Animation of circle - curve - animation

Im creating animation of circle in JavaFX. A user inputs variables like angle and power of throw and my task was to create trajectory of this and make animation of thrown circle. Already I did trajectory and with that Im able to get final position of circle, but I still need to do animation of cricle trajectory.
Im calculating the whole trajectory in loop and then draw curve.
Circle on the left is before throw and the right one is after this action. How can I animate this circle with trajectory already drawn?
for(x = 0; x < Z; x=x+0.01){
y = x * Math.tan(angleRadians) - (gSpeed/mianownik) * Math.pow(x, 2); // some variables to calculate y position
y = 0 - y; //negation the real y position cause its kinda reverted
gc.strokeLine(x+10, y+100, x+10,y+100); // drawing line; +10 and +100 because (10, 100) is circle starting position
gc.fillOval(x,y+100,20,20); // drawing cricle after throw


Monogame - Rotate Sprite around centre of screen and itself

I have a problem and although I serached everywhere I couldn't find a solution.
I have a stacked sprite and I'm rotating this sprite around the center of the screen. So I iterate over a list of sprites (stacked) and increase the y-coordinate by 2 every loop (rotation is increased step by step by 0.01f outside of the loop):
foreach(var s in stacked)
Vector2 origin = new Vector2(Basic.width / 2, Basic.height / 2);
Rectangle newPosition = new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y - y, position.Width, position.Height);
float angle = 0f;
Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-origin.X, -origin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin.X, origin.Y, 0f);
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(newPosition.X, newPosition.Y);
pos = Vector2.Transform(pos, transform);
newPosition.X = (int)pos.X;
newPosition.Y = (int)pos.Y;
angle += rotation;
s.Draw(newPosition, origin, angle, Color.White);
y += 2;
This works fine. But now my problem. I want not only to rotate the sprite around the center of the screen but also around itself. How to achieve this? I can only set one origin and one rotation per Draw. I would like to rotate the sprite around the origin 'Basic.width / 2, Basic.height / 2' and while it rotates, around 'position.Width / 2, position.Height / 2'. With different rotation speed each. How is this possible?
Thank you in advance!
Just to be clear:
When using SpriteBatch.Draw() with origin and angle, there is only one rotation: the final angle of the sprite.
The other rotations are positional offsets.
The origin in the Draw() call is a translation, rotation, translate back. Your transform matrix shows this quite well:
Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-origin.X, -origin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin.X, origin.Y, 0f);
//Class level variables:
float ScreenRotation, ScreenRotationSpeed;
float ObjectRotation, ObjectRotationSpeed;
Vector2 ScreenOrigin, SpriteOrigin;
// ...
// In constructor and resize events:
ScreenOrigin = new Vector2(Basic.width <<1, Basic.height <<1);
// shifts are faster for `int` type. If "Basic.width" is `float`:
//ScreenOrigin = new Vector2(Basic.width, Basic.height) * 0.5f;
// In Update():
ScreenRotation += ScreenRotationSpeed; // * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Seconds; // for FPS invariant speed where speed = 60 * single frame speed
ObjectRotation+= ObjectRotationSpeed;
//Calculate the screen center rotation once per step
Matrix baseTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-ScreenOrigin.X, -ScreenOrigin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ScreenRotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(ScreenOrigin.X, ScreenOrigin.Y, 0f);
// In Draw() at the start of your code snippet posted:
// moved outside of the loop for a translationally invariant vertical y interpretation
// or move it inside the loop and apply -y to position.Y for an elliptical effect
Vector2 ObjectOrigin = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y);
Matrix transform = baseTransform *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(-ObjectOrigin.X, -ObjectOrigin.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ObjectRotation) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(ObjectOrigin.X, ObjectOrigin.Y, 0f);
foreach(var s in stacked)
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(ObjectOrigin.X, ObjectOrigin.Y - y);
pos = Vector2.Transform(pos, transform);
float DrawAngle = ObjectRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = ScreenRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = ScreenRotation + ObjectRotation;
// or float DrawAngle = 0;
s.Draw(pos, SpriteOrigin, DrawAngle, Color.White);
I suggest moving the Draw() parameter away from destinationRectangle and use the Vector2 position directly with scaling. Rotations within square rectangles can differ up to SQRT(2) in aspect ratio, i.e. stretching/squashing. Using Vector2 incurs a cost of higher collision complexity.
I am sorry for the ors, but without complete knowledge of the problem...YMMV
In my 2D projects, I use the vector form of polar coordinates.
The Matrix class requires more calculations than the polar equivalents in 2D. Matrix operates in 3D, wasting cycles calculating Z components.
With normalized direction vectors (cos t,sin t) and a radius(vector length),in many cases I use Vector2.LengthSquared() to avoid the square root when possible.
The only time I have used Matrices in 2D is display projection matrix(entire SpriteBatch) and Mouse and TouchScreen input deprojection(times the inverse of the projection matrix)

Generating a pixel-based spiral gradient

I have a program that creates pixel-based gradients (meaning it calculates the step in the gradient for each pixel, then calculates the colour at that step, then gives the pixel that colour).
I'd like to implement spiral gradients (such as below).
My program can create conic gradients (as below), where each pixel is assigned a step in the gradient according to the angle between it and the midpoint (effectively mapping the midpoint-pixel angle [0...2PI] to [0...1]).
It would seem to me that a spiral gradient is a conic gradient with some additional function applied to it, where the gradient step for a given pixel depends not only on the angle, but on some additional non-linear function applied to the euclidean distance between the midpoint and pixel.
I envisage that a solution would take the original (x, y) pixel coordinate and displace it by some amounts in the x and y axes resulting in a new coordinate (x2, y2). Then, for each pixel, I'd simply calculate the angle between the midPoint and its new displaced coordinate (x2, y2) and use this angle as the gradient step for that pixel. But it's this displacement function that I need help with... of course, there may be other, better ways.
Below is a simple white-to-black conic gradient. I show how I imagine the displacement would work, but its the specifics about this function (the non-linearity), that I'm unable to implement.
My code for conic gradient:
public void conicGradient(Gradient gradient, PVector midPoint, float angle) {
float rise, run;
double t = 0;
for (int y = 0, x; y < imageHeight; ++y) {
rise = midPoint.y - y;
run = midPoint.x;
for (x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x) {
t = Functions.fastAtan2(rise, run) + Math.PI - angle;
// Ensure a positive value if angle is negative.
t = Functions.floorMod(t, PConstants.TWO_PI);
// Divide by TWO_PI to get value in range 0...1
step = t *= INV_TWO_PI;
pixels[imageWidth * y + x] = gradient.ColorAt(step); // pixels is 1D pixel array
run -= 1;
By eye, it looks like after t = ... fastAtan2..., you just need:
t += PConstants.TWO_PI * Math.sqrt( (rise*rise + run*run) / (imageWidth * imageWidth + imageHeight * imageHeight) )
This just adds the distance from the center to the angle, with appropriate scaling.

Processing - 3-way pong game

My overall goal is to create a 3 way 'pong' game. A triangle border will be used with 3 paddles moving along each of the 3 sides. A ball will be bouncing within this triangle and the paddles will be used to try and stop the ball hitting each side of the triangle. To start off, I am trying to get a ball bouncing within the boundaries of a triangle. I currently just have a bouncing ball. Can anyone suggest how to go forward with this?
float x = 100;
float y = 100;
float xspeed = 1;
float yspeed = 3.3;
void setup() {
void draw() {
x = x + xspeed;
y = y + yspeed;
if ((x > width) || (x < 0)) {
xspeed = xspeed * -1;
if ((y > height) || (y < 0)) {
yspeed = yspeed * -1;
You're going to have to change your collision detection code so it detects when the circle collides with the triangle boundary instead of the edges of the screen.
Define your triangle as three line segments, then you can focus on detecting collision between the circle and each line segment. Google is your friend here, but this question has a bunch of answers.
Then you'll probably want to reflect the point around the line so that the circle bounces at an angle based on the line segment. Again, google is your friend, but here is another question with a bunch of answers.
I recommend splitting your problem up into smaller steps and focusing on one at a time. First get a program working that just checks whether a circle collides with a line segment: try hard-coded points at first, then maybe use the cursor position, then work your way up to a bouncing ball.

Three.js - Drawing a torus but unable to understand the equation defined it

I try to do an animation which represents a sphere around which camera is rotating and I have drawn a circle on it (drawn with a THREE.TorusGeometry).
Then, I project a plane on the current point defined by the direction from camera position to the origin (0,0,0).
For a circle defined by y=0 and x²+z²=1 (i.e a circle defined into Oxz plane = equatorial plane of the sphere), you can see the result on :
link 1 : circle defined by y=0 and x²+z²=1
As you can see, the coordinates of plane are well drawn but I can't get to understand why the yellow circle is not drawn into Oxz plane (in this link, you can see that it is in Oxy plane).
Before the matrix multiplication, I defined above the vector of Torus by :
var coordTorus = new THREE.Vector3(radius*Math.cos(timer), 0, radius*Math.sin(timer));
i.e, by x'²+z'²=1 and y'=0 (choice 2). In this case, I don't get a valid result for the yellow circle, it is drawn into Oxy plane and not into Oxz plane like expected.
To get a good result, I have to define x'²+y'²=1 and z'=0 in local plane but I can't understand why ?
If someone could tell me the explication ?
It was hard to extract from all the code where exactly your problem was. I cleaned things up and solved it differently and I think this Fiddle shows what you wanted.
Instead of rotating all objects I rotated only the camera which seems much simpler then your solution:
* Rotate camera
function rotateCamera() {
// For camera rotation
stepSize += 0.002;
alpha = 2 * Math.PI * stepSize;
if (alpha > 2 * Math.PI) {
stepSize = 0;
// Rotate camera around a circle
camera.position.x = center.x + distance * Math.cos(alpha);
camera.position.z = center.y + distance * Math.sin(alpha);
// Camera should look at center
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
And then I added your tangent plane to the camera instead of the scene:
So it rotates with the camera.

How to make clock ticks stuck to the clock border?

I try to make a clock, in swift, but now i want to make something strange. I want make border radius settable. This is the easy part (is easy because I already did that). I drew 60 ticks around the clock. The problem is that 60 ticks are a perfect circle. If I change the border radius I obtain this clock:
All ticks are made with NSBezierPath, and code for calculate position for every tick is :
x: center.x + cos(angle) * point1 ,
y: center.y + sin(angle) * point1
x: center.x + cos(angle) * point2,
y: center.y + sin(angle) * point2
point1 and point2 are points for 12 clock tick.
My clock background is made with bezier path:
let bezierPath = NSBezierPath(roundedRect:self.bounds, xRadius:currentRadius, yRadius:currentRadius)
currentRadius - is a settable var , so my background cam be, from a perfect circle (when corner radius = height / 2) to a square (when corner radius = 0 ).
Is any formula to calculate position for every tick so, for any border radius , in the end all ticks to be at same distance to border ?
The maths is rather complicated to explain without recourse to graphics diagrams, but basically if you consider a polar coordinates approach with the origin at the clock centre then there are two cases:
where the spoke from the origin hits the straight side of the square - easy by trigonometry
where it hits the circle arc at the corner - we use the cosine rule to solve the triangle formed by the centre of the clock, the centre of the corner circle and the point where the spoke crosses the corner. The origin-wards angle of that triangle is 45º - angleOfSpoke, and two of the sides are of known length. Solve the cosine equation as a quadratic and you have it.
This function does it:
func radiusAtAngle(angleOfSpoke: Double, radius: Double, cornerRadius: Double) -> Double {
// radius is the half-width of the square, = the full radius of the circle
// cornerRadius is, of course, the corner radius.
// angleOfSpoke is the (maths convention) angle of the spoke
// the function returns the radius of the spoke.
let theta = atan((radius - cornerRadius) / radius) // This determines which case
let modAngle = angleOfSpoke % M_PI_2 // By symmetry we need only consider the first quadrant
if modAngle <= theta { // it's on the vertical flat
return radius / cos(modAngle)
} else if modAngle > M_PI_2 - theta { // it's on the horizontal flat
return radius / cos(M_PI_2 - modAngle)
} else { // it's on the corner arc
// We are using the cosine rule to solve the triangle formed by
// the clock centre, the curved corner's centre,
// and the point of intersection of the spoke.
// Then use quadratic solution to solve for the radius.
let diagonal = hypot(radius - cornerRadius, radius - cornerRadius)
let rcosa = diagonal * cos(M_PI_4 - modAngle)
let sqrTerm = rcosa * rcosa - diagonal * diagonal + cornerRadius * cornerRadius
if sqrTerm < 0.0 {
println("Aaargh - Negative term") // Doesn't happen - use assert in production
return 0.0
} else {
return rcosa + sqrt(sqrTerm) // larger of the two solutions
In the diagram OP = diagonal, OA = radius, PS = PB = cornerRadius, OS = function return, BÔX = theta, SÔX = angleOfSpoke
