Jms Configuration Ready Api 2.2 - jms

i am trying to manually configure JMS in Ready API 2.2 . I want to use Apache ActiveMQ , for that i need valid inputs for :
Initial Context Class
Provider Url
Connection Factory JNDI name
I have checked many sources , but i am not getting exact values for these . Can anyone provide them. And what are basic Jar files required ?

Take a look at the ActiveMQ documentation on this subject. It should answer most if not all your questions.


Can JMS Messaging be performed on quarkus using Apache camel routes?

Sorry for a naive question , just starting off with quarkus here. Since i read that quarkus already supports camel , is it possible to create a JMS route to send a message to a JMS queue ?
I also have some legacy services which use Database bean map handlers (apache commons db). If i include them as a part of quarkus ,can these still be deployed on GraalVM ?
The list of the component currently fully supported by camel-quarkus is listed here:
Other components not listed here are working out of the box in JVM mode but some work may be required ot make them working as native image

In Spring Boot, How do I declare that my JMS server is embedded?

The Spring Boot documentation has this very brief illustration of an embedded JMS server: "Two beans that you don’t see defined are JmsTemplate and ConnectionFactory. These are created automatically by Spring Boot. In this case, the ActiveMQ broker runs embedded." Huh? The Reference Documentation doesn't say a thing about it. I need to create two VMs, each running from its own jar file, and I need one of them to launch an embedded JMS server, but I have no idea how to do this. Can somebody point me in the right direction. (If you provide a link, I would prefer some clear documentation over an example, but I'll be happy with a good example.)
You are looking at the wrong reference documentation. Yours is from Spring Integration.
The one of Spring Boot can be found here:
And there you will find the answer:
When ActiveMQ is available on the classpath, Spring Boot can also
configure a ConnectionFactory. If the broker is present, an embedded
broker is automatically started and configured (provided no broker URL
is specified through configuration).

jms point to point or JMS publisher and subscriber

I am a novice user for jmeter.
In my company i need to do load testing. I am using Hermes JMS to send request and response using the queues. So what should I use in jmeter, jms point to point or JMS publisher and subscriber. And I also want to set up the ftp location to get the files.
I tried both of those but getting the error in jndi properties:
"ERROR - jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler.JMSSampler: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"
I am not exactly sure how can I set up the queues that I am using in hermes.
How can I setup the JNDI settings? Or its default because I was reading online and everyone has Initial Context Factory as org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory and what about the queues do I need to provide my own queues or that's the default as well?
If you are using queues, you'll want to use JMS point to point. JMS publisher and subscriber uses JMS topics. If the queues already exist in ActiveMQ (and they appear to since you can see them in Hermes), you'll need to configure JMeter to use those. It sounds like your JNDI settings are incorrect and JMeter cannot find the JNDI name you're telling it to look for.
Regarding the 2nd part of your question: when using a JMS Publisher, you can use the dynamicQueues/ prefix for your destination when creating queues, dynamicTopics/ for topics, e.g. dynamicQueues/my.testqueue
You need to make sure that you have the 'activemq-all-[version].jar' file in the lib folder of JMeter so that when you set the 'Initial Context Factory' property to 'org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory' (as well as the 'QueueConnection Factory' resource to 'ConnectionFactory') in the JMS Sampler the latter is found and initiated by JMeter.

Regarding building application in Spring JMS

I am a new bie to the world of Spring JMS, I have read the manning Spring in action particular for JMS, I have also gone with through this url and it helped me lot.I have also gone through the official spring reference and discovers the JMS templates also, Now my query is could you please advise me some more urls so that when, I am going to build a small first application which will put data in queue and another app will read data from that queue, so I will be using Active MQ, please share some url and examples to grasp more and that will help me to build the application and explore the world of spring JMS.
Thanks in advance
Follow these links in order:
Using spring to send jms messages
Using spring to receive jms messages
Tuning jms message consumption in spring
Creating robust jms application

configure jndi.xml in serviceMix to work with MQseries

My j2EE app is currently running on ServiceMix. Now i want to add JMS to my app. The application should able to send/receive the JMS message to/from the queue that stays on MQSeries.
What i would like to do is:
1. Create a jndi.xml file and do configuration for jms stuff.
2. my app will initialize the context, look up jndi name, and create a connection, queueManager, queue. .etc
3. Develop send and receive methods.
My question is:
Can you tell me how to do 1st and 2nd steps.
(the script inside ServiceMix's jndi is diffrent with tomcat's
jndi and others.
ServiceMix using Spring based JNDI provider.
I just ran into something similar with Weblogic. The following link uses spring-dm to integrate with websphere. It also takes it to the next logical step and adds camel to the mix.
Without using Spring-dm, you may run into classloader issues when trying to load the InitialContextFactory from the websphere jar (this is an issue I had with the Weblogic jar)
