I have 2 classes: Staff and State.
public class State {
private String id;
private String name;
public class Staff {
#Column(nullable = false, columnDefinition="VARCHAR(100)")
private String id;
private String name;
private String phoneNo;
private String address;
#JoinColumn(name = "state_id")
private State state;
How to get query using JpaRepository to filter by State.name. Since it is mapped using state_id?
Something similar to this:
//current DAO to filter by staff's name
List<Staff> findByNameContaining(String name);
But I want to filter by name of Staff and by name of State.
try this.
List<Staff> findByNameAndState_Name(String staffName, String stateName)
You can do that as well. try to create a method as following. pass the state name.
List findByStateName(String stateName);
Here's nodeEntity
public class Resource {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String code;
private String parentCode;
private String label;
private Neo4jRelationship relationship;
And here's relationship between nodes
public class Neo4jRelationship {
private Long id;
private Resource startNode;
private Resource endNode;
I want to query all the relationship satify some condition,
#Query("match p = (a : category_first {name: $name})-[*1..2]-() return p")
List<Neo4jRelationship> getFistCatNode(#Param("name") String name);
but the query return am empty list.
However, if I change the return type to org.neo4j.ogm.model.Result, the query can return normally.
I'm confused why the first way dosen't work. Any help will be grateful
So i have two entity classes Employee and Address and they are in #OneToOne Relation I'm able to search a Employee's with different parameter like name,designation,department. But i want to search a employee using address fields like Areaname,pincode, phone etc.. How to implement this functionality i'm currently using JpaRepo with Mysql.
public class Employee{
private int id;
private String Name;
private String Designation;
private String Department;
private Address address;}
public class Address{
private String Streetname;
private String Areaname;
private String City;
private Long pincode;
private Long phone;
try like this:
#Query("FROM Employee AS emp LEFT JOIN emp.address AS adr WHERE adr.areaname= ?1")
public List<Employee > FindAllEmployeeByAreaName(String areaname);
I want to do a join between Timesheet:
#Document(collection = TIMESHEET_COLLECTION)
public class Timesheet {
private ObjectId id;
private ObjectId employeeId;
private LocalDate date;
private String occupationTitle;
private BigDecimal salary;
private List<TimesheetEntry> entries;
and Employee (as embedded document):
#Document(collection = Employee.EMPLOYEE_COL)
public class Employee {
private ObjectId id;
private String registry;
private String cpf;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String nickname;
private String phone;
private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
private LocalDate admissionDate;
private EmployeeOccupation occupation;
private EmployeePaymentPreferences paymentPreferences;
private Map<String, String> equipmentPreferences;
private Boolean active;
So I have this aggregation query, with match, lookup, unwind and projection operations.
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(matchTimesheetFilter(timesheetFilter), lookupEmployee(), unwindEmployee(), projectEmployee());
There are lookup and unwind implementations. I'm unwinding because employee should be a single object, not an array.
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
private UnwindOperation unwindEmployee(){
return Aggregation.unwind("employee");
It returns successfully a Timesheet document with a embedded Employee document. The point is: I don't want all data from employee. I only want a few fields.
So, I tried to exclude unwanted fields from employee, using my projection operation:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
It didn't work. My embedded employee is still being returned with all fields. However I can successfully exclude fields from Timesheet, if I do something like this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("startDate", "endDate");
How can I project custom fields from a document embedded through a lookup operation?
i think you need to exclude "employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName", instead of "nickname", "firstName", "fullName"
Try this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
i did it this way (not sure if it's right but it works):
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
no unwind used
I have a REST API that will receive some customer data on the following format:
"customer_Id": 50,
"name": "name",
"company_name": "company_name",
"email": "email#provider.com",
"business_phone": "(00) 1111-2222",
"mobile_phone": "(00) 1111-2222",
"document": "123456789",
"state_registration_number": "ISENTO",
"state_registration_type": "NO_CONTRIBUTOR",
"city_registration_number": "ISENTO",
"classification": "AUTO",
"address": {
"street": "STREET NAME XXX",
"number": "NUMBER XX",
"complement": "COMPLEMENT",
"zip_code": "ZIP_CODE",
"neighborhood": "NEIGHBORHOOD",
"city": "CITY",
"state": "STATE"
I'd like to save this data on two tables: One table should contains the "main" customer data, and the other one should contais the customer's "address" data.
So, I defined the Customer entity as below:
#Entity(name = "X_CUSTOMERS")
public class Customer {
private int customer_Id;
private String name;
private String company_name;
private String email;
private String business_phone;
private String mobile_phone;
private String document;
private String state_registration_number;
private String state_registration_type;
private String city_registration_number;
private String classification;
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Address address;
And the Address entity as
#Entity(name = "X_ADDRESS")
public class Address {
private String street;
private String number;
private String complement;
private String zip_code;
private String neighborhood;
private String city;
private String state;
But, I couldn't realize how to create a relationship between them. Should I create a customer_id attribute on the Address entity? Should I define some additional Tags on Customer's address attribute? Note that I don't have a customer on the JSON data that is posted by the REST Client and, if a Customer is Update ou Deleted, the Address data should be Updated / Deleted also.
Sorry if this is a such trivial question. I'm learning the basics of JPA/Hibernate these days and your answer will guides me to the right direction to avoid things such 'reinventing the wheel'.
Thanks a lot!
If we consider Address to be a Value Object rather than entity then it can be mapped as below. In your case, it probably is correct to model it as a VO: if you were building a database of addresses then it could be considered an entity. See further here:
Value vs Entity objects (Domain Driven Design)
We can then make the address class an #Embeddable rather than an entity: it will not then have any identity of its own. To have the customer and address details stored in separate tables we can also use JPAs #SecondaryTable funtionality:
We have then the model classes as below. With these mappings your JSON updates will work as expected.
#Table(name = "customers")
#SecondaryTable(name = "customer_addresses", pkJoinColumns={
public class Customer {
protected static final String ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME = "customer_addresses";
// other fields
private Address address;
public class Address {
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String street;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String number;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String complement;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String zip_code;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String neighborhood;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String city;
#Column(table = Customer.ADDRESS_TABLE_NAME)
private String state;
This is how i do it :
#OneToOne (fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, optional = false)
#NotNull(message = "L'addresse du domicile est requise!", groups = Seventh.class)
private Address homeAddress;
No need for any inverse mapping and this lets me save a customer and his address in one fell swoop!
You need an ID for your address entity as well, something like :
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long id;
I'm having trouble understanding how the #RelationshipEntity works. I've tried following examples, but even though I think I'm following the same pattern as the example, I end up witha stackoverflow, because the Relationship Entity grabs the NodeEntity, which has the RelationshipEntity, and on and on...
My model is:
(:Vendor)-[:BELONGS_TO {active: true, sinceDate: date}]->(:Store)
So my two nodes are Vendor and Store:
public class Vendor {
private Long id;
private Long vendorId;
private String name;
private String address;
#Relationship(type = "OWNS")
private Collection<Inventory> inventory;
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<Store> store;
public class Store {
private Long id;
private Long storeId;
private String name;
private String address;
private String email;
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private List<StoreParticipant> storeParticipant;
And my RelationshipEntity:
#RelationshipEntity(type = "BELONGS_TO")
public class StoreParticipant {
private Long id;
private Vendor vendor;
private Store store;
private int count;
private double price;
private boolean negotiable;
private boolean active;
I based this off of the Movie example which had (:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:MOVIE) and the acted_in relationship was ROLE
This is happening when I call the repository method findByVendorId
public interface VendorRepository extends GraphRepository<Vendor> {
List<Vendor> findByVendorId(Long vendorId);
If you're referencing this from both ends, you need to reference the relationship entity, not the node entity directly.
Store looks fine but Vendor contains
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<Store> store;
when it should be
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<StoreParticipant> store;