Access to dynamic Images with vue and playframework - image

I use vue and Play!Framework for my project.
Fronted: Vue.js 2.6.12
Backend: Play!Framework with Scala (2.12.8)
I use following Code snippet to upload an image to my server (This is copied from here:
def uploadImage = Action.async{ implicit request =>{ pic =>
val file = pic.files
val userIdTemp = pic.asFormUrlEncoded("userId")
val userId = userIdTemp.head.toInt
val itemIdTemp = pic.asFormUrlEncoded("itemId")
val itemId = itemIdTemp.head.toInt
val contentType = file.head.contentType
val filename = Paths.get(file.head.filename).getFileName.toString().toLowerCase()
val fileSize = file.head.fileSize
print("content Type: "+contentType)
print("filename: "+filename)
print("filesize: "+fileSize)
file.head.ref.moveFileTo(Paths.get(s"...\\vui\\src\\assets\\"+filename).toFile, replace = true)
print("***********************uploadImage -3")
service.saveImage(userId,itemId, filename.toString()) map{ foundItems =>
}.getOrElse(null) // change me
I upload the image to the server and save the url related to an item in my database. This works fine. I display the images in my fronted with following code snippet:
<b-carousel-slide :img-src="require('../../assets/'+img.imgUrl)" >
When i try to upload an image which i have uploaded before it works fine, but if i try to upload an image for the first time i get following exception:
Error: Cannot find module './001.jpg'
webpackContextResolve .*$:70
webpackContext .*$:65
render FoodMenuItem.vue:1302
renderList VueJS
render FoodMenuItem.vue:1274
VueJS 14
createNewImages FoodMenuItem.vue:809
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:802
promise callback*p$1.then vue-resource.esm.js:230
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:799
onSelect FoodMenuItem.vue:720
VueJS 33
updateTarget transporter.js:145
updated transporter.js:98
VueJS 13
click FoodMenuItem.vue:1256
VueJS 3
VueJS 17
createNewImages FoodMenuItem.vue:809
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:802
then vue-resource.esm.js:230
uploadImage FoodMenuItem.vue:799
onSelect FoodMenuItem.vue:720
VueJS 33
updateTarget transporter.js:145
updated transporter.js:98
VueJS 13
click FoodMenuItem.vue:1256
VueJS 3
The images is uploaded and the url is saved in the database, but my frontend crashed. When i "complete" refresh my browser and try it again, evertything works fine. My guess is, i can not access to image with require who are not loaded?
Is there a way to display this images without refreshing the browser? Is that a normal way to handle images in a web application? Any help will help!
If u need more information to help, just ask me:)
Thank you!

I tried a lot of things and i followed this steps:
As i told you above, i am uploading my images at the moment to the assets folder in UI. If i am in dev mode i can upload new images and show them with following code:
<img :src="require(`../../assets/${img.imgUrl}`)" >
And this works now. But when i change in production mode with:
npm run build
sbt compile stage
sbt start
The Frontend App will be a static app in the folder public/ui/
and then i don´t know the right relative path for the new images...
const path = require("path");
const webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/ui"),
assetsDir: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'static':'',
devServer: {
public: 'localhost:8080',
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.conf': {
chainWebpack: config => {
.tap(options => {
options.transformAssetUrls = {
img: 'src',
image: 'xlink:href',
'b-avatar': 'src',
'b-img': 'src',
'b-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
'b-card': 'img-src',
'b-card-img': 'src',
'b-card-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
'b-carousel-slide': 'img-src',
'b-embed': 'src'
return options
In which folder do i have upload the images? How can i reach the new uploaded images in production mode?


Next.js Image component with external dynamic source

I was working on my Next.js project and while running it locally html img tag worked okay.
While building, I got a warning, to change it to Image component from Next.js
So I did, but now I get a warning:
Error: Invalid src prop ( on next/image, hostname "" is not configured under images in your next.config.js
See more info:
I read in the documentation that solution is to add a domain to next.config.js.
But 2 problems occurs to me here:
Even if I specify a domain like this, it doesn't work
module.exports = {
images: {
domains: [''],
I have my project connected to MongoDB, where are stored links to the images. What's more, I want an user to pass a link, while creating a new entry. So I don't want to have hard-coded domains, as I don't know which img an user will use.
Is there a way to omit domains list or a walk-around to use tag?
You can use something called next Loader via the following code:
import Image from 'next/image'
const myLoader = ({ src, width, quality }) => {
return `{src}/i-dixit.jpg`
var photoID = 10813131
const MyImage = (props) => {
return (
Your next.config.js:
module.exports = {
images: {
loader: 'imgix',
path: '',
All documentation is linked here.

Laravel mix removes subfolder from image path

I've set up an alias for my public folder where I've placed my images.
So they are inside public/images. I have a subfolder for certain types of images - in this case, card brands.
They're in public/images/card-brands
Here is my alias config:
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json'],
alias: {
'#': __dirname + '/resources/js',
'#public' : __dirname + '/public'
I'm importing the images in my vue component file:
import amex from '#public/images/card-brands/amex.svg'
import discover from '#public/images/card-brands/discover.svg'
import visa from '#public/images/card-brands/visa.svg'
import mastercard from '#public/images/card-brands/mastercard.svg'
Then using it inside my components data like so:
export default {
name: 'PaymentMethod',
data() {
return {
visaSvg: visa,
mastercardSvg: mastercard,
discoverSvg: discover,
amexSvg: amex,
currentCardBrand: this.initialCurrentCardBrand
props: {
initialCurrentCardBrand: String,
computed: {
getCurrentCardBrandSvg() {
switch (this.currentCardBrand) {
case 'mastercard':
return this.mastercardSvg;
case 'visa':
return this.visaSvg;
case 'amex':
return this.amexSvg;
case 'discover':
return this.discoverSvg;
Finally, I'm using it on my template as and image src: <img class="w-10" :src="getCurrentCardBrandSvg">
Now, even though the images and my import path are using the card-brands subfolder, the URL that is generated ignores this and just looks for the images in the root images folder.
It should be:
but it's generating as
How can I get it to keep my subfolder?
try this instead {{ asset('/images/card-brands/mastercard.svg')) }}
I faced a similar issue in laravel. I used the above format.Please correct me if Im wrong.
Edit: This could be slightly wrong. It works correctly for importing images via javascript, but I think grabbing images via laravel in blade templates still needs the images in the public folder.
The issue was not knowing that I was supposed to put my images folder inside the resources folder rather than public.
Laravel Mix will compile the images like it does the JS and SCSS and place it in public automatically.
So I created an images folder in resources, deleted my manually made images folder in public, and made an alias:
alias: {
'#images': __dirname + '/resources/images'
and now I can link to that inside my vue component.
import amex from '#images/card-brands/amex.svg'
import discover from '#images/card-brands/discover.svg'
import visa from '#images/card-brands/visa.svg'
import mastercard from '#images/card-brands/mastercard.svg'
The generated images will automatically be placed in public on the root level once I run npm run dev or npm run prod

Can I get FilePond to show previews of loaded local images?

I use FilePond to show previously uploaded images with the load functionality. The files are visible, however I don't get a preview (which I get when uploading a file).
Should it be possible to show previews for files through load?
files: [{
source: " . $profile->profileImage->id . ",
options: {
type: 'local',
First you have to install and register File Poster and File Preview plugins and here is the example of how to register it in your code:
import * as FilePond from 'filepond';
import FilePondPluginImagePreview from 'filepond-plugin-image-preview';
import FilePondPluginFilePoster from 'filepond-plugin-file-poster';
then You have to set the server.load property to your server endpoint and add a metadata property to your files object which is the link to your image on the server:
const pond = FilePond.create(document.querySelector('file'));
pond.server = {
url: '',
process: 'upload-file',
revert: null,
// this is the property you should set in order to render your file using Poster plugin
load: 'get-file/',
restore: null,
fetch: null
pond.files = [
source: iconId,
options: {
type: 'local',
metadata: {
poster: ''
the source property is the variable you want to send to your end point which in my case I wanted to send to /get-file/{imageDbId}.
In this case it does not matter what your endpoint in the load property returns but my guess is, we have to return a file object.

How to load csv files into a nuxt vue component

I am currently trying to load a csv file into a Nuxt page. The folder structure is below and produces the error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)":
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default{
d3.csv('file.csv', (myData) => {
console.log('Mydta', myData);
this.dataset1 = myData;
I have added the following to the web pack config in the nuxt-folder:
build: {
** You can extend webpack config here
extend(config, ctx) {
config = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.csv$/,
loader: 'csv-loader',
options: {
dynamicTyping: true,
header: true,
skipEmptyLines: true
Thanks in advance
I recently had the same question and ended up using the #nuxt/content module – worked like a charm, didn't even need to include d3 (which is usually my go-to for parsing CSV files).
I believe the issue is you cannot access the csv file the way you are attempting to, the way to do that would be storing the file in the '/assets' directory which you can then access as shown in the docs I linked ~/assets/file.csv I think this is also a more correct location for storing such files to avoid having lingering files throughout the project
This worked for me:
async mounted() {
const d = await d3.csv("/data.csv");
With data.csv placed in public folder.

sw-precache not updating and taking only cached data

Iam trying to implement networkfirst strategy using sw-precache.
Now iam able to cache the data and able to serve from offline. If i change the data (i.e: changed the header from 'hello' to 'Welcome') in page not get reflecting it always taking the data from the cache its getting update only if i unregistered the service worker or clear the site data then only i can get my data
Here is my sw-precache gulp task :
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function(callback) {
var path = require('path');
var swPrecache = require('sw-precache');
var rootDir = '.';
swPrecache.write(path.join(rootDir, 'sw.js'), {
staticFileGlobs: [
rootDir + '/css/**.css',
rootDir + '/js/**/*.{js,css}',
rootDir + '/images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}',
rootDir + '/*.{html,js}',
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: 'http://localhost:8080',
handler: 'networkFirst'
stripPrefix: rootDir
}, callback);
Two things to check:
Ensure that you're not caching your sw.js file, as this could delay updates for up to 24 hours in Chrome. (Details.)
You're checking for updating content on the subsequent visit to the site following your update? Because of the cache-first strategy, the initial visit to the site following the update won't show the new content (because the cache has been updated "in the background").
