Elastic Search:Update of existing Record (which has custom routing param set) results in duplicate record, if custom routing is not set during update - elasticsearch

Env Details:
Elastic Search version 7.8.1
routing param is an optional in Index settings.
As per ElasticSearch docs - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-routing-field.html
When indexing documents specifying a custom _routing, the uniqueness of the _id is not guaranteed across all of the shards in the index. In fact, documents with the same _id might end up on different shards if indexed with different _routing values.
We have landed up in same scenario where earlier we were using custom routing param(let's say customerId). And for some reason we need to remove custom routing now.
Which means now docId will be used as default routing param. This is creating duplicate record with same id across different shard during Index operation. Earlier it used to (before removing custom routing) it resulted in update of record (expected)
I am thinking of following approaches to come out of this, please advise if you have better approach to suggest, key here is to AVOID DOWNTIME.
Approach 1:
As we receive the update request, let duplicate record get created. Once record without custom routing gets created, issue a delete request for a record with custom routing.
CONS: If there is no update on records, then all those records will linger around with custom routing, we want to avoid this as this might results in unforeseen scenario in future.
Approach 2
We use Re-Index API to migrate data to new index (turning off custom routing during migration). Application will use new index after successful migration.
CONS: Some of our Indexes are huge, they take 12 hrs+ for re-index operation, and since elastic search re-index API will not migrate the newer records created between this 12hr window, as it uses snapshot mechanism. This needs a downtime approach.
Please suggest alternative if you have faced this before.

Thanks #Val, also found few other approaches like write to both indexes and read from old. And then shift to read new one after re-indexing is finished. Something on following lines -
Create an aliases pointing to the old indices (*_v1)
Point the application to these aliases instead of actual indices
Create a new indices (*_v2) with the same mapping
Move data from old indices to new using re-indexing and make sure we don't
retain custom routing during this.
Post re-indexing, change the aliases to point to new index instead of old
(need to verify this though, but there are easy alternatives if this
doesn't work)
Once verification is done, delete the old Indices
What do we do in transition period (window between reindexing start to reindexing finish) -
Write to both Indices (old and new) and read from old indices via aliases


Setting up a daily partitioned index

I'm looking to setup my index such that it is partitioned into daily sub-indices that I can adjust the individual settings of depending on the age of that index, i.e. >= 30 days old should be moved to slower hardware etc. I am aware I can do this with a lifecycle policy.
What I'm unable to join-the-dots on is how to setup the original index to be partitioned by day. When adding data/querying, do I need to specify the individual daily indicies or is there something in Elasticsearch that will do this for me? If the later, how does it work with adding/querying (assuming they are different?)...how does it determine the partitions that are relevant for the query/partition to add a document to? (I'm assuming there is a timestamp field - but I can't see from the docs how its all linked together)
I'm using the base Elasticsearch OSS v7.7.1 without any plugins installed.
there's no such thing as sub indices or partitions in Elasticsearch. if you want to use ilm, which you should, then you are using aliases and multiple indices
you will need to upgrade from 7.7 - which is EOL - and use the default distribution to get access to ilm as well
getting back to your conceptual questions, https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/overview-index-lifecycle-management.html and the following few chapters dive into it. but to your questions;
the major assumption of using ilm is that data being ingested is current, so on a rough level, data from today will end up in an index from today
if you are indexing historic data then you may want to put that into "traditional" index names, eg logs-2021.08.09 and then attach them to the ilm policy as per https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ilm-with-existing-indices.html
when querying, Elasticsearch will handle accessing all the indices it needs based on the request it receives. it does this via https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-field-caps.html

Editing and re-indexing large amounts of data in elasticsearch (millions of records)

I recently made a new version of an index for my elasticsearch data with some new fields included. I re-indexed from the old index, so the new index has all of the old data with also the new mapping to include the new fields.
Now, I'd like to update all of my elasticsearch data in the index to include these new fields, which I can calculate by making some separate database + api calls to other sources.
What is the best way to do this, given that there are millions of records in the index?
Logistically speaking I'm not sure how to accomplish this... as in how can I keep track of the records that I've updated? I've been reading about the scroll api, but not certain if this is valid because of the max scroll time of 24 hours (what if it takes longer than that)? Also a serious consideration is that since I need to make other database calls to calculate the new field values, I don't want to hammer that database for too long in a single session.
Would there be some way to run an update for say 10 minutes every night, but keep track of what records have been updated/need updating?
I'm just not sure about a lot of this, would appreciate any insights or other ideas on how to go about it.
you would need to run an update by query on your original index, which is expensive
you might be able to use aliases to point to indices behind that, and when you want to make a change, create a new index with the new mappings etc and attach it to the alias so new data coming in gets written correctly. then reindex the "old" data into the new index
that will depend on the details of what you're doing though

Use Elasticsearch Reindex API effectively

I am working on a task of reindexing my Elastic search indexes in case any change happens. There are 2 ways that I can find to implement this but they look same to me unless I am missing something.
I am getting data to my Elastic search service from Postgres of service B, which has a paginated endpoint.
Approach 1:
Create alias which will point to our existing index.
When reindex is triggered, create a new index and once the reindexing is complete, point the alias, which was pointing to old index, to the newly created index.
Delete the old index.
Approach 2:
Create a new Index.
Use the reindex API to copy the data from old index to new index, which will apply the new changes to the old documents.
To me, both of these look same. Disadvantage of using approach 2 seems that it will create a new index name, hence we will have to change the index names while querying.
Also, considering my reindexing operation would not be a frequent task, I am reading the data from a paginated endpoint and then creating indexes again, Approach 1 seems to make more sense to me.
In approach1, you are using alias. In approach 2, you are not using alias.
Both would be same if you add alias to approach2 as step3 and step4 - delete the old index.
Refer As you need to do little often.

How to make Logstash replace old data?

I have an Oracle DB. Logstash retrieves data from Oracle and puts it to ElasticSearch.
But when Logstash makes planned export every 5 minutes, ElasticSearch filled with copies cause old data still exist. This is an obvious situation. Oracle's condition almost not changed during this 5 minutes. Let's say - added 2-3 rows, and 4-5 deleted.
How can we replace old data with new without copies?
For example:
Delete the whole old index;
Create new index with the same name and make the same configuration (nGram configuration and mapping);
Add all new data;
Wait for 5 minutes and repeat.
It's pretty easy: create a new index for each import and apply the mappings, switch your alias afterwards to the most recent index. Remove old indices if needed. Your currenr data will be always searchable while indexing the most recent data.
Here are the sources you'll probalbly need to read:
Use aliases (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-aliases.html) to point to the most current data when searching in elasticsearch (BTW it`s always a good idea to have aliases in place).
Use rollover api (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-rollover-index.html) to create a new index for each import run - note the alias handling here too.
Use index templates (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-templates.html) to autmatically apply the mappings/settings for your newly created indices.
Shrink, close and/or delete old indices to keep your cluster handling data you really need. Have a look on the curator (https://github.com/elastic/curator) as standalone tool.
You just need to use the fingerprint/hash of each document , or hash of the uniq fields in each document , as the document id , so that eveytime you can overwirte the same documents with updated one , in place , while adding new documents as well.
But this approach will not work with deleting data from oracle.

elasticsearch:update the doc if exists in all the shards of an index

I googled on update the docs in ES across all the shards of index if exists. I found a way (/_bulk api), but it requires we need to specify the routing values. I was not able to find the solution to my problem. If does anybody aware of the below things please update me.
Is there any way to update the doc in all the shards of an index if exists using a single update query?.
If not, is there any way to generate routing values such that we should be able to hit all shards with update query?
Ideally for bulk update, ES recommends get the documents by query which needs to get updated using scan and scroll, update the document and index them again. Internally also, ES never updates a document although it provides an Update API through scripting. It always reindexes the new document with updated field/value and deletes the older document.
Is there any way to update the doc in all the shards of an index if exists using a single update query?.
You can check the update API if its suits your purpose. Also there are plugins which can provide you update by query. Check this.
Now comes the routing part and updating all shards. If you have specified a routing value while indexing the document for very first time, then whenever you update your document, you need to set the original routing value. Otherwise ES would never know which shard did the document resided and it can send it to any shard(algo based).
If you don't use routing value, then based on the ID of the document, ES uses an algo to decide the shard it needs to go. Hence when you update a document through a bulk API and keeps the same ID without the routing, the document will be saved in the same shard as it was previous and you would see the update.
