Fit header image in mobile header menu - image

How can I make this
image fit the mobile header menu? I also want to make it larger as you can barely see what's written below the logo.
The image should stay in its place on the desktop version - I am satisfied with how it looks
Website for reference
Thank you very much for your help.

Ok, first of all.. Is this done with bootstrap, or something, or did you make it from scratch?
The problem is, your "nav" is 100% wide, taking all the space to the left. Also, your header-image-wrap div is 100% wide, as well. Therefore, they can only fit one underneath another.
You need to change your code. In mobile view, navigation doesn't need to take all that space. It should only be a size of a hamburger menu. If it's bootstrap, find a nav bar that has logo on it, and make a mobile logo image, or change the default design. I don't think there's a practical solution for this one.. As far as my knowledge goes...
As far as the size of an image go, you need to make another one, for mobile view, if you want bigger letters and stuff. You can't really change this one with css.


Adaptive Layout in Xcode 7.0.1

I have an app that displays properly in portrait view but truncates in landscape view:
From the research I have done it looks like I need to understand Size Classes and Adaptive Layout. However, I am only concerned with layout on iPhone 6, not across different devices (eg iPad).
Before jumping into Adaptive Layout and Size Classes, which seems quite a complex topic, I just wanted to ask if there is a simple way to make this app display properly in both portrait and landscape for iPhone 6.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can do it without size classes, but it requires a reasonable modification to your UI.
If you think about it then having a picker always visible makes no sense for you. Looking at your image I am puzzled as to which date is currently being adjusted.
What you want to do instead, is to make your picker appear after user clicks on one of the dates. You can make it slide up from the bottom. In addition, you can add a label above it which will clearly indicate which date the user is currently modifying. That label can be placed in the toolbar to make it easy to add "Done" and "Cancel" buttons to the left and to the right.
In my view it would make much more sense and would also solve your problem. The rest of the UI can be put in the scroll view if you don't have enough space on old devices (e.g. 3.5 inch iPhones)

How to create a image and content slider in Flex?

I would like to create a image and content slider in Flex. There are many jquery plugings available
(cfr. Flexslider but i can't find an alternative for Flex.
Can anyone explain me how i can implement this?
Ah it just so happens I already made this... a long time ago so it's Flex 3 but I believe it works as is in Flex 4, I've integrated this with other Flex 4 projects and have since made some performance improvements (mainly opting for Group over Canvas and did some deferred instantation since we decided to use it as the backbone for a pretty complex site).
Should allow you to drag and snaps to the tile with it's top left corner nearest the top left of the container itself, also can use keyboard navigation left right up down so long as it has focus, and I made those buttons on top that can be used to trigger the movements. Basically I tried to overload that example with all possible options so I can just copy it and strip off what I don't want. It also turns out this translates pretty well to touch screens even though I didn't own one when I wrote it, the snap to nearest thing works alright on an android (even with that version which is totally not optimized for mobile). Oh yeah and you can use - and + on the keyboard or the scroll wheel to zoom, doubt if that's really ever necessary but it seemed like a cool idea at the time.

z-index not working with images

I am trying to make it so these images will line up the way so that the blank.gif will appear in front of the image. i cannot use it as a background image, and i have tried using a negative z-index like -1 but then the image disappears all together on the site i have tried to use it on. my goal is to make the gray and black image appears behind the blank.gif.
things that i have to avoid or will not work are these:
z-index:-1 (just the negative numbers)
use of background image inside of a <div>
and both the images must remain inside a parent element, and my issue is that i cant use any script that needs to be inside of the head of the html. i have tried but cant find a solution. if you have any method of keeping an image from being right clicked and saved so easily then that would be great. any help is appreciated thank you.
image html are here: index.html
code sample:
<html><div style="position:absolute;width:150px;height:150px;display:inline;">
<img src="" style="position:static:width:150px;height:150px;left:0px;top:0px;z-index:2;"><img src="" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;;z-index:1;">
Yeah.. You're pretty much wasting time that is better spent elsewhere. A person who wants the image is going to get it, either with the web developer tools in firefox or chrome, viewing the page source, etc.
On a real note though, z-index only works with absolute, relative, or fixed positioned elements. It will not work with your statically positioned element that you set to a z-index of 2. I have done what you are trying to acheive with relatively positioned elements, z-index, and either top and left or negative top and left margins.

Fluid or fixed layout

I am working on a data entry application and I am considering using a fluid layout approach ala Swing and Silverlight where the controls resize based on the window size. My question is simple: what feedback if any have you received from users on each of these approaches? Screen size aside, I will still have a vertical scroll in place so I am wondering if I would be best served to simply go the fixed route and absolute position/size content.
Do not go the fixed route. If the user resizes the window, they do so for a reason. The widgets should resize appropriately. I can think of no valid reason to ever use a fixed layout except in vey specialized circumstances.
That being said, don't have a layout where input fields wrap. That would be very disconcerting. Just let your widgets grow and shrink naturally.

Could you recommend an image carousel?

I have a .NET 2.0 web project. I need a simple image carousel. What I would prefer is the main image on the top, and a scrolling bar with smaller images on the bottom. When the user hovers over or clicks the smaller image, it would populate the larger image space.
If you know of anything like this, even 3rd party paid controls, please recommend them.
jQuery is the way to go here is the google search result:
