Replace url premeters to path based prameter - spring

I have the following controller which accepts an optional "page" parameter.
Right now my URL would look something like
I want the urls to look like this instead, how can I achieve this?
My controller
public class CityController {
private static final int BUTTONS_TO_SHOW = 5;
private static final int INITIAL_PAGE = 0;
private static final int INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE = 40;
private static final int[] PAGE_SIZES = { 5, 10, 20, 40 };
private AdService adService;
public CityController(AdService adService) {
this.adService = adService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/{city:[\\w'-]+}-listings", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String city(#PathVariable("city") String city, Model model, #RequestParam("page") Optional<Integer> page) {
Database db = new Database();
model.addAttribute("city", city.replace("-", " "));
System.out.println(city.replace("-", " "));
// List<Ad> ads = adService.getPage(1, city.replace("-", " "));
// model.addAttribute("ads", ads);
int evalPageSize = INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE;
int evalPage = (page.orElse(0) < 1) ? INITIAL_PAGE : page.get() - 1;
Long cityId = null;
try {
cityId = db.getCityId(city.replace("-", " "));
} catch (Exception e) {
Page<Ad> ads = adService.findAllPageable(new PageRequest(evalPage, evalPageSize, Sort.Direction.DESC, "id"),
System.out.println("Ads: " + ads.getSize());
Pager pager = new Pager(ads.getTotalPages(), ads.getNumber(), BUTTONS_TO_SHOW);
model.addAttribute("ads", ads);
model.addAttribute("selectedPageSize", evalPageSize);
model.addAttribute("pageSizes", PAGE_SIZES);
model.addAttribute("pager", pager);
return "city";

You can change method signature as follows:
#RequestMapping(value = {"/{city:[\\w'-]+}-listings", "/{city:[\\w'-]+}-listings/{page}"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String city(#PathVariable("city") String city, #PathVariable Optional<Integer> page, Model model) {
// ...
In order to map two endpoints (with and without page) in the same controller method and using Java 8 Optional to get page value.


Thymeleaf : Call Java function in JavaScript Click listener

So I have this controller class with some getters and setters and a function:
public class Hotels{
public Hotels(String name) { = name;
public Hotels(String name, String price, String longitude, String latitude, String URL, String photoURL) { = name;
this.price = price;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude;
this.URL = URL;
PhotoURL = photoURL;
public Hotels() {
public List<Hotels> returnHotels(String city) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
double[] lnglat = new double[2];
MapController controller = new MapController();
for (int i = 0; i <controller.coolLocations().size(); i++) {
lnglat = controller.coolLocations().get(i).getLnglat();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.header("X-RapidAPI-Key", "myKey")
.header("X-RapidAPI-Host", "")
.method("GET", HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.noBody())
HttpResponse<String> response = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
String[] datasplit = response.body().split("\"");
String url = "";
String hotel_name = "";
String latitude = "";
String longitude = "";
String gross_price= "";
String main_photo_url= "";
for (int i = 0; i < datasplit.length; i++) {
if (datasplit[i].equals("url")) url = datasplit[i+2];
if (datasplit[i].equals("hotel_name")) hotel_name = datasplit[i+2];
if (datasplit[i].equals("latitude")) latitude = datasplit[i+1].substring(1).replace(',',' ');
if (datasplit[i].equals("longitude")) longitude = datasplit[i+1].substring(1).replace(',',' ');
if ((datasplit[i].equals("gross_amount_hotel_currency") && datasplit[i+1].equals(":{") && datasplit[i+2].equals("value"))) gross_price = datasplit[i+3].substring(1).replace('}',' ').replace(',',' ');
if ((datasplit[i].equals("gross_amount_hotel_currency") && datasplit[i+1].equals(":{") && datasplit[i+2].equals("currency") && datasplit[i+3].equals(":") && datasplit[i+4].equals("EUR")&& datasplit[i+5].equals(",") && datasplit[i+6].equals("value"))) gross_price = datasplit[i+7].substring(1).replace('}',' ').replace(',',' ');
if (datasplit[i].equals("max_photo_url")) main_photo_url = datasplit[i+2];
if(datasplit[i].equals("max_1440_photo_url"))hotelsList.add(new Hotels(hotel_name, gross_price, longitude, latitude, url, main_photo_url));
return hotelsList;
And this is my get Mapping :
public String homePage(Model model) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
model.addAttribute("returnHotels", new Hotels());
return "home";
And a JavaScript on click listener :
marker.getElement().addEventListener('click', function () {
const city = location.description;
I want inside the JS click listener to call my returnHotels function with the const city as my parameter. Is it possible?
PS : I've deleted the class variables so the site let me post

How to refresh tableview after adding the new data in JavaFx

I am currently working on JAVA FX application to fetch the user's information from JIRA REST API. I want to have a refresh button and on clicking it,the table view must be shown with the newly added data.
Please have a look at the code.
My POJO class
public class Issues {
private String jiraKey;
private String jiraSummary;
private String jiraPriority;
private String jiraAssignee;
private String jiraIssueType;
private Hyperlink hyperLink;
private String loghours;
private String commentLogHours;
public Issues(String jiraKey, String jiraSummary, String jiraPriority, String jiraAssignee, String jiraIssueType) {
this.hyperLink = new Hyperlink(jiraKey);
this.jiraSummary = jiraSummary;
this.jiraPriority = jiraPriority;
this.jiraAssignee = jiraAssignee;
this.jiraIssueType = jiraIssueType;
this.hyperLink = hyperLink;
this.loghours = loghours;
this.commentLogHours = commentLogHours;
public String getJiraKey() {
return jiraKey;
public void setJiraKey(String jiraKey) {
this.jiraKey = jiraKey;
//getters and setters
My Observable list method which populates the data to table
Class ABC{
public ObservableList<Issues> issueJsonList(){
// A processed arraylist
ObservableList<Issues> data = FXCollections.observableList(list);
return data;
Here's my tableview code.
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public TableView<Issues> initTable() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
TableView<Issues> table = new TableView<Issues>();
TableColumn<Issues, Hyperlink> jiraKey = new TableColumn<>(keyField);
jiraKey.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("hyperLink"));
jiraKey.setCellFactory(new HyperlinkCell());
TableColumn jiraPriority = new TableColumn(priorityField);
TableColumn jiraIssueType = new TableColumn(issueTypeField);
TableColumn jiraSummary = new TableColumn(summaryField);
TableColumn jiraAssignee = new TableColumn(assigneeField);
TableColumn workLogCol = new TableColumn(workLogField);
TableColumn timeSpent = new TableColumn(timeSpentField);
TableColumn commentTimeLog = new TableColumn(commentField);
workLogCol.getColumns().addAll(timeSpent, commentTimeLog);
jiraSummary.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("jiraSummary"));
jiraIssueType.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("jiraIssueType"));
jiraPriority.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("jiraPriority"));
jiraAssignee.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("jiraAssignee"));
timeSpent.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("getTimeSpent"));
commentTimeLog.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("getComment"));
timeSpent.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<CellEditEvent<JiraAuth, String>>() {
public void handle(CellEditEvent<JiraAuth, String> t) {
commentTimeLog.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<CellEditEvent<JiraAuth, String>>() {
public void handle(CellEditEvent<JiraAuth, String> t) {
int i = t.getTablePosition().getRow();
String abc = table.getColumns().get(0).getCellData(i).toString();
String finalStr = abc.substring(abc.indexOf("]") + 1);
table.getColumns().setAll(jiraKey, jiraSummary, jiraPriority, jiraAssignee, jiraIssueType);
IssuesJsonParser issueObject = new IssuesJsonParser();
ObservableList<Issues> data = issueObject.issueJsonList();
return table;
upon calling the refresh button,
buttons[0] = new Button("Refresh");
nothing happens. Please help!!

How to get a list of all the headers for logging in web api

I want to log all the request headers. I already have a filter like so.
Now how do I get all the request header so that I can log them?
public class LogApiFilter : AbstractActionFilter
private readonly ILog m_Log;
public override bool AllowMultiple
return true;
public LogApiFilter(ILog iLog)
if (iLog == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("log instance injected is null.");
m_Log = iLog;
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext context)
m_Log.Debug("Web api Controller Name and Action method Name: "
+ context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName
+ ", " + context.ActionDescriptor.ActionName);
Ok, for my own records and for others, I have comeup with this. Please do suggest if there is a better way.
private string GetRequestHeaders(HttpActionContext context)
// Note you can replace the type names sucha as string, HttpRequestHeaders, List<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>>
// with var keyword where ever possible for readability.
string headerString = string.Empty;
HttpRequestHeaders requestHeaders = context.Request.Headers;
List<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>> headerList = requestHeaders.ToList();
foreach (var header in headerList)
string key = header.Key;
List<string> valueList = header.Value.ToList();
string valueString = string.Empty;
foreach (var v in valueList)
valueString = valueString + v + "-";
headerString = headerString + key + ": " + valueString + Environment.NewLine;
return headerString;
The above method can be called from the action filter in the question. I am calling it from the method, OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext context).
I am using ninject for di, so this is how I have configured it.
kernel.BindFilter<LogMvcFilter>(System.Web.Mvc.FilterScope.Global, 0);

How to Load Coprocessor Step by Step

can anyone shall explain how to load regionCoprocessor trough shell.i can not getting proper information about loading and deploying Coprocessor.Thanks in Advance
Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Create an interface and extend org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol
Step 2: Define the method in the interface you want to execute once the co-processor call is made
Step 3: Create an instance of HTable
Step 4: Call the HTable.coprocessorExec() method with all required parameters
Please find the example below:
In the example, we are trying to get list of students whose registration number falls within some range which we are interested in.
Creating Interface Protocol:
public interface CoprocessorTestProtocol extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol{
List<Student> getStudentList(byte[] startRegistrationNumber, byte[] endRegistrationNumber) throws IOException;
Sample Student Class:
public class Student implements Serializable{
byte[] registrationNumber;
String name;
public void setRegistrationNumber(byte[] registrationNumber){
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public byte[] getRegistrationNumber(){
return this.registrationNumber;
public void setName(String name){ = name;
public int getName(){
public String toString(){
return "Student[ registration number = " + Bytes.toInt(this.getRegistrationNumber()) + " name = " + this.getName() + " ]"
Model Class: [Where the business logic to get data from HBase is written]
public class MyModel extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.BaseEndpointCoprocessor implements CoprocessorTestProtocol{
List<Student> getStudentList(byte[] startRegistrationNumber, byte[] endRegistrationNumber){
Scan scan = new Scan();
InternalScanner scanner = ((RegionCoprocessorEnvironment) getEnvironment()).getRegion().getScanner(scan);
List<KeyValue> currentTempObj = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>();
Boolean hasNext = false;
Student student;
hasNext =;
student = new Student();
for(KeyValue keyValue: currentTempObj){
bytes[] qualifier = keyValue.getQualifier();
if(Arrays.equals(qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("registrationNumber")))
else if(Arrays.equals(qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("name")))
}catch (Exception e){
// catch the exception the way you want
Client class: [where the call to co-processor is made]
public class MyClient{
if (args.length < 2) {
System.out.println("Usage : startRegistrationNumber endRegistrationNumber");
public List<Student> displayStudentInfo(int startRegistrationNumber, int endRegistrationNumber){
final byte[] startKey=Bytes.toBytes(startRegistrationNumber);
final byte[] endKey=Bytes.toBytes(endRegistrationNumber);
String zkPeers = SystemInfo.getHBaseZkConnectString();
Configuration configuration=HBaseConfiguration.create();
configuration.set(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM, zkPeers);
HTableInterface table = new HTable(configuration, TABLE_NAME);
Map<byte[],List<Student>> allRegionOutput;
allRegionOutput = table.coprocessorExec(CoprocessorTestProtocol.class, startKey,endKey,
new Batch.Call<CoprocessorTestProtocol, List<Student>>() {
public List<Student> call(CoprocessorTestProtocol instance)throws IOException{
return instance.getStudentList(startKey, endKey);
List<Student> anotherList = new ArrayList<Student>();
for (List<Student> studentData: allRegionOutput.values()){
return anotherList;
public static void main(String args){
if (args.length < 2) {
System.out.println("Usage : startRegistrationNumber endRegistrationNumber");
int startRegistrationNumber = args[0];
int endRegistrationNumber = args[1];
for (Student student : displayStudentInfo(startRegistrationNumber, endRegistrationNumber)){
Please Note: Please have a special look on method in the example. This returns boolean and stores the current object in Object argument

Returning Page<Object> in Query DSL

I am using Query DSL and want my result set to return a Page Object. Is there a way to do that in Query DSL? If so Whats my query going to be looking like?
I am using JPAQuery and I have my QClasses
The Method structure is this
public Page<Object> searchPerson(String name,String phone){
Page<Object> results=null;
JPQLQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
QPerson person = QPerson.person;
//I am assuming my query would go here
results = query.from(person). ?????
return results;}
Here is my implementation for Paging with QueryDSL. A PageRequest defines the parameters for our query (limit and page):
public class PageRequest {
protected Long page = 1l;// 1 is the first page
protected Integer limit = 10;
public PageRequest(Long page, Integer limit) {
this.limit = limit; = page;
public Long getPage() {
return page;
public Integer getLimit() {
return limit;
public Long getOffset() {
return (page - 1l) * limit;
The Page Class contains the result (here the attribute objects) of the query and could implement methods to create nice paging links.
public class Page<T> extends PageRequest {
protected Collection<T> objects;
private Long totalCount;
private Long pageCount;
private Boolean hasPageLinkPrev;
private Boolean hasPageLinkNext;
private Collection<Long> pageLinks;
public Page(Long page, Integer limit, Long totalCount, Collection<T> objects) { = page;
this.limit = limit;
this.totalCount = totalCount;
this.objects = objects;
this.pageCount = totalCount / limit;
if (totalCount % limit > 0) {
this.pageCount = this.pageCount + 1;
this.hasPageLinkPrev = page > 1;
this.hasPageLinkNext = page < this.pageCount;
this.pageLinks = new ArrayList<>();
if (this.pageCount != 1) {
if (page > 3l) {
if (page > 2l) {
if (page.equals(this.pageCount) && this.pageCount > 3l) {
this.pageLinks.add(page - 2l);
this.pageLinks.add(page - 1l);
if (page != 1l && !page.equals(this.pageCount)) {
if (page < this.pageCount - 1l) {
this.pageLinks.add(page + 1l);
if (page == 1l && this.pageCount > 3l) {
this.pageLinks.add(page + 2l);
if (page < this.pageCount - 2l) {
public Page(PageRequest pageRequest, Long totalCount, Collection<T> objects) {
this(pageRequest.getPage(), pageRequest.getLimit(), totalCount, objects);
public Long getTotalCount() {
return this.totalCount;
public Long getPageCount() {
return this.pageCount;
public Long getPage() {
public Integer getLimit() {
return this.limit;
public Boolean getHasPageLinkPrev() {
return this.hasPageLinkPrev;
public Boolean getHasPageLinkNext() {
return hasPageLinkNext;
public Collection<Long> getPageLinks() {
return pageLinks;
public Collection<T> getObjects() {
return objects;
With that stuf it is not very hard to create the query and put the results in our page object. One possibility is to write a generic method in the base class of the repository classes:
protected <T> Page<T> getPage(JPQLQuery<T> query, PageRequest pageRequest) {
List<T> resultList = query
Long totalCount = query.fetchCount();
return new Page<T>(pageRequest, totalCount, resultList);
In your repository class you create your query for the particular use case. Then you can use the method getPage to get the results in a Page.
public Page<Person> searchPerson(String name,
String phone,
PageRequest request){
Page<Person> results=null;
JPQLQuery<Person> query = new JPAQuery<>(entityManager);
QPerson person = QPerson.person;
query = query.from(person)
return getPage(query, request);
The solution for the above was using BooleanBuilder implemented on the method above and changed the method name to return Person Object.
Please check BooleanBuilder
QPerson person= QPerson.person;
BooleanBuilder builder = this.getBuilder(name, phone,page, pageSize, sortFlag, sortItem);
PageRequest pg = getPRequest(page, pageSize);
Page<Person> pages personRepo.findAll(builder,pg);
return pages;
and then Implemented getBuilder Method for it which is the below one
public BooleanBuilder getBuilder(String name, String phone, Integer page, Integer pageSize, String sortFlag, String sortItem) {
QPerson person = QPerson.person;
BooleanBuilder builder = new BooleanBuilder();
return builder;
and finally implemented the getPRequest Method as the following
public PageRequest getPRequest(Integer page, Integer pageSize) {
return new PageRequest(page, pageSize);
Oooooh Happy Days!
