How to add model description in H2O? - h2o

Does H2O have ability to add model description on build model step or link it after? I need to add some information about model: what it predict, why and etc.

There's currently no way to set a "description" for a model (though it's a good idea, so I've added a JIRA ticket for this), but like Lauren said, if you can summarize your model in a string, you can set that as the model_id.


My relationships are missing in strapi model afterCreate

I have created a model with a relationship to another model.
I want to send an email with the entry information, afterCreate seems like the place to do so. But it doesn't contain my relationship fields on the model object.
We have an issue about that on GitHub, there is currently not workaround about that.
Alex is re-writing the logic behind the life cycle function, so lot of issue should be fixed on that after the release of the new system.
As of Strapi 3.0.0, the model lifecycles have changed and now afterCreate does contain relationships.

Laravel 5 bilingual Product model

I am looking for the most straightaway solution and breaking my head about implementing a bilingual Product model with only one basic requirements: the product query should only deliver results where the product name in the app()->locale language is set.
I'm stuck right at the beginning to decide wether I should keep completely different models (Product_en and Product_es), this would make querying easiest I guess, or have just one Product model with the English texts, with hasOne() methods pointing to the Spanish translations? In the latter case, how would I effectively query for entries which have translations?
Thanks a lot for any hints. Cheers.
I would create a language property for the Product model and would add a Scope for this, where you can filter the results with the value of App::getLocale().
This way, any time you just query the product, you get the Product models on the actually selected language.

Class Design in Laravel

Being new to app design and coding I have the following question related to Class design. I have a class by the name of Art Object which has the following other attributes:
'Type' such as 'Painting', 'Sculpture', 'Drawing', 'Collage' etc.
Categories such as 'Modern (Art Nouveau)', 'Art Deco', 'Gothic' etc.
Now my question is, how do I design this. In my opinion I have two options:
Create a separate model , say ArtObjectTypes and have all the CRUD operations. And then establish relation between ArtObject and ArtObjectType.
Create a separate model , say CustomFields on which I can have all CRUD operations. The benefit in this case is that in future I will be able to generate more custom types attach with the ArtObject or any other Object.
Please advise which of the above options I should go for and why. Also, please do bring up if there is another choice.
First ask yourself how you would organize this in your database.
Draw a schema like this:
Define the relations, the foreign keys, and only then you should start implementing the models. A model in laravel corresponds to a table in your database.

Training existing core nlp model

I want to train existing Stanford core-nlp's english-left3words-distsim.bin model with some more data which fits my use case. I want to assign custom tags for certain words like run will be a COMMAND.
Where can I get the training data set? I could follow something like model training
For the most part it is sections 0-18 of the WSJ Penn Treebank.
We have some extra data sets we don't distribute as well that we add on to the WSJ data.

How VirtueMart sends the data when you save the custom fields in a product

first of all, sorry for my english, but I'll try to explain myself best I can.
My question is little tricky, because I made some important changes in the core code of VirtueMart.
For some reasons, I added an attribute to the Custom Fields, like Price, called Availability.
TIP: The admin site is in Spanish. Disponibilidad = Availability
So, now, when I try to change any value of any created Custom Field, I can't save it. I mean, I can change the value, but when I apply them, It doesn't be saved.
The only field that I can change, is the field I created, the Availability (ironically).
So, my principal question is, how does VirtueMart to pick up the data from the table and sends them to the database?
I work with
Joomla v.2.5.11
VirtueMart 2
The workflow is like follows,
When you save the products details on the backend , It calls a function store() on the product.php model. under administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/. Inside this function an area like follows.
if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCustom')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'custom.php');
It loading the custom model file from the same path and do the task inside saveModelCustomfields()
Hope it helps..
