Integration Wildfly appication server and Websphere MQ - jms

I need to integrate Wildfly and Websphere MQ it means that I want send JMS message from Wildfly to Websphere MQ.
What is the best way to achieve this? Should I implement some client and sent these JMS messages directly or maybe there is similar method like JMS bridge?


IBM mq jms listener with batch

I use spring boot application with jms listener.
I want to know , how to config IBM MQ JMSListener to consume batch messages instead single message. It is real?

Websphere MQ Server-To-Server-Connection with Apache ActiveMQ possible?

Does Apache Active MQ provide Server-To-Server-Connection as IBM Websphere MQ does?
We currently have Websphere MQ 7.0.1 (CUST) installed to communicate with another remote Websphere MQ Server (GOV), which is not under our control.
The MQs hold a Server-To-Server-Connection via VPN-tunnel. We would like to replace our Websphere MQ with Apache ActiveMQ.
We have one QM-Manager with 4 queues and 3 channels.
OUT (type remote): for sending messages to GOV
QOUT (local type transmission) that is used for OUT
IMP (local): used for receiving from GOV
DLQ: (local): dead letter queue
conch: server connection
CUST_GOV: sender
GOV_CUST: receiver
I read a lot about bridging ActiveMQ to Websphere MQ (Client API, Resource Adapter, OSGi) with Camel.
Looks pretty easy with a Camel route, but this is at least a Client-Server setup.
E. G.
I need something that hides away the IBM proprietary channel stuff.
Now I found this entry:
As this is from 2012 I would like to ask, if anyone successful switched from Websphere MQ to ActiveMQ resp. is it still true that I can only use Client-Server?
ActiveMQ does not support a server-to-server connection to WebsphereMQ. As you mentioned, Camel would probably be the simplest way to get a connection between the two brokers.
To be clear, even if ActiveMQ did implement a bridge with WebsphereMQ it would almost certainly use the WebsphereMQ client so would fundamentally still be a client-server implementation. It's not really clear from your question why you want to avoid this.

Build a standalone JMS client using JAVA

I am new to JMS and I need to build a generic JMS client to create a connection send and receive message by using queues and topics. I have seen many example using activeMQ connection factory, but I need a generic client which can use any connection factory and create a connection. Any leads or sample codes will be useful.
I have just done that recently. Steps I've taken
Read Java JMS tutorials to understand what is JMS.
You can code in Java or use a framework for example - Spring JMS
Read about MQ provider docs. for example activeMQ or IBM MQ.

MDB deployed on JBOSS fetching messages from IBM MQ

I would like to deploy MDB on JBOSS. But the publisher will not send messages to the JBOSS AS, it is sending messages to IBM MQ.
Should I use JCA to integrate JBOSS and IBM MQ?
Can the MDB on JBOSS AS subscribe to the topic on which IBM MQ is getting messages from publisher?
What are the advantages of one approach to another?
The recommended way to consume messages in JBoss from IBM MQ is via a Message Driven Bean (MDB). This is done by deploying the IBM JCA resource adapter (RA) in JBoss. You must use the IBM RA in JBoss as this rar file contains the IBM MQ client code that is needed for communicating with IBM MQ.
When using the MDB approach, the container (JBoss, in this case) works with the JCA to manage JMS connections, message delivery and transactions. This leaves you to only write the onMessage() method - quite a lot gets done for you under the hood.
Yes you can certainly have an MDB in JBoss that is subscribed to a Topic on MQ,
You should deploy the WebSphere MQ Resource Adapter (WMQRA) into JBoss and then configured the WMQ RA JCA resources in JBoss (Activation Specification, Queue/Topic). This will then let you deploy your MDB, and the JCA resources will handle the connection to the WMQ Queue Manager and Queue/Topic that your messages are on.
There are a few guides on setting up the WMQ RA in JBoss around on the internet.

to view all websphere MQ messages in JMS call

I use JMS (Java Message Service API) in my java application to work with queues/topics residing on websphere MQ. I am looking for a tool/support pac which can show me all MQ Messages being called e.g. when I do queueConnectionFactory.createConnection(), it would have resulted into MQCONN/MQCONNX call, so I need to see what excatly is being passed. So basically during my entire JMS based interaction, I want to see all MQ messages which are being passed to. Is it possible?
if you are using websphere, you can turn on tracing by going to WAS console and tracing service to enable jms logging.
Trace tells you what APIs are being called. To a good extent trace helps. But beyond that call IBM help.
If you are using JMS MQ client mode connection it is possible to run send/receive exits on the MQ SVRCONN channel to log the client MQI and message flows. The free IBM SupportPac MA0Z has this capability. This technique is not possible with a binding mode connection because there is no MQ channel involved.
