How to drag the iphoneX simulator? - xcode

When moving the iPhoneX simulator I have tried clicking and dragging at the top, bottom and both sides and even all the corners but sometimes it works and other times it does not.
Why is this so random?
Where is there best place to click seeing as though there is no discernible bar like in other Mac applications
Putting this question up because it has been frustrating me for ages and maybe it will alleviate someone else's stress out there in dev-land.

So trick question actually because you can click and drag from anywhere, BUT the trick is dragging in the direction away from the simulator first then you can drag it wherever you like.
The problem here is when you click and drag towards the screen first it gets picked up as a swipe event. Thats what you want to avoid.
Anyways hope this helps somebody.
Happy coding :D

If, like me, you can't get the accepted answer to work, choose the Window > Show Device Bezels menu item. The virtual device will get a normal window title bar which you can drag around.


Stop with scrolling (when menu is folding out)

I'm currently working on my website:
I made a menu which works how i wanted, only one thing is not working yet. If you open the top right menu, you shouldn't be able to scroll. Only if you go back to the website you should be able to scroll again.
Does someone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.
I think what you want is to keep the menu fixed. Please use "position:fixed" for the menu.

Not Displaying Normal Xcode View

First, the links are to screen shots of my "problem". Stackoverflow would not let me post images b/c I don't have at least a 10 reputation.
I am not sure what I did.
Shut down my computer, I think there was an OS X update pending that installed. When I went back to my Xcode project it presented the normal screen
But then when I went to open it up the following screen w/o the editor or any of the normal layout opened up.
I tried tinkering with the layout and view screens, but no real help. Not sure what happened. Any help would be most appreciated. Basically, it seems like I am missing the editor and utilities panes.
You see that little button with the left arrow and two vertical lines at the right upper end of the "Groups and files" view? Click and drag it left, see it this can help.

Xcode: Mac OS X, removing title bar, but keep window buttons

I've been searching and searching but I haven't had any luck. I'm trying to remove the title bar in a window, which is the easy part. But I want to keep the buttons (close, minimize, resize) in the window. So essentially the whole part of the window could be a web view, with the buttons still in tact. The Rdio app is a great example, and I've attached a picture of it. The whole white area is a webview. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sort of new to xcode. Thank you.
Screenshot of Rdio before it loads up

Xcode storyboard isn't visible; is it possible to zoom/pan the canvas?

I wouldn't ask if I couldn't find it anywhere else, but I've run into a problem. I have a complete storyboard built in Xcode, but I've lost it on the screen. Pressing the +/- buttons in the bottom right zoom in and out, but nothing shows up. I know the app is there because it runs fine, but all of my views are off the screen and I have no idea how to get them back. And since I'm on a desktop, there's no way to pan (maybe the same issue happens on a laptop?)
How do I get my storyboard back?
I searched for a "zoom all" in the menus but can't find one.
This is so frustrating. Grrr. I can't work on my storyboard until I can find it on the canvas. I can't find it on the canvas because I can't pan and have no idea where it is.
Right click on your storyboard file => Open As => iOS Storyboard

How to make an NSPanel immovable

Hey all, quick question that has been bugging me about NSPanel. I like the look of The NSPanel HUD but for the project I am doing I need the Panel to not be moved. Does anyone know of any possible solutions to make it were my NSPanel cannot be moved at all but maintain its buttons interactivity? I've been searching for any questions similar to this for awhile now. Any insight on the issue would be helpful! Thanks.
Don't forget to look in superclasses. A panel is a kind of window, and since Mac OS X 10.6, it's possible to set a window's movable property to NO.
I'm with Dave DeLong, though: I hope you have a good reason to break this functionality. Users expect to be able to move windows, especially those with title bars and HUD windows by their backgrounds, out of their way. And remember, you're not the only application on the system; the user may have something important to get to in a window in another application.
