Are there any alternatives Exchange EWS api? - exchange-server

Im currently using the Exchange EWS api to sync two calendars. There is a customer that does not want open up EWS to the public.
Are there any other methods, apis, etc to CRUD Exchange calendars?

DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP exchange gateway. It's implemented in Java and should run on any platform.
It's been a while since I've implemented it on local machines for single app use inside a WAN and also on web facing servers as a general gateway into Exchange for Linux users.
I don't know if it plays well with O365 etc, as I haven't needed to find out yet.
Its a SourceForge project with some sponsorship from the French Defense Agency.


Outlook 2010 end users + Exchange online server allows Graph API usage?

I'm trying to connect an application I've written with an old on-premise Exchange 2010 server. Obviously this is not supported, I was wondering if Outlook 2010 end users + Exchange online server would allow the use of Microsoft Graph API?
If the Mailbox is an Office365 Mailbox (or you've configured hybrid then you can use the Graph API to access that Mailbox. The version of Outlook doesn't really matter as the API is strictly service side, but depending on what your actually doing client side you may find a lot client side integration pain and you would be better to upgrade the latest version of Outlook on the clients. That would give you more options when you redevelop your application as you can make use of the new Addin's platform etc.

Authentication/Authorization For Self-Hosted Exchange Servers

This page states that before an application can access the API (I'm particularly interested in the Calendar API), it must be registered with Azure AD. Is this also true for organizations that may host their own Exchange servers?
Could someone provide a breakdown of what's necessary for me to get started with accessing the API to access the users' Calendar? I'm aware of the API reference, but I'm not entirely sure what's necessary to do before I can use the API.
That page is for Office365, not self hosted ones.
You can access your local/self hosted Exchange server with Exchange Web Services by using username/password, or even your local AD if you set it up correctly.
The API it is talking about is not available to on-premise Exchange Server, it is only available to Exchange Online in Office 365. This may change in the future, but currently you cannot use it in on-premise. Exchange Web Services is the way to go for on-premise.

Is there an easy way to implement an Active Sync protocol to share contact and calendar details without using Exchange server

I am a newbie in exchange. I want to implement exchange of data using Active Sync protocol without Exchange server.
Basically, I want to share my database contact with customer. so when then sync with server all my Database contact will be added to their mobile or outlook. I can't use the Exchange server due to licensing problem.
I am getting some solution to use Horde. I do not have complex requirement of security just need to sync data of DB to phone or outlook.
Edited : 12/31/2013
Actually I was searching for some alternative to Exchange protocol because it's licensed to MS. Found CalDAV and CardDAV protocol which I implemented using OwnCloud

How do I discover all mailboxes for an Exchange Server using Exchange Web Services?

I'm using Exchange Web Services Managed API 1.0 to access the Exchange servers (2007) in my organization. I need to iterate over all the mailboxes on a given server. I haven't seen a way to get the list of mailboxes defined for a given Exchange server. I have been able to use the AutoDiscover service to find the address of a hub server for a specific mailbox, but I'm interested in getting a list of all mailboxes. Can someone point me in the right direction?
If your problem is not yet solved I would you recommend use just pure LDAP queries instead of Exchange Web Services. The information which you need are saved in homeMDB, msExchHomeServerName and probably homeMTA Active Directory attributes. You can modify LDAP query from or to receive information which you need.

Test Exchange EWS on public server

Is there any public Exchange server (emulator) that I can use to test / experiment with my Exchange Web Services implementation?
I doubt there is anything free. It will be much easier to create your own VM. You'll need Windows Server 2003 with Domain Controller role and Exchange 2007. Installation is pretty trivial.
After you've done it, go to Exchange Management Console to create a mailbox, then navigate to https://server/owa to create some messages and https://server/ews/exchange.asmx to access the EWS web service.
