Laravel - Upload to Existing Model Record - laravel

Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I can't seem to get a simple upload working for one of my models.
On the show details page of my customers (who are NOT users) model, I have a simple form where a user can upload the logo of the customer.
The form:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/customers/i/{{$customer->url_string}}" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="logoUpload">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{csrf_token()}}">
<input type="submit" class="pull-right btn btn-sm btn-primary" value="Upload">
The Controller:
public function logoUpload(Request $request){
$path = Storage::putFile('public/customer/uploads', new File(request('logoUpload')));
$customer->car_logo = $path;
return back();
I know the issue is that I haven't defined $customer in the controller since the file does actually store itself in the correct folder after I click submit, but it does not hit the database at all.
The current customer details url:
The web definition for the post route:
Route::post('/customers/i/{customer}', 'CustomerController#logoUpload');

You have to create a hidden field in your form that contains the customer id and then use it in your controller to update it with the new file path, here is an example:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/customers/i/{{$customer->url_string}}" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="logoUpload">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{csrf_token()}}">
<!-- customer_id field -->
<input type="hidden" name="customer_id" value="{{$customer->id}}">
<input type="submit" class="pull-right btn btn-sm btn-primary" value="Upload">
public function logoUpload(Request $request){
$path = Storage::putFile('public/customer/uploads', new File(request('logoUpload')));
// get customer
$customer = Customer::find($request->customer_id);
$customer->car_logo = $path;
return back();

You have some options, here is a simple one, with only adjusting that controller method:
public function logoUpload(Request $request, $customer)
$customer = Customer::where('url_string', $customer)->firstOrFail();
$path = Storage::putFile('public/customer/uploads', new File(request('logoUpload')));
$customer->car_logo = $path;
return back();
We have added a parameter to the method signature to accept the route parameter. We then find the model via url_string matching that parameter.
You also could setup route model binding as well to do the resolving of that model based on the route parameter for you.


Error message "The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST." in laravel 8

Following is my controller. Method ProjectsView is to view all the listings. The second method BackendProjectSearch is for searching of projects. The first page of search result is displayed properly, but when we click on next page it gives the error "The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST."
What should I do ?
public function ProjectsView(){
$projects = projects::orderBy('id','ASC')->paginate(15);
return view('backend.projects.projects_view',compact('projects')); }
public function BackendProjectSearch(Request $request){
$request->validate(["search" => "required"]);
$item = $request->search;
$projects = Projects::where('project_name','LIKE',"%$item%")->paginate(15);
return view('backend.projects.projects_view',compact('projects')); }
Following are the routes for both the methods :
Route::post('/backend/project/search', [ProjectsController::class, 'BackendProjectSearch'])->name('');
Route::get('/view', [ProjectsController::class, 'projectsView'])->name('projects.view');
View code :
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="header-navsearch">
<form class="form-inline mr-auto" method="post" action="{{route('')}}">
<div class="nav-search">
<input type="search" name="search" class="form-control header-search" placeholder="Search projects…" aria-label="Search">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
The route for this request should be post, not get.
Also, make sure to insert a CSRF token while making the request
it means you now cannot do something like the following.
Instead, you have to do something like...
<form action="{{ route('example') }}" method="POST">
#csrf {{-- According to the version of laravel --}}
{{-- Your other codes --}}
<button type="submit" class="">Submit</button>
You have to use the below code
return redirect()->route('projects.view')->with(['projects' => $projects]);
Your route might be little change
Route::get('/view/{projects?}', [ProjectsController::class, 'projectsView'])->name('projects.view');
and In your controller, you have to change function like this
public function ProjectsView($projects = null){
return view('backend.projects.projects_view',compact('projects'));
$projects = projects::orderBy('id','ASC')->paginate(15);
return view('backend.projects.projects_view',compact('projects'));

Session Data lost after refresh browser in Laravel app

In my laravel application i just want to store input data in a session and use it every where But the data is lost when i refresh the browser.
my controller:
public function usepoint(Request $request){
$fdata = $request->input_point;
Session::put('test', $fdata);
return Redirect()->back();
view page:
<p>use Point :
<form method="get" action="{{url('cart/usepoint')}}">
<input class="" type="" name="input_point" value="" style="width:40%"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn btn-primary ">use</button> </p>
<p>Session data:</p>
<input class="del_point" type="text" name="del_point" value="{{Session::get('test')}}" style="width: 40%" readonly>
add this in your config/session.php configuration:
'expire_on_close' => false,
If the problem still occurs, check if you have any dd()'s in your application. Apparently, according to this, dd() makes it so your session doesn't get stored correctly and you can't read data from that session.
you can try to pass data to view using with() method inside controller:
$fdata = $request->input_point;
return redirect()->back()->with('success', $fdata );

GET Data empty in Laravel

Hi I am new to Laravel and so far I made good progress. Right now my head is blocked now and I need some direction or help, please.
I am getting data from radio button but GET Data is empty. I need to fill-in this data (pay) into an exist DB and I am getting "Creating default object from empty value" and I agree with Laravel :) I guess, my lack of knowledge is blocking me here.
This is the GET and POST data
GET Data empty
_token = "72nrnI7Y7xuIQJe6LZPLGLzNsAv6ZZbY29zkjcIr"
pay = "CC"`
This is the Model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use DB;
use Auth;
class DAddress extends Model
protected $table='dAddress';
protected $fillable = ['payment_method'];
public function createPay()
$user = Auth::user();
$order = $user->daddress()->create([
'payment_method' => paymentMethod()
This is the Controller
public function paymentMethod(Request $request) {
$address->payment_method = $request->pay;
return redirect('abc');
This is where I get the HTML data
<form action="{{url('/paymentMethod')}}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="{{csrf_token()}}" name="_token"/>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
<!-- First name -->
<input type="radio" class="form-control" name="pay"
value="CC"><i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i> Credit Card
<br> <br>
<input type="radio" class="form-control" name="pay"
value="PP"><i class="fa fa-paypal"></i> Paypal
<br> <br>
<input type="radio" class="form-control" name="pay"
value="BT"><i class="fa fa-university"></i> Bank Transfer
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Move to Last Page" />
This is the User.php I added below function.
public function daddress()
return $this->hasMany(DAddress::class);
i do not understand what you are trying to do with this line $address->payment_method = $request->pay;
when you say $address->payment_method, what is the $address object holding and where is payment_method you are trying to access, why not do something like this $payment_method = $request->pay, except is you are setting $payment_method as a global variable
if you are using the laravel create method you could do something like this $payment_method= App\createPay::create(['payment_method' => $request->pay]);
else you could instantiate you model like
$pay =createPay();
i would have love you logic to be in the controller, i would have done something like this in my controller
public function createPay(Request $request){
$user = Auth::user();
return redirect('abc');
i used laravel eloquent here, that is if you want to update a record, i don't know if this is close to what you want.

Confusion regarding action in the form

I am fairly new to Laravel and I am trying CRUD operations using Resource Controller. The problem I am facing is regarding what should be the action in create a task form. Let me give you an overview, how the application is designed. I have created separate directories for MVC as listed below:
Route: Route::resource('todo','Todo_Controller\todo_controller');
public function index()
return view('Todo_View\home');
public function create()
return view('Todo_View\create');
public function store(Request $request)
$todo= new todo_model();
return redirect('todo');
<form method="POST" action="../todo">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="title" value="" placeholder="Title"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="body" value="" placeholder="Body"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
Now the problem is that the action of the form should be todo as can be seen in the route:list but when I hit submit with that I get MethodNotAllowedHttpException and the URL shown is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo/todo. But during the hit and trial I figured out I should use form action as ../todo. I am highly confused as to why do I have to use that action as it doesn't make any sense because in the route list, URI is clearly mentioned as todo
Another point, when I hit index page, URI is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo and when I get redirected from home page to create page, the URI is http://localhost/laravel-7/blog/public/todo/create
You are confusing action with native php in laravel.
Replace your action="../todo" with action="{{url('todo')}}"
<form method="POST" action="{{url('todo')}}">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="title" value="" placeholder="Title"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="text" name="body" value="" placeholder="Body"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>
You just need to specify the route exactly no need for saying where the file is actually located so action="/todo" would work fine

How can I upload a picture using Codeigniter

I want to know how I can upload an image and save its name in a database when using Codeigniter.
I am using a simple form tag for this, like:
<form action="./myaccount/index/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="pic">picture</label>
<input type="file" id="pic" name="pic" />
<input id="register-btn" name="register" type="submit" value="ok" class="input-text custom-btn">
Here's my controller:
public function index() {
$user = new User($_SESSION['user_id']);
$user->pic = $this->input->post('pic');
if($this->input->post('password') == $this->input->post('confirm')){
$this->data['success'] = "done";
$this->errors[] = "error";
$this->data['user'] = $user;
$this->data['errors'] = $this->errors;
I checked the manual but I can't understand what they are doing.
Im' trying to make a controler function for this that will insert all the values in the database and also upload the image file.
