Mixpanel JQL transformations - mixpanel

I have written a JQL to get the no of events occurred for given start date and end date
function main() {
return Events({
from_date: params.start_date,
to_date: params.end_date,
event_selectors: _.map(params.events, event => ({event: event}))
}).groupBy(["name","properties.ID"], mixpanel.reducer.count())
.map(e => { return {"event" : e.key[0], "Id" : e.key[1], "value" : e.value} });
I am getting the result like this
Id Event Value
1 Event1 2
2 Event1 3
1 Event2 5
2 Event2 7
I want the result to be shown like this
Id Event1 Event2
1 2 5
2 3 7
What transformations I need to apply for this?

Try in console with this example.
function main() {
return Events({
from_date: '2016-01-01',
to_date: '2016-01-07'
.groupBy(['name', 'properties.$email'], mixpanel.reducer.count())
//.filter(x => x.key[1] == 'Kathleen.Thompson#gmailx.com') // for testing
.groupBy(['key.0'], mixpanel.reducer.any())
.reduce((a, b) => {
return b.map((obj) => {
return {
email: obj.value.key[1],
name: obj.value.key[0],
value: obj.value.value
Returning obj with fields - email, name, value.
Kathleen.Thompson#gmailx.com View Blog 1
Kathleen.Thompson#gmailx.com View Landing Page 4
Kathleen.Thompson#gmailx.com login 3
Kathleen.Thompson#gmailx.com pageview 2


How to implement repository in Go in case of complex requests?

Suppose we have multiple products with next fields: id, name, type, price, weight.
I want to return products that match some complex filter, for example:
name like '%bla%' and type = 3 - return all products that contains specific substring in name and belongs to specific type
name like '%bla%' and type=4 and weight/price < 10
(name like '%bla%' and type=5) or (name like '%lala%' and type=6 and price < 200)
I don't want to implement separate method for every possible filter.
Repository fetches data from db (I use postgres).
You can do like this:
package main
type Items struct{
_id string;
_name string;
_type int;
_price float64;
_weight float64;
func (i *Items) filter(bla string) []Items{
items := []Items{
_id: "i_78676758",
_name: "packet1",
_type: 4,
_price: 44.65,
_weight: 3.6,
_id: "i_546458",
_name: "packet2",
_type: 5,
_price: 234.65,
_weight: 123.6,
_id: "i_5879788",
_name: "packet2",
_type: 5,
_price: 34.65,
_weight: 13.6,
_id: "i_7858758",
_name: "packet3",
_type: 3,
_price: 284.65,
_weight: 23.6,
var validID = regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(bla))
new_items := []Items{}
for _, item := range items{
case ((validID.MatchString(item._name)) && (item._type == 3)):
new_items = items
case ((validID.MatchString(item._name)) && (item._type == 4) && (item._price < 10) && (item._weight < 10)):
new_items = append(new_items, item)
case (((validID.MatchString(item._name)) && item._type == 5) || ((validID.MatchString(item._name)) && (item._type == 6) && (item._price < 200))):
new_items = append(new_items, item)
case ((validID.MatchString(item._name)) && (item._price > 100)):
new_items = append(new_items, item)
return new_items;
func main(){
item := &Items{
_id: "i_7858758",
_name: "packet",
_type: 4,
_price: 234.65,
_weight: 23.6,
items := item.filter("et2")
In the above code Items struct holds the data which has filter method which loops over items which is a []Items and filter on the basis of text which is matched by Regexp and switch case to validate other things and finally returns a []Items which holds the filtered data.

How to show a text when ForEach with a filter option shows no result in Swiftui?

I am trying to solve the following problem. I created a "List looking like " List with ForEach Loops. Which works just fine just not for one problem. In the last ForEach loop I would like to give a result in text if there is no result in the database "values". So if the ForEach loop does not go thru because there is no database set then I would like to give a Text result saying "0€".
Do you have any ideas?
Here the code:
ForEach(categories.filter({ (categories) -> Bool in
categories.inOrOutCategory_ID == 1 }), id: \.category_ID) { categoryIndex in
Section(header: Text("\(categoryIndex.category)")) {
ForEach(subCategories.filter({ (subCategories) -> Bool in
subCategories.category_ID == categoryIndex.category_ID }), id: \.subCategory_ID) {
subCategoryIndex in
HStack {
ForEach(values.filter({ (values) -> Bool in
values.subCategory_ID == subCategoryIndex.subCategory_ID && (values.month_ID == self.month && (values.year == self.year)) }), id: \.value_ID) { valueIndex in
Text("\(String(format: "%.2f", valueIndex.value))€").padding(.trailing)
Thank you very much
I had the same problem today, the solution would be to create a method which would be true or false which checks the conditions of the filters manually then it will be necessary to create the view in swiftUI which is displayed if the method returns false (no result ) for example and in your view you display a text or whatever you want with no results
example :
func searchResult() -> Bool {
if searchText == "" {
return true // ne s'affiche pas
for u in subscribers{
if u.firstname.contains(searchText){
return true
if u.lastname.contains(searchText){
return true
return false // s'affiche
in you view :
if !searchResult() {

how to update 1 property in 1 object in an BehaviorSubject and let all observers know

If I have a BehaviorSubject which is a list of objects
files$: BehaviorSubject<FileToUpload[]> = new BehaviorSubject([]);
How can I update 1 property in 1 object of the list and notify all observers without doing something like:
files$.next([files.map(f => {
if(f === condition) {
f.changed = true;
return f
Is there a terser way of doing this?

How to Pipe Observables

I want to test every value an observable emits, and if it fits certain criteria, then error-out the result, otherwise pass the value on. Is there an operator for this?
If you use throw, you can separate cases that do not match the condition, but they will terminate immediately.
let source = Observable.of(1,2,3);
.mergeMap(value => {
if (value > 1) { // condition
return Observable.throw(`Out Of Condition: ${value}`);
return Observable.of(value);
value => console.log(`Next: ${value}`),
error => console.log(`Error: ${error}`),
() => console.log('completed')
Next: 1
Error: Out Of Condition: 2
You can also think of ways like stdout and stderr in bash. For this, additional information was augmented. In this case, it does not end in the middle.
const stdout = 1;
const stderr = 2;
let source = Observable.of(1,2,3);
.map(value => {
if (value > 1) { // condition
return [stderr, value];
return [stdout, value];
.subscribe(channel_value => {
let channel = channel_value[0];
let value = channel_value[1];
if (channel == stdout) {
console.log(`stdout: ${value}`);
else if (channel == stderr) {
console.log(`stderr: ${value}`);
stdout: 1
stderr: 2
stderr: 3
I don't know if this is the right answer, but what worked for me, was Observable.create
Observable.create((observer: Observer) =>
sourceObservable.subscribe((val: Value) => {
}, observer.error, observer.complete)
This is very inelegant. I hope there is a better way

Golang Gorm one-to-many with has-one

I'm trying to learn Go and Gorm by building a little prototype order management app. The database is MySQL. With simple queries Gorm has been stellar. However, when trying to obtain a result set involving a combination one-to-many with a has-one relationship Gorm seems to fall short. No doubt, it is my lack of understanding that is actually falling short. I can't seem to find any online examples of what I am trying to accomplish. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Go Structs
// Order
type Order struct {
Status string
OrderItems []OrderItem
// Order line item
type OrderItem struct {
OrderID uint
ItemID uint
Item Item
Quantity int
// Product
type Item struct {
ItemName string
Amount float32
Database tables
id | status
1 | pending
id | order_id | item_id | quantity
1 | 1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2 | 4
id | item_name | amount
1 | Go Mug | 12.49
2 | Go Keychain | 6.95
3 | Go T-Shirt | 17.99
Current query
order := &Order
if err := db.Where("id = ? and status = ?", reqOrder.id, "pending")
.First(&order).Error; err != nil {
Results (gorm makes 2 db queries)
order == Order {
id: 1,
status: pending,
OrderItems[]: {
ID: 1,
OrderID: 1,
ItemID: 1,
Item: nil,
Quantity: 1,
ID: 2,
OrderID: 1,
ItemID: 2,
Item: nil,
Quantity: 4,
Alternative query
order := &Order
db.Where("id = ? and status = ?", reqOrder.id, "cart")
Results (gorm makes 3 db queries)
order == Order {
id: 1,
status: pending,
OrderItems[]: {
ID: 1,
OrderID: 1,
ItemID: 1,
Item: {
ID: 1,
ItemName: Go Mug,
Amount: 12.49,
Quantity: 1,
ID: 2,
OrderID: 1,
ItemID: 2,
Item: {
ID: 2,
ItemName: Go Keychain,
Amount: 6.95,
Quantity: 4,
Ideal results
The "Alternative query" above produces the ideal query results. However, Gorm makes 3 separate database queries to do so. Ideally, the same results would be accomplished with 1 (or 2) database queries.
This could be accomplished in MySQL with a couple of joins. Gorm allows for joins. But, I was hoping to take advantage of some of Gorm's relational magic.
Thanks a bunch!
As described in this issue, gorm is not designed to use joins to preload other structs values. If you would like to continue to use gorm and have the ability to use joins to load values, one must use the SQL Builder exposed in gorm, and write some code to scan the desired values.
This would become burdensome if there are numerous tables that have to be accounted for.
If xorm is available as an option, they support loading struct values. Described under the find bullet point, here.
Note: I did not scan all the fields, just enough to get the point across.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/sqlite"
// Order
type Order struct {
Status string
OrderItems []OrderItem
// Order line item
type OrderItem struct {
OrderID uint
ItemID uint
Item Item
Quantity int
// Product
type Item struct {
ItemName string
Amount float32
var (
items = []Item{
{ItemName: "Go Mug", Amount: 12.49},
{ItemName: "Go Keychain", Amount: 6.95},
{ItemName: "Go Tshirt", Amount: 17.99},
func main() {
db, err := gorm.Open("sqlite3", "/tmp/gorm.db")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// Migrate the schema
db.AutoMigrate(&OrderItem{}, &Order{}, &Item{})
// Create Items
for index := range items {
order := Order{Status: "pending"}
item1 := OrderItem{OrderID: order.ID, ItemID: items[0].ID, Quantity: 1}
item2 := OrderItem{OrderID: order.ID, ItemID: items[1].ID, Quantity: 4}
// Query with joins
rows, err := db.Table("orders").Where("orders.id = ? and status = ?", order.ID, "pending").
Joins("Join order_items on order_items.order_id = orders.id").
Joins("Join items on items.id = order_items.id").
Select("orders.id, orders.status, order_items.order_id, order_items.item_id, order_items.quantity" +
", items.item_name, items.amount").Rows()
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
// Values to load into
newOrder := &Order{}
newOrder.OrderItems = make([]OrderItem, 0)
for rows.Next() {
orderItem := OrderItem{}
item := Item{}
err = rows.Scan(&newOrder.ID, &newOrder.Status, &orderItem.OrderID, &orderItem.ItemID, &orderItem.Quantity, &item.ItemName, &item.Amount)
if err != nil {
orderItem.Item = item
newOrder.OrderItems = append(newOrder.OrderItems, orderItem)
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.74ms] INSERT INTO "items" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","item_name","amount") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'Go Mug','12.49')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.50ms] INSERT INTO "items" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","item_name","amount") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'Go Keychain','6.95')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.65ms] INSERT INTO "items" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","item_name","amount") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'Go Tshirt','17.99')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.71ms] INSERT INTO "orders" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","status") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'pending')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.62ms] INSERT INTO "order_items" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","order_id","item_id","quantity") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'49','145','1')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.45ms] INSERT INTO "order_items" ("created_at","updated_at","deleted_at","order_id","item_id","quantity") VALUES ('2018-06-18 18:33:59','2018-06-18 18:33:59',NULL,'49','146','4')
[1 rows affected or returned ]
[2018-06-18 18:33:59] [0.23ms] SELECT orders.id, orders.status, order_items.order_id, order_items.item_id, order_items.quantity, items.item_name, items.amount FROM "orders" Join order_items on order_items.order_id = orders.id Join items on items.id = order_items.id WHERE (orders.id = '49' and status = 'pending')
[0 rows affected or returned ]
2018/06/18 18:33:59 {Model: {ID: 49,
CreatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
UpdatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
DeletedAt: nil},
Status: "pending",
OrderItems: [{Model: {ID: 0,
CreatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
UpdatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
DeletedAt: nil},
OrderID: 49,
ItemID: 145,
Item: {Model: {ID: 0,
CreatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
UpdatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
DeletedAt: nil},
ItemName: "Go Mug",
Amount: 12.489999771118164},
Quantity: 1},
{Model: {ID: 0,
CreatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
UpdatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
DeletedAt: nil},
OrderID: 49,
ItemID: 146,
Item: {Model: {ID: 0,
CreatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
UpdatedAt: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
DeletedAt: nil},
ItemName: "Go Keychain",
Amount: 6.949999809265137},
Quantity: 4}]}
