Why does my SDL app have an abnormal window border on Mac? - macos

I've noticed my simple SDL application has an abnormal window border on Mac. There's no gradient and the color is dark gray instead of light gray. It just looks wrong. I've noticed that LÖVE also has this on mac, and it uses SDL as well, leading me to believe this is indeed SDL-related...
Meanwhile applications like Finder, Terminal, Audacity... they have a more standard, nice-looking window border.
Why is this happening, and can I make it look like a normal Mac window?

this is now fixed in LOVE. Looks like the latest SDL source fixes this according to the discussion I linked.


How to disable transparency in NSView?

I have a simple status bar app using NSPopover that I'd like to support Mojave Dark Mode. If I use the recommended semantic colors it looks fine in most cases light and dark, unless there's a bright window behind it, in which case the window transparency makes everything look washed out and the one image looks horrible. It looks great if I turn on the system prefs "Reduce transparency". Is there any way to get the no-transparency mode on a per-view basis? I've looked at the vibrancy and alphaValue properties with no success.
I know I can use hard-coded colors for everything and detect dark mode programmatically, but that's exactly the design I'm trying to get away from in switching to semantic colors. I suspect if you're going with the OS theme then you take what you get, I just don't like the OS's choice in this case.

How can I have Gnome terminal effects for XFCE?

Surely, this is documented somewhere. I for some reason or another cannot find the answer for this.
Most people are wanting to make their terminals completely transparent, I however want the effects where you see the desktop background. I am certain that this is default for gnome. What is this effect called and How can I get this in XFCE?
I was told that installing something like Terminator would resolve this but its just the true transparency which looks messy with a ton of windows and stuff going on.
Here is an example of what I am wanting for XFCE.
Thanks in advance !
The simple way could be opening your xfce4-terminal and going to Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Background and then chose a Background image to show instead of a Solid Color or Transparent. In example.
In the Xubuntu version that I have solved this issue accidentally. I had to go to manage settings menu -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Compositor(tab)
and uncheck Enable Display Compositing
Now I can have the terminal just show the desktop background instead of every thing that is messy behind it.

On MacOS with Qt5.3.1 QToolBar is black when attached

I have a QMainWindow Application that uses several QToolBars. My program works on Linux, Windows and MacOS, however on MacOs the QToolbar behaves a little bit funky. When attached to the MainWindow it is just black as shown here
When I detach it it is grey as you would expect it to be
Also when I maximize to program the toolbar creates artifacts like this
Do I need any MacOS specific things for the QToolBar?
I'm hitting this bug too. I think it is linked to using non-alien widgets inside the toolbar or app wide.
Are you using setAttribute(Qt::AA_NativeWindows);? If so, try removing it.
Would you happen to have a QGLWidget-based UI element in your application? If so, apparently this is a known issue.
I am experiencing the "double-vision" aspect of this on a Qt 5.7.0-based app.

Icon with no transparent pixels gets funny tint in Mac's Finder

Is there any special requirement for icons used by Mac applications that such icons should have transparent pixels in the top-left corner or some other place?
I'm currently trying to prepare a Mac build of a Unity3D-based game and noticed that if the icon of the game is a full-bleed square with NO transparent pixels, it gets some funny green-red-yellow tint when shown in Finder in small size (when viewed in List, Columns or Cover Flow). The icon is displayed fine on Desktop or if the folder is viewed in "as Icons" mode.
If the icon has a transparent frame, no such problem happens. I don't know anything about Mac development and neither googling or searching here brought up anything helpful, but sorry if this is really a basic question. Is it maybe a bug of Finder on Mac? I have 10.7.5 and Mid-2012 13' MacBook Pro.
The issue happens with this icon:
But doesn't happen with this icon:
Make sure the texture you're using as the icon in Unity is set to "Automatic Truecolor." You could be getting artifacts from whatever texture compression you're using on the texture.

Why is my application's window border grey in Windows 8, rather than being based off the desktop like other windows?

I have a large legacy application which is showing up with a perpetually grey border on every Windows 8 machine we run it on, while the other windows for other apps accurately use a color derived from the desktop background. For the life of me I can't find out why.
I've tried my best google-fu to crawl MSDN for APIs to control this but came up empty. The app looks like all others in Windows XP, Vista, and 7...just Windows 8 is grey in color. We definitely haven't added Win8 specific code to treat this otherwise.
It's just an MFC window on the outside, but inside it embeds a .NET/WPF component and a Direct3D 9-enabled visual area.
My best guess is it could somehow be related to having a Direct3D surface in the window, but I couldn't validate that anywhere.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: The grey matches the effect of not having focus, and we definitely do play games with window focus...so that could be it.
The problem was a developer overloaded OnNcActivate() and returned TRUE at the end. They needed to call up to the baseclass's (CWnd) OnNcActivate instead.
This was visible on Windows 7 as well if you looked close enough.
The Desktop in Windows 8 does not use transparency in window borders like Windows 7 and Vista did with the Aero Themes. If you are move the focus to another top window in your app, this could explain why your seeing the grey border. Try changing the colors for windows without the focus to something discernable from grey to verify that is what you are seeing.
