Storing multiple grep parameters in a bash variable - bash

I want to store multiple grep parameters in a bash variable, so I can define the parameters in the configuration section at the top of my file, and use it in multiple locations.
How do I need to define the variable and write the grep command?
My first attempt
# CONFIG: grep parameters to further filter ...
# ...
grep "^Stop " $1 | grep $GREP_PARAM | sed "..." >>$TFILE
results in
grep: ..: Is a directory
Using .\* or .\\* instead causes grep to not match anything, instead of everything.
Using grep "$GREP_PARAM" instead only works if GREP_PARAM contains a single parameter, but not otherwise; e.g. if it contains -v .*SAT.* or -v .\*SAT.\* or -v .\\*SAT.\\*, I get
grep: invalid option --

This is exactly what arrays were introduced to handle.
grep_options=(-E '.*')
grep "^Stop " "$1" | grep "${grep_options[#]}" | sed "..." >> "$TFILE"


User input into variables and grep a file for pattern

So I am trying to run a script which looks for a string pattern.
For example, from a file I want to find 2 words, located separately
"I like toast, toast is amazing. Bread is just toast before it was toasted."
I want to invoke it from the command line using something like this:
./ myfile.txt "toast bread"
My code so far:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w "$keyword_first""$keyword_second" )
echo $find_keyword
i have tried a few different ways. Directly from the command line I can make it run using:
cat myfile.txt | grep -E 'toast|bread'
I'm trying to put the user input into variables and use the variables to grep the file
You seem to be looking simply for
grep -E "$2|$3" "$1"
What works on the command line will also work in a script, though you will need to switch to double quotes for the shell to replace variables inside the quotes.
In this case, the -E option can be replaced with multiple -e options, too.
grep -e "$2" -e "$3" "$1"
You can pipe to grep twice:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w "$keyword_first" | grep -w "$keyword_second")
Note that your search word "bread" is not found because the string contains the uppercase "Bread". If you want to find the words regardless of this, you should use the case-insensitive option -i for grep:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w -i "$keyword_first" | grep -w -i "$keyword_second")
In a full script:
# usage: ./ myfile.txt "toast" "bread"
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w -i "$keyword_first" | grep -w -i "$keyword_second")
echo $find_keyword

bash cat exclude multiple files based on grep results

I have the following cat command that I use in a bash script. I look for $SAMPLE.txt file in subfolders 20* and combine them into 1 output.txt
cat /$FOLDER/20*/$SAMPLE.txt > /$OUTPUTFOLDER/output.txt
I now want to exclude certain files conditionally.
I found the following here
$ shopt -s extglob
$ cat -- !(DISCARD).txt > catKEPT
I want to do something like this.
Look for $SAMPLE and a pattern '$PAT1' in a $SAMPLEFILE. This $SAMPLEFILE is comma seperated. If there is a match, I want to store the first field of this line & use it to exclude files from cat
I would use this command to look for $SAMPLE and $PAT1 & then cut to keep my first field. I would assign that to a variable 'EXLUDE_FOLDER'
EXCLUDE_FOLDER=grep '$SAMPLE' $SAMPLEFILE | grep '$PAT1' | cut -d "," -f 1
And then use it like this
cat /$FOLDER/20*/$SAMPLE.txt -- !($FOLDER/$EXLUDE_FOLDER/$SAMPLE.txt) > /$OUTPUTFOLDER/output.txt
I'm stuck at putting this into an if/statement and dealing with situations where grep results in multiple matches, so multiple files should be excluded
If SAMPLE and PAT are variables, you presumably want them expanded to their contents, which means you must put them in double quotes, not single quotes. Example:
# Compare single quotes versus double
echo '$SAMPLE' # outputs $SAMPLE
echo "$SAMPLE" # outputs 3
If SAMPLEFILE is the name of a file, you must double-quote it, else it will fail if your filename has spaces in it, so you must use:
So, now you can test if your grep works like this:
grep "$SAMPLE" "$SAMPLEFILE" | grep "$PAT1" | cut -d "," -f 1
So, if that works, the next thing is that you want to capture the output of the command, so you need to use $(...). That means:
EXCLUDE_FOLDER=$(grep "$SAMPLE" "$SAMPLEFILE" | grep "$PAT1" | cut -d "," -f 1)
So, see test if that works now:

How to pass different values including a space separated string stored in a variable to grep command

I have a string stored in a variable like
That works fine when I pass it to the grep command like
more filename.txt |grep -E $errors | awk '{print $1 $2}' >> temp.txt
But as soon as I include a string e.g "table found" in this "errors" variable like this
errors="ORA-01000:|ORA-03113:|ORA-01555|ORA-19815:|shutdown|ORA-27603|table found"
The above mentioned grep command does not work and gives the error
grep: **found**: No such file or directory
I am sort of stuck dealing with it when space separated option is passed as an "OR" option to $error
Just enclose your variable with double quotes
more filename.txt | grep -E "$errors"
If you had, say
errors="2:|a-3|table found"
the command
more filename.txt | grep -E $errors
would be like running
more filename.txt | grep -E "2:|a-3|table" found
since the shell replaces $errors with its value 2:|a-3|table found and then again splits the line into words, which would be (for the grep command only):
therefore executing grep with the option -E, the pattern 2:|a-3|table and the file found. The content of filename.txt which is additionally piped into that command is ignored.

How can I use grep as cat

I am creating a script that parses some files and greps out the necessary information.
I have set up many different variables in arrays that search for different aspects in the files.
e.g. dates, locations, types.
However I wanted to make each of these variables optional which is where I run into an issue.
the syntax of the command would have been simple
grep ${dates} filename | grep ${locations} | grep ${types}
However, due to variables being optional, the above won't work if a variable is unset.
I was trying to find a way to get grep to find anything (i.e. like egrep .* filename)
that way I could set the variables to the proper regex and have the command still run.
unfortunately, when I set the variable to equal '' it freezes, when I set it to '.' it just greps everything from every file in the current directory and when I leave the variable blank it takes the filename as the variable and waits for a filename.
is there anyway that I can set a variable so that grep $variable file outputs the same as cat would?
Many thanks in advance!
To get grep to act like cat use an empty string as a search pattern, i.e. grep "". Therefore to make some of those variables optional, but not have piped greps fail, just quote the variables:
grep "${dates}" filename | grep "${locations}" | grep "${types}"
Demonstration. Search {250,255,260...280} for the digits 5, 2, and 7:
x=5 y=2 z=7 ; seq 250 5 280 | grep "$x" | grep "$y" | grep "$z"
Now unset two of the variables, and it still works:
unset x y ; seq 250 5 280 | grep "$x" | grep "$y" | grep "$z"
If there aren't any $dates in filename then there is nothing to feed the rest of the pipeline.
I think the best way to do it is to grep for each string separately.
If you get a match, then grep for the next string.
Can you post the source file and a target output. From your question it sounds like you just need to use grep -E in conjunction with the | pipe delimiter.
grep -E "${dates}|${locations}|${types}" fileName
The above line should automatically get you every occurrence of the any of the patterns. This is not even a regex yet.

grepping string from long text

The command below in OSX checks whether an account is disabled (or not).
I'd like to grep the string "isDisabled=X" to create a report of disabled users, but am not sure how to do this since the output is on three lines, and I'm interested in the first 12 characters of line three:
bash-3.2# pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy
Getting policy for jdoe /LDAPv3/
isDisabled=0 isAdminUser=1 newPasswordRequired=0 usingHistory=0 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 usingExpirationDate=0 usingHardExpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0 requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=12/31/69 hardExpireDateGMT=12/31/69 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=0 maxMinutesUntilDisabled=0 maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=0 minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0 validAfter=01/01/70 requiresMixedCase=0 requiresSymbol=0 notGuessablePattern=0 isSessionKeyAgent=0 isComputerAccount=0 adminClass=0 adminNoChangePasswords=0 adminNoSetPolicies=0 adminNoCreate=0 adminNoDelete=0 adminNoClearState=0 adminNoPromoteAdmins=0
Your ideas/suggestions are most appreciated! Ultimately this will be part of a Bash script. Thanks.
This is how you would use grep to match "isDisabled=X":
grep -o "isDisabled=."
grep: invoke the grep command
-o: Use the --only-matching option for grep (From grep manual: "Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line."
"isDisabled=.": This is the search pattern you give to grep. The . is part of the regular expression, it means "match any character except for newline".
This is how you would use it as part of your script:
pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=."
This is how you can save the result to a variable:
status=$(pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=.")
If your command was run some time prior, and the results from the command was saved to a file called "results.txt", you use it as input to grep as follows:
grep -o "isDisabled=." results.txt
You can use sed as
cat results.txt | sed -n 's/.*isDisabled=\(.\).*/\1/p'
This will print the value of isDisbaled.
