how to get rid of all the hammers in Qtcreator's "Projects" view - qt-creator

The image shows the "Projects" sidebar of Qtcreator after opening&configuring a new project from its CMakeLists.txt. I am surprised by the many entries with a hammer icon. What do they stand for, where do they come from, and most importantly how to get rid of them?
Qt Creator 4.3.1 based on Qt 5.9.2
cmake version 3.9.5

To get rid of them put a checkmark on Hide Generated Files in Filter Tree menu:
They come with CTest in CMakeLists.txt:
include(CTest) # equivalent to "enable_testing() ???
They stand for various CTest build targets, they are added automatically as soon as CTest is enabled for the project. You can also see them from command line:
$ ctest -D help
CTest -D called with incorrect option: help
Available options are:
ctest -D Continuous
ctest -D Continuous(Start|Update|Configure|Build)
ctest -D Continuous(Test|Coverage|MemCheck|Submit)
ctest -D Experimental
ctest -D Experimental(Start|Update|Configure|Build)
ctest -D Experimental(Test|Coverage|MemCheck|Submit)
ctest -D Nightly
ctest -D Nightly(Start|Update|Configure|Build)
ctest -D Nightly(Test|Coverage|MemCheck|Submit)
ctest -D NightlyMemoryCheck
Further info:


CLion custom compiler: Makefile parser says "No compilation commands found"

I'm trying to get a custom compiler working in CLion and having a bear of a time. Can anyone help me find out what I'm doing wrong? I have the full code on Github.
What I have
The command line tools are all behind the same executable named mpw. So the C compiler is behind mpw SC, the linker is behind mpw link. There's also a tool named Rez to add some metadata to the executable, but I'm fine if CLion just ignores that.
I'm using a make file to do the actual build.
I've created a custom compiler definition YAML and selected it in CLion's project settings. I tried to follow the Jetbrains docs [1] [2] but couldn't find out what code insight target name to use (It eventually compiles for 68000 CPU, old MacOS, anyone know where I can find a list of allowed clangd target names?).
The Makefile works when I call make clean or make all from command line.
When I open the folder in CLion, it tries to parse the Makefile and reports:
(x) Analysing makefile
(x) No compilation commands found
Get CLion to see all my code (including system headers at ~/mpw/Interfaces/CIncludes) so I can use its code navigation to auto-complete code. Refactoring would be nice too.
Get CLion to understand my Makefile so I can build using the "hammer" icon inside CLion.
Custom Compiler Definition
- description: "MPW SC"
match-sources: ".*\\.c"
match-language: "C"
match-compiler-exe: "(.*/)?mpw SC"
code-insight-target-name: mpw
- ${user-home}/mpw/Interfaces/CIncludes
defines-text: "
#define __MRC__ 0x0700
RFILES=SillyBalls.r Size.r
LDFLAGS =-w -c 'SILB' -t APPL \
-sn STDIO=Main -sn INTENV=Main -sn %A5Init=Main
LIBRARIES={Libraries}Stubs.o \
{Libraries}MacRuntime.o \
{Libraries}IntEnv.o \
{Libraries}Interface.o \
{Libraries}ToolLibs.o \
all: prepass bin/$(EXECUTABLE)
mkdir -p obj bin
$(MPW) link $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBRARIES) -o $#
Rez -rd $(RFILES) -o $# -i $(RINCLUDES) -append
obj/%.o : %.c
$(MPW) SC $(TOOLBOXFLAGS) $< -o $#
rm -rf bin obj
Thanks to #JohnBollinger for getting me on the right track:
CLion is apparently not smart enough to recognize $(MPW) SC as mpw SC. If I change it to
CC="~/Programming/mpw/build/bin/mpw SC"
CLion is happy, but of course there is no file named mpw SC.
So my solution was to create a shell script
~/Programming/mpw/build/bin/mpw SC $#
and then set
match-compiler-exe: "(.*/)?"
and then use ./ everywhere where I used to have $(MPW) SC
CLion recognizes it, starts indexing the system headers, and the "hammer" icon triggers a build all just as desired.

ldflags is ignored when building go project

I want to have multiple binaries in one repository, but also set the version via ldflags option.
With just one binary in a repository I have no problem, it works, but with the new structure for multiple binaries it doesn't seem to work.
I have set up a simple project on github .
The structure is simple
- server/main.go
- service/main.go
- version.go
- ...
package libcommon
var (
Version = "dev"
Build = "now"
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty)
BUILD := $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M)
LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-w -s -X 'libcommon.Version=${VERSION}' -X 'libcommon.Build=${BUILD}'"
go build ${LDFLAGS} -o $(BUILDDIR)/ ./...
I call make install and the binary is put into bin/ directory, but when I run it it just prints out the default values, not the ones I'd assume to be in there.
Any idea on how I can get to set the version with the ldflags in this layout?
Thanks in advance.
To correctly set the variable with -ldflags you have to qualify the variable name with the full package import path:
In Makefile:
LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-w -s \
-X '${VERSION}' \
-X '${BUILD}'"
go build ${LDFLAGS} -o $(BUILDDIR)/ ./...```

Preprocessor Macros in Xcode with Swift

I'm having trouble replicating in Swift the Preprocessor Macro functionality offered by ObjC. I have heard that Swift has no preprocessor, so I'm looking for another way to implement this.
My end goal is to build my project using the command line tools, passing in a custom variable and value, which will be preprocessed and inserted into the code at specific points, before the build takes place.
This is the solution for ObjC:
Use this command to run a test:
xcodebuild \
test \
-scheme TestUserDefinedVariablesObjC \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' \
I use MY_VAR in code like this:
int a = MY_VAR;
(I add MY_VAR to Preprocessor Macros in my target's Build Settings like this: MY_VAR=$(MY_VAR))
As a last resort, I could add pre-action to the scheme's Run phase that substitutes the correct values using sed or something like that, but it's not a great solution.
Are you using different keyset/keyboard? If so check "
Preprocessor Macros in my target's Build Settings
check " character. Change it with this "
Instead of using SED in a build-phase script, you could use the clang preprocessor.
For example, put this in a file named macro-test.c
#define LOG(A) print(A)
#define LOG(A)
import Foundation
func hello()
LOG("Hello, Swift macro!")
let theAnswer = MY_CONST
print("The answer = ", theAnswer)
Add a script build phase that runs the clang preprocessor:
if [ $CONFIGURATION == "Debug" ] ;
clang -E -P -DMY_CONST=$MY_CONST -DOS=$OS -DDEBUG=$DEBUG "${SOURCE_ROOT}/macro-test.c" > "${SOURCE_ROOT}/macro-test.swift"
Add the generated swift file to the Xcode project.

rebar compile fails with bitcask - "errno.h": no such file

I am new to Erlang, so i am going through Joe Armstrong's book "Programming Erlang". In chapter 25 there's an example on how to work with rebar. I followed the instructions and created a Makefile
test -d deps || rebar get-deps
rebar compile -v
#erl -noshell -pa './deps/bitcask/ebin' -pa './ebin' -s myapp start
and rebar.config
{deps, [
{bitcask, ".*", {git, "git://", "master"}}
Getting the dependencies works, but compiling fails.
The verbose output tells me that this command fails
cmd: cc -c $CFLAGS -g -Wall -fPIC -I"/usr/lib/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.7.18/include" -I"/usr/lib/erlang/erts-6.2/include" c_src/bitcask_nifs.c -o c_src/bitcask_nifs.o
with this error
/home/user/folder/deps/bitcask/c_src/bitcask_nifs.c:22:19: fatal error: errno.h: No such file or directory
find /usr/include -name errno.h
gives me
So I was asking myself..
what am I missing?
how can I tell rebar about the depencies on the C libraries and where to find them?
why isn't this configured correctly in the Makefile of bitcask?
Maybe I was searching for the wrong terms, but I couldn't find any solution in the internets.
Many thanks in advance
There are two thing to consider
rebar options
You can set options for compiling C code with port_env option in rebar.config.
comiling deps
Since bitstack is your dependency, it is not compiled with yours rebar config, but with it's own. So if you would like to change anything, you would have to modify the bitcask file.
Fortunately, if you look into config their writen all C compilation is done with environment variable $ERL_CFLAGS. And again, in rebar source code you can see that this flag is responsible for include paths in your compilation.
So easist way would be extending $ERL_CFLAGS in your Makefile before compilation, with something like this
all: ERL_CFLAGS = "$ERL_CFLAGS -I /usr/include/linux/errno.h"
test -d deps || rebar get-deps
rebar compile -v
#erl -noshell -pa './deps/bitcask/ebin' -pa './ebin' -s myapp start
Just make sure that this include works for you, and that you are not overwriting any flags you are using.

Extract build flags from XCode from the command line

I'm using X-Code 4.2 and wish to use the VIM editor and clang-complete vim script to do code completion. It works fine if I manually set up the clang-complete configuration to reflect the settings in my X-Code project. To make this work more smoothly I'd like to do the following.
get_compile_options some_src.m
where some_src.m is a valid source file in my XCode project. The output from get_compile_options should be all the build flags that XCode would use to build this into an object file. Any ideas on how to accomplish this.
AFAIK there is no fair method to accomplish this, but you may add special target into Xcode project, disable dsym generation, resources copying, add user-defined option 'CC=<your custom compiler>' where '<your custom compiler>' will be your script which records parameters passed into it. 'some_src.m' will be right after '-c' option. This way you will collect options for each file by compiling your special target.
I have successfully used this approach with patched version of clang.
I think that I found better solution, you can use xctool.
You can pass path to your xcode project, scheme (target), and get json with compile commands.
$1 = path to .xcodeproj file
$2 = scheme (target)
$3 = path for generated json
XCTOOL_DIR=/Documents/xctool-master #the location of your xctool
$XCTOOL_DIR/ -workspace "$1"/project.xcworkspace \
-scheme "$2" \
-reporter json-compilation-database:"$3"/compile_commands.json build
compile_commands.json is json compilation database
it has format:
{ "directory": "/home/user/llvm/build",
"command": "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF=\"With spaces, quotes and \\-es.\" -c -o file.o",
"file": "" },
and you can parse it with usual json parsers,
also you can use other reporters
