AVCapturePhotoSettings not accepting accept NSDictionary element - xamarin

not sure what I am doing wrong, I wanna create a simple custom camera, I'm creating the AVCapturePhotoOutput attaching it to AVCaptureSession, then creating AVCapturePhotoSettings with minimum settings to make taking a picture work, see code below.
I get exception kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey is not being define but it is indeed in the NSDictionary I am passing.
I need some light here, thanks
public void TakePicture()
var output = new AVCapturePhotoOutput();
var settings = AVCapturePhotoSettings.Create();
var previewPixelType = settings.AvailablePreviewPhotoPixelFormatTypes.First();
var keys = new[]
new NSString("kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey"),
new NSString("kCVPixelBufferWidthKey"),
new NSString("kCVPixelBufferHeightKey"),
var objects = new NSObject[]
// don't have to be strings... can be any NSObject.
new NSString("160"),
new NSString("160")
var dicionary = new NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject>(keys, objects);
settings.PreviewPhotoFormat = dicionary;

It is because kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey is not available in Xamarin.
We should use CVPixelBuffer.PixelFormatTypeKey here . It will be convert to kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey automatically when compiling.
The same reason for kCVPixelBufferWidthKey and kCVPixelBufferHeightKey , the api is CVPixelBuffer.WidthKey and CVPixelBuffer.HeightKey in Xamarin.iOS.


There is a line above "List" and I get an error. How can i assign a clean "List"

void main() {
var urunler = new List(5);
urunler[0] = "Laptop";
urunler[1] = "Mouse";
urunler[2] = "Keyboard";
urunler[3] = "Monitor";
urunler[4] = "Mic";
lib/main.dart:2:21: Error: Can't use the default List constructor. Try
using List.filled instead. var urunler = new List(5);
^ Failed to compile application.
The default 'List' constructor isn't available when null safety is
Try this:
void main() {
var urunler = List<String>.filled(5,"",growable: false);
urunler[0] = "Laptop";
urunler[1] = "Mouse";
urunler[2] = "Keyboard";
urunler[3] = "Monitor";
urunler[4] = "Mic";
For a List, its better if you declare what kind of List you want to make. I dont think you can create a clean list because we need inital value for it, or you can create a blank list, and use a function to return the data inside. But from the code above, this is the best approach I can think right now.
List<String> urunler = ["Laptop", "Mouse", "Keyoboard"];

NativeScript: Accessing native Android API

There is still something i don't get in accessing native Platform stuff with nativescript. Here is a simple snippet where i try to access a native gui element and add it to a page:
var PagesModule = require('ui/page');
var Application = require('application');
var StackLayout = require('ui/layouts/stack-layout').StackLayout;
exports.createPage = function createPage(args) {
var page = new PagesModule.Page;
page.actionBarHidden = true;
page.backgroundColor = '#F5F5F5';
page.backgroundSpanUnderStatusBar = false;
var textView = new android.widget.TextView(Application.android.currentContext);
var stackLayout = new StackLayout();
page.content = stackLayout;
return page;
I think i am missing something in the understanding of how nativescript interacts with the native platform.
The reason it is failing is because only "view" or "view" descendants can be assigned to "view" child or children.
You are creating a direct android component; but it isn't part of the NS framework, so the framework doesn't know what to do with it. When you create a visual component you descend your component from a view (or another view descendant). The NS version of the code should be:
var PagesModule = require('ui/page');
var Application = require('application');
var StackLayout = require('ui/layouts/stack-layout').StackLayout;
vat TextView = require('ui/text-view').TextView;
exports.createPage = function createPage(args) {
var page = new PagesModule.Page;
page.actionBarHidden = true;
page.backgroundColor = '#F5F5F5';
page.backgroundSpanUnderStatusBar = false;
var textView = new TextView();
var stackLayout = new StackLayout();
page.content = stackLayout;
return page;
If you are actually wanting to create your own component I would recommend you look at the UI/Switch it is probably the simplest example; but in a nutshell you need to subclass the view, on Android use the function _createUI to actually create the native component, and so in simplest terms it would be:
var View = require('ui/core/view').View;
function MyTextView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);
__extends(MyTextView, View);
Object.defineProperty(MyTextView.prototype, "android", {
get: function () {
return this._android;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
MyTextView.prototype._createUI = function () {
this._android = new android.widget.TextView(Application.android.currentContext);
Then you can use new MyTextView() instead of the built in new TextView() function in the first code sample.
Please note with this component, because we haven't defined any additional helper function, to set and get the text you would have to do things like
var x = page.GetViewById('myTextId').android.setText("Some Value");
and to access the native underlying control and its android properties.
Please note I have a whole blog article on some of this at http://fluentreports.com/blog/?p=167 (And many other articles on the site about NS)

Flex 4.6 Add Images programatically to a View's elements List with single update cycle

I want to add Images into a s:View on runtime. However, I need them to be added on override of the data to optimize the apearance of the view. However, my container, the s:View, is not yet added into the display list or created I am not sure since I have a hard time understand the lifecycle and I am new in Flex 4.6. Anyway, the container is not yet instanciated. So how do I add the Images to the Elements list so that when the View is created it adds them as elements.
Basically same way that it happens when you write them on the mxml.
You could do something like this:
var v:View = new View();
v.layout = new VerticalLayout();
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = "/path/to/image1";
img = new Image();
img.source = "/path/to/image2";
img = new Image();
img.source = "/path/to/image3";
I had to add the elements not on override of data but on createChildren.
override public function set data(value:Object):void
super.data = value;
if(value == null)
//initialize the data with the images I need to cache
override protected function createChildren():void
if(container && definition)//These are the components I need to have instanciated
//I then use the cached Images I initialized on the override of data

How to know which one fired eventListener

I am loading images for a game before the game begin. So the main function sends links of images to an image loading object. This is what happen in my image loading object when I do image.load(link) in my main :
public function charge(str:String, img_x:int, img_y:int, layer:Sprite):void
urlRequest = new URLRequest(str);
loaderArray[cptDemande] = new Loader();
loaderArray[cptDemande].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_done);
posX[cptDemande] = img_x;
posY[cptDemande] = img_y;
layerArray[cptDemande] = layer;
The parameters img_x:int, img_y:int and layer:Sprite are related to displaying the images afterward. I am using arrays to be able to add the images to the stage when the loading is all done.
The event listener fire this function :
public function loading_done(evt:Event):void
evt.currentTarget.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_done);
if((cptDemande == cptLoaded) && (isDone == true))
what I want is to be able to target the good loader to remove the event listener. What I am currently using(evt.currentTarget) doesn't work and generate an error code :
1069 Property data not found on flash.display.LoaderInfo and there is no default value
Tracing evt.currentTarget shows that currentTarget is the LoaderInfo property. Try updating your code as follows:
public function loading_done(evt:Event):void
// Current target IS the contentLoaderInfo
evt.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_done);
//evt.currentTarget.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_done);
if((cptDemande == cptLoaded) && (isDone == true))
Just a wee tip for you while I'm at it, you could make life a lot easier for yourself by storing all the properties of your images on an Object and then pushing these onto a single Array, rather than managing a separate Array for each property.
Something like this:
private var loadedImages:Array = new Array();
public function charge(str:String, img_x:int, img_y:int, layer:Sprite):void
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(str);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_done);
var imageData:Object = { };
imageData.loader = loader;
imageData.posX = img_x;
imageData.posY = img_y;
imageData.layer = layer;
// Now we have a single Array with a separate element for
// each image representing all its properties

AS3 URLRequest in for Loop problem

I read some data from a xml file, everything works great besides urls. I can't figure what's the problem with the "navigateURL" function or with the eventListener... on which square I click it opens the last url from the xml file
for(var i:Number = 0; i <= gamesInput.game.length() -1; i++)
var square:square_mc = new square_mc();
//xml values
var tGame_name:String = gamesInput.game.name.text()[i];//game name
var tGame_id:Number = gamesInput.children()[i].attributes()[2].toXMLString();//game id
var tGame_thumbnail:String = thumbPath + gamesInput.game.thumbnail.text()[i];//thumb path
var tGame_url:String = gamesInput.game.url.text()[i];//game url
square.tgname_txt.text = tGame_name;
square.tgurl_txt.text = tGame_url;
//load & attach game thumb
var getThumb:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_thumbnail);
var loadThumb:Loader = new Loader();
square.y = squareY;
square.x = squareX;
squareX += square.width + 10;
square.buttonMode = true;
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
Many thanks!
In navigateURL() you use tGame_url, but I think you'd rather use something like tgurl_txt.text which will be different for each square.
Looks like you're not attaching the event listener properly. Instead of this.addEventListener, attach it to the variable you created when creating new square_mc..... so:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
you should add the addEventListener on the Squares
mmm..still figuring how eventhandler function will ever get the correct tgame_url var.
What if you try this:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
try tracing this:
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
you should add the url to your square in the loop
square.theUrl = tGame_url;
in the event listener function you should be able to access it with
