Kafka Streams - Access data from last instance of the topic - apache-kafka-streams

We have a producer sending data periodically that is being processed using Kafka Streams. We need to find the difference between the data that the producer sends between two consecutive attempts. One option would be to store the data in a database to look back at the previous transmittal. I was wondering if there is a way to do this using the aggregate or reduce functions.
i.e. if the producer first sends
[100,500,600,800] first and then sends [100,500,800], I need to be able to identify the missing element [600].


kstream topology with inmemory statestore data not commited

I need to aggregate client information and every hours push it to an output topic.
I have a topology with :
sink topic
Data arrives in input-topic with a key in string which contains a clientID concatenated with date in YYYYMMDDHH
In my processor I use a simple InMemoryKeyValueStore (withCachingDisabled) to merge/aggregate data with specific rules (data are sometime not aggregated according to business logic).
In a punctuator, every hours the program parse the statestore to get all the messages transform it and forward it to the sink topic, after what I clean the statestore for all the message processed.
After the punctuation, I ask the size of the store which is effectivly empty (by .all() and
approximateNumEntries), every thing is OK.
But when I restart the application, the statstore is restored with all the elements normally deleted.
When I parse manually (with a simple KafkaConsumer) the changelog topic of the statestore in Kafka, I view that I have two records for each key :
The first record is commited and the message contains my aggregation.
The second record is a deletion message (message with null) but is not commited (visible only with read_uncommitted) which is dangerous in my case because the next punctuator will forward again the aggregate.
I have play with commit in the punctuator which forward, I have create an other punctuator which commit the context periodically (every 3 seconds) but after the restart I still have my data restored in the store (normal my delete message in not commited.)
I have a classic kstream configuration :
with the last version of the library kafka-streams 3.2.2 and a cluster in 2.6
Any help is welcome to have my record in the statestore commited. I don't use TimeWindowedKStream which is not exactly my need (sometime I don't aggregate but directly forward)

How do I get two topics that have the same partition key and the number of partitions land on the same consumer within a kafka streams application

I am trying to create a Kafka Streams service where
I am trying to initialize a cache in a processor, that will then be updated by consuming messages with a topic say "nodeStateChanged" for a partition key lets say locationId.
I need to check the node state when I consume another topic lets say "Report" again keyed by the same locationId. Effectively I am joining with the table created by nodeStateChanged.
How do I ensure that all the updates for nodeStateChanged fall on the same instance as the Report topic so that the lookup for a location is possible when a new report is recieved. Do 1 and 2 need to be created by the same topology or it okay to create two seperate topologies that share the same APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG.
You don't need to do anything. Kafka Streams will always co-partition topics. Ie, if you have a sub-topology that reads from multiple topics with N partitions each, you get N tasks and each task is processing corresponding partitions, ie, task 0 processes partitions zero of both input topics, task 1 processes partitions one of both input topics, etc.

Writing multiple entries from a single message in Kafka Connect

If on one topic I receive messages in some format which represent a list of identical structs (e.g. a JSON list or a repeated field in protobuf) could I configure Kafka Connect to write each entry in the list as a separate row (say in a parquet file in HDFS, or in a SQL database)? Is this possible using only the bundled converters/connectors?
I.e. can I use each Kafka message to represent thousands of records, rather than sending thousands of individual messages?
What would be a straightforward way to achieve this with Kafka Connect?
The bundled message transforms are only capable of making one-to-one message manipulations. Therefore, you would have to explicitly produce those flattened lists in some way (directly, or via a stream processing application) if you wanted Connect to write it out as separate records.
Or, if applicable, you can use Hive or Spark to expand that list as well for later processing.

Does the events in the same partition go to the same FlowFile using Kafka Consumer in NiFi

The post sets the Max Poll Records to 1 to guarantee the events in one flow file come from the same partition.
Does that mean if using Message Demarcator, the events in the same FlowFile can be from different partitions?
from the source code I think the above thinking is true?
When using a demarcator it creates a bundle per topic/partition, so you will get flow files where all messages are from the same topic partition:
The reason that post set max pool records to 1 was explained in the post, it was because the key of the messages is only available when there is 1 message per flow file, and they needed the key in this case. In general, it is better to not do this and to have many messages per flow file.

Kafka streams: Is there a way to delete an entry from kv store only if successfully committed to topics?

In Kafka streams, my kv store is linked to a sink which sends records to output topic.
- What exceptions would we get if for some reason sink can't commit records to topics?
If the sink cannot write the record it will internally retry and after all retries are exhausted the whole application goes down with an exception. If the store was updated successfully it will (by default only) contain the data and you cannot delete it. This is the guarantee "at-least-once" processing gives you.
As of Kafka 0.11 you can enable "exactly-once" processing:
properties.put(StreamsConfig.PROCESSING_GUARANTEE_CONFIG, StreamsConfig.EXACTLY_ONCE);
For this case, on application restart the store will be deleted and recreated before any processing is repeated. This ensures, that the data written to the store before the error will be "removed" before processing continues.
