No rule to make object files based on pattern - makefile

Hello I am trying to build my C++ project. I currently have a makefile that lists out all the names of the .o files I want to make. Then I prefix the directory onto them where I want them to be compiled to. Finally, I have two basic rules that handle building each object file then the executable from those object files. For whatever reason, make is not recognizing the pattern. Here is the makefile
INC_DIR += -I/home/epi/jfrye_xilinx/SystemC/systemc-2.3.2/include
OBJS+ = memory.o trace.o debugdev.o demo-dma.o xilinx-zynq.o xilinx-zynqmp.o
OBJS += safeio.o remote-port-proto.o remote-port-sk.o remote-port-tlm.o
OBJS += remote-port-tlm-memory-master.o remote-port-tlm-memory-slave.o
OBJS += remote-port-tlm-wires.o
ZYNQ_OBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/, $(_ZYNQ_OBJS))
ZYNPMP_OBJS=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(_ZYNQMP_OBJS))
$(info $(ZYNQ_OBJS))
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/
$(CXX) $(INC_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) $(LIB_TAGS) -c -o $# $<
I am getting the error:
make: *** No rule to make target
/home/epi/jfrye_xilinx/Cosimulation/Adder_PL/obj/zynq_demo.o', needed
The fourth rule should take care of zynq_demo.o correct. Why is it not recognizing a rule it can use to build that object file?

I'm not a fan of pattern rules.
When and where they apply is a little haphazard for my tastes.
A better alternative IMHO is static pattern rules.
To use these simply prefix your pattern rules with the targets that those patterns apply to.
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/
$(CXX) $(INC_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) $(LIB_TAGS) -c -o $# $<
simply becomes
${ZYNC_OBJS}: $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/
$(CXX) $(INC_DIR) $(LIB_DIR) $(LIB_TAGS) -c -o $# $<
I can't tell because I don't have your source tree,
but I suspect make will now give you a different error.
Something about /home/epi/jfrye_xilinx/Cosimulation/SystemC/Xilinx/lib/ being missing maybe (???).


make 'vpath' directive, why isn't it sufficient for this prerequisite?

The following example makefile works as expected, using vpath to find object files and source files. But in the last line, where i tell make about the dependency of one object file on the other, I need to specify the directory $(objd)/ of the prerequisite file, otherwise i get an error (see error message below the code). How come the vpath directive isn't sufficient in the last line?
# Program Name
prog = avpar
# extra places to search for prerequisites
vpath %.f90 ../modules
vpath %.o obj/
# etc
FC = gfortran
flags = -I$(modd) -J$(modd) #-fopenmp
obj_files = $(prog).o rw_mod.o
# compile
p$(prog): $(obj_files)
$(FC) $(flags) $^ -o $#
$(objd)/%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(flags) -c $< -o $#
$(objd)/$(prog).o: $(objd)/rw_mod.o
That is, changing the last line to:
$(objd)/$(prog).o: rw_mod.o
gives the error:
make: *** No rule to make target 'rw_mod.o', needed by 'obj/avpar.o'. Stop.
with this form of the last lines it does also work, without the directory specification:
p$(prog): $(obj_files)
$(FC) $(flags) $^ -o $#
$(objd)/rw_mod.o: rw_mod.f90
$(FC) $(flags) -c $< -o $#
$(objd)/$(prog).o: $(prog).f90 rw_mod.o
$(FC) $(flags) -c $< -o $#
vpath can only be used to find prerequisites that exist.
Makefiles rule 3
Use VPATH to locate the sources from the objects directory, not to locate the objects from the sources directory.
There's no rule that matches rw_mod.o so the rule for obj/avpar.o fails, vpath won't prepend stuff during prerequisite rule lookup, the only way it would work here would be if obj/rw_mod.o already existed.
It's unlikely that rule is correct anyway, why would one object file depend on another?

Why doesn't this make file work?

CFLAGS=-Wall -ggdb
OBJ=$(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,main.o vector.o obstacle.o \
person.o simulation.o map.o wall.o room.o )
all: CrowdSim
CrowdSim: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
rm -rf Objects/*.o Source/*.o
When attempting to make, I receive the error: "No rule to make target 'Objects/main.o' needed by 'CrowdSim'. Note: this is my first attempt at a makefile, and I'm following the example here.
Additional information: All my .cc files are stored in Source, all my .h files are in Headers, and I want to put all my .o files in Objects.
A rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/ $(HDIR)/%.h
requires both the prerequisites to exist. If either one does not exist, then the rule doesn't match and make will ignore it and look for another rule. In this case there is no other rule, so make fails.
If you don't always have both a .cc and .h file for every .o file, then you cannot write your rule like this.
Instead, you'll have to write the pattern rule like this:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Then you'll have to declare the header files separately, like this:
$(OBJDIR)/vector.o: $(HDIR)/vector.h
etc. for any headers. You might consider implementing a method to automatically manage dependencies, such as this one.
By the way, CC and CFLAGS are for C compilers. You have C++ code here. By convention in makefiles you should use CXX and CXXFLAGS for C++ compilers.

GNU make Pattern Rule Fails with 'Main.cpp"

I've got a general-purpose makefile that I've successfully used for small (personal) projects before, as below:
#Makefile to compile a folder's contents into a program.
PROGNAME := MyProgram
CXX := g++ --std=c++11
INCLUDES := -Isrc -Ihdr
VPATH := src:hdr
CPP_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj/%.o,$(CPP_FILES))
#Automatically generate dependencies (-MM), change the target to be the
# object file (-MT) and output it to the dependency file (-MF).
%.d: src/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -MM -MT '$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj/%.o,$<)' $< -MF $#
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d hdr/%.h
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
rm obj/*.o $(PROGNAME)
This is designed for the following directory structure:
I gave the makefile to a colleague and they found it didn't work - after some investigation, the cause of the problem seems to be that they had a source file called main.cpp in src/, which when running make would give the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `obj/main.o', needed by `MyProgram'. Stop.
If I rename main.cpp to something else (e.g. test.cpp) then the makefile works as expected.
What is the cause of this behaviour? I've looked through the GNU Make Manual but did not find anything regarding special treatment of files called main.* (in fact, some of the examples use it).
While trying to fix the problem, I found that defining an explicit rule for main.o meant that it would be found - therefore, I presume it's an interaction with the main name and pattern-based rules, but I have not been able to find what that may be.
The trouble is that this rule:
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d hdr/%.h
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
requires a corresponding header file. I suspect that there is no hdr/main.h, and Make has no way to build one, so when it is searching for a way to build obj/main.o it considers this rule, rejects it, and finds no other.
I suggest you add another pattern rule (after this one) to handle source files without matching header files:
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp %.d
echo $#
$(CXX) $(INCLUDES) -o $# -c $< $(ROOTFLAGS)
(P.S. Your dependency handling is a little odd and appears to be vestigial -- you generate dependency files and never use them. We can help you with that, once you're building main.o correctly.)

Understanding a makefile

I am talking about this question where the person has updated his final solution with a makefile for the task. I am having a hard time understanding how it's done.
There is a rule:
$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
which I am unable to understand, but by intuition I know what it will be doing. Almost everything else is pretty much clear. Thanks!
This is a static pattern rule. The first field is a list of targets, the second is a target pattern which Make uses to isolate a target's "stem", the third is the prerequisite pattern which Make uses to construct the list of prerequisites.
Suppose you have
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
OBJECTS = obj/foo.o obj/bar.o obj/baz.o
$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
If you make obj/foo.o, Make first identifies this rule as the one to use (since obj/foo.o is in the target list $(OBJECTS)), matches it against the target pattern obj/%.o and finds that the stem (the part matched by the wildcard %) is foo, then plugs that into the prereq pattern src/%.c and finds that the prerequisite is src/foo.c.
If you've also defined the variables
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -thisflag -thatflag=something
Then the command in the rule becomes
#gcc -thisflag -thatflag=something -c src/foo.c -o obj/foo.o
(Note that $< is the first prerequisite and $# is the target name.)
In answer to your other question: Yes, a makefile can handle a dependency on a header file (x.h) so that if the header has been modified, Make will rebuild the target. No, this makefile doesn't do that. You can modify the makefile by hand, adding rules like
a.o: x.h
assuming you know what the inclusions actually are, or you can have the makefile do it automatically, which is an advanced technique you probably shouldn't attempt yet.
This line is explaining how to obtain the object files (.o) from the source (.c), it avoids having to repeat the line for each .c file.
The objects will be in OBJDIR and the sources in SRCDIR
$(CC) will contain the compiler, CFLAGS will contain the options for the compiler and -c tells gcc to compile the source into objects.
For example:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
can be converted into
gcc -g -Wall -c test.c -o test.o

How to write a simpler makefile for a lot of single-c-file programmes?

I want to write a lot of tiny example programmes for one same library, each needs gcc $(OtherOpt) -o xxx -lthelibname xxx.c.
How to write a Makefile without dozens of tagret lines ?
Pattern rules are your friend for these situations. As long as your targets all match a predictable pattern -- and they do in this case, as they are all of the form "create foo from foo.c" -- you can write a single pattern rule that will be used for all of the targets:
OtherOpt=-Wall -g
all: $(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard *.c))
%: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# -lthelibname $<
Now you can either run simply make to build all your apps, or make appname to build a specific app. Here I've created a single pattern rule that will be used anytime you want to create something from something.c. I used the $# automatic variable, which will expand to the name of the output, and the $< variable, which will expand to the name of the first prerequisite, so that the command-line is correct regardless of the specific app being built. Technically you don't need the all line, but I figured you probably didn't want to always have to type in the name(s) of the apps you want to build.
Also, technically you can probably get away without having any of this makefile, because GNU make already has a built-in pattern rule for the %: %.c relationship! I mention this option only for completeness; personally, I prefer doing things the way I've shown here because it's a little bit more explicit what's going on.
%.o: %.c
gcc $(OtherOpt) -c -o $# -lthelibname $<
That compiles all .c files to their .o files (object code) of the same base name. Then in your actual target(s), you would include all necessary .o files as dependencies and use gcc $(OtherOpt) -o $# $^ -lthelibname, assuming I'm not misunderstanding how your build is set up.
Some versions of make also support the suffix rule .c.o to be ALMOST the same thing as %.o: %.c, but the suffix rules can't have any dependencies. Writing .c.o: foo.h tells make to compile "foo.h" to "foo.c.o" rather than requiring "foo.h" as a dependency of any file with a .c suffix as %.o: %.c foo.h would correctly do.
I learnd from
LDLIB = -lpthread
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,--hash-style=both $(LDLIB)
SRCEXTS = .c .C .cc .cpp .CPP .c++ .cxx .cp
CFLAGS = -pipe -march=core2 -mtune=generic -Wfloat-equal \
#-Wall -pedantic
ifeq ($(SRCDIRS),)
SOURCES = $(foreach d,$(SRCDIRS),$(wildcard $(addprefix $(d)/*,$(SRCEXTS))))
TARGET = $(addprefix bin/,$(basename $(SOURCES)))
all: $(TARGET)
ls -l $(TARGET)
bin/%: %.c dir
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $<
#-mkdir bin
.PHONY : clean
-rm $(TARGET)
-rmdir bin
