Lisp Scheme -cannot reference undefined identifier error - scheme

I am new to Lisp Scheme .
I am trying to write Caesar cipher program using the Lisp Scheme on DrRacket IDE.
I am getting the following
paragraph: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier
My code is as follow
;; contains "ctv", "vtc",and "reduce" definitions
(load "")
;; contains a test document consisting of three paragraphs.
(load "")
;; contains a test-dictionary, which has a much smaller dictionary for testing
;; the dictionary is needed for spell checking
(load "")
(load "") ;; the real thing with 45,000 words
;; -----------------------------------------------------
;; returns a function to "spin" arg "letter" by "val"
(define spin
(lambda (val)
(lambda (letter)
(vtl(modulo (+ val (ltv letter)) 26)))))
;; returns a function to spin current letter to value of 'e'
(define spin_to_e
(lambda (pos)
(+ (- 26 pos) 4)
;;counts how many of a target letter are in a word. (count_letter 'x) returns a func that counts x in a list. ((count_letter 'x) '(list)) counts x in list
(define count_letter
(lambda (ltr)
(lambda (lis)
(if (null? lis)
(if (equal? (car lis) ltr)
(+ 1 ((count_letter ltr) (cdr lis)))
(+ 0 ((count_letter ltr) (cdr lis)))))
;;counts how many elements in a list == #t
(define count_true
(lambda (l)
(reduce + (map (lambda (x) (if (equal? x #t) 1 0)) l) 0) )) ;;HERE'S MY USE OF REDUCE. Count's how many #t's are in a list
;;show me the truth
(define containstrue?
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l)
(if (equal? (car l) #t)
(containstrue? (cdr l))))
(define (sortappend l piece) ;;adds one by one, putting element at the head if >= current head
(if (null? l) (append '() l)
(if (>= piece (car l))
(cons piece l)
(append l (list piece)))))
(define find_index ;;finds target element, returns its "index" from 0 26
(lambda (l t)
(if (null? l) 0
(if (equal? t (car l))
(+ 1 (find_index (cdr l) t)) ))
;; -----------------------------------------------------
;;check a word's spell correctness
;;INPUT:a word(a global variable "dictionary" is included in the file "", and can be used directly here)
;;OUTPUT:true(#t) or false(#f)
(define spell-checker
(lambda (w)
(if (member w dictionary) #t #f)
;; -----------------------------------------------------
;;(define (multiplyBy n) (lambda (x) (* n x)))
;;((multiplyBy 5) 2) ^^how to ret a function
;;generate an Caesar Cipher single word encoders
;;INPUT:a number "n"
;;OUTPUT:a function, whose input=a word, output=encoded word
(define encode-n
(lambda (n);;"n" is the distance, eg. n=3: a->d,b->e,...z->c
(lambda (w);;"w" is the word to be encoded
(map (spin n) w) ;;performs helper func 'spin' on every letter in given word w
;;encode a document
;;INPUT: a document "d" and a "encoder"
;;OUTPUT: an encoded document using a provided encoder
(define encode-d;;this encoder is supposed to be the output of "encode-n"
(lambda (d encoder)
(if (null? d) '() ;;catches recursive base case, returns empty list
(append (cons(map encoder (car d)) '()) (encode-d (cdr d) encoder) )) ;;encode first para, concat w/ recursive call on rest
;; -----------------------------------------------------
;; 2 generators should be implemented, and each of them returns a decoder
;;generate a decoder using brute-force-version spell-checker
;;INPUT:an encoded paragraph "p"
;;OUTPUT:a decoder, whose input=a word, output=decoded word
(define Gen-Decoder-A
(lambda (p)
(define return_decoder
(lambda (i)
(encode-n i)
(define valid_wordcounts
(map count_true
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 0) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 1) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 2) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 3) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 4) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 5) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 6) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 7) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 8) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 9) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 10) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 11) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 12) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 13) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 14) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 15) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 16) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 17) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 18) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 19) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 20) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 21) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 22) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 23) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 24) p))
(map spell-checker (map (encode-n 25) p)))))
(find_index valid_wordcounts (apply max valid_wordcounts)))
;;generate a decoder using frequency analysis
;;INPUT:same as above ;;sample of a doc, so a para
;;OUTPUT:same as above
(define Gen-Decoder-B
(lambda (p)
(define return_decoder
(lambda (i)
(encode-n i)
(define lettercounts
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'a)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'b)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'c)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'd)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'e)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'f)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'g)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'h)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'i)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'j)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'k)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'l)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'm)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'n)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'o)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'p)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'q)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'r)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 's)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 't)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'u)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'v)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'w)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'x)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'y)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)
(reduce + (map (count_letter 'z)(reduce append (list p) '())) 0)))
(return_decoder (spin_to_e (find_index lettercounts (apply max lettercounts))))
;; -----------------------------------------------------
;;a codebreaker
;;INPUT: an encoded document(of course by a Caesar's Cipher), a decoder(generated by functions above)
;;OUTPUT: a decoded document
(define Code-Breaker
(lambda (d decoder)
(if (null? d) '() ;;catches recursive base case, returns empty list
(append (cons(map decoder (car d)) '()) (Code-Breaker (cdr d) decoder)) ) ;;encode first para, concat w/ recursive call on rest
;; -----------------------------------------------------
(spell-checker '(h e l l o))
(define add5 (encode-n 5))
(encode-d document add5)
;(define decoderSP1 (Gen-Decoder-A paragraph))
(define decoderFA1 (Gen-Decoder-B paragraph))
(Code-Breaker document decoderSP1)
The IDE shows the error at the second last line of the code
(define decoderFA1 (Gen-Decoder-B paragraph)).
The error is due to paragraph .
Help me fix this error. Thanks in advance for helping
I have the necessary external files , but those only contain the list

You are using DrRacket to write a Scheme program. Since DrRacket can be used with many languages, you need to choose R5RS Scheme as your language:
1. In the lower left corner of DrRacket, click the drop down menu.
2. Click "Choose Language..."
3. Choose R5RS Scheme.
Also remember to copy the files "", "", "" and "" into the same directory as your own source file.
PS: Is it this project?


Luhn algorithm in scheme

When I have a number in my list that is greater than 9 I want to separate the
digits and add them to the running sum.
The code I have is giving me and error in my sum-list definition.
(define sum-list (lst)
(if (null lst)
(if (>9 car lst?)
(cons ((mod (car lst) 10)) + (* (remainder (/car lst 10) 10))))
(if (>9 cdr lst?)
(cons ((mod (cdr lst)10)) + (* (remainder (/cdr lst 10) 10))))
(+ (car lst) (sum-list (cdr lst)))))
I am getting an error"Expected only one expression after the name sum-list but found one extra part.
I wrote this now in mit-scheme. I split the problem in 2 subproblems -- to conver the number to the list of digits and then to sum the digits in the resulting list.
(define n->l
(lambda (n return)
((lambda (s) (s s n return))
(lambda (s n col)
(if (zero? n)
(col '())
(s s
(quotient n 10)
(lambda (rest)
(col (cons (remainder n 10) rest)))))))))
(define sum-digits
(lambda (n)
(n->l n (lambda (l) (fold-left + 0 l)))))
(sum-digits 100)
(sum-digits 123)

Producing a list of lists

I am trying to produce a list of lists which has *.
Here is what I have so far:
(define (position loc count)
(cond [(empty? loc)empty]
[else (cons (list (first loc) count)
(position (rest loc) (add1 count)))]
(position (string->list "**.*.***..") 0)
would produce:
(list #\* 0) (list #\* 1) (list #\. 2) (list #\* 3) (list #\. 4) (list #\* 5)
(list #\* 6) (list #\* 7) (list #\. 8) (list #\. 9))
Basically I am trying to get
(list (list (list #\* 0) (list #\* 1))
(list (list #\* 3))
(list (list #\* 5)(list #\* 6) (list #\* 7)))
I thought about using foldr but not sure if that will work. Any help would be appreciated.
It's not exactly a foldr solution though, you need a function that modifies it's behaviour based on prior input in order to group the continuous star characters. Check out my use of a boolean to switch behaviour upon finding a match.
(define (combine-continuous char L)
(let loop ((L L) (acc '()) (continuing? #t))
(cond ((null? L) (list (reverse acc)))
((equal? (caar L) char)
(if continuing?
(loop (cdr L) (cons (car L) acc) #t)
(cons (reverse acc)
(loop (cdr L) (list (car L)) #t))))
(else (loop (cdr L) acc #f)))))
(combine-continuous #\* (position (string->list "**.*.***..") 0))
;Value 19: (((#\* 0) (#\* 1)) ((#\* 3)) ((#\* 5) (#\* 6) (#\* 7)))

What is definition of “map” in Racket

What would be the definition of "map" function without using any other high-level functional in Racket?
I need a stack recursion version.
A simple definition of a map function could be:
(define (map f l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (f (car l)) (map f (cdr l)))))
(map (lambda (n) (* n n)) '(1 2 3 4)) ;; => (1 4 9 16)
Usually you'll find map being made with fold, but I prefer doing everything with pair-for-each (maplist in CL). This defines pair-for-each, map, filter-map, filter, zip and unzip compatible with the same procedures in SRFI-1 List library.
(define-values (pair-for-each map filter-map filter zip unzip)
(let ((%MAP-PASS (list 'MAP-PASS))
(%MAP-END (list 'MAP-END)))
;; pair-for-each-1 applies proc to every cons
;; in order until proc returns %MAP-END
;; when proc evaluates to %MAP-PASS the result is skipped
(define (pair-for-each-1 proc lst (next cdr))
(let loop ((lst lst))
(let ((res (proc lst)))
(cond ((eq? res %MAP-END) '())
((eq? res %MAP-PASS) (loop (next lst)))
(else (cons res
(loop (next lst))))))))
;; Transform a typical map procedure to include
;; a %MAP-END when the list argument is eq? a certain value
(define (stop-at value proc)
(lambda (lst)
(if (eq? value lst)
(proc lst))))
;; Takes a lists of lists and returns a
;; new list with the cdrs
(define (cdrs lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() cdar) lsts))
;; Takes a list of lists and returns a
;; new list with the cars except if one of
;; the sublists are nil in which the result is also nil
(define (cars lsts)
(call/cc (lambda (exit)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '()
(lambda (x)
(let ((x (car x)))
(if (null? x)
(exit '())
(car x)))))
;; Takes a list of lists and returns #t if any are null
(define (any-null? lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(or (null? (car lsts))
(any-null? (cdr lsts)))))
;; Return value definitions starts here
;; pair-for-each is called maplist in CL
(define (pair-for-each proc lst . lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() (lambda (x) (proc x))) lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (lambda (args)
(if (any-null? args)
(apply proc args)))
(cons lst lsts)
;; Multi arity map
(define (map f lst . lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() (lambda (x) (f (car x)))) lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (lambda (x)
(let ((args (cars x)))
(if (null? args)
(apply f args))))
(cons lst lsts)
;; filter-map is like map except it skips false values
(define (filter-map proc . lsts)
(apply map (lambda x
(or (apply proc x) %MAP-PASS)))
;; filter only takes one list and instead of the result it
;; takes the original argument as value (which may be #f)
(define (filter predicate? lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '()
(lambda (x)
(let ((x (car x)))
(if (predicate? x)
;; zip (zip '(1 2 3) '(a b c)) ; ==> ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
(define (zip lst . lsts)
(apply map list (cons lst lsts)))
;; unzip does the same except it takes a list of lists as argument
(define (unzip lsts)
(apply map list lsts))
;; return procedures
(values pair-for-each map filter-map filter zip unzip)))
It was unclear to me what kind of implementation the OP asked for, so here is yet another variation of map.
; map : function list -> list
; (map f '()) = '()
; (map f (cons x xs)) = (cons (f x) (map f xs))
(define (my-map f xs)
; loop : list list -> list
; (loop (list x1 ... xn) (list y1 ... ym)) = (list (f x1) ... (f xn) ym ... y1)
(define (loop xs ys)
(match xs
['() (reverse ys)]
[(cons x xs) (loop xs (cons (f x) ys))]))
(loop xs '()))
(my-map sqrt '(1 4 9 16))
'(1 2 3 4)

Encapsulating Certain Parts of List

I'm trying to write a procedure that "encapsulates" (i.e. puts in a list) elements of a list between a "separator" element.
(my-proc '(1 + 2))
=> ((1) (2))
(my-proc '(x * y + z ^ 2 + 1 + 5))
=> ((x * y) (z ^ 2) (1) (5))
(my-proc '((x + 1) * y + 5))
=> (((x + 1) * y) (5))
In this case the procedure can be hard-coded to define the + symbol as the separator.
Assume that foldr (fold right operation) is defined, I'd prefer that it'd be in terms of it.
I'm not giving a full solution since this looks really homework-y.
(define (split-expr expr)
(foldr (lambda (e es)
(if (eq? e '+)
<???> ; do split
(cons (cons e (car es))
(cdr es))))
<???> ; what should start be?
Just for fun, here's a version in continuation-passing style (no foldr, probably not suitable as a homework answer):
(define split/cps
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls] [k (λ (item acc)
(if item (cons item acc) acc))])
[(null? ls)
(k #f '())]
[(eq? sep (car ls))
(loop (cdr ls)
(λ (item acc)
(k #f (if item (cons item acc) acc))))]
(loop (cdr ls)
(λ (item acc)
(k (if item
(cons (car ls) item)
(list (car ls)))
Here's another way to do it, also without foldr:
(define split/values
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls])
[(null? ls)
(let-values ([(a d) (car-to-sep sep ls)])
(if (null? a)
(loop d)
(cons a (loop d))))]))))
(define car-to-sep
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls] [a '()])
[(null? ls)
(values '() '())]
[(eq? sep (car ls))
(values '() (cdr ls))]
(let-values ([(a d) (loop (cdr ls) a)])
(values (cons (car ls) a) d))]))))

Matrix addition in Scheme

I am trying to add a matrix and it is not working...
(define (matrix-matrix-add a b)
(map (lambda (row) (row-matrix-add row b))
(define (row-matrix-add row matrix)
(if (null? (car matrix))
(cons (add-m row (map car matrix))
(row-matrix-add row (map cdr matrix)))))
(define (add-m row col)
(if (null? col)
(+ (car row)
(car col)
(add-m (cdr row) (cdr col)))))
Here is very short working implementation. Map is good at getting rid of a layer of recursion, when you can use it.
(define (matrix-add x y) (map (lambda (x y) (map + x y)) x y))
Here is a working implementation:
(define (matrix-add m1 m2)
(define (matrix-add-row r1 r2 res-row)
(if (and (not (null? r1)) (not (null? r2)))
(matrix-add-row (cdr r1) (cdr r2)
(cons (+ (car r1) (car r2)) res-row))
(reverse res-row)))
(define (matrix-add-each m1 m2 res)
(if (and (not (null? m1)) (not (null? m2)))
(let ((res-row (matrix-add-row (car m1) (car m2) ())))
(matrix-add-each (cdr m1) (cdr m2) (cons res-row res)))
(reverse res)))
(matrix-add-each m1 m2 ()))
Sample usage and output:
> (matrix-add '((7 2) (3 8)) '((4 8) (0 5)))
((11 10) (3 13))
> (matrix-add '((5 2) (4 9) (10 -3)) '((-11 0) (7 1) (-6 -8)))
((-6 2) (11 10) (4 -11))
