how to return relationship in spring data neo4j - spring-boot

Here's nodeEntity
public class Resource {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String code;
private String parentCode;
private String label;
private Neo4jRelationship relationship;
And here's relationship between nodes
public class Neo4jRelationship {
private Long id;
private Resource startNode;
private Resource endNode;
I want to query all the relationship satify some condition,
#Query("match p = (a : category_first {name: $name})-[*1..2]-() return p")
List<Neo4jRelationship> getFistCatNode(#Param("name") String name);
but the query return am empty list.
However, if I change the return type to org.neo4j.ogm.model.Result, the query can return normally.
I'm confused why the first way dosen't work. Any help will be grateful


Project embedded document fields after lookup operation

I want to do a join between Timesheet:
#Document(collection = TIMESHEET_COLLECTION)
public class Timesheet {
private ObjectId id;
private ObjectId employeeId;
private LocalDate date;
private String occupationTitle;
private BigDecimal salary;
private List<TimesheetEntry> entries;
and Employee (as embedded document):
#Document(collection = Employee.EMPLOYEE_COL)
public class Employee {
private ObjectId id;
private String registry;
private String cpf;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String nickname;
private String phone;
private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
private LocalDate admissionDate;
private EmployeeOccupation occupation;
private EmployeePaymentPreferences paymentPreferences;
private Map<String, String> equipmentPreferences;
private Boolean active;
So I have this aggregation query, with match, lookup, unwind and projection operations.
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(matchTimesheetFilter(timesheetFilter), lookupEmployee(), unwindEmployee(), projectEmployee());
There are lookup and unwind implementations. I'm unwinding because employee should be a single object, not an array.
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
private UnwindOperation unwindEmployee(){
return Aggregation.unwind("employee");
It returns successfully a Timesheet document with a embedded Employee document. The point is: I don't want all data from employee. I only want a few fields.
So, I tried to exclude unwanted fields from employee, using my projection operation:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
It didn't work. My embedded employee is still being returned with all fields. However I can successfully exclude fields from Timesheet, if I do something like this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("startDate", "endDate");
How can I project custom fields from a document embedded through a lookup operation?
i think you need to exclude "employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName", instead of "nickname", "firstName", "fullName"
Try this:
private ProjectionOperation projectEmployee() {
return Aggregation.project().andExclude("employee.nickname", "employee.firstName", "employee.fullName");
i did it this way (not sure if it's right but it works):
private LookupOperation lookupEmployee(){
return LookupOperation.newLookup()
no unwind used

Hibernate Fetch #Formula annotated fields on demand

I have a entity (declared with 2 way)(some not influencing code part are ommited for readability)
Entity version 1.
public class Article {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Formula("(SELECT COUNT( FROM stock s LEFT JOIN warehouse w ON WHERE s.article_id = id)")
private int variants;
public int getVariants() {
return variants;
Entity version 2.
public class Article {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
private int variants;
#Formula("(SELECT COUNT( FROM stock s LEFT JOIN warehouse w ON WHERE s.article_id = id)")
public int getVariants() {
return variants;
respective DTO and ArticleMapper - MapStruct
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class ArticleDTOCommon {
private Long id;
private String name;
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class ArticleDTO {
private Long id;
private String name;
private int variants;
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = {})
public interface ArticleMapper{
ArticleDTO toDto(Article article);
ArticleDTOCommon toDtoCommon(Article article);
I have a #Service layer on which how i know Hibernate creates it's proxy(for defining which field is fetch or not fetch) and transactions are occurs.
public class ArticleService {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<ArticleDTO> findAll() {
return articleRepository.findAll()
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<ArticleDTO> findAllCommon() {
return articleRepository.findAll()
It works fine with fetching Related entity but
Problem is (fetching #Formula annotated field) when I am looking executed query on log it fetchs all time variants #Formula annotated query not depending on respective DTO.
But it must be ignored on toDtoCommon - i.e. It must not fetch variants field -> because when mapping Article to ArticleDtoCommon it not uses getVariant() field of Article. I have tried multiple ways as mentioned above.
I can solve it with writing native query(for findAllCommon() method) and map respectivelly with other way... But I want to know that how we can solve it with ORM way and where is problem.
Manupulating #Access type is not helping too.
Thanks is advance.

How to code Spring JPA onetomany relation

I am new to Spring programming and trying the below example with one to many relationship between BID and BIDITEM classes. I am not sure whether the BIDITEM data is saved, as when I tried to retrieve the BID, I am getting only BID data and not BIDITEM data. Do we need to have a repository even for BIDITEM class. I can see that complete BID JSON string, along with BIDITEM is received in create method.
Could you please go through it, and let me know what is wrong with it.
#Table(name = "bid")
public class Bid {
private String title;
private long startDate;
private long endDate;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "myBid", cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
private List<BidItem> bidItems = new ArrayList<BidItem>();
//Constructor, getter and setter methods go here
public class BidItem
private String item;
private String desc;
private double minAmt;
#JoinColumn(name = "title")
private Bid myBid;
//Constructor, getter and setter methods go here
public interface BidRepository extends CrudRepository<Bid, String> {
//Tried even JpaRepository
public class BidService {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private BidRepository bidRepo;
public Bid create(String bidJson) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException
Bid bid = mapper.readValue(bidJson, Bid.class);
// bidJson string has below string
// {"bidItems":[{"item":"item1","desc":"item1","minAmt":"999"}],
// "title":"bid1","startDate":"D1","endDate":"D5"}
Bid savedBid =;
return savedBid;
public Bid findByID(String title)
Bid bid = bidRepo.findOne(title);
return bid;

Neo4j RelationshipEntity StackOverflow

I'm having trouble understanding how the #RelationshipEntity works. I've tried following examples, but even though I think I'm following the same pattern as the example, I end up witha stackoverflow, because the Relationship Entity grabs the NodeEntity, which has the RelationshipEntity, and on and on...
My model is:
(:Vendor)-[:BELONGS_TO {active: true, sinceDate: date}]->(:Store)
So my two nodes are Vendor and Store:
public class Vendor {
private Long id;
private Long vendorId;
private String name;
private String address;
#Relationship(type = "OWNS")
private Collection<Inventory> inventory;
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<Store> store;
public class Store {
private Long id;
private Long storeId;
private String name;
private String address;
private String email;
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private List<StoreParticipant> storeParticipant;
And my RelationshipEntity:
#RelationshipEntity(type = "BELONGS_TO")
public class StoreParticipant {
private Long id;
private Vendor vendor;
private Store store;
private int count;
private double price;
private boolean negotiable;
private boolean active;
I based this off of the Movie example which had (:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(:MOVIE) and the acted_in relationship was ROLE
This is happening when I call the repository method findByVendorId
public interface VendorRepository extends GraphRepository<Vendor> {
List<Vendor> findByVendorId(Long vendorId);
If you're referencing this from both ends, you need to reference the relationship entity, not the node entity directly.
Store looks fine but Vendor contains
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<Store> store;
when it should be
#Relationship(type = "BELONGS_TO")
private Collection<StoreParticipant> store;

Why the record is posted twice in the database?

Can you tell me, why the record is posted twice in the database. I think. this happens because I use save() method. But shouldn't I save the master-entity and dependent-entity separately?
Controller method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/addComment/{topicId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveComment(#PathVariable int topicId, #ModelAttribute("newComment")Comment comment, BindingResult result, Model model){
Topic commentedTopic = topicService.findTopicByID(topicId);
// TODO: Add a validator here
if (!comment.isValid() ){
return "//";
// Go to the "Show topic" page
return "redirect:../details/" + topicService.saveTopic(commentedTopic);
public class CommentService {
private CommentRepository commentRepository;
public int saveComment(Comment comment){
public class TopicService {
private TopicRepository topicRepository;
public int saveTopic(Topic topic){
#Table(name = "T_TOPIC")
public class Topic {
private int id;
private User author;
private Tag topicTag;
private String name;
private String text;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "topic", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Collection<Comment> comments = new LinkedHashSet<Comment>();
#Table(name = "T_COMMENT")
public class Comment
private int id;
private Topic topic;
private User author;
private String text;
private Date creationDate;
In this concrete case, you do not need to save the master and the client.
Saving the master or the client would be enough (with this concrete mapping)
But I think the main problem is that you do not have a good equals method in your Comment so your ORM Provider think that there are two different comments, and therefore store them twice.
