Cannot find "Paste Special" option in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

I cannot see the Paste Special option in my Visual Studio 2017 Professional Edition:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017
Version 15.4.5
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.02046
In this blog post it is shown for Visual Studio 2013. On my machine, the edit menu appears as below:
Is there a way to get back the option? Do I need to enable this option somehow?

I have missed an important step. There is nothing wrong in Visual Studio 2017. I was not in a .cs file.

Another possible answer to this problem is the WCF component is not installed in Visual Studio.

The Paste Special option will not show if you are debugging.
I stopped my application and the Paste Special option appeared right away.
This was in Visual Studio 2017, but I assume it would be the same for all versions.


Xamarin templates missing in Visual Studio 2017 enterprise

I had Visual Studio 2017 community before and Xamarin templates were there. I installed Visual Studio 2017 enterprise and now I do not see Xamarin templates like:
BlankApp(Xamarin.form Portable) and BlankApp(Native shared)
I have repaired Visual Studio and also updates but still same. Please advise how to fix it if anyone got same issue.
There is some changes on VS 2017 15.6.4, click Mobile App(Xamarin.Forms), and click OK, A window will appear allowing you to choose a Share Project or a .NET Standard:
Here is about the Share Project, and here is about the .Net Standard.

Choose specific VSTO-Version when opening TFS-Project

I do have a TFS Project (TFS 2013) and I would like to set up my Visual Studio 2015 to work at that project. I have Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015 installed. Now whenever I go to the main page of my Project and click "Open in Visual Studio" (like described here), Visual Studio 2017 opens. I would like to have it open in VSTO 2015. How can I select which version of Visual Studio should open?
The solution file should contain a UTF-8 signature that describes in which version the solution is to be opened. This is what's used for example to show different icons for solution files targeting different Visual Studio versions.
This signature info is also used by the Visual Studio Version Selector when opening a solution. An easy way to fix this is make sure that have the solution local on your dev machine and then right click -> open with and choose the Visual Studio Version Selector. Then pick the correct version of Visual Studio that you want to use.
This will then be honored by your browser when opening a solution since this also uses the Visual Studio Version Selector.

How to switch on CodeLens in Visual Studio 2017?

I have installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017.
I cannot find any option to switch on CodeLens. Is this feature removed from this version?
CodeLens is not available in the Community editions. You need Professional or higher to switch it on.
In VS2015, one way to "get" CodeLens was to install the SQL Server Developer Tools (SSDT) but I believe this has been rectified in VS2017.
Visual Studio Community dose not support CodeLens , only Visual Studio
Professional and Visual Studio
Enterprise give this Integrated Development Environment Facility.
For more information go to this link enter link description here
For Visual information Please See this Image: Visual Studio
Community supported Features
If you like CodeLens you can install Visual Studio 2019 Community
Microsoft has enabled it even for the Community edition. See Integrated Development Environment on Visual Studio Comparison. Most features are enabled.
See CodeLens for Everyone What's New in Visual Studio 2019 for more info.
CodeLens is now available since VS 2017 Community Update 8, but it only contains Requests and Exceptions of Application Insights, no References:
From Dante Gagne [MSFT] on Oct 31, 2018 at 05:38 PM:
The infrastructure for CodeLens has been released in the Visual Studio 2017 Update 8. Please install and let us know your feedback. Please continue to provide feedback and help us make Visual Studio even better.
It can be enabled in the Text Editor Options under All Languages --> CodeLens --> Enable CodeLens
Resharper has "Find Usages" and "Find Usages Advanced". The default keyboard shortcut for "Find Usages" is Shift+F12. If you can live with using that shortcut instead of clicking on the reference link above a type then you're good to go. I've moved the results window from the bottom to the left and enabled auto-hide.
Good enough for me.
For Visual Studio Community 2019 a lesser CodeLens version is available:
Visual Studio Community 2019:
Visual Studio Professional 2019:

Missing CodeLens references count in Visual Studio Community edition 2015 and 2017

Is there a reason why the references count (code lens) is missing in Visual Studio Community edition?
Is is possible to enable it in the options?
Here is a screenshot of Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 Community edition:
Here is a screenshot of Visual Studio 2013:
I installed the latest SSDT preview for Visual Studio 2015 from the link below on 2 machines I have with VS 2015 Community edition (Update 1), and CodeLens started working for all my projects.
This isn't a generic reference counting feature, it's just one of the features of CodeLens. CodeLens is only available in Visual Studio 2015 Pro and above. In Visual Studio 2013 it was a Ultimate-only feature.
As others have noted, installing SSDT or SSMS 2016 may enable CodeLens as well. That's because VS 2015 Community is Pro, with a different license and some missing extensions like CodeLens. As long as an extension's binaries and settings are installed, Community will activate the extension.
"CodeLens has been a feature found only in Visual Studio Enterprise, but that will change in an upcoming preview of Visual Studio 2019, when it will also be available for the Community edition, likely in 2019"
What's New in Visual Studio 2019
I have Visual Studio 2015 Community edition and it originally did NOT have CodeLens.
However, after going to Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Product Updates and then downloading SSDT and installing all options within the SSDT package, my VS 2015 Community Edition now miraculously has access to CodeLens.
On the Tools tab choose Options.
In the open window choose like bellow, and then press ok.
Good Luck!!!
This feature has been disabled in Visual Studio Community 2017, although it sounds like it was temporarily available in pre-release versions.
The Visual Studio Team issued this statement on the 14th of March 2017:
An authoring error in the SQL Server Data Tools resulted in the
capability temporarily showing up incorrectly in Visual Studio
Community when installed; the change you see is a result of correcting
that mistake.
Also, on the Compare Visual Studio 2017 Offerings page CodeLens appears to not be available in the Community edition.
I'm not allowed to Comment on R. Richards answer above, so posting this as a separate answer: CodeLens references disappeared for me too when I upgraded my VS Pro to 2017. But only on my Desktop ("same" upgrade behaved differently on my laptop, where CodeLens settings apparently unaffected). Anyway, very easy to resolve just Enable CodeLens under Text Editor : All Languages
An alternative is to just right-click the member and select 'Find All References' or the hot key shift + F12*. Not only you will find the count of references grouped by project, but also the underlying code lines and their classes.
* As per Visual Studio 2017 Community.

Visual Studio 2012 Website Does Work Properly in Visual Studio 2012

I originally created an ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2010 a few years ago and it went through the VS 2010 SP1 update as well. This meant that Visual Studio 2012 opened the solution without performing a one time upgrade.
The issue I am having is that the built-in browser selector in Visual Studio 2012 is not available for this project and the settings only let you use the default browser.
When I looked in the .SLN file, the version line indicates Visual Studio 2012 (i.e. # Visual Studio 2012) and no other setting in there appears to have anything to do with this limitation.
Has anybody had this issue and, if so, can you please let me know how your overcame it?
You're going to have to upgrade your project to allow it to make use of Visual Studio 2012 only features. Note, if you do this you will no longer be able to open your project in earlier versions of VS.
For VS 2010 , you can install WoVS Default Browser Switcher extension
Also a related question Change default browser in Visual Studio 2010 RC
