VB6 Converting a fraction to a decimal and a decimal to fraction - vb6

There's a few posts on this, but none seem to provide a whole code solution, so I'm posting this up, which is culled (and credited where appropriate) from various bits and pieces of ideas on the Internet. VB6 doesn't have any function to convert from a fraction to a decimal number, which I needed for a project that I was working on which was concerned with meal recipes. I considered writing a DLL in .NET and plugging it into my application, but decided on this approach in the end. I hope this is useful for others. The solution below will do the following:
You supply a decimal number and you will be returned the fraction as a string.
You supply a fraction as a string and you will be returned with the decimal number.
In both cases, whole numbers are accounted for eg. "2 3/4" (two and three quarters) or "2.75".
I'm sure the code is not efficient, so any improvements are welcome.

Copy/Paste this as a new Class module:
Option Explicit
Private ErrorNote As String
Public Property Get GetAsFraction(numToConvert As Double) As String
On Error GoTo GetAsFraction_Error
GetAsFraction = FncGetAsFraction(numToConvert)
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Property
ErrorNote = "Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'GetAsFraction' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Property
Public Property Get GetAsDecimal(fractionString As String) As Double
On Error GoTo GetAsDecimal_Error
GetAsDecimal = FncGetAsDecimal(fractionString)
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Property
ErrorNote = "Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'GetAsDecimal' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Property
'Functions - private
Private Function FncGetAsDecimal(fractionToConvert As String) As Double
Dim result As Double
Dim wholeNumber As Integer
Dim splitStr As Variant
Dim numerator As Integer
Dim denominator As Integer
Dim fractionString As String
Dim dividedByPos As Integer
On Error GoTo FncGetAsDecimal_Error
splitStr = Split(fractionToConvert, " ")
If UBound(splitStr) = 1 Then
wholeNumber = splitStr(0)
fractionString = splitStr(1)
fractionString = splitStr(0)
End If
dividedByPos = InStr(1, fractionString, "/")
numerator = Left(fractionString, dividedByPos - 1)
denominator = Mid(fractionString, dividedByPos + 1)
result = Val(numerator) / Val(denominator) + wholeNumber
FncGetAsDecimal = result
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ErrorNote = "Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'FncGetAsDecimal' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Function
Private Function FncGetAsFraction(numToConvert As Double) As String
Dim result As String
Dim numeratorCount As Integer
Dim denominator As Single
Dim multiplierStr As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim fractionNum As Single
Dim lowestCommonDenominator As Long
Dim wholeNumber As Integer
Dim decimalPos As Integer
On Error GoTo FncGetAsFraction_Error
If numToConvert > 0 Then
decimalPos = InStr(1, CStr(numToConvert), ".")
If decimalPos > 1 Then
wholeNumber = CStr(Mid(numToConvert, 1, decimalPos - 1))
numToConvert = CStr(Mid(numToConvert, decimalPos))
End If
numeratorCount = FncCountDecimalPlaces(numToConvert)
multiplierStr = "1"
For i = 1 To numeratorCount
multiplierStr = multiplierStr & "0"
Next i
fractionNum = numToConvert * Val(multiplierStr)
denominator = 1 * Val(multiplierStr)
result = FncCrunchFraction(fractionNum, denominator)
If result = "" Then result = fractionNum & "/" & denominator
If wholeNumber <> 0 Then result = wholeNumber & " " & result
result = "ERROR"
End If
FncGetAsFraction = result
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ErrorNote = "Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'FncGetAsFraction' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Function
Private Function FncCountDecimalPlaces(num As Double) As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim numberStr As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim decimalPointPos As Integer
On Error GoTo FncCountDecimalPlaces_Error
numberStr = CStr(num)
If Len(numberStr) > 0 Then
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(numberStr) And decimalPointPos = 0
If Mid(numberStr, i, 1) = "." Then decimalPointPos = i
i = i + 1
End If
If i > 1 Then
result = (Len(numberStr) - i + 1)
End If
FncCountDecimalPlaces = result
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ErrorNote = "Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'FncCountDecimalPlaces' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Function
'Credit to:
'dsi (Programmer) - 7 Feb 02 10:38
Private Function FncCrunchFraction(num1 As Single, num2 As Single) As String
Dim num As Single
Dim dem As Single
Dim cnt1 As Integer
Dim cnt2 As Integer
Dim numFactors() As Single
Dim demFactors() As Single
Dim common As Single
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
On Error GoTo FncCrunchFraction_Error
num = num1
dem = num2
For i = 2 To Int(num / 2) Step 1
If (num Mod i = 0) Then
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
ReDim Preserve numFactors(1 To cnt1)
numFactors(cnt1) = i
End If
Next i
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
ReDim Preserve numFactors(1 To cnt1)
numFactors(cnt1) = num
For i = 2 To Int(dem / 2) Step 1
If (dem Mod i = 0) Then
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
ReDim Preserve demFactors(1 To cnt2)
demFactors(cnt2) = i
End If
Next i
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
ReDim Preserve demFactors(1 To cnt2)
demFactors(cnt2) = dem
For i = cnt1 To 1 Step -1
For j = cnt2 To 1 Step -1
If (numFactors(i) = demFactors(j)) Then
common = numFactors(i)
FncCrunchFraction = num / common & "/" & dem / common
Exit Function
End If
Next j
Next i
FncCrunchFraction = ""
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
ErrorNote = "Line:" & Erl & " Number:" & Err.number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure 'FncCrunchFraction' in 'ClsFractionDecimal'"
MsgBox (ErrorNote)
End Function
Then call it with these code examples:
Public Function DecimalToFraction(number As Double) As String
Dim myFractionDecimal As New ClsFractionDecimal
DecimalToFraction = myFractionDecimal.GetAsFraction(number)
Set myFractionDecimal = Nothing
End Function
Public Function FractionToDecimal(fractionString As String) As Double
Dim myFractionDecimal As New ClsFractionDecimal
FractionToDecimal = myFractionDecimal.GetAsDecimal(fractionString)
Set myFractionDecimal = Nothing
End Function


Isn't this how you pass dynamic array as function argument in VBScript?

Okay, I am trying to convert the user given decimal number to binary but Internet Explorer gives me this error:
Isn't that how you send a dynamic array as function argument in VBScript?
VBScript code:
Function toBinary(number, binary)
Dim remainder : remainder = 0
Dim index : index = 0
While (number <> 0)
remainder = number Mod 2
number = number \ 2
ReDim binary(index)
binary(index) = remainder
index = index + 1
toBinary = binary
End Function
Dim number
Dim response : response = vbYes
Dim binary()
While (response = vbYes)
number = InputBox("Enter A Decimal Number: ")
If (Not IsNumeric(number)) Then
response = MsgBox("Wrong Input, Wanna Try Again? ", vbYesNo)
MsgBox (number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number, binary) & " in Binary")
response = vbNo
End If
In the line msgbox ( number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number, binary) & " in Binary"), the function toBinary(...) returns an array.
An array cannot be converted to a string in vbscript, so when you concatenate it to display it, you get an error.
In your example, I would suggest that you build a string instead of an array and return that string :
Function toBinary(value)
dim result : result = ""
dim remainder : remainder = 0
If value = 0 Then
result = "0"
While (value <> 0)
remainder = value Mod 2
result = remainder & result
value = value \ 2
End If
toBinary = result
End Function
dim number
dim response : response = vbYes
dim binary()
while ( response = vbYes )
number = inputbox("Enter A Decimal Number: ")
if ( Not IsNumeric(number)) then
response = msgbox("Wrong Input, Wanna Try Again ? ", vbYesNo)
msgbox ( number & " is equal to " & toBinary(number) & " in Binary")
response = vbNo
end if

Invalid procedure call or argument on split mac excel vba

I am not sure why but this cet = Split(strCSV, " - ") causes Run time error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument.
strCSV = Trim(cWk.Range("P" & i)): dt = CDate(CLng(cWk.Range("H" & i)))
where str = "Cap Style:Snapback - CD / Number:07 / Color:First Avenger(+S$1.50) / Box:none - Only Purchase 3 caps and above - Free Box "
Following code works perfectly on windows but it throws error on the above mentioned line
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub Get_Data()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim fName, wkB2 As Workbook, cWk As Worksheet, xWk As Worksheet, frowC As Long, i As Long, j As Long, ch As String, num As String
Dim strCSV As String, dt As Date, shtName As String, cet, temp As String, rng As Range, cel As Range, cl As String, rw As Long, toF As String
On Error GoTo Err
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename
If fName <> False Then
Set wkB2 = Workbooks.Open(fName): Set cWk = wkB2.Worksheets(1): frowC = cWk.Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Cap Style:Baseball - CC / Number:04 / Color:Grey(+S$2) / Box:none - Only Purchase 3 caps and above - Free Box
'Cap Style:SnapBack - CC / Number:04 / Color:Grey(+S$1.50) / Box:none - Only Purchase 3 caps and above - Free Box
For i = 2 To frowC
strCSV = Trim(cWk.Range("P" & i)): dt = CDate(CLng(cWk.Range("H" & i)))
If strCSV <> "" And IsDate(dt) Then
'ERROR cet = Split(strCSV, " - "): temp = cet(LBound(cet)): cet = Split(temp, ":"): shtName = Trim(cet(UBound(cet)))
For Each xWk In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If shtName = Trim(xWk.Name) Then
Set rng = xWk.Range("E3:BD3")
For Each cel In rng
If cel.Value = dt Then
cet = Split(cel.Address, "$"): cl = cet(UBound(cet) - 1): Exit For
End If
Next cel
cet = Split(strCSV, "Number:"): temp = cet(UBound(cet)): cet = Split(temp, "/"): num = Trim(cet(LBound(cet)))
cet = Split(strCSV, " / "): temp = cet(LBound(cet)): cet = Split(temp, " - "): ch = Trim(cet(UBound(cet))): ch = ch & "-" & num
Debug.Print "Ch is " & ch
Set rng = xWk.Range("A1:A" & xWk.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cel In rng
If cel.Value = ch Then
rw = cel.Row: Exit For
End If
Next cel
cet = Split(strCSV, "Color:"): temp = cet(UBound(cet)): cet = Split(temp, "("): toF = Trim(cet(LBound(cet)))
For j = rw To rw - 10 Step -1
If Trim(xWk.Range("B" & j)) = toF Then
rw = j: Exit For
End If
Next j
Debug.Print "Address is: " & cl & rw & " for row " & i
xWk.Range(cl & rw) = cWk.Range("O" & i)
Exit For
End If
Next xWk
End If
Next i
wkB2.Close False
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Done"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Update: SplitString now handle multi-character delimiters.
We conclude that older versions of Mac Office use the equivalent of VB5. Since the Split function was introduced in VB6. An Invalid procedure call or argument is being thrown because the Split function is not available in VB5.
The workaround would be to create a custom function that works like Spli.
Split Replacement Function
Function SplitString(Text As String, Delimiter As String)
Dim arr() As String, s As String
Dim i As Long, iEnd As Long, iStart As Long, length As Long
length = Len(Delimiter)
ReDim Preserve arr(0)
iStart = 1
iEnd = InStr(Mid(Text, iStart), Delimiter) - 1
If iEnd = -1 Then
ReDim Preserve arr(i)
arr(i) = Mid(Text, iStart)
Exit Do
ReDim Preserve arr(i)
arr(i) = Mid(Text, iStart, iEnd)
iStart = iStart + iEnd + length
i = i + 1
End If
Loop Until iStart = 0
SplitString = arr
End Function
Here are the tests that I ran
Sub BatchTest()
Dim strCSV As String, Temp As String, Delimiter As String
Dim a
strCSV = "Cap Style Snapback - CD / Number 07 / Color First Avenger(+S$1.50) / Box none - Only Purchase 3 caps and above - Free Box"
a = SplitString(strCSV, "/")
TestSplit strCSV, " / "
TestSplit strCSV, " /"
TestSplit strCSV, "/"
TestSplit strCSV, " Color First"
End Sub
Sub TestSplit(Text As String, Delimiter As String)
Dim arr As Variant, sReplcement As String
arr = SplitString(Text, Delimiter)
sReplcement = Replace(Text, Delimiter, "|")
Debug.Print sReplcement
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|")
Debug.Print sReplcement = Join(arr, "|")
End Sub
The Results of the tests
Sub TestRegEx()
MsgBox RegexExtract("sdi 99090 dfddf sdi 5666", "(sdi \d+)", ", ") = "sdi 99090, sdi 5666"
End Sub
Function RegexExtract(ByVal text As String, _
ByVal extract_what As String, _
Optional seperator As String = "") As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim result As String
Dim allMatches As Object
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RE.Pattern = extract_what
RE.Global = True
Set allMatches = RE.Execute(text)
For i = 0 To allMatches.count - 1
For j = 0 To allMatches.Item(i).submatches.count - 1
result = result & seperator & allMatches.Item(i).submatches.Item(j)
If Len(result) <> 0 Then
result = Right(result, Len(result) - Len(seperator))
End If
RegexExtract = result
End Function

How to speed up this code to find and delete rows if a substring is found

Below code works great as expected the only downside is its slow because I am using this to search for all the instances of the substring and delete the Entire row if found in any cell of the whole workbook.
Aim is simple just delete the entirerow if the entered string is found in any cell string
Dim wo As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Dim I As Long, j As Long, m As Long
Dim toFind As String, testStr As String
Dim pos As Long
Dim lstRow As Long, cutRow As Long
Dim WS_Count As Integer
Dim Cell As Range
Option Compare Text
Option Explicit
Sub SearchDelete()
toFind = InputBox("Enter the substring you want to search for.", "Welcome", "AAAA")
toFind = Trim(toFind)
j = 0
If toFind = "" Then
MsgBox "Empty String Entered.Exiting Sub Now."
Exit Sub
WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
'Begin the loop.
For I = 1 To WS_Count
For Each Cell In Worksheets(I).UsedRange.Cells
If Trim(Cell.Text) <> "" Then
pos = 0
pos = InStr(1, Trim(Cell.Text), toFind, vbTextCompare)
If pos > 0 Then 'match Found'
cutRow = Cell.Row
j = j + 1
GoTo Label1
Else: End If
Else: End If
Next Cell
Next I
End If
MsgBox "Total " & j & " Rows were deleted!"
End Sub
Individual operations are pretty much always slower than bulk operations and the Range.Delete method is no exception. Collecting the matching rows with a Union method and then performing the removal en masse will significantly speed up the operation.
Temporarily suspending certain application environment handlers will also help things along. You do not need Application.ScreenUpdating active while you are removing rows; only after you have completed the operation.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub searchDelete()
Dim n As Long, w As Long
Dim toFind As String, addr As String
Dim fnd As Range, rng As Range
toFind = InputBox("Enter the substring you want to search for.", "Welcome", "AAAA")
toFind = Trim(toFind)
If Not CBool(Len(toFind)) Then
MsgBox "Empty String Entered.Exiting Sub Now."
GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
End If
'appTGGL bTGGL:=False 'uncomment this line when you have finsihed debugging
With ActiveWorkbook
For w = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
With .Worksheets(w)
Set fnd = .Cells.Find(what:=toFind, lookat:=xlPart, _
If Not fnd Is Nothing Then
Set rng = .Rows(fnd.Row)
n = n + 1
addr = fnd.Address
If Intersect(fnd, rng) Is Nothing Then
n = n + 1
Set rng = Union(rng, .Rows(fnd.Row))
End If
Set fnd = .Cells.FindNext(after:=fnd)
Loop Until addr = fnd.Address
Debug.Print rng.Address(0, 0)
End If
End With
Next w
End With
Debug.Print "Total " & n & " rows were deleted!"
End Sub
Public Sub appTGGL(Optional bTGGL As Boolean = True)
Application.ScreenUpdating = bTGGL
Application.EnableEvents = bTGGL
Application.DisplayAlerts = bTGGL
Application.Calculation = IIf(bTGGL, xlCalculationAutomatic, xlCalculationManual)
Debug.Print Timer
End Sub
The answer to your question: "How to speed up this code to find and delete rows if a substring is found" is - DON'T repeat the search from the top of the sheet after you found and removed the row!

vb6 Compare times in list with current time

I'm making form where i need to enter the time's for each period like.
Start time - End time
Start time - End time
Start time - End time
Those record's could be saved in listbox as in my example. On another form i have 3 labels
CurrentTime, TimePassed, TimeLeft, and a Timer which ticks in interval 1second. So the time in timepassed ticking up, time left ticking down, and current time show correct time while application is opened.
In final it looks like this
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Call addp
End Sub
Function addp(Optional ByVal t As String)
Dim s As String, e As String
If t = "" Then s = Trim(InputBox("Start time (hh:mm AM/PM):")) Else: s = Trim(Split(t, "-")(0))
If s = "" Or InStr(1, s, " AM") = 0 And InStr(1, s, " PM") = 0 Then Exit Function
If chk(s) = False Then Exit Function
If t = "" Then e = Trim(InputBox(s & "-?" & vbCrLf & "End time:")) Else: e = Trim(Split(t, "-")(1))
If e = "" Or InStr(1, e, " AM") = 0 And InStr(1, e, " PM") = 0 Then Exit Function
If e = s Then Exit Function
If chk(e) = False Then Exit Function
If Format$(Split(s, "-")(0), "hh:mm AM/PM") > Format$(Split(e, "-")(0), "hh:mm AM/PM") Then Exit Function
If lstPeriods.List(0) <> "" Then
If Format$(Split(lstPeriods.List(lstPeriods.ListCount - 1), "-")(1), "hh:mm AM/PM") > Format$(Split(s, "-")(0), "hh:mm AM/PM") Then Exit Function
End If
lstPeriods.AddItem lstPeriods.ListCount + 1 & ". " & s & "-" & e
If frmMain.lblPeriod.Caption = "" Then Call snd(s & "-" & e, lstPeriods.ListCount)
End Function
For check
Function chk(ByVal st As String) As Boolean
st = Replace$(Replace$(st, " AM", ""), " PM", "")
If UBound(Split(st, ":")) <> 1 Then Exit Function
For i = 0 To 1
If IsNumeric(Split(st, ":")(i)) = False Then Exit Function
If Len(Split(st, ":")(i)) <> 2 Then Exit Function
If Split(st, ":")(i) < 0 Then Exit Function
If Split(st, ":")(0) > 12 Then Exit Function
If Split(st, ":")(1) > 59 Then Exit Function
chk = True
End Function
The solution i gave is the only solution which beginner as i I had. And i know it's confusing and very slow. There is no way this can be finished by using trim/split/format because it require for a lot of modification.
Searching for easier solution.
Sp i need to compare the current time on computer with the time person enetered in textbox/listbox how can i do that .
To Run this code you need to add 5 Controls to the Form1
lblSystemTime = Label Control
lblTimeLeft = Label Control
lblTimePassed = Label Control
lblPeriod = Label Control
tmrSystemTime = Timer Control
Dim Periods()
Private Sub Form_Load()
Periods = Array( _
"06:00 PM-07:00PM", _
"07:01 PM-08:00PM", _
"09:00 PM-10:00PM", _
"1AM-2AM" _
End Sub
Private Sub tmrSystemTime_Timer()
lblSystemTime.Caption = FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongTime)
Dim OnPeriod As Integer
OnPeriod = GetPeriod()
If OnPeriod < 0 Then
lblTimeLeft.Caption = vbNullString
lblTimePassed.Caption = vbNullString
lblPeriod.Caption = "Unknown Period"
lblPeriod = CStr(OnPeriod + 1) & ". period"
lblTimeLeft.Caption = "Time Left: " & Format( _
DateAdd("s", _
DateDiff("s", _
CDate(lblSystemTime.Caption), _
CDate(Split(Periods(OnPeriod), "-")(1))), _
CDate("0") _
), _
"nn:ss" _
lblTimePassed.Caption = "Time Passed: " & Format( _
DateAdd("s", _
DateDiff("s", _
CDate(Split(Periods(OnPeriod), "-")(1)), _
CDate(lblSystemTime.Caption)), _
CDate("0") _
), _
"nn:ss" _
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetPeriod() As Integer
Dim ICount As Integer
For Each Pr In Periods
If CDate(Split(Pr, "-")(0)) <= CDate(lblSystemTime.Caption) And _
CDate(Split(Pr, "-")(1)) >= CDate(lblSystemTime.Caption) Then
GetPeriod = ICount
Exit Function
End If
ICount = ICount + 1
GetPeriod = -1
End Function
Here is something which may help:
Private Sub TimeCheck(byval int_TimeNow as Integer)
dim intTimeThen as string 'set a variable to compare for the THEN time
dim intTimeNow as string 'set a variable to compare for the NOW time
dim intDiff as string ' set a variable for the difference in time
intTimeNow = int_TimeNow 'just to ensure we don't mess with any data
intTimeThen = val(txtTimeThen.text) 'get the numeric value of the time, the system will
'convert it from a string to the value here.
intDiff = intTimeThen - intTimeNow 'Do the math
lstTimeEvents.additem timevalue(intDiff) 'write it to a listbox
End Sub
I realize this is not the coding convention you are using, but it should demonstrate what you are looking for to some degree.

VBS Script for listing out Outlook Profile Info

I have found some code on the Internet for listing out Outlook Profile Info and I would like to it, but it gives the error: Type mismatch:'[string: "A"]', at line 74 (code 800A000D). I don't know why it's not working.
Here is the code:
Option Explicit
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const r_PSTGuidLocation = "01023d00"
Const r_MasterConfig = "01023d0e"
Const r_PSTCheckFile = "00033009"
Const r_PSTFile = "001f6700"
Const r_keyMaster = "9207f3e0a3b11019908b08002b2a56c2"
Const r_ProfilesRoot = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"
Const r_DefaultProfileString = "DefaultProfile"
Dim oReg:Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
Dim arrSubKeys, subkey, strValue, i, pstFile, arrPSTs, DefaultProfileName
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,r_ProfilesRoot,r_DefaultProfileString,DefaultProfileName
Function GetPSTsForProfile(p_profileName)
Dim strHexNumber, strPSTGuid, strFoundPST
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,r_ProfilesRoot & "\" & p_profileName & "\" & r_keyMaster,r_MasterConfig,strValue
If IsUsableArray (strValue) Then
For Each i In strValue
If Len(Hex(i)) = 1 Then
strHexNumber = CInt("0") & Hex(i)
strHexNumber = Hex(i)
End If
strPSTGuid = strPSTGuid + strHexNumber
If Len(strPSTGuid) = 32 Then
If IsAPST(r_ProfilesRoot & "\" & p_profileName & "\" & strPSTGuid) Then
Wscript.Echo PSTFileName(r_ProfilesRoot & "\" & p_profileName & "\" & _
PSTlocation(r_ProfilesRoot & "\" & p_profileName & "\" & strPSTGuid))
End If
strPSTGuid = ""
End If
End If
End Function
Function GetSize(zFile)
Dim objFSO:Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim objFile:Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(zFile)
GetSize = ConvertSize(objFile.Size)
End Function
Function ConvertSize(Size)
Do While InStr(Size,",") 'Remove commas from size
CommaLocate = InStr(Size,",")
Size = Mid(Size,1,CommaLocate - 1) & _
Mid(Size,CommaLocate + 1,Len(Size) - CommaLocate)
Dim Suffix:Suffix = " Bytes"
If Size >= 1024 Then suffix = " KB"
If Size >= 1048576 Then suffix = " MB"
If Size >= 1073741824 Then suffix = " GB"
If Size >= 1099511627776 Then suffix = " TB"
Select Case Suffix
Case " KB" Size = Round(Size / 1024, 1)
Case " MB" Size = Round(Size / 1048576, 1)
Case " GB" Size = Round(Size / 1073741824, 1)
Case " TB" Size = Round(Size / 1099511627776, 1)
End Select
ConvertSize = Size & Suffix
End Function
Function IsAPST(p_PSTGuid)
Dim x, P_PSTGuildValue
Dim P_PSTCheck:P_PSTCheck=0
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,p_PSTGuid,r_PSTCheckFile,P_PSTGuildValue
If IsUsableArray (P_PSTGuildValue) Then
For Each x in (P_PSTGuildValue)
P_PSTCheck = P_PSTCheck + Hex(x)
End If
If P_PSTCheck=20 Then IsAPST=True
End Function
Function PSTlocation(p_PSTGuid)
Dim y, P_PSTGuildValue
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,p_PSTGuid,r_PSTGuidLocation,P_PSTGuildValue
If IsUsableArray (P_PSTGuildValue) Then
For Each y In P_PSTGuildValue
If Len(Hex(y)) = 1 Then
PSTlocation = PSTlocation & CInt("0") & Hex(y)
PSTlocation = PSTlocation & Hex(y)
End If
End If
End Function
Function PSTFileName(p_PSTGuid)
Dim z, P_PSTName
Dim strString : strString = ""
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,p_PSTGuid,r_PSTFile,P_PSTName
If IsUsableArray (P_PSTName) Then
For Each z in P_PSTName
If z > 0 Then strString = strString & Chr(z)
End If
PSTFileName = strString
End Function
Function ExpandEvnVariable(ExpandThis)
Dim objWSHShell:Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ExpandEvnVariable = objWSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%" & ExpandThis & "%")
End Function
Function IsUsableArray(rvnt)'-- Use this function to test for a Null, Empty or an undimensioned array.'-- Useful b/c some interfaces can hold properties for which if they have a'-- value will be an Array but may also be Null or an undimensioned Array.
'-- It assumes that a Null or Empty could potentially be an array but not yet dimensioned. '-- It returns -1 if it is passed a string, long, etc...'-- It returns 0 for an empty array or the number of elements in the first dimension.
IsUsableArray = 0
If (VarType(rvnt) And 8192) = 8192 Then
IsUsableArray = UBound(rvnt) - LBound(rvnt) + 1
If Not (IsEmpty(rvnt) Or IsNull(rvnt)) Then IsUsableArray = -1
End If
End Function
The script works on my system if i correct the extra space at line 8 (Windows Messaging Subsystem)
It is a big script for what it offers, see here for a smaller one which offers more using the free to download library Redemption at http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/home.htm which is what CDO should have been.
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
const skUnknown = 0, olStoreANSI = 1, olStoreUnicode = 2, skPrimaryExchangeMailbox = 3, skPublicFolders = 5, skDelegateExchangeMailbox = 4
for each Store in Session.Stores
if (Store.StoreKind = olStoreANSI) then
wscript.echo Store.Name & " - " & Store.PstPath & " " & Store.Name
elseif (Store.StoreKind = olStoreUnicode) Then
wscript.echo Store.Name & " - " & Store.PstPath
ElseIf (Store.StoreKind = skPrimaryExchangeMailbox) or (Store.StoreKind = skDelegateExchangeMailbox) or (Store.StoreKind = skPublicFolders) Then
wscript.echo Store.Name & " - " & Store.ServerDN
wscript.echo Store.Name & " - " & Store.StoreKind
End If
