Adding multiple files to single column in codeigniter - codeigniter

What to do if I want to add all the file names in single column in mysql database
$data = array(
'name' => $this->input->post('pd_name'),
'image' => $product_image,
'image' => $product_image1,
'image' => $product_image2,
'created_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
this doesn't work

You can implode the variables while storing into a single column.
$image_data = array($product_image, $product_image1, $product_image2);
when you want to display just explode them.


Pass array into a single column in Laravel

i am trying to pass some values into a single column in laravel database table.
The values are like this 20,45,67,89
but i want them to enter into the colume like this
I have tried like below, but not working..any suggestions ?
foreach ($request->val2 as $value){
$str_explode = explode(",",$value);
'user_id' => $str_explode,
'amount' => $request->val1,
'week' => $request->week
Hope this will work
foreach ($request->val2 as $value){
$str_explode = explode(",",$value);
$insert = [];
foreach($str_explode as $str){
$insert[] = [
'user_id' => $str,
'amount' => $request->val1,
'week' => $request->week
I'm not sure i understood your question clearly, i'm assuming you want to insert array to a column:
did you try to set the column in migration to Json?
did you set the $casts in the model to json or array?
protected $casts = [ 'user_id' => 'array' ];
then when you do this, you can have an array added to that column like
normally the user_id field is set to unsignedBigInt(), that type will not accept anything but integers, you gotta check the migration column type first.
explode() is returning an array, not a single value, that's why it will fail. Instead, you should loop through all values like this:
foreach ($request->val2 as $value){
$str_explode = explode(",",$value);
foreach($str_explode as $str){
'user_id' => $str,
'amount' => $request->val1,
'week' => $request->week
As a side advice, as you are not saving the id returned by insertGetID, you can simply use insert. Moreover, it's usually a good practice to use create because this way you will also save timestamps for created and updated.

Update a 1 Row 1 Column with Multiple Values

i've some problem with my code.
$id = DB::table('sn_project_details')->insertGetId([
'emp_name' => $request->emp_name,
'emp_id' => $request->emp_id,
'department' => $request->department,
'submit_date' => $request->submit_date,
'total_amount' => $request->total_amount,
'project_tittle' => $request->project_tittle,
'project_desc' => $request->project_desc,
'scope' => $request->scope,
'file' => $request->file
//Update Table
->where('project_id', $id)
->update(['doc_ref' => "ID_",$request->scope,"_",$id]);
return redirect('/user')
I want to update column doc_ref with example value ID_Scope_220,
ID_ its fixed value. Scope from textbox scope. 220 from #emp_id.
but when i execute this code, update query not working properly.
can someone help? thx
use dot instead of comma
->update(['doc_ref' => "ID_".$request->scope."_".$emp_id]);

insert method is overwriting what is in the cart and not adding to it

$kode = $this->input->post('kode');
$jumlah = $this->input->post('jumlah');
$hjual = $this->input->post('hjual');
$nama = $this->input->post('nama');
$exp = $this->input->post('tglexp');
$hpp = $this->input->post('hpp');
$temp_stok = $this->input->post('temp_stok');
$diskon = $this->input->post('diskon');
$cart = array(
'id' => $kode,
'qty' => $jumlah,
'price' => $hjual,
'name' => $nama,
'options' => array('exp' => $exp, 'hpp' => $hpp,
'temp_stok' => $temp_stok , 'diskon'=>$diskon ));
I cant seem to add any more items and the latest one I add replaces the existing one.
I had like this in another controller but strangely can insert and not overwriting
I've had this.
It was non alphanumerics in the product code which caused the whole cart to behave strangely.
Try just having aaa123 etc as codes to test this

Magento Admin formfield multiselect selected

I´m currently developing a custom module for magento thats going to list employees.
I have figured out almost everything. The only thing I got left is how the selected values is going to be highlighted.
The problem I´m having is for the backend.
I got 2 tabs per employee, one for employee data and one tab for magento categories.
1 employee can have 1 or more categories.
The database table that the categories are stored in are a non-eav table.
So my question is
What in a multiselect determines which values are selected? As it is now, only one value is selected.
I think you can do this by simply passing in an array of the id's to be selected into the 'value' attribute of the field being added for the multiselect in the _prepareForm() method. Something like the following.
$fieldset->addField('category_id', 'multiselect', array(
'name' => 'categories[]',
'label' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Store View'),
'title' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Store View'),
'required' => true,
'values' => Mage::getSingleton('mymodule/mymodel')->getMymodelValuesForForm(),
'value' => array(1,7,10),
The id of the form element (e.g. category_id) must not be an attribute in your model, otherwise when the form values get set with $form->setValues() later on, the attribute value will be overwritten.
I normally store multiple selections as a text column separated by commas much like most magento modules handles stores which requires a slightly different approach as shown below.
In the form block for the tab with the multiselect, you firstly define the element to be displayed like so in the _prepareForm() method. You then get the values from the model and set put them into the form data.
protected function _prepareForm()
$fieldset->addField('store_id', 'multiselect', array(
'name' => 'stores[]',
'label' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Store View'),
'title' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Store View'),
'required' => true,
'values' => Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/system_store')->getStoreValuesForForm(false, true),
if ( Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->getMymodelData() )
$data = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->getMymodelData();
} elseif ( Mage::registry('mymodel_data') ) {
$data = Mage::registry('mymodel_data')->getData();
$data['store_id'] = isset($data['stores']) ? explode(',', $data['stores']) : array();
I normally store the selected stores (categories as in your case) in the main model as a text column and comma separated values of ids, hence the explode.
In the controller for for the edit action, I put the model being edited into the mage registry so we can load it and it's values in the step above.
Mage::register('mymodel_data', $model);
Thanks for answering.
This is how my field looks like:
$fieldset->addField('npn_CatID', 'multiselect', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('employeelist')->__('Kategori'),
'class' => 'required-entry',
'required' => true,
'name' => 'npn_CatID',
'values' => $data,
'value' => array(3,5)
npn_CatID is the value in my db where the category id is saved.
I have tried to change the name and field ID but cant get it working.
When its the field id is like above ONE value is selected and its the last one inserted for the chosen employee
My data array looks likes
array(array('value' => '1', 'label' => 'USB'), array('value' => '2', 'label' => 'Memories'))

Inserting dates to Oracle database through Zend_Db

I am trying to add an entry to an Oracle table which has a date field. So far, I've only been able to do it like this:
$createdDate = $entry->createdDate->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$data = array(
'ID' => $entry->id,
'STATE' => $entry->state,
'CREATED_DATE' => new Zend_Db_Expr("to_date('$createdDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD')")
Is there a better way? This solution smells dirty to me.
You should be able to do this instead:
$createdDate = $entry->createdDate->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$data = array(
'ID' => $entry->id,
'STATE' => $entry->state,
'CREATED_DATE' => new Zend_Db_Expr("date '$createdDate'")
The only difference is the use of an ANSI date literal in line 5.
