Issue to SaveAs a word document in UFT using VB - vb6

Made a function to save a word document previously created and modified in another function, but it is sending me an error: This is not a valid file name.
This is my code:
Set obj_Word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
obj_Word.Visible = True
Set doc = obj_Word.Documents.Open("C:\Evidencias3.docx")
NombreDocumento = DataTable.Value("Preguntas","Global")
Sub SaveEvidences()
obj_Word.Visible = True
doc.SaveAs("C:\Evidencias_"& NombreDocumento &".docx")
Set obj_Word = Nothing
End Sub
I appreciated any help or recommended

You can try to clean out the file name before saving:
Public Function CleanFileName(ByVal sIn As String) As String
Dim sOut As String, sIllegalChars As String
sIllegalChars = "\/:*|?<>" + Chr(34)
sOut = sIn
For q = 1 To Len(sIllegalChars)
sOut = Replace(sOut, Mid(sIllegalChars, q, 1), "_")
CleanFileName = sOut
End Function
doc.SaveAs(CleanFileName("C:\Evidencias_"& NombreDocumento &".docx"))
Reference: MSDN - Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces

Perhaps the problem is in the line:
NombreDocumento = DataTable.Value("Preguntas","Global")
Not familiar with the code, is it possible that it is returning a null value? If so, you could try to append an empty string to it:
NombreDocumento = DataTable.Value("Preguntas","Global") & ""
Either way, I would debug the code and see what the constructed filename actually is. Perhaps then it will become obvious.


Variable not define

Hi i need help on this error that i am getting on my code. variable not define and after i define the variable it throws another errors says Method or data member not found and it always highlights the DataEnvironment1.commands. am using a calendar to access my reports. what is likely to be the problem please any help.
Here is my code:
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error GoTo e
frmDate = txtdate1.Text
endDate = txtdate2.Text
DataEnvironment1.Commands("InpatientMaintenanceMaster").Parameters(0) = txtdate1
DataEnvironment1.Commands("InpatientMaintenanceMaster").Parameters(1) = txtdate2
With RptInpatientMaster
.Sections("Section2").Controls("lblDate1").Caption = txtdate1.Text
.Sections("Section2").Controls("lblDate2").Caption = txtdate2.Text
End With
Unload Me
Exit Sub
If Err.Number <> 3704 Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End If
End Sub
Please remove this line:
DataEnvironment1.Commands("InpatientMaintenanceMaster").Parameters(0) = txtdate1
And instead replace it with this, and then tell us which line is shown as your error:
Dim dataEnv As Object
Set dataEnv = DataEnvironment1
Dim cmd As Object
Set cmd = dataEnv.Commands("InpatientMaintenanceMaster")
Dim dateString As String
dateString = txtdate1.Text 'assuming this is truly a textbox control?
cmd.Parameters(0) = dateString 'should really be using frmDate instead
By splitting this out, it should narrow down exactly what you are missing.

To convert string to double in UFT/QTP

I am trying to convert string to double in UFT but It shows the output without decimal point. below is the code for reference.
vStr = "1000000.589765"
msgbox Typename(vStr)
msgbox Typename(strV1)
print strV1
Output: 1000000589765
Note that without formatNumber, its not working.
Yet another implementation using DotNetFactory. Just an another thought. I am not denying to use CDbl. But worth to give a shot.
'Test Code
Dim strConvertedCode
strConvertedCode = ConvertDataType("1000000.589765","Double")
If strConvertedCode <> null Then
Msgbox strConvertedCode
End If
Public Function ConvertDataType(ByVal SourceData,ByVal ConversionDataType)
'Initialization of variables
Dim objDotNetFactory
Dim strConvertedData : strConvertedData = null
Dim strSystemNamespace
'Determine the destination data type
Select Case UCase(ConversionDataType)
strSystemNamespace = "System.Double"
'Implement further for your data types
Case Default
Set objDotNetFactory = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Int32")
End Select
Set objDotNetFactory = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance(strSystemNamespace)
'Check the dot net factory instance is successful
If Not IsObject(objDotNetFactory) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,"Data type convertor","Conversion from String to " & ConversionDataType & " failed, Since DotNetFactory instance was not created."
ConvertDataType = strConvertedData
Exit Function
End If
strConvertedData = objDotNetFactory.Parse(SourceData)
ConvertDataType = strConvertedData
End Function

Remove unnecessary data/Spaces in CSV

I need help on how to remove spaces/emtpy in data without compromising spaces on other data. Here's my sample data.
12345," ","abcde fgh",2017-06-06,09:00,AM," ", US
expected output:
12345,,"abcde fgh",2017-06-06,09:00,AM,, US
since " " should be considered as null.
I tried the Trim() function but it did not work. I also tried Regex pattern but still no use.
Here's my sample function.
Private Sub Transform(delimiter As String)
Dim sFullPath As String
Dim strBuff As String
Dim re As RegExp
Dim matches As Object
Dim m As Variant
If delimiter <> "," Then
strBuff = Replace(strBuff, delimiter, ",")
With re
.Pattern = "(?!\B""[^""]*)" & delimiter & "(?![^""]*""\B)"
.IgnoreCase = False
.Global = True
End With
Set matches = re.Execute(strBuff)
For Each m In matches
strBuff = re.Replace(strBuff, ",")
Set re = Nothing
Set matches = Nothing
End If
End Sub
I think you're on the right track. Try using this for your regular expression. The two double quotes in a row are how a single double quote is included in a string literal. Some people prefer to use Chr(34) to include double quotes inside a string.
Using that expression on your example string
12345," ","abcde fgh",2017-06-06,09:00,AM," ", US
12345,"","abcde fgh",2017-06-06,09:00,AM,"", US
Example function
Private Function Transform(ByVal strLine As String) As String
Dim objRegEx As RegExp
On Error GoTo ErrTransForm
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
With objRegEx
.Pattern = "\B(\s)(?!(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$)"
.IgnoreCase = False
.Global = True
Transform = .Replace(strLine, "")
End With
If Not objRegEx Is Nothing Then
Set objRegEx = Nothing
End If
Exit Function
'error handling code here
GoTo ExitTransForm
End Function
And credit where credit is due. I used this answer, Regex Replace Whitespaces between single quotes as the basis for the expression here.
I would add an output string variable and have a conditional statement saying if the input is not empty, add it on to the output string. For example (VB console app format with the user being prompted to enter many inputs):
Dim input As String
Dim output As String
input = console.ReadLine()
If Not input = " " Then
output += input
End If
Loop Until (end condition)
You can throw any inputs you don't want into the conditional to remove them from the output.
Your CSV file isn't correctly formatted.
Double quote shouldn't exists, then open your CSV with Notepad and replace them with a null string.
After this, you now have a real CSV file that you can import whitout problems.

(VB6) Slicing a string before a certain point

Suppose I have a variable set to the path of an image.
Let img = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
I want to slice everything before "\Icons" using Vb6. So after slicing the string it would be "\Icons\test.jpg" only.
I have tried fiddling with the Mid$ function in VB6, but I haven't really had much success. I am aware of the fact that Substring isn't a function available in vb6, but in only.
After the first \icons
path = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
?mid$(path, instr(1, path, "\icons\", vbTextCompare))
> \Icons\test.jpg
Or after the last should there be > 1
path = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Icons\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
?right$(path, len(path) - InStrRev(path, "\icons\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1)
> \Icons\test.jpg
This is pretty easy to do generically using the Split function. I wrote a method to demonstrate it's use and for grins it takes an optional parameter to specify how many directories you want returned. Passing no number returns a file name, passing a very high number returns a full path (either local or UNC). Please note there is no error handling in the method.
Private Function GetFileAndBasePath(ByVal vPath As String, Optional ByVal baseFolderLevel = 0) As String
Dim strPathParts() As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim i As Integer
strPathParts = Split(vPath, "\")
Do While i <= baseFolderLevel And i <= UBound(strPathParts)
If i > 0 Then
strReturn = strPathParts(UBound(strPathParts) - i) & "\" & strReturn
strReturn = strPathParts(UBound(strPathParts))
End If
i = i + 1
GetFileAndBasePath = strReturn
End Function

How to get only a filename?

Using VB6
Dim posn As Integer, i As Integer
Dim fName As String
posn = 0
For i = 1 To Len(flname)
If (Mid(flname, i, 1) = "\") Then posn = i
Next i
fName = Right(flname, Len(flname) - posn)
posn = InStr(fName, ".")
If posn <> 0 Then
fName = Left(fName, posn - 1)
End If
GetFileName = fName
FileName: Clockings8.mis06042009 120442.fin
But it is showing a filename is “Clockings8”. It should show “Clockings8.mis06042009 120442”
How to modify a code?
Need vb6 code Help
It is a bit cleaner to use the Scripting.FileSystemObject component. Try:
Dim fso as New Scripting.FileSystemObject
GetFileName = fso.GetBaseName(fname)
The reason why your code stops short is that InStr works from the beginning of the string to the end and stops wherever it finds a match. The filename "Clockings8.mis06042009 120442.fin" contains two periods. For this reason, you should use InStrRev instead to start the search from the end of the string.
Going with FileSystemObject's GetBaseName like David suggests is a good idea. If you can't or don't want to (and there are reasons why you might not want to) work with the FileSystemObject there's a simple solution: Remove all characters from a filename string starting with the last dot in the name.
Here's what I mean:
Dim fn As String
fn = "Clockings8.mis06042009 120442.fin"
Dim idx As Integer
idx = InStrRev(fn, ".")
GetFileName = Mid(fn, 1, idx - 1)
If your filename does not have an extenstion but has a dot somewhere in the filename string, then this method will return bad results.
