BackgroundWorker example - aspnetboilerplate

Could you please provide an example how to use background worker.
I have created Background worker follow the instruction provided in documentation for boilerplate. Inherit my class from
public class ContactValidationBackgroundWorker : BackgroundWorkerBase, ITransientDependency
Override Start method and put into non-blocking Task.Run(MyMethod). Then I add wait instruction into Overrided method WaitToStop, add like myTask.Wait();
This method starts , but it block performing main process of work.
I'm using core + Angular (SPA)
I added it into Application Services layer.

public class MakeInactiveUsersPassiveWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository;
public MakeInactiveUsersPassiveWorker(AbpTimer timer, IRepository<User, long> userRepository)
: base(timer)
_userRepository = userRepository;
Timer.Period = 5000; //5 seconds (good for tests, but normally will be more)
protected override void DoWork()
using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
var oneMonthAgo = Clock.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
var inactiveUsers = _userRepository.GetAllList(u =>
u.IsActive &&
((u.LastLoginTime < oneMonthAgo && u.LastLoginTime != null) || (u.CreationTime < oneMonthAgo && u.LastLoginTime == null))
foreach (var inactiveUser in inactiveUsers)
inactiveUser.IsActive = false;
Logger.Info(inactiveUser + " made passive since he/she did not login in last 30 days.");
Read =>

public partial class MainWindow : Window
//defining the backgroundworker
private BackgroundWorker bgworker = new BackgroundWorker();
public MainWindow()
private void initializeBackgroundWorker()
bgworker.DoWork += MyBackgroundWorker_DoWork;
private void MyBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//method you want to execute in the backgroundWorker
private void Mouse_Enter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//call the backgroundWorker and execute it
//This will execute the method simultaneouly with other methods
//without blocking the UI
private void MyMethod()
//your method's code
The above code shows how to define, initialize and execute a backgroundWorker in a WPF or winform application using C#.
Refer to the inline comments in the code to understand what each part of code does.


How to create a singleton class which runs when ASP.NET WEB FORMS starts (without dependency on the user login)

I have an ASP.NET web form application hosted on IIS.
In the app, I have a code snippet that should make some work on the background from the moment the application starts.
The problem is when I have created the singleton class and initialize it from Global.asax ->
Application_Start(), The code runs only when the first user is connecting to the site.
How can I set it to run without any dependency from the user side?
Any Idea?
The singleton class example:
public sealed class SingeltonBackgroundWork
private static SingeltonBackgroundWork updater = null;
private static Timer timer;
private SingeltonBackgroundWork()
//Milliseconds * Seconds * Minutes
timer = new Timer(1000 * 60 * 10);
timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnElapsed);
timer.AutoReset = true;
timer.Enabled = true;
private void OnElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
public static void InitProcess()
if (updater == null)
updater = new SingeltonBackgroundWork();
Global.asax Application_Start():
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup

Toast is shown every time when device is rotate

In my Android app I use AAC.
Here my activity:
public class AddTraderActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
AddTraderViewModel addTraderViewModel;
private static final String TAG = AddTraderActivity.class.getName();
protected void onCreate(#Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AddTraderActivityBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.add_trader_activity);
private void init() {
ViewModelProvider viewViewModelProvider = ViewModelProviders.of(this);
addTraderViewModel = viewViewModelProvider.get(AddTraderViewModel.class);
Observer<String> () {
public void onChanged (String message){
Debug.d(TAG, "onChanged: message = " + message);
Toast.makeText(AddTraderActivity.this, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onClickStart() {
EditText baseEditText = findViewById(;
EditText quoteEditText = findViewById(;
addTraderViewModel.doClickStart(baseEditText.getText().toString(), quoteEditText.getText().toString());
Here my ViewModel:
public class AddTraderViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private MutableLiveData<String> messageLiveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
private static final String TAG = AddTraderViewModel.class.getName();
public AddTraderViewModel(#NonNull Application application) {
public void doClickStart(String base, String quote) {
Debug.d(TAG, "doClickStart: ");
if (base.trim().isEmpty() || quote.trim().isEmpty()) {
String message = getApplication().getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.please_input_all_fields);
public LiveData<String> getMessageLiveData() {
return messageLiveData;
So when I click on button on Activity call method onClickStart()
If any fields is empty the show toast. In the activity call method:
onChanged (String message)
Nice. It's work fine.
But the problem is, when I rotate the device in the activity method onChanged(String message) is called AGAIN and as result show toast. This happened on every rotation.
This is the expected behaviour. If you want to avoid this you must set message = "" and keep an empty check before showing the toast.
A better way to use it is something like Event Wrapper or SingleLiveEvent
Highly recommend you to read this article. This explains why you are facing this and what are your options in detail.

Chain CollectionChanged Events

I'm trying to see how it would be possible to chain together x number of ObservableCollections.CollectionChanged event, exposed as a N level depth object tree to a single parent level CollectionChanged event that consumers can listen to? Essentially I want to funnel or bubble all child CollectionChanged events up to the top most parent. A number of solution I've noticed that tackle similar issues make an assumption of a fixed number of levels, say 2 deep. I idea is to support any level of depth.
Originally I had hoped I could just pass the instance of the FieldInfos to the child constructors and attach directly to the handler. However i get an error stating the "Event 'CollectionChanged' can only appear on the left hand side of+= or -=.
public class FieldInfos
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
private ObservableCollection<Field> _fields;
public ObservableCollection<Field> Fields => _fields ?? (_fields = new ObservableCollection<Field>());
public class Field
public string Name;
private ObservableCollection<FieldInstance> _instances;
public ObservableCollection<FieldInstance> Instances => _instances ?? (_instances = new ObservableCollection<FieldInstance>());
public class FieldInstance
public string Id { get; set; }
The simplest approach is subclass the original ObservableCollection<T>.
You'd need at least one interface to avoid covariance problems. You can also have your own classes to implement the INotifyDescendantsChanged interface.
public interface INotifyDescendantsChanged
event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler DescendantsChanged;
public class ObservableBubbleCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>, INotifyDescendantsChanged
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler DescendantsChanged;
protected virtual void OnDescendantsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handler = DescendantsChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(sender, e);
private readonly Func<T, INotifyDescendantsChanged> childSelector;
public ObservableBubbleCollection() { }
public ObservableBubbleCollection(Func<T, INotifyDescendantsChanged> childSelector)
this.childSelector = childSelector;
protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
OnDescendantsChanged(this, e);
if (childSelector == null)
if (e.NewItems != null)
foreach (var item in e.NewItems.Cast<T>())
childSelector(item).DescendantsChanged += OnDescendantsChanged;
if (e.OldItems != null)
foreach (var item in e.OldItems.Cast<T>())
childSelector(item).DescendantsChanged -= OnDescendantsChanged;
To use it, replace instances of ObservableCollection and pass a selector to the collection.
public class FieldInfos
private ObservableBubbleCollection<Field> _fields;
public ObservableBubbleCollection<Field> Fields => _fields ?? (_fields = new ObservableBubbleCollection<Field>(fi => fi.Instances));
public class Field
public string Name;
private ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance> _instances;
public ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance> Instances => _instances ?? (_instances = new ObservableBubbleCollection<FieldInstance>());
public class FieldInstance
public string Id { get; set; }
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var fi = new FieldInfos();
fi.Fields.DescendantsChanged += (sender, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("Change from {0}", sender.GetType());
var field = new Field();
field.Instances.Add(new FieldInstance());

Caliburn.Micro 3.0 equivalent to Xamarin.Forms Navigation.PushModalAsync

Does Caliburn.Micro 3.0 (and Caliburn.Micro.Xamarin.Forms) implement functionality to mimic/support Navigation.PushModalAsync in Xamarin.Forms?
No. It's not build in, but its easy to enhance it. Usually, MvvM frameworks are navigating by ViewModels. Caliburn is following this pattern. So it needs some kind of navigation service. This navigationservice is responsible for creating the Views for the ViewModels and call the view framework (Xamarin.Froms in our case) specific navigation functions. NavigationPageAdapter is the thing we are searching for. Now let's enhance it.
public interface IModalNavigationService : INavigationService
Task NavigateModalToViewModelAsync<TViewModel>(object parameter = null, bool animated = true);
// TODO: add more functions for closing
public class ModalNavigationPageAdapter : NavigationPageAdapter, IModalNavigationService
private readonly NavigationPage _navigationPage;
public ModalNavigationPageAdapter(NavigationPage navigationPage) : base(navigationPage)
_navigationPage = navigationPage;
public async Task NavigateModalToViewModelAsync<TViewModel>(object parameter = null, bool animated = true)
var view = ViewLocator.LocateForModelType(typeof(TViewModel), null, null);
await PushModalAsync(view, parameter, animated);
private Task PushModalAsync(Element view, object parameter, bool animated)
var page = view as Page;
if (page == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("{0} does not inherit from {1}.", view.GetType(), typeof(Page)));
var viewModel = ViewModelLocator.LocateForView(view);
if (viewModel != null)
TryInjectParameters(viewModel, parameter);
ViewModelBinder.Bind(viewModel, view, null);
page.Appearing += (s, e) => ActivateView(page);
page.Disappearing += (s, e) => DeactivateView(page);
return _navigationPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(page, animated);
private static void DeactivateView(BindableObject view)
if (view == null)
var deactivate = view.BindingContext as IDeactivate;
if (deactivate != null)
private static void ActivateView(BindableObject view)
if (view == null)
var activator = view.BindingContext as IActivate;
if (activator != null)
We just declared the interface IModalNavigationService that extends INavigationService and implement it in our ModalNavigationPageAdapter. Unfortunately Caliburn made alot of functions private, so we have to copy them over to our inherited version.
In caliburn you can navigate via navigationservice.For<VM>().Navigate(). We want to follow this style, so we have to implement something like navigationservice.ModalFor<VM>().Navigate() which we do in an extension method.
public static class ModalNavigationExtensions
public static ModalNavigateHelper<TViewModel> ModalFor<TViewModel>(this IModalNavigationService navigationService)
return new ModalNavigateHelper<TViewModel>().AttachTo(navigationService);
This method returns a ModalNavigateHelperthat simplifies the usage of our navigation service (similar to Caliburn's NavigateHelper). It's nearly a copy, but for the IModalNavigationService.
public class ModalNavigateHelper<TViewModel>
readonly Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
IModalNavigationService navigationService;
public ModalNavigateHelper<TViewModel> WithParam<TValue>(Expression<Func<TViewModel, TValue>> property, TValue value)
if (value is ValueType || !ReferenceEquals(null, value))
parameters[property.GetMemberInfo().Name] = value;
return this;
public ModalNavigateHelper<TViewModel> AttachTo(IModalNavigationService navigationService)
this.navigationService = navigationService;
return this;
public void Navigate(bool animated = true)
if (navigationService == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot navigate without attaching an INavigationService. Call AttachTo first.");
navigationService.NavigateModalToViewModelAsync<TViewModel>(parameters, animated);
Last but not least, we have to use our shiny new navigation service instead of the old one. The App class is registering the NavigationPageAdapter for the INavigationService as singleton in PrepareViewFirst. We have to change it as follows
public class App : FormsApplication
private readonly SimpleContainer container;
public App(SimpleContainer container)
this.container = container;
protected override void PrepareViewFirst(NavigationPage navigationPage)
var navigationService = new ModalNavigationPageAdapter(navigationPage);
We are registering our navigation service for INavigationService and IModalNavigationService.
As you can see in the comment, you have to implement close functions that call PopModalAsync by yourself.

WP7 Developpement : How to make the program wait until the end of an EventHandler?

When my view wants the value of LogoStation, it returns null because my program has not yet executed LoadStation_Completed.
I want my program waits that LoadStation_Completed is executed before continuing.
public class Infos
#region propriétés
private DataServiceCollection<SyndicObject> _infosStation;
public DataServiceCollection<SyndicObject> InfosStation
return _infosStation;
_infosStation = value;
string nameStation;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private ImageSource _logoStation;
public ImageSource LogoStation
return _logoStation;
_logoStation = value;
public Infos(string station)
nameStation = station;
public void getInfos()
SyndicationContext service = new SyndicationContext(new Uri("http://test/817bee9d-faf4-4680-9d05-e41c2c90ae5a/"));
IQueryable<SyndicObject> requete = (from objectSki in service.Objects
where objectSki.NOMSTATION == nameStation
select objectSki);
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
InfosStation = new DataServiceCollection<SyndicObject>();
InfosStation.LoadCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadCompletedEventArgs>(InfoStation_LoadCompleted);
void InfoStation_LoadCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e)
LogoStation = new BitmapImage(new Uri(#"http://test/upload/" + InfosStation[0].LOGO, UriKind.Absolute));
By using the property setter you are using NotifyPropertyChanged (correctly) to tell the UI bound to LogoStation that it has been updated. This should mean that the UI will display nothing initially and then the image when the load has completed.
Without seeing your view code what you have here looks correct - apart from the fact that your Infos class doesn't inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged. This means that the event never gets sent.
Update your class definition and you should be good to go.
