I have defined a functional interface StringFormatter as below
public interface StringFormatter{
String format(String s1, String s2);
How can I write main class which creates lambda expression for above interface and defines format() for below 2 results?
Returns s1 + s2
Returns s1 + "-" + s2
In this case you can easily initialize two variables holding lambda expressions like:
StringFormatter formatter1 = (s1,s2) -> s1 + s2;
StringFormatter formatter2 = (s1,s2) -> s1 + "-" + s2;
Then you can call formatter1.format(s1,s2) and formatter2.format(s1,s2).
Following example:
public class Test {
public interface StringFormatter{
String format(String s1, String s2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final StringFormatter formatter1 = (s1,s2) -> s1 + s2;
final StringFormatter formatter2 = (s1,s2) -> s1 + "-" + s2;
System.out.println(formatter1.format("lorem", "ipsum"));
System.out.println(formatter2.format("lorem", "ipsum"));
produces output:
We can use a Functional interface as a target type like this:
StringFormatter func = (s1, s2) -> s1 + s2;
in which case you can call it like:
String result = func.format("first","second");
you can also put the logic into a method as such:
static String formatter(StringFormatter func, String s1, String s2){
return func.format(s1, s2);
then call it:
String result = formatter((s1, s2) -> s1 + s2, "first", "second");
String anotherResult = formatter((s1, s2) -> s1 +"-"+ s2, "first", "second");
in which case you simply pass the behaviour directly without having to create different inline functions for each scenario.
You might write something like this:
StringFormatter formatter1 = (s1, s2) -> s1 + s2;
StringFormatter formatter2 = (s1, s2) -> s1 + "-" + s2;
String result1 = formatter1.format("a", "b"); // ab
String result2 = formatter2.format("a", "b"); // a-b
StringFormatter formatter = (str1,str2) -> str1 + str2;
StringFormatter formatter1 = (str1,str2) -> str1 + "-" + str2;
String formatedString = formatter.format("Hello", "World");
String formatedString1 = formatter1.format("Hello", "World");
System.out.println("Formated String (Type 1) : "+formatedString);
System.out.println("Formated String (Type 2) : "+formatedString1);
Sample output All Is Well : { =2, A=1, s=1, e=1, W=1, I=1, l=4}
You may try this,
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(s -> s, LinkedHashMap::new, Collectors.counting()))
.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " = " + v));
I wanted to write a tail-recursive solution for the following problem on Leetcode -
You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contains a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.
You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 itself.
*Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)*
*Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8*
*Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807.*
Link to the problem on Leetcode
I was not able to figure out a way to call the recursive function in the last line.
What I am trying to achieve here is the recursive calling of the add function that adds the heads of the two lists with a carry and returns a node. The returned node is chained with the node in the calling stack.
I am pretty new to scala, I am guessing I may have missed some useful constructs.
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* class ListNode(_x: Int = 0, _next: ListNode = null) {
* var next: ListNode = _next
* var x: Int = _x
* }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Solution {
def addTwoNumbers(l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode): ListNode = {
add(l1, l2, 0)
def add(l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode, carry: Int): ListNode = {
var sum = 0;
sum = (if(l1!=null) l1.x else 0) + (if(l2!=null) l2.x else 0) + carry;
if(l1 != null || l2 != null || sum > 0)
ListNode(sum%10,add(if(l1!=null) l1.next else null, if(l2!=null) l2.next else null,sum/10))
else null;
You have a couple of problems, which can mostly be reduced as being not idiomatic.
Things like var and null are not common in Scala and usually, you would use a tail-recursive algorithm to avoid that kind of things.
Finally, remember that a tail-recursive algorithm requires that the last expression is either a plain value or a recursive call. For doing that, you usually keep track of the remaining job as well as an accumulator.
Here is a possible solution:
type Digit = Int // Refined [0..9]
type Number = List[Digit] // Refined NonEmpty.
def sum(n1: Number, n2: Number): Number = {
def aux(d1: Digit, d2: Digit, carry: Digit): (Digit, Digit) = {
val tmp = d1 + d2 + carry
val d = tmp % 10
val c = tmp / 10
d -> c
def loop(r1: Number, r2: Number, acc: Number, carry: Digit): Number =
(r1, r2) match {
case (d1 :: tail1, d2 :: tail2) =>
val (d, c) = aux(d1, d2, carry)
loop(r1 = tail1, r2 = tail2, d :: acc, carry = c)
case (Nil, d2 :: tail2) =>
val (d, c) = aux(d1 = 0, d2, carry)
loop(r1 = Nil, r2 = tail2, d :: acc, carry = c)
case (d1 :: tail1, Nil) =>
val (d, c) = aux(d1, d2 = 0, carry)
loop(r1 = tail1, r2 = Nil, d :: acc, carry = c)
case (Nil, Nil) =>
loop(r1 = n1, r2 = n2, acc = List.empty, carry = 0).reverse
Now, this kind of recursions tends to be very verbose.
Usually, the stdlib provide ways to make this same algorithm more concise:
// This is a solution that do not require the numbers to be already reversed and the output is also in the correct order.
def sum(n1: Number, n2: Number): Number = {
val (result, carry) = n1.reverseIterator.zipAll(n2.reverseIterator, 0, 0).foldLeft(List.empty[Digit] -> 0) {
case ((acc, carry), (d1, d2)) =>
val tmp = d1 + d2 + carry
val d = tmp % 10
val c = tmp / 10
(d :: acc) -> c
if (carry > 0) carry :: result else result
Scala is less popular on LeetCode, but this Solution (which is not the best) would get accepted by LeetCode's online judge:
import scala.collection.mutable._
object Solution {
def addTwoNumbers(listA: ListNode, listB: ListNode): ListNode = {
var tempBufferA: ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer.empty
var tempBufferB: ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer.empty
def listTraversalA(listA: ListNode): ListBuffer[Int] = {
if (listA == null) {
return tempBufferA
} else {
tempBufferA += listA.x
def listTraversalB(listB: ListNode): ListBuffer[Int] = {
if (listB == null) {
return tempBufferB
} else {
tempBufferB += listB.x
val resultA: ListBuffer[Int] = listTraversalA(listA)
val resultB: ListBuffer[Int] = listTraversalB(listB)
val resultSum: BigInt = BigInt(resultA.reverse.mkString) + BigInt(resultB.reverse.mkString)
var listNodeResult: ListBuffer[ListNode] = ListBuffer.empty
val resultList = resultSum.toString.toList
var lastListNode: ListNode = null
for (i <-0 until resultList.size) {
if (i == 0) {
lastListNode = new ListNode(resultList(i).toString.toInt)
listNodeResult += lastListNode
} else {
lastListNode = new ListNode(resultList(i).toString.toInt, lastListNode)
listNodeResult += lastListNode
return listNodeResult.reverse(0)
For additional details, you can see the Discussion Board. There are plenty of accepted solutions, explanations, efficient algorithms with a variety of languages, and time/space complexity analysis in there.
I have string like:
String input = "1 2 20\n"
+ "1 3 50\n"
+ "1 4 40\n"
+ "1 5 30\n"
+ "2 3 20\n"
+ "2 4 40\n"
+ "2 5 30\n"
+ "3 4 50\n"
+ "3 5 60\n"
+ "4 5 70\n";
My Nodes Class:
class Nodes{
Integer from;
Integer to;
Integer cost;
Corresponding to each String input i want a Nodes object.
SO far I have been able to do like:
List<Nodes> collect = new ArrayList<>();
for loop starts here until the inputs are exhausted.
String[] s = Arrays.stream("1 3 50".split(" ")).toArray(String[]::new);
Nodes nodes = new Nodes(Integer.valueOf(s[0]),Integer.valueOf(s[1]),Integer.valueOf(s[2]));
for loop ends here
Required output :
Is there a way so that I can create a List of Nodes inside stream only like map(h->new Nodes(h[0],h[1],h[2]))and at last collect it using Collectors.toList() so that i have List<Nodes>.
Try this one
List<Nodes> nodes = Arrays.stream(input.split("\\n"))
.map(arr->new Nodes(Integer.valueOf(arr[0]),Integer.valueOf(arr[1]),
I would make some modifications to your Nodes class first. Including some error handling in case there is something else than ints in your String. Then stream and collect:
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class StackOverflowTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "1 2 20\n"
+ "1 3 50\n"
+ "1 4 40\n"
+ "1 5 30\n"
+ "2 3 20\n"
+ "2 4 40\n"
+ "2 5 30\n"
+ "3 4 50\n"
+ "3 5 60\n"
+ "4 5 70\n";
List<Nodes> list =
input.lines() // streaming each line
.map(s -> new Nodes(s.split(" "))) // creating Nodes
.collect(Collectors.toList()); // Collecting to List
class Nodes{
Integer from;
Integer to;
Integer cost;
Nodes(String[] strings) {
this(stringToInts(strings)); // avoid throwing error in constructor
Nodes(int[] ints) {
this.from = ints[0];
this.to = ints[1];
this.cost = ints[2];
public String toString() {
return "Nodes:from=" + from + ".to=" + to + ".cost=" + cost + "\n";
private static int[] stringToInts(String[] strings) {
if (strings.length != 3) throw new AssertionError("String array of wrong size. Must be 3");
int[] ints = new int[strings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
ints[i] = Integer.parseInt(strings[i]);
return ints;
On reflection the exeption handling can also be achieved just by adding
.map(arr-> {if (arr.length != 3) throw new AssertionError("Array size != 3"); return arr;})
to the Answer by Hadi J
I don't code java but in python there's a function called list() that converts string to lists and maybe there is one on java too.
or maybe use split(", ") and maybe it will work.
UPDATE (task detailed Explanation):
We have a string consist of numbers 0 and 1, divided by operators |, ^ or &. The task is to create all fully parenthesized expressions. So the final expressions should be divided into "2 parts"
For example
0^1 -> (0)^(1) but not extraneously: 0^1 -> (((0))^(1))
Example for expression 1|0&1:
As you can see both expressions above have left and write part:
left: (1); right: ((0)&(1))
left: ((1)|(0)); right: (1)
I tried the following code, but it does not work correctly (see output):
// expression has type string
// result has type Array (ArrayList in Java)
function setParens(expression, result) {
if (expression.length === 1) return "(" + expression + ")";
for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
var c = expression[i];
if (c === "|" || c === "^" || c === "&") {
var left = expression.substring(0, i);
var right = expression.substring(i + 1);
leftParen = setParens(left, result);
rightParen = setParens(right, result);
var newExp = leftParen + c + rightParen;
return expression;
function test() {
var r = [];
setParens('1|0&1', r);
code output: ["(0)&(1)", "(0)|0&1", "(1)|(0)", "1|0&(1)"]
Assuming the input expression is not already partially parenthesized and you want only fully parenthesized results:
result = {}
// looking for operators
for p = 1 to n do
// binary operator; parenthesize LHS and RHS
// parenthesize the binary operation
if expression[p] is a binary operator then
lps = FullyParenthesize(expression[1 ... p - 1])
rps = FullyParenthesize(expression[p + 1 ... n])
for each lp in lps do
for each rp in rps do
result = result U {"(" + lp + expression[p] + rp + ")"}
// no binary operations <=> single variable
if result == {} then
result = {"(" + expression + ")")}
return result
Example: 1|2&3
result = {}
binary operator | at p = 2;
lps = FullyParenthesize("1")
no operators
result = {"(" + "1" + ")"}
return result = {"(1)"}
rps = Parenthesize("2&3")
result = {"2&3", "(2&3)"}
binary operator & at p = 2
lps = Parenthesize("2")
no operators
result = {"(" + "2" + ")"}
return result = {"(2)"}
rps = Parenthesize("3")
no operators
result = {"(" + "3" + ")"}
return result = {"(3)"}
lp = "(2)"
rp = "(3)"
result = result U {"(" + "(2)" + "&" + "(3)" + ")"}
return result = {"((2)&(3))"}
lp = "(1)"
rp = "((2)&(3))"
result = result U {"(" + "(1)" + "|" + "((2)&(3))" + ")"}
binary operator & at p = 4
result = result U {"(" + "((1)|(2))" + "&" + "(3)" + ")"}
return result {"((1)|((2)&(3)))", "(((1)|(2))&(3))"}
You will have 2^k unique fully parenthesized expressions (without repeated parentheses) given an input expression with k binary operators.
For instance, how can I construct an array in ATS containing all of the letters in the upper case from A to Z? In C, this can be done as follows:
char *Letters()
int i;
char *cs = (char *)malloc(26);
assert(cs != 0);
for (i = 0; i < 26; i += 1) cs[i] = 'A' + i;
return cs;
You could use the tabulate function for creating linear arrays. For instance,
Letters(): arrayptr(char, 26)
Letters() =
(i2sz(26), lam(i) => 'A' + sz2i(i))
If you don't want to use a higher-order function, you can try the following template-based solutioin:
Letters() =
arrayptr_tabulate<char>(i2sz(26)) where
implement array_tabulate$fopr<char> (i) = 'A' + sz2i(i)
Well, here's one way, although it's extremely complicated, because it follows your outlined approach to the letter: it involves linear proofs for arrays (aka dataviews), memory allocation, and array initialization via a while loop.
Letters (): arrayptr (char, 26)
Letters () = let
val (pf_arr, pf_gc | p_arr) = array_ptr_alloc<char> ((i2sz)26)
var i: int = 0
prval [larr:addr] EQADDR () = eqaddr_make_ptr (p_arr)
var p = p_arr
prvar pf0 = array_v_nil {char} ()
prvar pf1 = pf_arr
val () =
while* {i:nat | i <= 26} .<26-i>. (
i: int (i)
, p: ptr (larr + i*sizeof(char))
, pf0: array_v (char, larr, i)
, pf1: array_v (char?, larr+i*sizeof(char), 26-i)
) : (
pf0: array_v (char, larr, 26)
, pf1: array_v (char?, larr+i*sizeof(char), 0)
) => (
i < 26
) {
prval (pf_at, pf1_res) = array_v_uncons {char?} (pf1)
prval () = pf1 := pf1_res
val c = 'A' + (g0ofg1)i
val () = ptr_set<char> (pf_at | p, c)
val () = p := ptr1_succ<char> (p)
prval () = pf0 := array_v_extend {char} (pf0, pf_at)
val () = i := i + 1
} // end of [val]
prval () = pf_arr := pf0
prval () = array_v_unnil {char?} (pf1)
val res = arrayptr_encode (pf_arr, pf_gc | p_arr)
end // end of [Letters]
You can run the code at Glot.io