How can I add other currencies in Magento? - magento

Currently I'm building a webshop with Magento for a school project. I want to add other currencies on my webshop but when I go to System > Manage Currency > Rates and System > Configuration > Currency Setup, the only currency I see is Euro. I can't add other currencies to allowed currencies because the only currency I see is the euro. I see no other currencies. Am I doing something wrong, or do I have to add something on the ftp server? I hope that somebody could help me.enter image description here

May I know which version of Magento you have installed ?
I am using Magento 2.1.8 and able to see different currencies.
If your intention is to just change the currency symbol, you can do that by editing stores ==> Currency Symbol. By doing this, entered currency symbol will be visible on your dashboard rather than euro symbol which is default currency in your case.


Joomla Not able to add new Currency while adding product

I am using Joomla VirtueMart 3.0.10, to add new product.
For Product currency its showing Euro as Default.
When i am trying to configure same, for select Currency and List of acceptable currency, dropbox is empty.. and its not allowing to select current.
I need to modify Default currecy be US $
Thanks in advance
Go to
Virtuemart -> Shop -> Edit Shop
In right page you can add all currency you want.
If not appear in the list go to
Settings -> Currency
And activate your currency

How to set default currency as GBP for UK and USA customers in magento?

I have a magento store with multiple currencies. I want to set GBP as default currency for UK and USA customers. I have tried everything but the default currency is still coming as USD even for UK customers. Please help. Thanks.
Magento can't do this by default.
You can either code your own solution or look to one of the third party modules to implement GeoIP and currency allocations.

How to Pass Order Details to the paypal express checkout in magento?

I am new to magento.i wanted order details to be shown on the paypal express checkout page on the left hand side of the order summary.currently only product name is saving.
please can any one tell how can i get products other details like like price or total in magento.
Thanks In Advance.
Read the Express Checkout Integration Documentation.
To display the product information, you would need to specify the Payment Details Item Type Fields e.g.

Magento use simple product price instead of Super Attribute price

I have a Configurable Product with a Super Attribute and a number of Simple Products (with different prices). In Admin when i select the Configurable Product >> Associated Products I can see the simple products. On the front-end when I try to add one of these simple products to the basket instead of seeing the price of that simple product i am seeing the price of the Configurable Product + the values in the Super Attribute Configuration for the selected product. Does anyone know how to change this so that the simple product price is used?
I struggled with exact same issue a couple years ago and Magento EE support could not provide much help. Client has an ERP system that only contains simple products. So configurable products are only for creating shopping experience in Magento. This makes ignoring simple product pricing for a base+offset configurable pricing model in Magento a problem. Never able to understand the logic to ignoring available pricing data for an additional meta pricing model!?
Magento EE support unofficially pointed me to a third party extension. This extension is no longer supported so core upgrades have required work to keep things working. Looks like there are other extensions addressing this issue that may offer support.
I wanted to believe someone smarter than I could explain a better approach to solving this problem.

Magento multistore: currency problem - Euro/Pounds?

Hope someone can help me with a currency problem. I have a multishop, Dutch and English. The Dutch store (default config) is in Euro's and I want to get the Englisch shop working in Pounds. The two shops are multishops with different root categories and when I try to put the English shop at Pounds: system/configuration/currency setup it won't work.
I put the display currency at pounds also with the frontend.
We are working with magento
Let me know if I do anything wrong?
The following link says how to set up multiple currency for Magento shop. It also describes how to set different currency for different store.
Magento: Setup multiple currency shop
Hope this helps. Thanks.
