'+x;}finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0};
<script type="text/javascript" src="/TSPD/084fc6184bab20009b43f88181dfc281050b986fbf5cd6e7067eeb760574cf33392dd93acd61a34b?type=8"></script>
var securemsg;
var dosl7_common;
window["blobfp"] = "1111111110112000003e82ff5ac71e30000004a91d2b9750979230f005996dcd100001c20be2e63e7a47a6a80ea7aac3f26b85092554439d9300000020";
<script type="text/javascript" src="/TSPD/084fc6184bab20009b43f88181dfc281050b986fbf5cd6e7067eeb760574cf33392dd93acd61a34b?type=11"></script>
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.</noscript>
How can I deal with this "ecnryption" system and get the final html I want that is on "", that you see when you check the source on the browser?
Do you have a F5 Server in front of your webserver? Because I have a similar situation, where that Javascript gets injected in my code (which leads to problems).
This was due to page loading with an AJAX call. It could be solved by using PhantomJS web driver.

Cannot Load the HTML through HtmlAgilityPack

I try to parse HTML using HtmlAgilityPack using simple doc.load method by passing the URL, but it comes with the following result how can I resolve this issue?
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
function setCookie(c_name, value, expiredays) {
var exdate = new Date();
document.cookie = c_name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";
expires=" + exdate.toGMTString()) + ";path=/"; }
function getHostUri()
{ var loc = document.location; return loc.toString(); }
setCookie('YPF8827340282Jdskjhfiw_928937459182JAX666', '', 10);
setCookie('DOAReferrer', document.referrer, 10); location.href = getHostUri();
<noscript>This site requires JavaScript and Cookies to be enabled. Please change your browser settings or upgrade your browser.</noscript>
This site requires JavaScript and Cookies to be enabled.
Please change your browser settings or upgrade your
This Message says it all, the side needs javascript to be loaded, and HtmlAgilityPack is no JavascriptEngine!
The Load Method of the HtmlDocument can not interpret and execute Javascript-Code it´s just a simple "Download"-Function for static HTML-Sites.
What you could try to do is, with Firebug (or something else) check which HttpRequest are made to get the content, and this Requests you have to recreate in C# to get the HTML you want!
Here are some similar Questions:
Running Scripts in HtmlAgilityPack
C# - Get JavaScript variable value using HTMLAgilityPack
Calling javascript function from HtmlAgilityPack

sending an url but staying on the same page ( php, codeigniter, javascript )

this is my situation. I'm writing an webinterface in codeigniter to send commands to a virtual server. these commands are passed through the browser in an url.
example :
this server then takes action and the web interface refreshes the screenshot.
i just want to have a bunch of links in html that send this command to the browser.
But if i click the links, the user has to stay on the same page. So the command is sended but there is no other interaction.
i am using codeigniter.
Any suggestions ?
Make a view and copy this in your view:
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Click here!
<script type="text/javascript">
$.get(" ");
Not tested but something as above should do the trick for you.
$_SESSION['http://localhost/profile.php'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname ="reg";
if(!isset ($sess))
