sw-precache not updating and taking only cached data - caching

Iam trying to implement networkfirst strategy using sw-precache.
Now iam able to cache the data and able to serve from offline. If i change the data (i.e: changed the header from 'hello' to 'Welcome') in page not get reflecting it always taking the data from the cache its getting update only if i unregistered the service worker or clear the site data then only i can get my data
Here is my sw-precache gulp task :
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function(callback) {
var path = require('path');
var swPrecache = require('sw-precache');
var rootDir = '.';
swPrecache.write(path.join(rootDir, 'sw.js'), {
staticFileGlobs: [
rootDir + '/css/**.css',
rootDir + '/js/**/*.{js,css}',
rootDir + '/images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}',
rootDir + '/*.{html,js}',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: 'http://localhost:8080',
handler: 'networkFirst'
stripPrefix: rootDir
}, callback);

Two things to check:
Ensure that you're not caching your sw.js file, as this could delay updates for up to 24 hours in Chrome. (Details.)
You're checking for updating content on the subsequent visit to the site following your update? Because of the cache-first strategy, the initial visit to the site following the update won't show the new content (because the cache has been updated "in the background").


Access to dynamic Images with vue and playframework

I use vue and Play!Framework for my project.
Fronted: Vue.js 2.6.12
Backend: Play!Framework with Scala (2.12.8)
I use following Code snippet to upload an image to my server (This is copied from here: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.8.x/ScalaFileUpload
def uploadImage = Action.async{ implicit request =>
request.body.asMultipartFormData.map{ pic =>
val file = pic.files
val userIdTemp = pic.asFormUrlEncoded("userId")
val userId = userIdTemp.head.toInt
val itemIdTemp = pic.asFormUrlEncoded("itemId")
val itemId = itemIdTemp.head.toInt
val contentType = file.head.contentType
val filename = Paths.get(file.head.filename).getFileName.toString().toLowerCase()
val fileSize = file.head.fileSize
print("content Type: "+contentType)
print("filename: "+filename)
print("filesize: "+fileSize)
file.head.ref.moveFileTo(Paths.get(s"...\\vui\\src\\assets\\"+filename).toFile, replace = true)
print("***********************uploadImage -3")
service.saveImage(userId,itemId, filename.toString()) map{ foundItems =>
}.getOrElse(null) // change me
I upload the image to the server and save the url related to an item in my database. This works fine. I display the images in my fronted with following code snippet:
<b-carousel-slide :img-src="require('../../assets/'+img.imgUrl)" >
When i try to upload an image which i have uploaded before it works fine, but if i try to upload an image for the first time i get following exception:
Error: Cannot find module './001.jpg'
webpackContextResolve .*$:70
webpackContext .*$:65
render FoodMenuItem.vue:1302
renderList VueJS
render FoodMenuItem.vue:1274
VueJS 14
createNewImages FoodMenuItem.vue:809
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:802
promise callback*p$1.then vue-resource.esm.js:230
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:799
onSelect FoodMenuItem.vue:720
VueJS 33
updateTarget transporter.js:145
updated transporter.js:98
VueJS 13
click FoodMenuItem.vue:1256
VueJS 3
VueJS 17
createNewImages FoodMenuItem.vue:809
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:802
then vue-resource.esm.js:230
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:799
onSelect FoodMenuItem.vue:720
VueJS 33
updateTarget transporter.js:145
updated transporter.js:98
VueJS 13
click FoodMenuItem.vue:1256
VueJS 3
The images is uploaded and the url is saved in the database, but my frontend crashed. When i "complete" refresh my browser and try it again, evertything works fine. My guess is, i can not access to image with require who are not loaded?
Is there a way to display this images without refreshing the browser? Is that a normal way to handle images in a web application? Any help will help!
If u need more information to help, just ask me:)
Thank you!
I tried a lot of things and i followed this steps:
As i told you above, i am uploading my images at the moment to the assets folder in UI. If i am in dev mode i can upload new images and show them with following code:
<img :src="require(`../../assets/${img.imgUrl}`)" >
And this works now. But when i change in production mode with:
npm run build
sbt compile stage
sbt start
The Frontend App will be a static app in the folder public/ui/
and then i donĀ“t know the right relative path for the new images...
const path = require("path");
const webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/ui"),
assetsDir: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'static':'',
devServer: {
public: 'localhost:8080',
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.conf': {
chainWebpack: config => {
.tap(options => {
options.transformAssetUrls = {
img: 'src',
image: 'xlink:href',
'b-avatar': 'src',
'b-img': 'src',
'b-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
'b-card': 'img-src',
'b-card-img': 'src',
'b-card-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
'b-carousel-slide': 'img-src',
'b-embed': 'src'
return options
In which folder do i have upload the images? How can i reach the new uploaded images in production mode?

Improve Nuxt TTFB

I'm building a large application using Nuxt and Vuetify, everything is good and working fine but unfortunately the score from Lighthouse is not the best with only 42 in performance.
I already improved a few things like:
Better fonts loading from google;
Moving async code from nuxtServerInit to the layout;
Removing unnecessary third party services;
It went from 42 to 54 but I'm still not very happy about the result.
Unfortunately I'm not the best doing these improvements because I lack of knowledge.
I see the TTFB is not optimal at all but I don't really know what can I improve... So I hope you can help me to boost my application with hints and suggestions.
Here I will paste my nuxt.congig.js so that you're aware of what I'm using and how:
const path = require('path')
const colors = require('vuetify/es5/util/colors').default
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const maxAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 // one year
const prefix = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'example.' : 'exampledev.'
const description =
let domain
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' &&
process.env.ENV_SLOT === 'staging'
) {
domain = 'example.azurewebsites.net'
} else if (
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' &&
process.env.ENV_SLOT !== 'staging'
) {
domain = 'example.com'
} else {
domain = ''
module.exports = {
mode: 'universal',
* Disabled telemetry
telemetry: false,
** Server options
server: {
port: process.env.PORT || 3030
serverMiddleware: [
bodyParser.json({ limit: '25mb' }),
router: {
middleware: 'maintenance'
env: {
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? 'https://example.com'
: 'https://localhost:3030',
process.env.API_BASE_URL || 'https://example.azurewebsites.net'
** Headers of the page
head: {
title: 'example',
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
hid: 'description',
name: 'description',
content: description
hid: 'fb:app_id',
property: 'fb:app_id',
content: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_ID || 'example'
hid: 'fb:type',
property: 'fb:type',
content: 'website'
hid: 'og:site_name',
property: 'og:site_name',
content: 'example'
hid: 'og:url',
property: 'og:url',
content: 'https://example.com'
hid: 'og:title',
property: 'og:title',
content: 'example'
hid: 'og:description',
property: 'og:description',
content: description
hid: 'og:image',
property: 'og:image',
content: 'https://example.com/images/ogimage.jpg'
hid: 'robots',
name: 'robots',
content: 'index, follow'
name: 'msapplication-TileColor',
content: '#ffffff'
name: 'theme-color',
content: '#ffffff'
link: [
rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
sizes: '180x180',
href: '/apple-touch-icon.png?v=GvbAg4xwqL'
rel: 'icon',
type: 'image/png',
sizes: '32x32',
href: '/favicon-32x32.png?v=GvbAg4xwqL'
rel: 'icon',
type: 'image/png',
sizes: '16x16',
href: '/favicon-16x16.png?v=GvbAg4xwqL'
{ rel: 'manifest', href: '/site.webmanifest?v=GvbAg4xwqL' },
rel: 'mask-icon',
href: '/safari-pinned-tab.svg?v=GvbAg4xwqL',
color: '#777777'
{ rel: 'shortcut icon', href: '/favicon.ico?v=GvbAg4xwqL' },
rel: 'stylesheet',
** Customize the page loading
loading: '~/components/loading.vue',
** Global CSS
css: ['~/assets/style/app.scss', 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.css'],
** Plugins to load before mounting the App
plugins: [
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-infinite-scroll', ssr: false },
{ src: '#/plugins/croppa', ssr: false },
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-debounce', ssr: false },
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-awesome-swiper', ssr: false },
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-html2canvas', ssr: false },
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-goodshare', ssr: false }
** Nuxt.js modules
modules: [
id: 'example',
debug: {
sendHitTask: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
['cookie-universal-nuxt', { parseJSON: false }],
** Security configuration
security: {
dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
hsts: {
maxAge: 15552000,
includeSubDomains: true,
preload: true
csp: {
directives: {
// removed contents
referrer: 'same-origin',
additionalHeaders: true
** Prismic configuration
prismic: {
endpoint: 'https://example.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2',
preview: false,
linkResolver: '#/plugins/link-resolver',
htmlSerializer: '#/plugins/html-serializer'
** Auth module configuration
auth: {
resetOnError: true,
localStorage: false,
cookie: {
options: {
secure: true,
redirect: {
callback: '/callback',
home: false
strategies: {
local: {
endpoints: {
login: {
url: '/auth/local',
method: 'POST',
propertyName: 'token'
logout: { url: '/auth/logout', method: 'POST' },
user: { url: '/me', method: 'GET', propertyName: false }
tokenRequired: true,
tokenType: 'Bearer'
google: {
process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ||
facebook: {
client_id: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_ID || 'example',
scope: ['public_profile', 'email']
** Vuetify Module initialization
buildModules: [
['#nuxtjs/pwa', { meta: false, oneSignal: false }],
** Vuetify configuration
vuetify: {
customVariables: ['~/assets/style/variables.scss'],
treeShake: true,
rtl: false,
defaultAssets: {
font: false,
icons: 'fa'
** Vue Loader configuration
chainWebpack: config => {
config.plugin('VuetifyLoaderPlugin').tap(() => [
progressiveImages: true
** Build configuration
build: {
analyze: true,
optimizeCSS: true,
** You can extend webpack config here
extend(config, ctx) {
config.resolve.alias.vue = 'vue/dist/vue.common'
// Run ESLint on save
if (ctx.isDev && ctx.isClient) {
config.devtool = 'cheap-module-source-map'
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
options: {
fix: true
if (ctx.isServer) {
config.resolve.alias['~'] = path.resolve(__dirname)
config.resolve.alias['#'] = path.resolve(__dirname)
A few maybe useful information:
I use only scoped style for each page and component and the amount of custom style is really poor since I'm using almost everything from Vuetify as it is;
When I do "view page source" from my browser, I don't like to see a very long CSS inside the page, not minimised...
I don't load anything using fetch or asyncData, I prefer to load data once component is mounted;
Evrything is deployed on Azure and I consume a .Net core API.
What would be nice to know are the best practices with some examples to improve the performances, in particular the TTFB.
In Lighthouse I see "Remove unused JavaScript" with a list of /_nuxt/.. files... But I don't think these files are unused and so I would like to know why they are flagged like so...
Maybe Azure should clean the project on each deploy? I don't know...
I use the az Azure Cli and I deploy just by doing git push azure master, so nothing special.
"Reduce initial server response time"... How? The plan where production app is running is the faster in Azure, what should I improve and how?
"Minimize main-thread work": What does it mean?
"Reduce JavaScript execution time": How?
I hope you can help me to understand and boost everything.
I will keep this post updated with your requests, maybe you wish to see something more about the project. Thanks
I've recently had to go through this process with a rather large Nuxt application, so I can share some of the insights and solutions we came up with. We managed to bump ours up by about 40 points before we were happy.
My number one piece of advice for anyone reading: Ditch the frameworks. By design, they are bloated to handle as many common use cases as possible and make application as easy as possible, at the expense of size. In the realm of browsers, where size and speed are everything, each new framework (Nuxt, Vue, Vuetify) adds another layer of abstraction that negatively impacts size and speed.
Anyways, with that out of the way, here's some other pieces of advice for those that cannot ditch the frameworks.
Lighthouse can often be misleading
We found that the "Remove unused Javascript" warnings were basically impossible to fix with Vue. The problem is that Lighthouse is only able to inspect the code that is actually run during the test, and has no idea that code for error handling or onclick handling in the Vue runtime is necessary, until of course it is.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to know ahead of time what code in the runtime is going to be necessary, so it all needs to be sent. However, as the developer, you at least have control over what 3rd party libraries, modules, and plugins are needed during the initial load of the application. It's up to you to ensure only the necessary pieces are sent and used.
So in Lighthouses eyes, there's lots of useless, unused code. However, the second the application needs to do anything, it's no longer useless. Hence why it is somewhat misleading.
Always keep this in mind, because there's a lot of "problems" that these tools will report that are just a fact of how Javascript applications work. To me, it seems that the developers of these frameworks still have a few more hurdles to overcome in making Javascript apps truly accessible and performant in the eyes of Google.
Keep your Plugins and modules short.
Each plugin you add to your application in the nuxt.config.js increases the size of the main JS bundle included in each page. This inevitably leads to lots of unused code, huge JS file sizes, and of course, longer load times.
It's perfectly valid to instead add plugins to only the pages they're needed on:
// inside the SocialSharing.vue component
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueGoodshare from 'vue-goodshare'
export default { ... }
A reminder though: The page this import happens will still have all the code from vue-goodshare added. It's much better to instead only include the components from these libraries that you actually need.
A good way to check this is running your build with the analyze property set to true. (It may be helpful for you to share your analysis here)
Reduce Initial Server Response Time
If you're already running the best server, there's still a few things you can do to help speed things up.
Leverage caching for your pages, so that there's no need to render them server side. However, some of these tests (like Lighthouse) specifically disable caching, leading to poor results.
Reduce the amount of work required to render pages. Ensure there's no blocking API calls happening, keep pages simple and small, and ensure that the server is not overloaded.
Utilize edge caching, or edge deployments, so that your application is closer to your users. For example, if your application is deployed in USWEST, and Lighthouse is being tested in Dubai, you're likely going to see a lot of latency in that request, which will drive up the server response time.
You may need to follow this up with the specific server you're running, and where it's located to get more help. However, the points I outlined would almost certainly get your TFFB to a green score.
Minimize Main Thread Work
In browsers, the main thread is where all the action happens. It is solely responsible for handling user interactions, updating the page, and in essence, turning a document of HTML into a living application. A main thread that is too busy can lead to performance problems, especially noticeable by users when they're trying to interact with your page.
Often, when seeing this, it's because you're running too much Javascript. Specifically, you're running too much Javascript all at once, which ends up blocking up the main thread. Javascript-heavy applications are notorious for this, and it can be a really challenging problem to solve.
The single biggest helper for our app was delaying the loading of unimportant scripts. For example, we run Rollbar, and Google Analytics on all our pages. Instead of loading the scripts at app-start, we instead just load their small command queues, and delay the load time of the big scripts by ~5s. This frees up the main thread to focus on more important things, like rehydrating the Vue application.
You'll also find significant savings by just reducing the amount of JS there is to process. Each line of code returned to the client is another line that has to be sent, parsed, and executed. I would definitely take a look at your modules and plugins first to see if there's some low hanging fruit.
Reduce Javascript Execution Time
This is another unfortunate metric being used, which in our test often just means "the app is still doing something". I say it's unfortunate because in our experience it did not impact the performance or user experience in the application.
We frequently saw our third party services, like Intercom, Rollbar, GA, etc, extending their execution times well past 10s, and with third party code, there's nothing you can do besides not use it.
My advice: Focus on optimizing the application using everything else I've highlighted. This is something that can be incredibly difficult to specifically fix, and is usually just a symptom of other things, such as the main thread being too busy, third part code being slow.
One Last Piece Of Advice
If all else fails, you may be able to "trick" some of the tests in your favour. We did this by delaying the load of our GA and Rollbar scripts until after the test has completed. Remember, this tool is looking at certain metrics in a certain timeframe, and scoring you based on that. You may be able to leverage simple alternate techniques, like lazy loading below the fold, to see a noticeable difference in performance.
Anyways, this is quite a complicated task, and by no means is there a "3 step guide to success" here. You'll find plenty of guides online claiming they've brought their Vue app from 30 to 100 with a few simple changes, but they all ignore the fact that real apps have a lot of code and do a lot of things, and balancing that with speed and performance is an art form.
You may want to take a look at resources such as the shell application model, or service workers.
If you need any clarification on this post, feel free to ask away. But keep in mind, the question you're asking is broad, and doesn't just have a single "right" way of approaching. It's ultimately up to you to take the important bits here and apply them as you can.
Update with examples
Most of what I've talked about has been quite hard to show examples for, as I've covered topics that are either overly simplistic and don't need an explanation, or are vague concepts to begin with. However, one method we used that had some good results can be shown.
Here's an example of a modified script we use to load Intercom:
var APP_ID = "your_app_id_here";
window.intercomSettings = {
app_id: APP_ID,
hide_default_launcher: !0,
session_duration: 36e5
function() {
var n,
t = window,
o = t.Intercom;
"function" == typeof o ? (o("reattach_activator"), o("update", t.intercomSettings)) : (n = document, (e = function() {
}).q = [], e.c = function(t) {
}, t.Intercom = e, o = function() {
// Don't load the full Intercom script until after 10s
setTimeout(function() {
var t = n.createElement("script");
t.type = "text/javascript",
t.crossorigin = "anonymous",
t.async = !0,
t.src = "https://widget.intercom.io/widget/" + APP_ID;
var e = n.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e)
}, 1e4)
}, "complete" === document.readyState ? o() : t.attachEvent ? t.attachEvent("onload", o) : t.addEventListener("load", o, !1))
This is a custom version of the script they give you to place in your apps <head></head> tag. However, you'll notice we've added a setTimeout function that will delay the loading of the full Intercom script. This gives your application a chance to load everything else without competing for network or CPU time.
However, as Intercom is no longer guaranteed to be available, you'll need to use greater caution when interacting with it.
This exact same concept can be applied to just about every 3rd party script you might load in. We also use it with Google Analytics, where we initialize the command queue, but defer loading the actual script. Obviously, this can cause tracking issues with short sessions, but that is the tradeoff you need to make if performance is your primary goal.

StoryShots Directory of snapshots

I am using the StoryShots addon for Storybook to test snapshots from my React project. I would like to save all snapshot files in one directory in relation to the project directory. The default is that the snapshots are saved in relation to the story's location. I tried various configurations (like working with __dirname) but couldn't come up with a solution yet. Maybe someone has an idea?
Here is my storyshots test file used by Jest (storyshots.test.ts):
import initStoryshots, { multiSnapshotWithOptions, Stories2SnapsConverter } from '#storybook/addon-storyshots'
test: multiSnapshotWithOptions(),
stories2snapsConverter: new Stories2SnapsConverter({
snapshotsDirName: './__snapshots__/',
storiesExtensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'],
You can do something like this:
const IMAGE_SNAPSHOT_DIR = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'component-image-snapshots'));
test: imageSnapshot({
getMatchOptions: (option) => {
const filename = option.context.kind.replace(' ', '');
return {
customSnapshotsDir: path.join(IMAGE_SNAPSHOT_DIR, filename),

React Router code split "randomly" fails at loading chunks

I am struggling with a issue with react-router + webpack code split + servicer worker (or cache).
Basically the issue is the following, the code split is working properly but from time to time I get error reports from customers at sentry.io such as:
"Dynamic page loading failed Error: Loading chunk 19 failed."
My react-router code is the following:
const errorLoading = (err) => {
console.error('Dynamic page loading failed', err);
export default (
<Route path="/" component={App}>
getComponent={(nextState, cb) => {
.then((module) => { cb(null, module.default); })
For my ServiceWorker I use OfflinePlugin with the following configuration:
new OfflinePlugin({
cacheName: 'cache-name',
cacheMaps: [
match: function(requestUrl) {
return new URL('/', location);
requestTypes: ['navigate']
externals: [
responseStrategy: 'network-first', // One of my failed attempts to fix this issue
ServiceWorker: {
output: 'my-service-worker.js'
The issue is not browser related because I have reports from IE11, safari, chrome, etc.
Any clues on what I might be doing wrong or how can I fix this issue?
Edit 2: I ended using chunks with hashes, and doing a window.location.reload() inside errorLoading's catch(), so when the browser fails to load a chunk it will reload the window and fetch the new file.
<Route path="about"
getComponent={(location, callback) => {
.then(module => { callback(null, module.default) })
.catch(() => {
It happens to me too and I don't think I have a proper solution yet, but what I noticed is this usually happens when I deploy a new version of the app, the hashes of the chunks change, and when I try to navigate to another address (chunk) the old chunk doesn't exist (it seems as if it wasn't cached) and I get the error.
I managed to reproduce this by removing the service worker that caches stuff and deploying a new version (which I guess simulates a user without the service worker running?).
remove the service worker code
unregister the service worker in devtools
reload the page
deploy a new app version
navigate to another chunk (for instance from /home to /about)
In my case it appears as if the error occurs when the old files are not cached (hence not available any more) and the user doesn't reload the page to request new ones. Reloading 'fixes' the issue because the app has the new chunk names, which correctly load.
Something else I tried was to name the chunk files without their hashes, so instead of 3.something.js they were only 3.js. When I deployed a new version the chunks were obviously still there, but this is not a good solution because the files will be cached by the browser instead of being cached by the caching plugin.
Edit: same setup as you, using sw-precache-webpack-plugin.

RequireJS automatic single file cache bust

I've seen the many solutions for using urlArgs to force the file to change but is there an efficient way to have it automatically change only single files if the file has been updated?
Is it possible to bust the cache of only files that have been modified?
The biggest example being this topic.
function bust(path) {
return path + '?bust=' + (new Date()).getTime();
baseUrl: '/base/path',
paths: {
'fileAlias': bust('fileLikelyToChange'),
'anotherFileAlias': bust('anotherFileLikelyToChange'),
'jQuery': 'jQuery'
The problem is this solution busts the cache every time instead of only when the file has been modified.
My solution may be a bit heavy handed and is a hybrid of this and other solutions posted but it works for me.
Part 1:
In the html, append all dependent scripts with cache busting query string-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var require = {
urlArgs : "bust="+ Math.random()
<script data-main="js/app" src="js/require.js"></script>
Part 2:
Then in app.js add a custom bust method to apply to only the files that may have changed:
function bust(path) {
return path + '.js?bust=' + Math.random();
Part 3:
update the urlArs with an empty string: urlArgs: "" to overide cache busting query string ubiquitously applied in Part 1 and add the cache busting method only to files of your choice:
urlArgs: "",
paths: {
'utilities': 'utilities',
'controller': bust('controller'),
'main': 'main'
