google play console: cannot download apk from artifact library - google-play

I'm not able to download my old APK's - there is no such option in artifact library:
Anyone has idea why??

You only see the download link if you have the "Manage production releases" and "Manage alpha and beta releases" in your user permissions.
Manage permissions docs
Are you the account owner?


Azure DevOps: Error importing Maven artifact from Azure Artifacts into Release

So I'm trying to do a proof of concept with the Azure DevOps stack and a project Java Maven project I usually build with Jenkins and host with Heroku. Initially I was trying to setup a release pipeline straight from the build pipeline WAR file but since it couldn't find it I said to myself "well, if you publish to artifacts it should be straighforward" so I did.
Build is publishing a maven artifact to Azure Artifacts
No issues here as far as I'm concerned. I didn't mess with permissions, but I did notice that under Feed Settings, I cannot selected (it's greyed out) "Allow builds and releases". But the Project Collection Build Services is set as a contributor.
Configuring the artifact in the release
So here is the first potential issue. The feed shows up in the dropdown but the artifact doesn't. There's only one artifact on the feed so I find this strange:
So I'm asked to entered it manually and this is where things start to get tricky. To me the id of the artifact should be the maven coordinates com.acme.demo:reading-time-app. If I enter that I can proceed, but there's no confirmation that's the right ID:
Creating and triggering the release
So as I create a new release it asks me for the version number and again the dropdown doesn't come up. So I write in version 1.1 which you can confirm from the first screenshot it exists:
I trigger the release and I get the following error during the Download Artifact phase:
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7642756Z ##[section]Starting: Download artifact - _com.acme.demoreading-time-app (Azure Artifacts)
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895376Z ==============================================================================
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895486Z Task : Download Package
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895573Z Description : Download a package from a Package Management feed in Azure Artifacts or TFS.
Requires the Package Management extension.
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895642Z Version : 0.1.17
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895704Z Author : ms-vscs-rm
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895757Z Help : Needs Package Management extension to be installed
2019-01-19T17:11:46.7895859Z ==============================================================================
2019-01-19T17:11:48.2563329Z SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
2019-01-19T17:11:48.2619024Z ##[error]Failed to get package metadata with error Error: Invalid Resource
2019-01-19T17:11:48.9982590Z ##[section]Finishing: Download artifact - _com.acme.demoreading-time-app (Azure Artifacts)
I'm losing my mind here. I'm thinking this should be pretty straighforward but I'm not even at the stage to debug any issues with the deployment into the Azure App Service yet. Any help is deeply appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Sorry for the confusion here - currently, the "Azure Artifacts" artifact type only supports NuGet packages. We should have a string change out in the current deployment making that clearer. We're also working to expand it to support all the other types (Maven, npm, Python, and Universal); that should be available around end of February.

TFS 2015 Publishing build artifacts using file share option failed

I wanted to created a demo app that does automatic deployment. In other words once I check-in my code changes, the changes can be seen on the published website. I did the following steps:
I created an .NET project on Visual Studio 2017, published the project with IIS instructions from here and here. I published my project to a local file on my machine;
The I did Continuous Delivery and Release Management using TFS 2015 and created a build and release definitions from here;
The final step was to use the Copy File to and Publish Artifacts tasks, using file share option to drop the contents to the publish folder I've created. So when I check-in my changes using TFS, the changes will be seen online.
Here is the configuration for the build definition:
The folder in the file share path is shared to everyone, and the path is correct (when I type it in the browser, I can see the folder's contents).
The error I keep getting is the following:
Publishing build artifacts failed with an error: Unable to create
directory '{p}'. Unable to verify the directory exists: '{testDir}'.
If directory is a file share, please verify the share name is correct,
the share is online, and the current process has permission to access
the share. \localhost\builddrop\drop \localhost\builddrop\drop
I've been trying to solve this for 2 days with no luck, but I could not find similar issues... I would like to know what is causing this error, or if you have any hints or tips that will get me closer to the solution.
Thanks to #Maxsur answer I realized that I did not install a build agent, which is needed for in case you want to publish your code into a file share.
I did that by going to the team foundation server web portal clicked on the gear sign, and chose Agent Queues and followed the steps. Additionally you will also need to acquire a token by clicking on your profile icon then choosing security and add new token.
Try to check (and change) an account for your build agent service.
It can be found at Windows Services -> VSTS Agent on build machine (or TFS server if it used as build machine).
This service can run under "local service" account, which cannot access network shares (even on local machine!).
Try to change this account to Administrator (for example) or setup one by guidelines of MSDN
In your Publish Artifacts Task, you've specified //localhost/builddrop/ in File share path, which is not correct. You need to specify the File share path as below:

Hygieia: Issue under github widget- cant see anything under Repo Type

I have installed hygieia in my aws machine. After installing hygieia i am trying to configure github widget. But under repo type i dont find to select github.
Furthermore Please find the jar commmand.
java -jar github-collector.jar --spring.config.location=/usr/Hygieia/collectors/scm/github/
What version of hygieia are you using?. If you are using old version, upgrade to Hygieia latest version.
Download the GitHub collector from Hygieia GitHub Page
Follow the below document for configure GitHub in Hygieia Team and Product dashboard
Click Here
Thank you.

How can I add an additional user to publish snaphots to sonatype?

I have an account at where I can publish snapshots of our Maven project. What I would like to do is to give another sonatype user write access as well, so that he can publish the snapshots also. I have searched the sonatype manuals but found nothing about this.
Thanks and regards
File a request at https:/ in the "community support - open source hosting project".

Apple OS X Server (Xcode CI service) can't find provisioning profiles

I configured dedicated Mac mini with OS X Server for Continuous Integration with XCode5, added git repo and created bots. I am trying to integrate bot and get error
Specified PROVISIONING_PROFILE (29DAD4E2-6155-4395-AF33-2C872BC32504) not
found and no CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY specified. Ignoring PROVISIONING_PROFILE
for now. This will become an error in the future.
Server was added to Developer Team and I can see it in member center at special page "Servers". I think that server should retreive profiles from Developer Center for build bots, but it doesn't work.
How can I fix this?
I think that problem resolved. I checked server logs (Xcode -> Service log) and find that device list and provisioning profiles are correct downloaded after relogin to team (saved to
(from comments)
With the release of OS X Server 3.2.1, the provisioning profiles have been relocated to /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/ProvisioningProfiles
with _teamserver owner). Server download only automatic generated profiles ("iOS Team Provisionong Profile: bundle id") and you should choose this profile in target settings and commit to your VCS.
Adding Developer Account in Xcode->Preferences worked for me.
My environment:
Xcode 7.* and Server 5.
I have added my server to developer team
