User input into variables and grep a file for pattern - bash

So I am trying to run a script which looks for a string pattern.
For example, from a file I want to find 2 words, located separately
"I like toast, toast is amazing. Bread is just toast before it was toasted."
I want to invoke it from the command line using something like this:
./ myfile.txt "toast bread"
My code so far:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w "$keyword_first""$keyword_second" )
echo $find_keyword
i have tried a few different ways. Directly from the command line I can make it run using:
cat myfile.txt | grep -E 'toast|bread'
I'm trying to put the user input into variables and use the variables to grep the file

You seem to be looking simply for
grep -E "$2|$3" "$1"
What works on the command line will also work in a script, though you will need to switch to double quotes for the shell to replace variables inside the quotes.
In this case, the -E option can be replaced with multiple -e options, too.
grep -e "$2" -e "$3" "$1"

You can pipe to grep twice:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w "$keyword_first" | grep -w "$keyword_second")
Note that your search word "bread" is not found because the string contains the uppercase "Bread". If you want to find the words regardless of this, you should use the case-insensitive option -i for grep:
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w -i "$keyword_first" | grep -w -i "$keyword_second")
In a full script:
# usage: ./ myfile.txt "toast" "bread"
find_keyword=$(cat $text_file | grep -w -i "$keyword_first" | grep -w -i "$keyword_second")
echo $find_keyword


Extract range of lines using sed

I have defined two variables as follows:
var1=$(unzip -c ./*.zip | grep -n "Channel8"| cut -f1 -d":")
var2=$(unzip -c ./*.zip | grep -n "Channel10"| cut -f1 -d":")
I have a very big file and I would like to extract the range of lines between $var1 and $var2 using sed. I am trying the following
sed -n '/"$var1","$var"2p' $(unzip -c ./*.zip)
But with no success. Could you give an explanation why and how to fix it? Thanks.
You can use:
unzip -c ./*.zip | sed -n "$var1,$var2 p"
Fixes are:
Not using single quotes around shell variable
Removal of leading / from sed command
Use of pipeline instead of command substitution
Variables aren't expanded inside single quotes. Also, you need to pipe the output of unzip to sed, not use it as command-line arguments.
unzip -c ./*.zip | sed -n "${var1},${var2}p"
But it seems like you're doing this the hard way, reading the zip file 3 times. Just use the pattern you want to match as the range:
unzip -c ./*.zip | sed -n '/^extracting:.*Channel8/,/^extracting:.*Channel10/p'
Use double quotes to expand the vars:
sed -n "${var1},${var2}p" $(unzip -c ./*.zip)

Pipe output to terminal and file using tee from grep and sed pipe

I'm trying to get the output from a grep and sed pipe to go to the terminal and a text file.
grep -Filr "string1" * 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt | sed -i "s|string1|string2|g"
grep -Filr "string1" * | sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt
work. I get "sed: no input files" going to the terminal so sed is not getting the correct input. I just want to see and write out to a text file which files are modified from the search and replace. I know using find instead of grep would be more efficient since the search wouldn't be done twice, but I'm not sure how to output the file name using find and sed when there is a search hit.
Oops I forgot to include xargs in the code. It should have been:
grep -Filr "string1" * 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt | xargs sed -i "s|string1|string2|g"
grep -Filr "string1" * | xargs sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" 2>&1 | tee ~/outputfile.txt
To be clear, I'm looking for a solution that modifies the matched files with the search and replace, and then outputs the modified files' file names to the terminal and a log file.
The -i option to sed is only useful when sed operates on a file, not on standard input. Drop it, and your first option is correct.
I'd use a loop:
for i in `grep -lr string1 *`; do sed -i . 's/string1/string2/g' $i; echo $i >> ~/outputfile.txt; done
I'd advise against using the 'i' option for grep, because it would match files which the sed command won't actually modify.
You can do the same with find and exec, but that's a dangerous tool.
I almost forgot about this. I eventually went with a for loop in a bash script:
for i in $( grep -Flr "string1" * ); do
sed -i "s|string1|string2|g" $i
echo $i
echo $i >> ~/outputfile.txt
I'm using the vertical pipe | as the separator, because I'm replacing URL paths with lots of forward slashes.
Thank you both for your help.

How to compose custom command-line argument from file lines?

I know about the xargs utility, which allows me to convert lines into multiple arguments, like this:
echo -e "a\nb\nc\n" | xargs
Results in:
a b c
But I want to get:
The character : is used for an example. I want to be able to insert any separator between lines to get a single argument. How can I do it?
If you have a file with multiple lines than you want to change to a single argument changing the NEWLINES by a single character, the paste command is what you need:
$ echo -en "a\nb\nc\n" | paste -s -d ":"
Then, your command becomes:
your_command "$(paste -s -d ":" your_file)"
If you want to insert more than a single character as a separator, you could use sed before paste:
your_command "$(sed -e '2,$s/^/<you_separator>/' your_file | paste -s -d "")"
Or use a single more complicated sed:
your_command "$(sed -n -e '1h;2,$H;${x;s/\n/<you_separator>/gp}' your_file)"
The example you gave is not working for me. You would need:
echo -e "a\nb\nc\n" | xargs
to get a b c.
Coming back to your need, you could do this:
echo "a b c" | awk 'OFS=":" {print $1, $2, $3}'
it will change the separator from space to : or whatever you want it to be.
You can also use sed:
echo "a b c" | sed -e 's/ /:/g
that will output a:b:c.
After all these data processing, you can use xargs to perform the command you want to. Just | xargs and do whatever you want.
Hope it helps.
You can join the lines using xargs and then replace the space(' ' ) using sed.
echo -e "a\nb\nc"|xargs| sed -e 's/ /:/g'
will result in
obviously you can use this output as argument for other command using another xargs.
echo -e "a\nb\nc"|xargs| sed -e 's/ /:/g'|xargs

shell script to read contain from file and grep on other file

I am working on shell, I want to write one liner which will read the file contents of file A and execute grep command on file B.
for example, suppose there are two file
dataFile.log which have following value
... and so on
now read abc and grep on searchFile.log like grep abc searchFile.log
I have shell script for the same but want one liner for it
for i in "cat dataFile.log" do grep $i searchFile.log done;
try this:
grep -f dataFile.log searchFile.log
Note that if you want to grep as fixed string, you need -F, if you want to match the text in dataFile.log as regex, use -E or -P
How about the following: it even ignores blank lines and # comments:
while read FILE; do if [[ "$FILE" != [/a-zA-Z0-9]* ]]; do continue; fi; grep -h pattern "$FILE"; done;
Beware: have not compiled this.
You can use grep -f option:
cat dataFile.log | grep -f searchFile.log
OK, now I understand the problem. You want to use every line from dataFile.log to grep in searchFile.log. I also see you have value1|value2|..., so instead of grep you need egrep.
Try with this:
for i in `cat dataFile.log`
egrep "$i" searchFile.log
Edit 2
Following chepner suggestion:
egrep -f dataFile.log searchFile.log

Bash grep variable from multiple variables on a single line

I am using GNU bash, version 4.2.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu). I have a music file list I dumped into a variable: $pltemp.
/Music/New/2010s/2011;Ziggy Marley;Reggae In My Head
I wish to grep the 3rd field above, in the Master-Music-List.txt, then continue another grep for the 2nd field. If both matched, print else echo "Not Matched".
So the above will search for the Song Title (Reggae In My Head), then will make sure it has the artist "Shaggy" on the same line, for a success.
So far, success for a non-variable grep;
$ grep -i -w -E 'shaggy.*angel' Master-Music-MM-Playlist.m3u
$ if ! grep Shaggy Master-Music-MM-Playlist.m3u ; then echo "Not Found"; fi
$ grep -i -w Angel Master-Music-MM-Playlist.m3u | grep -i -w shaggy
I'm not sure how to best construct the 'entire' list to process.
I want to do this on a single line.
I used this to dump the list into the variable $pltemp...
Original: \Music\New\2010s\2011\Ziggy Marley - Reggae In My Head.mp3
$ pltemp="$(cat Reggae.m3u | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\\/\1;/' -e 's/\(.*\)\ -\ /\1;/' -e 's/\\/\//g' -e 's/\\/\//g' -e 's/.mp3//')"
If you realy want to "grep this, then grep that", you need something more complex than grep by itself. How about awk?
awk -F';' '$3~/title/ && $2~/artist/ {print;n=1;exit;} END {if(n=0)print "Not matched";}'
If you want to make this search accessible as a script, the same thing simply changes form. For example:
awk -F';' -vartist="$1" -vtitle="$2" '$3~title && $2~artist {print;n=1;exit;} END {if(n=0)print "Not matched";}'
Write this to a file, make it executable, and pipe stuff to it, with the artist substring/regex you're looking for as the first command line option, and the title substring/regex as the second.
On the other hand, what you're looking for might just be a slightly more complex regular expression. Let's wrap it in bash for you:
if ! echo "$pltemp" | egrep '^[^;]+;[^;]*artist[^;]*;.*title'; then
echo "Not matched"
You can compress this to a single line if you like. Or make it a stand-along shell script, or make it a function in your .bashrc file.
awk -F ';' -v title="$title" -v artist="$artist" '$3 ~ title && $2 ~ artist'
Well, none of the above worked, so I came up with this...
for i in *.m3u; do
cat "$i" | sed 's/.*\\//' | while read z; do
grep --color=never -i -w -m 1 "$z" Master-Music-Playlist.m3u \
| echo "#NotFound;"$z" "
done > "$i"-MM-Final.txt;
Each line is read (\Music\Lady Gaga - Paparazzi.mp3), the path is stripped, the song is searched in the Master Music List, if not found, it echos "Not Found", saved into a new playlist.
Works {Solved}
Thanks anyway.
