Block navigation action in onNavigationStateChange in StackNavigator - react-navigation

In my StackNavigator I want to sometimes block a navigation action. I thought to use onNavigationStateChange however it is not working.
Simple example:
render() {
return <Stack onNavigationStateChange={this.handleNavigate} />
handleNavigate = (stateOld, stateNew, action) => {
return false; // block it
However it is not blocking it. Does anyone have any ideas?

Use onShouldStartLoadWithRequest instead


Nativescript angular : handle android back button on different pages

So I use this function to handle android back button :
this._page.on(Page.loadedEvent, event => {
if ( {, (args:AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData) => {
args.cancel = true; => {
on different pages (angular components). So on page1.ts I have navigate(['/parameters]) and on page2.ts I have console.log("test"). Problem is wherever I am in the app, pressing back button always do navigate(['/parameters]), also the console.log if i'm on the right page, but it should do console.log only.
It seems to be global, any idea how to override activityBackPressedEvent ?
activityBackPressedEvent is not specific to a page, it's global to your Activity which holds all the pages. Generally, You will not add more than one event listener to this event.
You could do something like below to handle this on page level, probably in app module / main.ts,
(args: application.AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData) => {
const page = frame.topmost().currentPage;
if (page.hasListeners(application.AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent)) {
args.cancel = true;
eventName: application.AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent,
object: page
With above code, activityBackPressedEvent willl be triggered on every page that has a listener.
Now in your page / component in which you want to customise the behaviour you do this,
// Inject Page
constructor(private page: Page) {, this.onBackButtonTap, this);
onBackButtonTap(data: EventData) { => {
I think since you added the handle back button in the event pageLoaded that's why it does not work on other page.
The code that handle back button should be placed in the app starter. I'm using NS Vue & I place this code in my main.js. I think it could be similar in NS angular., (args:AndroidActivityBackPressedEventData) => {
args.cancel = true; => {

Component only rerenders if ternary expression is directly inside render() method

I'm building an app with React, Redux and TypeScript.
In the top navbar I have a "Log in" link which when clicked dispatches an action. For now, all this action does is set a boolean called auth to true.
I have a lot of connected components which listen to that auth property of the redux store and decide which sub-components to render, based on ternary expressions that evaluate this.props.auth.
I was surprised to see that when I clicked "Log in" some components would rerender as expected while others would have their state successfully changed but would only alter their display if I refreshed the page or routed away and came back. After some hours of hair-pulling I believe I finally isolated the difference between the two kinds of components described above: if the ternary expression that evaluates this.props.auth is directly inside the render() method, the component behaves as expected, however, if the ternary expression is inside a .map() function which is then called by the render() method, then this weird behavior happens where I have to refresh in order for the correct rendering to match the prop values. What's going on? Does this lose it's value, is this a sync/async problem?
class LatestArticles extends Component<LatestArticlesProps> {
public latestArticlesList: JSX.Element[] = IArticle) => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={}>
// some TSX
{this.props.auth === true ? <UserImgOverlay /> : <UnlockButton />}
// some more TSX
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
// some TSX
// some more TSX
Do let me know if you need any more context but I would like to ask for help understanding what's going on. Why does the prop change only trigger a rerender if the ternary expression is directly inside the render() method and is there any way to go around this while still mapping the data? Thank you for your attention.
Here's my mapStateToProps:
// Components/Navbar/index.tsx
const mapStateToProps = ({ articles, auth }: IApplicationState) => {
return {
articlesPerPage: articles.articlesPerPage,
articlesPerPageStep: articles.articlesPerPageStep,
auth: auth.auth
I actually have another example of this kind of behavior happening with an onClick method:
class LatestArticles extends Component<LatestArticlesProps> {
public latestArticlesList: JSX.Element[] = IArticle) => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={}>
// some TSX
<StarsRating rating={3} onClick={this.handleRatingClick} />
// some more TSX
constructor(props: LatestArticlesProps & IOwnProps) {
this.handleRatingClick = this.handleRatingClick.bind(this);
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
// some TSX
// some more TSX
public handleRatingClick = () => {
^ When I click on the star nothing happens, but if I extract <StarsRating rating={3} onClick={this.handleRatingClick} /> from the .map function and put it directly inside the render() method, I get the alert saying 'Clicked!'... I suspect this is losing its value but I'm not sure how to test that.
I think the problem is with the latestArticlesList variable. It is initialized too early. It should be a function:
public latestArticlesList: JSX.Element[] = () => IArticle) => {
I assume Articles should be this.props.articlesPerPage.
And finally when you use it, call it:
// some TSX
// some more TSX

Update global variable on scroll event angular 5

I'm working on angular 5 application. I want to update a variable when the page is scrolling, but the problem is when I put console log inside the scope, the variable is updated but in Dom is not.
#HostListener('window:scroll') public windowScrolling(): void {
this.isMenuOpen = false;
console.log(this.isMenuOpen) // false }
{{isMenuOpen}} // true
I guess the variable inside the scope becomes local variable but I have no idea how to make it global on scroll event. I really appreciate if somebody has any solution.
**Implement like this**.
ngOnInit() {
window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
}.bind(this), true);
scroll(event: any) {
this.isMenuOpen = false;

Complex navigation in React Native using react-navigation and Redux

I have the following navigation structure in my React Native app:
StackNavigator configured with 3 routes:
Splash screen (React Component)
StackNavigator for my login flow
DrawerNavigator for my core app screens.
The DrawerNavigator has some dynamic multiple routes, but also one static route which is another StackNavigator.
Everything seems to be working as expected:
The store is being updated accordingly.
Navigation between screen works.
Go back between screen works when configured within each component, with the following command:
My question is - is there a way for me to handle back button on Android globally? Currently when I click on the back button, nothing happens (due to the fact I'm using Redux). Should I handle the back button in each component or is there a way of doing it using Redux?
A bit late, but there is a way to handle this with redux. In your index.js file where you create your store you can make export a class and add a componentWillMount call to handle dispatching a call to your redux actions. Just remember to import the actions you need above.
const store = configureStore();
export default class Index extends Component {
componentWillMount = () => {
BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', () => {
const { nav: { routes } } = store.getState();
const currentRouteName = routes[routes.length-1].routeName;
if (currentRouteName === 'EditCoupleProfile') {
} else if ( currentRouteName === 'EditInterests' ) {
} else {
return true;
componentWillUnmount = () => {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<AppWithNavigation />

Nativescript Switch prevent change event firing on initial binding

Hi my template is something like the below
<ListView [items]="modules">
<template let-item="item" >
<StackLayout orientation="vertical">
<Switch (checkedChange)="onSwitchModule(,$event)" [checked]=""></Switch>
My controller is
ngOnInit() {
this.modules =;
onSwitchModule(itemId) {
console.log(itemID); //Gets called on initial true binding on switch checked
The onSwitchModule get called everytime the page loads with is true on any item, how to handle this ?
NOTE: Beginner in Nativescript
What I did to overcome this is I watch for tap events instead of checkedChange:
<Switch (tap)="switchClicked" [checked]=""></Switch>
and in the callback, you can get the current item from bindingContext:
function switchClicked(args) {
const item = args.object.bindingContext.item;
I ran into a similar issue: loading up settings data from an API, and having the checked event fire for the value I'd set from the api -- not desirable in my case. I didn't see a great way to prevent events from firing on the initial binding, so I decided to simply ignore events until I knew they were legit events from the user actually using the switch.
I did that by using a property switchReady to keep track of when you want to start recognizing change events. This pattern also keeps the toggle disabled until you're ready to start accepting changes. This makes use of Switch's isEnabled property, see docs here.
<Switch [checked]="currentSettings.pushTurnedOn" [isEnabled]="switchReady" (checkedChange)="onPushSettingChange($event)" row="0" col="1"></Switch>
export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit {
currentSettings: Settings = new Settings(false)
switchReady: boolean = false
ngOnInit() {
public onPushSettingChange(args) {
let settingSwitch = <Switch>args.object
if (settingSwitch.isEnabled) {
// do something with the event/change
} else {
// we aren't ready to accept changes, do nothing with this change
getCurrentSettings() {
() => {
this.currentSettings = this.settingsService.currentSettings
// we've applied our api change via data binding, it's okay to accept switch events now
this.switchReady = true
err => alert('There was a problem retrieving your settings.')
