Extract build flags from XCode from the command line - xcode

I'm using X-Code 4.2 and wish to use the VIM editor and clang-complete vim script to do code completion. It works fine if I manually set up the clang-complete configuration to reflect the settings in my X-Code project. To make this work more smoothly I'd like to do the following.
get_compile_options some_src.m
where some_src.m is a valid source file in my XCode project. The output from get_compile_options should be all the build flags that XCode would use to build this into an object file. Any ideas on how to accomplish this.

AFAIK there is no fair method to accomplish this, but you may add special target into Xcode project, disable dsym generation, resources copying, add user-defined option 'CC=<your custom compiler>' where '<your custom compiler>' will be your script which records parameters passed into it. 'some_src.m' will be right after '-c' option. This way you will collect options for each file by compiling your special target.
I have successfully used this approach with patched version of clang.

I think that I found better solution, you can use xctool.
You can pass path to your xcode project, scheme (target), and get json with compile commands.
$1 = path to .xcodeproj file
$2 = scheme (target)
$3 = path for generated json
XCTOOL_DIR=/Documents/xctool-master #the location of your xctool
$XCTOOL_DIR/xctool.sh -workspace "$1"/project.xcworkspace \
-scheme "$2" \
-reporter json-compilation-database:"$3"/compile_commands.json build
compile_commands.json is json compilation database
it has format:
{ "directory": "/home/user/llvm/build",
"command": "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF=\"With spaces, quotes and \\-es.\" -c -o file.o file.cc",
"file": "file.cc" },
and you can parse it with usual json parsers,
also you can use other reporters


cmake 'add_custom_command' to pre-process header files?

i'm working on a project requiring cmake. i'd like to add some custom rules to my makefile, but can't quite get my head around how to do it.
both c source files and header files are in the same directory. also in this same directory are a number of .def files, which are the sources for some of the header files #included in the source during compilation.
if i were to do this in a makefile, i'd use a simple rule like
$(PREPROC) $< > $#
how can i do this with cmake ??
i've tried various permutations of the following, both with and without cmake working directory specifications :
OUTPUT vvr_const.h
COMMAND preproc vvr_const.def > vvr_const.h
DEPENDS vvr_const.def
add_custom_target(vvr_const.h DEPENDS vvr_const.def)
but the header file isn't generated by the time the c source file is compiled, so the compile fails. i've also tried a variation where i replace the last line above with
set_property(SOURCE main.c APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS vvr_const.h)
in this case, the header file is correctly generated in advance, but make can't find it, and complains that there's no rule to make the target .h.
ideally this would be a general rule, like the make rule above, but i'm not opposed to making a separate rule for each of the .def files if that's what it takes.
There are 2 problems with the add_custom_command approach you present:
You did not specify a working directory; by default the command is run in the build directory, not in the source directory.
You rely on shell functionality here (the redirect to a file). Even though this probably still works. You should go with an approach that does not rely on the shell.
To solve issues 1 and 2 I recommend creating a seperate cmake script file receiving the absolute paths to input and output files and using those in the custom command. This allows you to use execute_process to specify the file to write without relying on the platform.
# preprocess def file
# parameters INPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_FILE denote the file to use as source
# and the file to write the results to respectively
# use preproc tool to get data to write to the output file
execute_process(COMMAND preproc "${INPUT_FILE}"
message(FATAL_ERROR "An error occured when preprocessing the file ${INPUT_FILE}")
set(_INPUT_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vvr_const.def")
# not necessary to use build event here, if we mark the output file as generated
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${_OUTPUT_FILE}"
add_executable(my_target vvr_const.h ...)
set_source_files_properties(vvr_const.h PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
Documentation from cmake:
On Visual Studio Generators, run before any other rules are executed within the target. On other generators, run just before PRE_LINK commands.
So possibly your command is just running too late.

Cmake doesn't recognize custom command as valid source

I have a problem modifying existing CMake based build-system. All I want to do is add different build rule for some of .c files. For the sake of this problem, I will focus on only one file.
The simplified directories tree looks like this
- file_of_interest.c
- CmakeFiles.txt
So in order to compile file_of_interest.c in a different way I do:
COMMAND xt-xcc -S ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/file_of_interest.c
COMMENT "Generating file_of_interest.s"
OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o
COMMAND xt-xcc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.s -o file_of_interest.c.o -c
COMMENT "Generating file_of_interest.c.o"
target_sources(target_name PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o)
As you can see I used CMake's message() to print paths to be sure all is set up properly. It should work, but it doesn't! I expect CMake to register file_of_interest.c.o as source of target_name (and this is probably working), then "tie" it with my custom command which produces OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o and then to tie again ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.c.o with OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file_of_interest.s and this certainly doesn't happen as CMake shows error message saying CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:170 (add_executable): Cannot find source file: path/file_of_interest.c.o
The path is OK. So the question is why does CMake cannot recognize recipes for that file?
It seems that you create an executable (call add_executable) in the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but add_custom_command are called from the subdirectory (src/CMakeLists.txt).
This doesn't work: when CMake processes add_executable and searches for the commands generating its sources, it sees only add_custom_commands created in the same CMakeLists.txt.
From the add_custom_command documentation:
A target created in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt file) that specifies any output of the custom command as a source file is given a rule to generate the file using the command at build time.
It is unrelated that target_sources is called from the same directory as add_custom_command: the target is created by add_executable command, and target_sources just modifies its properties.

Get rid of CMake Rules folder

Is there a way to get rid of the CMake Rules folders in targets in Visual Studio?
In this case the game target uses cotire for precompiled header support and the omg target has a custom command that parses the .mix file and outputs the ..._gen.h file.
Also would it be possible to remove the CMakeLists.txt file from there too? I know it's there for convenience but in my workflow it isn't that useful.
EDIT: Started a second bounty because I really need this - these "CMake Rules" folders are bloating my solution explorer because I have 100+ projects which all have them!
I would accept anything - a CMake way, a VS way (some "solution explorer view" or macro or whatever)...
here is sort-of the cmake for the omg target:
add_library(omg SHARED D:/omg.cpp D:/omg.mix)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT D:/omg_gen.h MAIN_DEPENDENCY D:/omg.mix COMMAND python D:/mixify.py D:/omg.mix D:/omg_gen.h)
add_custom_target(${target}_gen_${mix_name_only} DEPENDS ${gen_header})
add_dependencies(omg omg_gen)
target_sources(omg PUBLIC D:/omg_gen.h)
so omg_gen.h is generated from omg.mix and then included in omg.cpp
The .rule files are needed by CMake to attach the custom commands to some "dummy" self-generated file, if there are no input files given. You can see this when you look at the .rule file properties of your Visual Studio project in question (see Custom Build Tool/General/Command Line).
If you're not changing the CMake script code containing those target, you can't get rid of them.
You can only move them into the project's root source folder or any other folder you specify.
I've successfully tested the following example:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(NoRulesSourceGroup NONE)
# Overwrite the rule for "CMake Rules" with do-not-match-anything (-> root)
source_group("CMake Rules" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^$")
# Move ".rule" files somewhere else
source_group("Some Other Source Group" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "\\.rule$")
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Hello World"
Edit: You could also combine the above regular expression with a match for CMakeLists.txt:
source_group("Some Other Source Group" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "CMakeLists\\.txt|\\.rule$")
Edit: If you can modify your CMake script code, you should add to your add_custom_command() call:
Specify the primary input source file to the command. This is treated just like any value given to the DEPENDS option but also suggests to Visual Studio generators where to hang the custom command. At most one custom command may specify a given source file as its main dependency.
In your case you won't even need the additional custom target since you have a dependency through the header file. I've successfully tested the following derived from your question's example:
file(WRITE omg.cpp "")
file(WRITE omg.mix "")
add_library(omg SHARED omg.cpp omg.mix)
target_sources(omg PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/omg_gen.h)

How to compile to a different location

I am very new to using the a command line to compile code so I was wondering how to make the D compiler compile all its code to a certain location instead of where the source is. As in I want the final .exe and the obj code all in a particular directory. I know you can use the -of command but I currently don't know the format for using it.
Currently I have:
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe -w C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\D\Test.d C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\D\src\MyMod.d
What do I need to add?
Use -offilename switch. Example:
dmd factorial.d -offilename "d:\test_name.exe"
or short version:
dmd factorial.d "-ofd:\test_name.exe"
Note: The double quotes are necessary if your path contains spaces.
Note2: In short version you can skip .exe, but don't do it in full version, because compiler would search for source file with that name.
I know people do not like RTFM answers, but the following is kind of RTFM answer that answers your question:
Execute dmd --help and you will get the following:
DMD32 D Compiler v2.061
Copyright (c) 1999-2012 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
Documentation: http://www.dlang.org/index.html
dmd files.d ... { -switch }
files.d D source files
#cmdfile read arguments from cmdfile
-c do not link
-cov do code coverage analysis
-D generate documentation
-Dddocdir write documentation file to docdir directory
-Dffilename write documentation file to filename
-d silently allow deprecated features
-dw show use of deprecated features as warnings (default)
-de show use of deprecated features as errors (halt compilation)
-debug compile in debug code
-debug=level compile in debug code <= level
-debug=ident compile in debug code identified by ident
-debuglib=name set symbolic debug library to name
-defaultlib=name set default library to name
-deps=filename write module dependencies to filename
-g add symbolic debug info
-gc add symbolic debug info, pretend to be C
-gs always emit stack frame
-H generate 'header' file
-Hddirectory write 'header' file to directory
-Hffilename write 'header' file to filename
--help print help
-Ipath where to look for imports
-ignore ignore unsupported pragmas
-inline do function inlining
-Jpath where to look for string imports
-Llinkerflag pass linkerflag to link
-lib generate library rather than object files
-man open web browser on manual page
-map generate linker .map file
-noboundscheck turns off array bounds checking for all functions
-O optimize
-o- do not write object file
-odobjdir write object & library files to directory objdir
-offilename name output file to filename <---- [1]
-op do not strip paths from source file
-profile profile runtime performance of generated code
-property enforce property syntax
-quiet suppress unnecessary messages
-release compile release version
-run srcfile args... run resulting program, passing args
-unittest compile in unit tests
-v verbose
-version=level compile in version code >= level
-version=ident compile in version code identified by ident
-vtls list all variables going into thread local storage
-w warnings as errors (compilation will halt)
-wi warnings as messages (compilation will continue)
-X generate JSON file
-Xffilename write JSON file to filename
I marked the line that answers your question with [1] and an arrow.
Have a look at the -of, -od and -op switches. It's hard to be more specific without knowing what exactly you mean by "compile all its code to a certain location".

Make gcc put relative filenames in debug information

The project I'm compiling uses CMake, which loves absolute pathnames.
When I compile with debugging information enabled, gcc puts those long names into .debug_str sections, which is bad for debugging. I'd like to have short relative-to-project-root pathnames there instead.
Is there some option to tell gcc to strip some part of pathname before emitting debug data? Or, maybe, there is some tool that could do that on compiled binaries?
I've tried using SET(CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS ON) (which seems to be frowned upon by devs) option, but as I'm using out-of-source builds, pathnames are still not in the form I'd want them to be. I.e. they're ./../src/mod_foo/foo.c instead of mod_foo/foo.c.
You can use the -fdebug-prefix-map flag to remap the debugging information paths. For example, to make the paths relative to the build location use: -fdebug-prefix-map=/full/build/path=.
You can set the RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE property of a CMake target to have CMake invoke a shell script which transforms the source file path to a project relative path before invoking gcc. Use the CMake function configure_file to generate a shell script which knows about the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR and PROJECT_BINARY_DIR of your project.
In your outermost CMakeLists.txt add the following code:
add_executable (MyExecutable ...)
set_target_properties(MyExecutable PROPERTIES
The following template shell script gcc_debug_fix.sh.in needs to go to the root directory of the CMake project:
# shell script invoked with the following arguments
# extract parameters
SOURCE_FILE="${#: -1:1}"
OBJECT_FILE="${#: -3:1}"
# make source file path relative to project source dir
# make object file path absolute
# invoke compiler
The shell script uses the information from the variables PROJECT_BINARY_DIR and PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR to transform the path of the source file to a path relative to the project root and the object file's path to an absolute path. Because gcc gets passed a project relative path now, .debug_str should use that path, too.
The following caveats apply:
Be sure to set the executable bit of gcc_debug_fix.sh.in.
For the script to work CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS has to set to OFF again.
The script makes assumptions about the location of the file paths on the command line. This may not work if CMake uses a different rule to invoke the compiler. A more robust solution would be to scan the script arguments for the -o and -c flags.
If I really couldn't fix the make file/tool to do this properly, I would write a wrapper script for gcc that recognises absolute pathnames and converts then to relative ones.
It might look something like this in bash:
for arg; do
out=("${out[#]}" $(echo "$arg" | sed 's:/my/absolute/directory/:../:'))
exec gcc "${out[#]}"
If your source directory has subdirectories then you'll need to handle those carefully, but the above should work for a flat source directory. I've not tested it though, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've got the quoting wrong, but that'll only be a problem if you have pathnames with spaces in. It also doesn't handle parameters like -I/whatever/include, but you can fix that.
