Disable index mapping creation for Hibernate Search using Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I'm using Hibernate Search for Elasticsearch (5.8.2.Final) and Elasticsearch (6.0). I'm new Hibernate Search and I'm aware that Hibernate Search for Elasticsearch is experimental. I'm also aware that Hibernate 6 is going to bring some improvements for use with ES. However, in the meantime, i'm finding that the annotations are not allowing me to create the types of index mappings i want and I was wondering if there was a way to disable the creation of the index mapping entirely. I'd like to allow ES to apply an index template to my index when Hibernate first creates it. I've read the docs and stepped through the code but I am not seeing anything that would allow me to do this. Is this possible?
Thank you.

You can disable index and mapping creation altogether (see Sanne's answer), but you cannot currently ask Hibernate Search to create indexes without creating mappings.
One solution would be for you to create your indexes beforehand. After all, if you're fine with adding templates, why not add the indexes too?
Another solution: you could try the update strategy. If your custom mapping is compatible with the one generated by Hibernate Search, they might simply get merged. Be careful not to use this in production though, since a failure with the update strategy will leave you in deep trouble (see the warnings in the documentation).

To skip creating the index definitions:
hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.index_schema_management_strategy none
See also 11.3.4. Hibernate Search configuration


Elastic Search:Update of existing Record (which has custom routing param set) results in duplicate record, if custom routing is not set during update

Env Details:
Elastic Search version 7.8.1
routing param is an optional in Index settings.
As per ElasticSearch docs - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-routing-field.html
When indexing documents specifying a custom _routing, the uniqueness of the _id is not guaranteed across all of the shards in the index. In fact, documents with the same _id might end up on different shards if indexed with different _routing values.
We have landed up in same scenario where earlier we were using custom routing param(let's say customerId). And for some reason we need to remove custom routing now.
Which means now docId will be used as default routing param. This is creating duplicate record with same id across different shard during Index operation. Earlier it used to (before removing custom routing) it resulted in update of record (expected)
I am thinking of following approaches to come out of this, please advise if you have better approach to suggest, key here is to AVOID DOWNTIME.
Approach 1:
As we receive the update request, let duplicate record get created. Once record without custom routing gets created, issue a delete request for a record with custom routing.
CONS: If there is no update on records, then all those records will linger around with custom routing, we want to avoid this as this might results in unforeseen scenario in future.
Approach 2
We use Re-Index API to migrate data to new index (turning off custom routing during migration). Application will use new index after successful migration.
CONS: Some of our Indexes are huge, they take 12 hrs+ for re-index operation, and since elastic search re-index API will not migrate the newer records created between this 12hr window, as it uses snapshot mechanism. This needs a downtime approach.
Please suggest alternative if you have faced this before.
Thanks #Val, also found few other approaches like write to both indexes and read from old. And then shift to read new one after re-indexing is finished. Something on following lines -
Create an aliases pointing to the old indices (*_v1)
Point the application to these aliases instead of actual indices
Create a new indices (*_v2) with the same mapping
Move data from old indices to new using re-indexing and make sure we don't
retain custom routing during this.
Post re-indexing, change the aliases to point to new index instead of old
(need to verify this though, but there are easy alternatives if this
doesn't work)
Once verification is done, delete the old Indices
What do we do in transition period (window between reindexing start to reindexing finish) -
Write to both Indices (old and new) and read from old indices via aliases

Is there any tool out there for generating elasticsearch mapping

Mostly what I do is to assemble the mapping by hand. Choosing the correct types myself.
Is there any tool which facilitates this?
For example which will read a class (c#,java..etc) and choosing the closest ES types accordingly.
I've never seen such a tool, however I know that ElasticSearch has a REST API over HTTP.
So you can create a simple HTTP query with JSON body that will depict your object with your fields: field names + types (Strings, numbers, booleans) - pretty much like a Java/C# class that you've described in the question.
Then you can ask the ES to store the data in the non-existing index (to "index" your document in ES terms). It will index the document, but it will also create an index, and the most importantly for your question, will create a mapping for you "dynamically", so that later you will be able to query the mapping structure (again via REST).
Here is the link to the relevant chapter about dynamically created mappings in the ES documentation
And Here you can find the API for querying the mapping structure
At the end of the day you'd still want to retain some control over how your mapping is generated. I'd recommend:
syncing some sample documents w/o a mapping
investigating what mapping was auto generated and
dropping the index & using dynamic_templates to pseudo-auto-generate / update the mapping as new documents come in.
This GUI could help too.
Currently, there is no such tool available to generate the mapping for elastic.
It is a kind of similar thing as we have to design a database in MySQL.
But if we want such kind of thing then we use Mongo DB which requires no predefined schema.
But Elastic comes with its very dynamic feature, which allows us to play around it. One of the most important features of Elasticsearch is that it tries to get out of your way and let you start exploring your data as quickly as possible like the mongo schema which can be manipulated dynamically.
To index a document, you don’t need to first define a mapping or schema and define your fields along with their data type .
You can just index a document and the index, type, and fields will be created automatically.
For further details you can go through the below documentation:
Elastic Dynamic Mapping

Hibernate Search Mass Indexer Doesn't Drop Mappings

I am currently using the MassIndexer like so to reindex my entities:
However, I have learned that the MassIndexer does not drop the existing mappings. It seems like the only way to drop mappings is to set the index_schema_management_strategy to 'drop-and-create', which is not recommended to be used in a production environment.
I have tried hitting elastic search directly using the DELETE index API before reindexing with the MassIndexer, but that introduces strange behavior with our mappings.
What is the recommended way to drop an index and it's mappings, and then rebuild that index using the MassIndexer?
I've found a way to get hibernate search to completely drop mappings and indexes, although this has been quite a workaround.
By instantiating an ElasticSearchService like so:
SearchIntegrator si = org.hibernate.search.orm.spi.SearchIntegratorHelper.extractFromEntityManagerFactory( fullTextSession.getEntityManagerFactory() );
ElasticsearchService elasticsearchService = si.getServiceManager().requestService(ElasticsearchService.class);
You can then access the following classes:
ElasticsearchSchemaDropper schemaDropper = elasticsearchService.getSchemaDropper();
ElasticsearchSchemaCreator schemaCreator = elasticsearchService.getSchemaCreator();
And do the following:
schemaDropper.drop(URLEncodedString.fromString("index you want to drop"), options);
schemaCreator.createIndex( indexMetadata, options );
schemaCreator.createMappings( indexMetadata, options );
This is essentially what the drop-and-create configuration setting will do for you. We plan on setting this up as some external service to hit whenever we want to completely rebuild our index - both the mappings and the documents.
Unfortunately, this feels very hacky, and it is curious that there doesn't seem to be a better way to do this.
The purpose of the MassIndexer is to help update the index content as a disaster recovery strategy or to build the initial index state, as normally the index is kept in synch.
It is not meant ro perform more advanced lifecycle operations on the index such as live schema changes.
For that I would suggest that you should at least stop/restart the Hibernate application (so you can use that other property) and most likely invoke index management operations via external scripts or as part of your release process.
Letting Hibernate Search manage the index schema is meant as a convenience during development.

How Alfresco and SOLR works with indexes queries

I have a doubt about how indexed properties works in Alfresco 4.1.6 with SOLR 1.4.
I use something like this for my queries:
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
ResultSet results = getSearchService().query(sp);
where query variable is something like this:
PATH:" /app:company_home/app:user_homes/cm:_x0030_123//*" AND
((#cm\:title:food) OR (#cm\:name:abcde) OR (TEXT:valles) OR
(#doc\:custom_property:"report") OR (#doc\:custom_property2:"report")
AND (#doc\:custom_property3:"report") AND TYPE:"{my.model}voc_document"
On my model.xml I specify what custom properties are indexed
<index enabled="true">
My question is... How works SOLR 1.4 with the indexes if I put on the search query two or more indexed properties? Like Oracle? Oracle try the best index and use only this. Or maybe SOLR combine all the indexed properties and uses all the index on the query?
I need this answer to determine how many indexes put on my model.xml. Maybe put a lot of indexes don't give me the best and efficient result and is better index only a few properties.
And finally, one question. I use LANGUAGE_FTS_ALFRESCO, but I can see that exists a LANGUAGE_SOLR_FTS_ALFRESCO. Is the same? I need to use the second if I use SOLR?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards
There is only one "index". Every field you mark as indexable (which is enabled by default) ends up in your solr index. Alfresco takes your query and sends it to SOLR for processing.
If you don't have a lot of documents, you can go ahead and index every field. By far the biggest impact on indexing and search is the full text index of the content field, which is enabled by default also.
LANGUAGE_FTS_ALFRESCO will use whatever index subsystem you have enabled. In later versions it may use SOLR or the database depending on your configuration. If you try to LANGUAGE_SOLR_FTS_ALFRESCO, it's forcing SOLR, so if you don't have solr enabled, you would have an error.

Does ElasticSearch Snapshot/Restore functionality cause the data to be analyzed again during restore?

I have a decent amount of data in my ElasticSearch index. I changed the default analyzer for the index and hence essentially I need to reindex my data so that it is analyzed again using the new analyzer. So instead of creating a test script that will delete all of the existing data in the ES index and re-add the data I thought if there is a back-up/restore module that I could use. As part of that, I found the snapshot/restore module that ES supports - ElasticSearch-SnapshotAndRestore.
My question is - If I use the above ES snapshot/restore module will it actually cause the data to be re-analyzed? Since I changed the default analyzer, I need the data to be reanalyzed. If not, is there an alternate tool/module you will suggest that will allow for pure export and import of data and hence cause the data to be re-analyzed during import?
No it does not re-analyze the data. You will need to reindex your data.
Fortunately that's fairly straightforward with Elasticsearch as it by default stores the source of your documents:
Reindexing your data
While you can add new types to an index, or add new fields to a type,
you can’t add new analyzers or make changes to existing fields. If you
were to do so, the data that has already been indexed would be
incorrect and your searches would no longer work as expected.
The simplest way to apply these changes to your existing data is just
to reindex: create a new index with the new settings and copy all of
your documents from the old index to the new index.
One of the advantages of the _source field is that you already have
the whole document available to you in Elasticsearch itself. You don’t
have to rebuild your index from the database, which is usually much
To reindex all of the documents from the old index efficiently, use
scan & scroll to retrieve batches of documents from the old index, and
the bulk API to push them into the new index.
I'd read up on Scan and Scroll prior to taking this approach:
TaskRabbit did opensource an import/export tool but I've not used it so cannot recommend but it is worth a look:
