Regarding building application in Spring JMS - spring

I am a new bie to the world of Spring JMS, I have read the manning Spring in action particular for JMS, I have also gone with through this url and it helped me lot.I have also gone through the official spring reference and discovers the JMS templates also, Now my query is could you please advise me some more urls so that when, I am going to build a small first application which will put data in queue and another app will read data from that queue, so I will be using Active MQ, please share some url and examples to grasp more and that will help me to build the application and explore the world of spring JMS.
Thanks in advance

Follow these links in order:
Using spring to send jms messages
Using spring to receive jms messages
Tuning jms message consumption in spring
Creating robust jms application


Spring Integration with Spring Boot - High Availability

A spring integration project pulls emails from Exchange Server using imap-idle-channel-adapter; it transforms the message; it invokes some SOAP webservices and persists data in DB using Spring Boot and JPA. All works fine.
This needs to be deployed in a four-weblogic-server cluster environment.
Could someone please help with some hints on what needs to be done? Is there any configuration needed?
As long as your logic is just like you show and there is no any more endpoints polling shared resource, your are good so far do nothing more. The mail API has built-in feature to mark messages in the box as read or at least seen, so other concurrent session won’t poll those messages again.

Spring Boot JMS client

I have used couple of days trying to find simple example of how to implement a JMS client with minimum possible number of dependencies.
In internet you can find tons of examples. But Spring Boot examples exclusively use local broker. Most of them have ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ starter dependency & nothing else.
I can see that this is a kind of "general question" that Stack Overflow doesn't like, but I can not figure out were to go. No help from Spring docs either.
And I am sure there not very many lines of code are needed if you just know what to do!
EDIT: I just want a JMS listener.

JMS configuration for Spring Integration

I am trying to implement activemq(just want to receive messages) with spring integration.I cant find any clues how to provide java configuration for activemq. What are the minimum required components for job. Somewhere we have channel, adapter somewhere we dont. I am unable to understand spring concepts of adapter, channel and service activator. They are all feeling same to me. I find the integration documentation going above my head. I never had problems with understanding other spring modules(boot, mvc, cloud, batch). Can someone point me in the right direction or what is it that I am doing wrong.
You probably are missing the fact that Spring Integration is a reference implementation for well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns. So, please, consider to start from the theory and ideas. Then you can come back to Spring Integration as an API for those EIP. See respective book on the matter:
To read messages from JMS destination you need to use a JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint with respective ConnectionFactory injected.
There is nothing more about that than an ActiveMQConnectionFactory as a bean.
For example in tests we do like this:
new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false")
And an in-memory broker is started.
See a test class with Java DSL for some way how to configure JMS components:

Send a message to wildfly JMS message queue using spring boot

My questions is related to an older post.
I am trying to publish a message to a Wildfly JMS queue. Right now the queues and the app run on the same JBoss container. I am trying to create a new Spring Boot app that can publish messages to the existing queues from another container. Since Wildfly is old I am not finding much help online.
All JMS clients (including Spring JMS) need basic things like JNDI context properties, admin object names, etc. You can refer to the Wildfly Hello World JMS Quickstart for these details and then plug them in to your Spring Boot application. The actual names of the admin objects (i.e. connection factory, queue, etc.) will, of course, vary based on your particular configuration.

Using rabbitmq to send String/Custom Object from one spring boot application to another

My requirement is to for starters send a string from one spring-boot application to another using AMQP.
I am new to it and I have gone through this spring-boot guide, so i know the basic fundamentals of Queue, Exchange, Binding, Container and listener.
So, above guide shows the steps when amqp is received in same application.
I am a little confused on where to start if I want to achieve above type of communication between 2 different spring-boot applications.
What are the properties needed for that, etc.
Let me know if any details required.
Just divide the application into two:
One without Receiver and ...
Another without Sender
Make sure your application and configuration etc stays the same. With Spring boot's built-in RabbitMQ, you will be able to run it alright.
Next step is to call sender as and when needed from your business logic.
