How to Pass Order Details to the paypal express checkout in magento? - magento

I am new to magento.i wanted order details to be shown on the paypal express checkout page on the left hand side of the order summary.currently only product name is saving.
please can any one tell how can i get products other details like like price or total in magento.
Thanks In Advance.

Read the Express Checkout Integration Documentation.
To display the product information, you would need to specify the Payment Details Item Type Fields e.g.


Magento - products not showing after changing data in product details fields

My task was to change existing products in shop with new one, so all that i have changed is NAME,
SKU, and URL key in GENERAL section and description field in PRODUCT DETAILS.
After i have done that, items are successfully edited in backend but they dissapear from frontend.
The only way to get to them in frontend is to enter complete address of that specific product in the address bar.
I have tried everything that i could found on the forum up to this date, and it didn't work for me.
Tips like reindexing, status - enabled, availability - in stock...
If someone has an idea, please, share it with me.
Thank you all.
You can try the below things:
1. Check the product quantity,in stock and enable status and catalog visibility.
2. Re indexing
3. delete the entry from url rewrite management for your product
4. rename the "var" folder
Solution for my problem was in associated products section. I had configurable product, but i didn't had associated (simple product) for that configurable product. So i had to create some simple product for related configurable, and then they appeared in frontend.
Thank you all.

Different checkout pages based on product category in Magento

I am new to Magento .So please forgive me if I am asking something silly.
I am working on a Magento shop where I have a requirement that when I select some product in certain category say X, then I am redirected to one page checkout where I have default shipping method and do not want any payment method. i.e. Skip shipping and payment method step in chekout.
Whereas if I click some other categories then I get redirected to onepage checkout with shipping and payment option.
So basically what I need in form of code is -
then Checkout without Shipping and payment method
Checkout with Shipping and Payment options.
As far as I have explored the magento structure , it is far too complex then other CMS. I am not able to even find files where i have to make changes in code. Anybody out there who can guide me for right approach toward the solution? Or is there any extension which fulfills such requirement?
Thanks in advance.
First, create the new payment method for the category (and shipping method if you need that too).
Then I would probably extend the controller, though you probably could also use an observer.
Extend magento core controller (Checkout/OnepageController)
Keep in mind that the customer may have products from another category in their cart, and what to do in that case.

Magento: Create order in backend and have customer complete payment

I'm exploring implementation options in Magento and am wondering if anyone has attempted or found a solution to this scenario...
I would like to be able to setup an order via the Magento backend (add products, set shipping price, etc) then have the customer be able to complete the order by logging into their account and proceeding through the checkout process.
Would be really great if the customer could get an email notification with a link directly to the payment step/checkout.
Is there a public extension that does this or something similar? Is the only option to push the products to a customer's cart then manually notify? Any other approaches on this?
Two possible ways of accomplishing this (assuming that all product are enable in that store)
In Admin create new order for that customer and add all items to quote, then under 'Items Ordered -> Action' click 'Move to Shopping Cart' (items will disappear from quote and should appear in the customer shopping cart once log in)
Create a custom quotation module (or modify new order creation) that email the customer with a link that will restore the quote on so the customer can complete the transaction
The Cart2Quote extension provides exactly that functionality.

2 order increment id generated after place order using paypal magento

I am using magento
I have one order regarding issue with back end, i am using Paypal express checkout payment method for merchant country Australia.
After placing an order using Paypal express method, it shows the same order twice with different increment ids in order grid. Please see attached screen shot below
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
go to magento log file, payment_paypal_express.log
can you check if the same order info was submitted twice?

Magento custom save order

We have a custom discount option other than magento default discount/coupon option. In that customer can choose the full amount to be paid from their balance amount with the account.
So if they choose to pay the total amount then i want to skip the magento payment tab. In the custom action i have to save the order and redirect the checkout page customer to checkout success page. How can i do that. When i call order->save(), it throws error like " Should select a payment option."
Please help me to skip the payment option on checkout page
Rather than skipping that option entirely, creating a new payment type to pay from the account would probably be clearer to the customer. You could preselect that option for the customer, and keep the rest of the system intact.
Hope that helps!
